Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Missouri Pacific Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 40

Missouri Pacific Railroad


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad operated by the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, hereinafter called the Missouri Pacific, is a standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska. It comprises a trunk-line railroad from St. Louis, Mo., to Pueblo, Colo., where it has connection via The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company and The Western Pacific Railroad Company with San Francisco, Calif., and from St. Louis southwesterly to connections with New Orleans, La., and Galveston, Tex. There are also important routes radiating from Kansas City, Mo., and Little Rock, Ark. With the exception of 284.873 miles of second and other main tracks at various locations, the operated railroad is single track.

The owned railroad consists of principal main lines extending westerly from St. Louis, Mo., via Kansas City, Mo., to Pueblo, Colo.; Kansas City, Mo., northerly to the Kansas-Nebraska State line, forming a part of a through route to Omaha, Nebr.; St. Louis, Mo., southerly via Little Rock to Texarkana, Ark.; and Little Rock, Ark., southerly to Lake Charles, La. Other important main lines extend from Cole Junction to Congo, Mo.; Osawatomie to Deering Junction, Kans.; Coffeyville, Kans., to Argenta, Ark.; Valley Junction to Thebes, Ill.; and Knobel, Ark., to Clayton Junction, La. There are numerous branch lines, the most important of which project from Sedalia to Warsaw and Myrick, Mo.; Fort Scott to Topeka, Kan.; Gypsum City via Salina to Marquette, Kans.; Central Branch Junction to Lenora, Kans.; Yuma to the Kansas-Nebraska State line, forming a part of the branch to Prosser, Nebr.; Pleasant Hill to Grand Falls, Mo.; Rich Hill Junction, Mo., via Wichita to Kiowa, Kans.; Monteith Junction, Mo., to Madison, Kans.; Nevada, Mo., to Larned, Kans.; El Dorado to McPherson, Kans.; Geneseo to Wichita and Kanopolis, Kans.; Bismarck to Belmont, Mo.; Poplar Bluff to Birds Point, Mo.; Gurdon, Ark., to Vidalia, La.; Pine Bluff to Hot Springs, Ark.; Diaz, Ark., to Carthage, Mo.; and Crane to Springfield, Mo. The properties used under lease comprise the Nebraska portion of the main line between Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr., additional branch lines, bridge crossings, and terminal or connecting facilities at various points. The principal cities served by this road are Jefferson City, Joplin, Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, and Springfield, Mo .; Fort Smith, Helena, Hot Springs, Little Rock, and Texarkana, Ark.; Atchison, Fort Scott, Kansas City, Topeka, and Wichita, Kans.; Pueblo, Colo.; Cairo, Ill.; Alexandria, Lake Charles, and New Orleans, La.; Lincoln and Omaha, Nebr.; Memphis, Tenn.; and Natchez, Miss.

The Missouri Pacific wholly owns and uses 6,412.648 miles of road with 260.035 miles of second, 0.653 mile of third, 9.533 miles of fourth, 0.873 mile of fifth, 0.768 mile of sixth, and 0.689 mile of seventh main tracks. It also jointly owns and uses 4.083 undivided miles of road, wholly owns but does not use 15.469 miles of road, wholly uses but does not own 437.237 miles of road, and jointly uses but does not own 0.423 undivided mile of road. The mileage owned but not used comprises 0.766 mile of road with 0.693 mile of second main track at Bridge Junction, Ark., which is leased to the Arkansas & Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company, and 14.703 miles of road between Concordia Junction and Wildsville Junction, La., which is leased to the Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Company. The mileage used but not owned includes 0.536 mile of road at Pleasant Hill, Mo., leased from the Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield Railway Company. The remaining leased mileage is owned by the 10 lessor companies included in this report, whose entire common-carrier properties the Missouri Pacific leases and operates, as described in the paragraphs below.


The Missouri Pacific wholly owns and uses 8,730.286 miles of all tracks, jointly owns and uses 31.779 undivided miles of all tracks, wholly owns but does not use 17.876 miles of all tracks, wholly uses but does not own 567.869 miles of all tracks, and jointly uses but does not own 4.325 undivided miles of all tracks. These tracks, consisting of first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh main tracks and yard tracks and sidings, are classified in the trackage table in Appendix 1.

