Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Georgia, Florida and Alabama Railway


The carrier was originally incorporated September 13, 1895, under the general laws of the State of Georgia, as The Georgia Pine Railway Company, to construct and operate a railroad in the State of Georgia. A copy of its Georgia charter was filed with the State of Florida, under which it was granted similar rights in that State. The name of the company was changed on April 22, 1901, to the Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Company. The date of its organization was November 2, 1895.

The carrier acquired by purchase from a syndicate on July 1, 1906, the property, rights, and franchises of The Carrabelle, Tallahassee and Georgia Railroad Company. The carrier itself and the corporation named, together with its predecessors, total five different corporations, of which one underwent a change of name, [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Company. See 2.
2. The Georgia Pine Railway Company. Under general laws of Georgia, Sept. 13, 1895. Name changed to 1, April 22, 1901.
3. The Carrabelle, Tallahassee and Georgia Railroad Company. Under general laws of Florida, Jan. 5, 1891. Sold at foreclosure Jan. 1, 1906, to a syndicate which sold property to 1, July 1, 1906.
4. The Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf Railroad Company. Under general laws of Florida through articles of consolidation filed Dec. 18, 1888. Sold at foreclosure and acquired by 3 about Jan. 1891.
5. Thomasville, Tallahassee and Gulf Railroad Company. Under general laws of Georgia, Nov. 22, 1882. Consolidated Dec. 18, 1888, with 6 to form 4.
6. Thomasville Railroad Company of Georgia. Unknown. Consolidated Dec. 18, 1888, with 5 to form 4.

The owned mileage of the carrier, amounting to 192.135 miles, was acquired partly by construction and partly by purchase, as indicated below:

By construction, constructed by the carrier:
Bainbridge to Arlington, Ga., May, 1897, to Oct. 1, 1898 40
Bainbridge, Ga., to Tallahassee, Fla., Oct., 1900, to June 1, 1902 41
Arlington to Cuthbert, Ga., July, 1901, to Dec. 1, 1902 25
Havana to Quincy, Fla., about 1906 11
Cuthbert to Richland, Ga., Dec., 1908, to Oct. 1, 1910 27
By purchase from a syndicate who had acquired it at foreclosure sale from The Carrabelle, Tallahassee and Georgia Railroad Company:
Constructed by The Carrabelle, Tallahassee and Georgia Railroad Company, from the Sopchoppy River to Tallahassee, Fla. 39
Acquired by The Carrabelle, Tallahassee and Georgia Railroad Company from The Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf Railroad Company, Carrabelle to the Sopchoppy River, Fla.; no data obtained regarding construction 11
Total 194.000
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 1.865
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 192.135