Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Lake Tahoe Railway and Transportation Company

The railroad of Lake Tahoe Railway & Transportation Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track narrow-gauge steam railroad, situated within the State of California, extending from Truckee to Tahoe. a distance of 14.732 miles. The carrier also owns 7.004 miles of yard tracks and sidings, or a total of 21.736 miles of all tracks. It also operates a steamer line on Lake Tahoe and a summer-resort hotel at Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is situated partly in the State of California and partly in the State of Nevada. Operation of the carrier's railroad and other property is only during the summer season.


The carrier was incorporated on December 19, 1898, under the general railroad law of the State of California, for the purpose of constructing a railroad from Truckee to Lake Tahoe and of operating steamboats on Lake Tahoe, and for other purposes. Its principal office is at San Francisco. The carrier acquired by purchase on April 3, 1899, the property of the Lake Tahoe Transportation Company, a Nevada corporation.


Construction of the carrier's railroad was commenced in April, 1899, and completed in May, 1900. In the construction and equipping of its property the carrier used certain rails, fastenings, shop machinery, rolling stock, and floating equipment, which it purchased on January 31, 1899, from the Carson and Tahoe Lumber and Pluming Company. The carrier acquired by purchase from the Lake Tahoe Transportation Company on April 3, 1899, certain vessels, wharves, docks, and other water-line property.

Capital stock and long-term debt.—