In addition to the foregoing, the Missouri Pacific has trackage rights over about 535 miles of the road of other carriers, part of which affords access to New Orleans, La., Memphis, Tenn., St. Joseph, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr., and part of which forms a connecting link between its lines in Illinois and those south of Paragould, Ark. These trackage rights include about 197 miles of road between Westwego and New Orleans, La., which arrangements were suspended on February 1, 1918, during the period of Federal control. Further details with respect to the use of joint facilities are given in the chapter on leased railway property in Appendix 2.



The Missouri Pacific is a corporation of Missouri, having its principal office at St. Louis, Mo. Although it acquired title to its original property on May 12, 1917, it did not commence recording the results of the operations of its property in its books until June 1, 1917. The accounting data in this report, therefore, cover the period from June 1, 1917.

The Missouri Pacific is controlled under a 5-year voting-trust agreement expiring April 1, 1922, with Otto H. Kahn, James N. Wallace, and Robert Winsor, with Central Union Trust Company of New York, as agent. All of the outstanding common and preferred stock issued by this company, except directors' qualifying shares, is held by the above-named trustees.

This company controls through 100 per cent stock ownership the following named companies whose common-carrier property it operates on date of valuation: Boonville, St. Louis and Southern Railway Company, Cairo and Thebes Railroad Company, Edgewater Terminal Railroad Company, The Edgewater Connecting Railway Company, Ft. Smith Suburban Railway Company, Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Nebraska, and the St. Joseph and Central Branch Railway Company.

The Missouri Pacific controls through ownership of 99.5 per cent of the stock the Little Rock Junction Railway, whose common-carrier property it operates. It controls through 100 per cent stock ownership, the following-named companies which operate their own properties: Arkansas Central Railroad Company, Coal Belt Electric Railway Company, Natchez & Southern Railway Company, and the Natchez and Louisiana Railway Transfer Company. It also controls through 100 per cent stock ownership The Iron Mountain Railroad Company of Memphis, which is operated by the Union Railway Company (of Memphis). The latter company is controlled by the Missouri Pacific through ownership of 99.82 per cent of the capital stock.

It controls jointly with other companies, through stock ownership of the per cent indicated, the following companies whose properties were operated by their own organizations on December 31, 1917: Memphis Union Station Company, jointly controlled with the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company, Southern Railway Company, stock ownership 20 per cent; Trans Mississippi Terminal Railroad Company, jointly controlled with The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, stock ownership 50 per cent; Arkansas & Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company, jointly controlled with The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, and the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company, stock ownership 33⅓ per cent; Southern Illinois and Missouri Bridge Company, jointly controlled with the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company, Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, and Illinois Central Railroad Company, stock ownership 40 per cent; Missouri and Illinois Bridge and Belt Railroad Company, jointly controlled with nine other companies, stock ownership 18 2/11 per cent; Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis, jointly controlled with 13 other companies, stock ownership 13⅓ per cent; Kansas City Terminal Railway Company, jointly controlled with 11 other companies, stock ownership 8⅓ per cent; The Pueblo Union Depot and Railroad Company, jointly controlled with The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, The Colorado and Southern Railway Company, The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, and The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, stock ownership 20 per cent; Atchison Union Depot and Railroad Company, jointly controlled with The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, stock ownership, 25 per cent; Saint Joseph Union Depot Company, jointly controlled with The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, and The St. Joseph and Grand Island Railway Company, stock ownership 10 per cent; The Leavenworth Depot & Railroad Company, jointly controlled with The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company and the Union Pacific Railroad Company, stock ownership 33⅓ per cent.

The Missouri Pacific also owns 26.8 per cent of the stock of The Baring Cross Bridge Company whose common-carrier property it operates. It also operates the common-carrier property of the Kiowa, Hardtner & Pacific Railway Company, in which it has no stock interest.

It controls jointly with the Wabash Railway Company, through ownership by the Missouri Pacific of 75.66 per cent and by the Wabash Railway Company of 24.34 per cent of the stock, the American Refrigerator Transit Company, a private car line company. It controls further through ownership of their entire capital stock, the following noncarrier companies: Western Coal & Mining Company, Pueblo Stock Yards Company, Kansas Central Elevator Company, and the Kansas-Missouri Elevator Company. It also owns about 31 per cent of the outstanding stock of The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company and about 30 per cent of the outstanding stock of The Texas and Pacific Railway Company.

