Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Louisiana and Missouri River Railroad


The Louisiana and Missouri River Railroad was incorporated by special act of the Legislature of the State of Missouri, approved March 10, 1859, and amendments thereto, to construct a railroad from Louisiana to Kansas City, Mo., with a branch line from Mexico to Cedar City, Mo. By an act of Congress approved March 3, 1871, the company was authorized to construct a bridge over the Mississippi River. This right was assigned on July 5, 1873, to The Mississippi River Bridge Company (of May, 1873) in consideration of that company undertaking the construction of the proposed bridge.

That portion of the bridge and other property of The Mississippi River Bridge Company (of May, 1873) located within the State of Missouri was conveyed to the Louisiana and Missouri River Railroad on April 29, 1895.


The owned road of the Louisiana and Missouri River Railroad, 101.187 miles, was acquired partly by purchase and partly by construction, as indicated in the following statement:

Acquired from The Mississippi River Bridge Company (of May, 1873), Apr. 29, 1895; constructed by that company Illinois-Missouri State line to Louisiana, Mo., (includes portion of bridge over Mississippi River located in Missouri) 0.600
Acquired by construction:
Louisiana to Mexico, Mo., 1868-1871 51.050
Mexico to Cedar City, Mo., 1868-1872 50.130
Total 101.780
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 0.593
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 101.187

The construction of the road was at first undertaken by its Missouri promoters, who acquired the right of way, graded and bridged the road, and furnished the ties. Construction was completed by The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company (of 1861) under a contract, dated July 5, 1870, for the lease of the road.