Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Manufacturers Railway (St. Louis, Missouri)

The property of the Manufacturers Railway Company (St. Louis), hereinafter called the carrier, consists of tracks and structures comprising terminal and switching facilities in the city of St. Louis, Mo. The property occupies the territory between La Salle Street on the north, a point near Potomac Street on the south, Thirteenth Street on the west, and the Mississippi River on the east. The carrier wholly owns and uses 4.800 miles of main track and 12.892 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 17.692 miles of all tracks owned. The carrier is an industrial switching railroad. It reports for the year ending December 31, 1917, that it handled 107,004 cars in freight service. The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company, the principal industry served, is controlled by the same interests as the railway.

The property of the carrier was operated under lease by the Saint Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway from 1887 until January, 1909, and has been operated by the owning company with its own organization since January, 1909.


The carrier was incorporated April 14, 1887, under the general laws of the State of Missouri, for the stated purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating a railroad in St. Louis, Mo.


The owned property of the carrier was acquired by construction at various dates from the year of its incorporation, 1887, to date of valuation. Details respecting the construction performed prior to 1907 have not been obtained from the records reviewed. The greater part of the construction has been performed since 1909.