The property of the Missouri Pacific was operated by its own organization from June 1, 1917, to December 31, 1917. From January 1, 1918, to date of valuation it has been operated by the United States Railroad Administration.

Corporate History


The Missouri Pacific was incorporated March 5, 1917, under the general laws of Missouri, for the purpose of acquiring and operating certain lines of railroad formerly owned and operated by or as the property of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) and the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, and for the acquisition, construction, maintenance, and operation of additional lines of railroad. The date of organization of the Missouri Pacific was March 6, 1917. Pursuant to the above purpose, the Missouri Pacific acquired by purchase through the reorganization managers the property, rights, and franchises of the two railroad corporations named, except certain parts of road of each company which were disposed of as detailed in the reports on those companies. The Missouri Pacific, itself, and those corporations, together with their predecessors, total 148 different corporations, of which seven underwent a change of name, and comprise the line of corporate succession culminating in the Missouri Pacific as at present constituted. The names of the corporations, the respective dates of incorporation, and for each predecessor the date and manner of succession follow.

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Missouri Pacific Railroad Company. Incorporated under the general laws of Missouri, March 5, 1917.
2. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909). General laws of Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska, through articles of consolidation, dated May 29, 1909, filed in Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska, August 9, 1909. Sold at foreclosure February 21, 1917, to agents of creditors after receivership begun August 19, 1915, and terminated May 31, 1917, and excepting certain road disposed of as detailed elsewhere, combined May 12, 1917, with 81 to form 1.
3. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). General laws of Missouri and Kansas through articles of consolidations, dated August 11, 1880, filed in Missouri, August 12, 1880; Kansas, October 8, 1880. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
4. Missouri Pacific Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, October 21, 1876. Consolidated August 12, 1880, with 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12, to form 3.
5. Pacific Railroad. Special act of Missouri, March 12, 1849. Seized by State of Missouri, March 31, 1868; returned to company by deed October 10, 1868; sold at foreclosure September 6, 1876, after receivership begun April 8, 1876, to agent of holder of defaulted obligation and acquired October 24, 1876, by 4.
6. The St. Louis & Lexington Railroad Company. General laws of Missouri, December 20, 1877. Consolidated August 12, 1880, with 4, 8, 10, 11, and 12 to form 3.
7. Lexington and St. Louis Railroad Company. Special act of Missouri, December 9, 1859. Sold at foreclosure March 1, 1877, to agent of holders of defaulted obligations and acquired October 15, 1878, by 6.
8. Kansas City and Eastern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, January 24, 1878. Consolidated August 12, 1880, with 4, 6, 10, 11, and 12 to form 3.
9. Wyandotte, Kansas City and Northwestern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, June 10, 1872. Sold at sheriff's sale January 16, 1878, to agents of holders of defaulted obligations and reorganized January 24, 1878, as 8.
10. The Lexington and Southern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, December 12, 1879. Consolidated August 12, 1880, with 4, 6, 8, 11, and 12 to form 3.
11. St. Louis, Kansas and Arizona Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, January 16, 1879. Consolidated August 12, 1880, with 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 to form 3.
12. Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison Railway Company. General laws of Kansas through articles of consolidation dated July 3, 1880; filed in Kansas, July 8, 1880. Consolidated August 12, 1880, with 4, 6, 8, 10, and 11 to form 3.
13. Missouri River Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, February 20, 1865. Consolidated July 8, 1880, with 14 to form 12.
14. The Leavenworth, Atchison and North Western Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, September 21, 1867. Consolidated July 8, 1880, with 13 to form 12.
15. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company of Kansas. General laws of Kansas, June 14, 1881. Merged with 3 through articles of consolidation dated December 30, 1881, filed in Kansas and Missouri, January 25, 1882.
16. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company of Nebraska. General laws of Nebraska, July 25, 1881. Merged with 3 through articles of consolidation dated February 14, 1882; filed in Nebraska, March 3, 1882, and in Missouri, March 4, 1882.
17. Jefferson City, Lebanon and Southwestern Railway. General laws of Missouri, March 10, 1871. Sold to 3, September 12, 1883.
18. Laclede and Creve Coeur Lake Rail Road Company. Under general laws of Missouri, September 27, 1880. Sold to 3, September 12, 1883.
19. Carthage, Joplin and Short Creek Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, September 6, 1881. Sold to 3, September 12, 1883.
20. The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, through articles of consolidation, dated December 24, 1890, filed in Kansas January 10, 1891. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69, to form 2.
21. The Council Grove, Osage City and Ottawa Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, January 13, 1886. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, to form 20.
22. The Topeka, Salina and Western Rail Road Company. General laws of Kansas, November 23, 1880. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 to form 20.
23. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company in Kansas. General laws of Kansas, September 17, 1885. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 to form 20.
24. The Kansas and Colorado Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, January 6, 1883. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 to form 20.
25. Denver, Memphis and Atlantic Railway. See 26. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, to form 20.
26. Denver, Memphis and Atlantic Narrow Gauge Railway. General laws of Kansas, November 6, 1883. Name changed to 25, November 17, 1884.
27. The Council Grove, Smoky Valley and Western Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, June 8, 1886. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 to form 20.
28. Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, August 14, 1885. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, to form 20.
29. Salina, Sterling and El Paso Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, December 17, 1883. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, and 33 to form 20.
30. The Wichita and Colorado Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, July 27, 1885. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, and 33 to form 20.
31. The Verdigris Valley, Independence and Western Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, May 6, 1885. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, and 33 to form 20.
32. The Grouse Creek Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, April 2, 1887. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 33 to form 20.
33. The Interstate Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, through articles of consolidation, dated June 30, 1890, filed in Kansas, July 3, 1890. Consolidated January 10, 1891, with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 to form 20.
34. The St. Louis & Emporia Rail Road Company. General laws of Kansas, February 2, 1881. Consolidated July 3, 1890, with 35, to form 33.
35. The Inter-State Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, May 29, 1885. Consolidated July 3, 1890, with 34 to form 33.
36. The Fort Scott, Wichita and Western Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, July 6, 1887. Sold to 20, July 1, 1891.
37. St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, through articles of consolidation, dated October 20, 1885, filed in Kansas, October 29, 1885. Sold at foreclosure June 28, 1887, after receivership begun January 20, 1887, to agent of holders of defaulted obligations and acquired August 1, 1887, by 36.
38. Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company. See 39. Consolidated October 20, 1885, with 43 to form 37.
39. St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, February 23, 1880. Name changed to 38, August 26, 1880.
40. Fort Scott, Humboldt and Western Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, through articles of consolidation, dated October 7, 1871, filed in Kansas, October 13, 1871. Sold at foreclosure June 21, 1875. Partly graded roadbed to holder of defaulted obligations and acquired September 25, 1880, by 38.
41. Fort Scott, Humboldt and Pacific Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, August 5, 1871. Consolidated October 13, 1871, with 42 to form 40.
42. Fort Scott and Allen County Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, June 1, 1870. Consolidated October 13, 1871, with 41, to form 40.
43. Ellsworth, McPherson, Newton and Southeastern Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, May 10, 1884. Consolidated October 20, 1885, with 38 to form 37.
44. The Central Branch Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, through articles of consolidation dated June 12, 1899, filed in Kansas, July 8, 1899. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69, to form 2.
45. The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, June 29, 1898. Consolidated July 8, 1899, with 48 and 55 to form 44.
46. Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company. See 47. Sold at foreclosure by deed dated June 27, 1898, to agent of holder of defaulted obligation and acquired June 30, 1898, by 45.
47. Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad Company. Special act of Kansas, February 11, 1859. Name changed to 46, January 1, 1867.
48. The Atchison, Colorado & Pacific Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, June 1, 1898. Consolidated July 8, 1899, with 45 and 55 to form 44.
49. The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, through articles of consolidation dated June 23, 1879, filed in Kansas, December 22, 1879. Sold at foreclosure sale to 48, December 21, 1898.
50. Waterville and Washington Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, April 10, 1876. Consolidated December 22, 1879, with 51, 52, 53, and 54, to form 49.
51. The Republican Valley Rail Way Company. General laws of Kansas, November 3, 1876. Consolidated December 22, 1879, with 50, 52, 53, and 54, to form 49.
52. The Atchison, Solomon Valley and Denver Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, August 16, 1877. Consolidated December 22, 1879, with 50, 51, 53, and 54, to form 49.
53. Atchison, Republican Valley and Pacific Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, May 18, 1878. Consolidated December 22, 1879, with 50, 51, 52, and 54, to form 49.
54. Atchison and Denver Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, December 27, 1878. Consolidated December 22, 1879, with 50, 51, 52, and 53 to form 49.
55. The Atchison, Jewell County & Western Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, June 1, 1898. Consolidated July 8, 1899, with 45 and 48 to form 44.
56. Atchison, Jewell County and Western Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, July 5, 1879. Sold at foreclosure by deed dated December 21, 1898, to 55.
57. The Rooks County Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, March 12, 1885. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
58. The Nevada and Minden Railway Company. See 59. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
59. Nevada and Girard Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, September 22, 1882. Name changed to 58, April 17, 1885.
60. Nevada and Minden Railway Company of Kansas. General laws of Kansas, December 14, 1885. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
61. Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, December 24, 1884. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
62. Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company of Missouri. General laws of Missouri, June 5, 1886. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
63. The Fort Scott Central Railway Company. General laws of Kansas through articles of consolidation dated July 20, 1891, filed in Kansas, August 1, 1891. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 67, 68, and 69 to form 2.
64. The Fort Scott & Eastern Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, October 12, 1889. Consolidated August 1, 1891, with 65 and 66 to form 63.
65. The Fort Scott & Southern Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, October 12, 1889. Consolidated August 1, 1891, with 64 and 66 to form 63.
66. The Fort Scott Belt Terminal Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, October 12, 1889. Consolidated August 1, 1891, with 64 and 65 to form 63.
67. Kanopolis and Kansas Central Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, October 25, 1886. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68, and 69 to form 2.
68. The Kansas Southwestern Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, Nov. 26, 1886. Consolidated August, 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, and 69 to form 2.
69. The Leroy and Caney Valley Air Line Rail Road Company. General laws of Kansas, June 10, 1885. Consolidated August 9, 1909, with 3, 20, 44, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, and 68 to form 2.
70. Joplin and Western Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, May 7, 1890. Sold to 2, January 18, 1910.
71. Omaha Southern Railway Company. General laws of Nebraska, February 15, 1890. Sold to 2, January 18, 1910.
72. Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska. General laws of Nebraska, March 31, 1887. Sold to 2, January 18, 1910.
73. The Pacific Railway Company in Kansas. General laws of Kansas, March 31, 1887. Sold to 72, September 19, 1887.
74. The Pueblo and State Line Railroad Company. General laws of Colorado, April 30, 1887. Sold to 2, January 18, 1910.
75. St. Louis, Oak Hill and Carondelet Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, May 1, 1886. Sold to 2, January 18, 1910.
76. Nebraska Southern Railway Company. General laws of Nebraska, October 7, 1886. Sold to 2, January 18, 1910.
77. Carthage and Western Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, June 19, 1902. Sold to 2, January 19, 1910.
78. Omaha Belt Railway Company. General laws of Nebraska, September 10, 1883. Sold to 2, January 19, 1910.
79. Sedalia, Warsaw & South Western Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, April 7, 1891. Sold to 2, January 19, 1910.
80. Sedalia, Warsaw and Southern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, September 16, 1879. Sold at foreclosure by deed dated January 19, 1891, to agent of holders of defaulted obligations and acquired April 15, 1891, by 79.
81. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri and Arkansas through articles of consolidation dated April 30, 1874; filed in Missouri May 16, 1874, and in Arkansas June 2, 1874. Sold at foreclosure February 21, 1917, to agents of creditors after receivership begun August 19, 1915, and terminated May 31, 1917, and, excepting certain road disposed of as detailed elsewhere, combined May 12, 1917, with 2, to form 1.
82. St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1874). General laws of Missouri through articles of consolidation dated March 11, 1874, filed in Missouri April 20, 1874. Consolidated May 16, 1874, with 88 to form 81.
83. The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company. Special act of Missouri, July 29, 1867. Seized by State of Missouri January 15, 1868; returned to company March 18, 1868. Consolidated April 20, 1874, with 84 and 86 to form 82.
84. The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (Arkansas Branch). See 83. Consolidated April 20, 1874, with 83 and 86 to form 82.
85. St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1851). Special act of Missouri, March 3, 1851. Sold at foreclosure, September 27, 1866; conveyed by deed October 12, 1866, to State of Missouri; sold by State of Missouri January 7, 1867, to certain individuals and reorganized July 29, 1867, as 83.
86. The Cairo, Arkansas and Texas Railroad Company. Special act of Missouri, May 21, 1872. Consolidated April 20, 1874, with 83 and 84 to form 82.
87. Cairo and Fulton Rail Road Company. General laws of Missouri, January 12, 1854. Conveyed by deed dated October 12, 1866, to State of Missouri. Sold by the State January 7, 1867, to certain individuals and reorganized May 21, 1872, as 86.
88. Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company. Special act of Arkansas, January 12, 1853. Consolidated May 16, 1874, with 82 to form 81.
89. The Kansas City and Southern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, June 10, 1880. Sold to 81 October 26, 1882.
90. Iron Mountain and Helena Railroad Company. Special act of Arkansas, December 31, 1860. Sold to 89, February 21, 1882.
91. Doniphan Branch Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, July 18, 1882. Sold to 81, February 15, 1884.
92. Jackson Branch Railroad Company. General laws of Missouri, May 31, 1883. Sold to 81, January 6, 1885.
93. The Little Rock, Mississippi River and Texas Railway. General laws of Arkansas, April 28, 1877. Sold at foreclosure January 28, 1887, to Jay Gould and deeded by him on February 1, 1887, to 81.
94. Texas, Mississippi & Northwestern Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas through articles of consolidation dated November 11, 1873. Sold at foreclosure, December 16, 1875, to agents of bondholders and deeded December 18, 1875, by special master to 93.
95. Little Rock, Pine Bluff and New Orleans Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, November 24, 1868. Consolidated November 11, 1873, with 96 to form 94.
96. Mississippi, Ouachita and Red River Railroad Company. Special act of Arkansas, January 22, 1855. Consolidated November 11, 1873, with 95 to form 94.
97. Camden and Alexandria Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, April 3, 1889. Sold to 81, May 27, 1892.
98. Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, January 1, 1890. Sold to 81, December 13, 1893.
99. Alexandria and St. Louis Railway Company. General laws of Louisiana, July 29, 1892. Sold to 98, November 23, 1893.
100. Houston, Central Arkansas and Northern Rail Road Company. General laws of Louisiana, through articles of consolidation dated May 10, 1889, and filed in Louisiana, May 10, 1889. Sold to 99, April 29, 1893.
101. The Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railroad Company (of March, 1887). General laws of Louisiana, March 5, 1887. Consolidated May 10, 1889, with 102 to form 100.
102. The Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railroad Company (of May, 1887). General laws of Louisiana, May 16, 1887. Consolidated May 10, 1889, with 101 to form 100.
103. White River Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, February 8, 1901. Sold to 81, January 31, 1903.
104. St. Louis Valley Railway. General laws of Illinois, March 25, 1901. Sold to 81, April 30, 1903.
105. East and West Illinois Railway. General laws of Illinois, March 12, 1902. Sold to 104, November 20, 1902.
106. St. Louis Valley Transfer Railway. General laws of Illinois, December 31, 1902. Sold to 104, April 27, 1903.
107. Memphis, Helena and Louisiana Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, November 7, 1901. Sold to 81, April 30, 1903.
108. Memphis, Helena and Louisiana Railroad Company. General laws of Louisiana, January 15, 1902. Sold to 81, April 30, 1903.
109. The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway. (See 110.) Sold to 81, April 13, 1906.
110. The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad. General laws of Arkansas, December 9, 1874. Name changed to 109, June 12, 1875.
111. Coal Hill Branch of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railway. General laws of Arkansas, December 26, 1884. Sold to 109, January 12, 1885.
112. Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad Company. (See 113.) Sold at foreclosure December 10, 1874, to bondholders' agents and acquired by 109, December 19, 1874.
113. Little Rock and Fort Smith Branch of the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, November 25, 1853. Name changed to 112, January 22, 1855.
114. Wabash Southern Railway Company. General laws of Illinois, March 15, 1905. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
115. St. Louis, Watkins and Gulf Railway Company. General laws of Louisiana, May 28, 1902. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
116. Kansas City, Watkins and Gulf Railway Company. General laws of Louisiana, June 7, 1887. Sold at foreclosure March 24, 1902, after receivership begun February 12, 1898, and reorganized May 28, 1902, as 115.
117. Springfield Southwestern Railway Company. General laws of Missouri, February 19, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
118. Pine Bluff and Western Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, August 27, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
119. Pine Bluff and Western Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, June 24, 1899. Sold to 118, October 5, 1903.
120. New Orleans & Northwestern Railroad Company. General laws of Louisiana, November 8, 1902. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
121. New Orleans and Northwestern Railway Company (of 1890). General laws of Louisiana and special act of Mississippi through articles of consolidation dated December 27, 1889; filed in Louisiana January 16, 1890, and in Mississippi February 19, 1890. Sold at foreclosure September 20, 1902, after receivership begun August 2, 1901, and reorganized November 8, 1902; property in Louisiana to 120, and property in Mississippi to Natchez & Southern Railway Company.
122. New Orleans, Natchez and Fort Scott Railway Company. General laws of Louisiana, August 10, 1886. Consolidated January 16, 1890, with 123 to form 121.
123. New Orleans and Northwestern Railway Company (of 1884). Special act of Mississippi, March 14, 1884. Consolidated January 16, 1890, with 122 to form 121.
124. Mississippi River, Hamburg and Western Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, June 3, 1897. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
125. The Little Rock and Monroe Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, August 13, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
126. Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway. General laws of Arkansas, November 27, 1885. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
127. The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, November 13, 1888. Sold to 126, January 10, 1890.
128. Herrin Railway. General laws of Illinois, May 23, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
129. Herrin and Johnson City Railway Company. General laws of Illinois, September 22, 1905. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
130. Gurdon and Fort Smith Railroad. General laws of Arkansas, June 11, 1900. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
131. Gurdon and Fort Smith Northern Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, March 17, 1905. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
132. Garland Western Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, April 17, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
133. Farmerville & Southern Railroad Company. General laws of Louisiana, March 30, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
134. Eldorado and Bastrop Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, February 17, 1902. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
135. Coal Belt Railway. General laws of Illinois, March 27, 1903. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
136. Arkansas Southwestern Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, April 28, 1900. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
137. Southwestern Arkansas and Indian Territory Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, June 11, 1884. Sold at foreclosure March 13, 1900, after receivership begun March, 1896, and reorganized April 28, 1900, as 136.
138. Brinkley, Helena and Indian Bay Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, July 19, 1889. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
139. Arkansas Midland Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, May 15, 1878. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
140. Arkansas Central Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas through articles of consolidation dated August 31, 1870, filed in Arkansas, August 31, 1870. Sold at foreclosure July 26, 1877, to agent of holder of defaulted obligation and acquired January 3, 1880, by 139.
141. Arkansas Midland Rail Road Company. Special act of Arkansas, November 7, 1853. Consolidated August 31, 1870, with 142 to form 140.
142. Little Rock & Helena Rail Road Company. General laws of Arkansas, March 8, 1869. Consolidated August 31, 1870, with 141 to form 140.
143. Arkansas and Louisiana Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, September 13, 1882. Sold to 81, September 1, 1909.
144. Arkansas and Indian Territory Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, September 13, 1882. Sold to 143, May 17, 1883.
145. Washington and Hope Railway Company. General laws of Arkansas, June 14, 1877. Sold to 144, September 18, 1882.
146. Natchez & Western Railway Company. General laws of Louisiana February 27, 1904. Conveyed to trustee by deed dated April 11, 1905, and deeded by trustee to 81, January 25, 1911.
147. Natchez, Red River & Texas Railroad Company. General laws of Louisiana, January 27, 1881. Sold at foreclosure February 13, 1887[sic - 1897], to holder of defaulted obligation and acquired March 23, 1904, by 146.
148. Vidalia and Western Rail Road Company. See 149. Sold to 147, June 1, 1881.
149. The Vidalia and Lake Concordia Railroad and Steamboat Transportation Company. General laws of Louisiana, May 15, 1876. Name changed to 148, January 11, 1881.
150. Little Rock and Hot Springs Western Railroad Company. General laws of Arkansas, July 18, 1899. Sold to 81, deeds dated September 1, 1909, and October 11, 1911.
151. Little Rock, Hot Springs and Texas Railway. General laws of Arkansas, December 11, 1893. Sold at foreclosure January 4, 1899, to agent of holder of defaulted obligations and acquired July 18, 1899, by 150.
152. Marion and Harrisburg Railway Company. General laws of Illinois, April 5, 1905. Sold to 81, March 12, 1913.
153. Marion and Johnston City Railway Company. General laws of Illinois, August 7, 1905. Sold to 81, March 12, 1913.
154. Johnston City Connecting Railway Company. General laws of Illinois, December 4, 1911. Sold to 81, March 12, 1913.
155. Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Illinois. General laws of Delaware, through articles of incorporation filed in Delaware, June 2, 1917, and in Illinois June 7, 1917. Certain property in Illinois acquired in foreclosure sale of 81, February 21, 1917; same property conveyed by deed dated June 29, 1918, to 1.

The foregoing does not include five additional corporations whose properties, aggregating 161.65 miles, were at one time a part of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909), but which now form a part of The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company, but it does include those corporations whose properties now form a part of the Missouri Pacific in Nebraska. A list of the corporations now a part of The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company follows.

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, December 29, 1893. Sold to The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) January 18, 1910.
2. The Kansas City and Beatrice Railroad Company. Under general laws of Nebraska, July 9, 1889. Sold at foreclosure May 18, 1894, to trustee of defaulted obligations and acquired by 1, December 10, 1896.
3. The Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas through articles of consolidation filed March 29, 1887. Sold at foreclosure January 5, 1894, to trustees of defaulted obligations and acquired by 1, June 27, 1894.
4. The Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern Railway Company. General laws of Kansas, November 24, 1885. Consolidated March 29, 1887, with 5 to form 3.
5. Leavenworth and Olathe Railroad Company. General laws of Kansas, September 27, 1886. Consolidated March 29, 1887, with 4 to form 3.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The recorded mileage owned by the Missouri Pacific amounts to 6,455.366, of which 4.04 miles were acquired by construction, 6,257.636 miles by merger, and 193.69 miles by purchase. The inventoried mileage is 6,432.200. Of the 147 predecessor corporations, nine did not construct any common-carrier property. The details with respect to the construction of the property constructed by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company of Nebraska, Omaha Southern Railway Company, Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska, Nebraska Southern Railway Company, and the Omaha Belt Railway Company are given in the chapter on development of fixed physical property in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific in Nebraska, as that portion of the property acquired by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) was separated in the foreclosure sale of 1917, and acquired by the Missouri Pacific in Nebraska. The Missouri Pacific acquired through foreclosure proceedings 6,257.636 miles of road, of which 3,267.186 miles was acquired from The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) and 2,990.45 miles from the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. It also acquired by purchase from the Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Illinois 193.69 miles of road. Details with respect to the construction of the property are given in the accounting report.

Leased Railway Property


The Missouri Pacific used on December 31 , 1917 , facilities owned by other companies and other companies used facilities owned by the Missouri Pacific to the extent indicated in the statement below . The description of the property , the period and terms of use , and the rentals accrued and charged or credited to income for the seven months ended on December 31 , 1917 , are as follows :

Solely owned, but not used, leased to—
Arkansas & Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company, tracks, 0.766 mile of first main track, 0.693 mile of other main track, and 0.902 mile of yard tracks and sidings at Bridge Junction, Ark. The period and term of use were not ascertained. $2,450.00
Coal Belt Electric Railway Company, overhead trolley system on 1.83 miles of Missouri Pacific road over which the Coal Belt Electric Railway Company has trackage rights. Rental included with that for trackage rights. ......
Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Company, tracks, Concordia Junction to Wildsville Junction, La., 14.703 miles of main track and 0.812 mile of yard tracks and sidings; period was not ascertained; contract dated Jan. 1, 1917; stipulated payment of $11,644 annually, plus 5 per cent on cost of additions and betterments and all taxes and assessments. 6,777.89
Trans-Mississippi Terminal Railroad Company, three steam locomotives; monthly rental basis. ......
Union Railway Company (Memphis, Tenn.), seven steam locomotives; rental basis not determined. ......
Solely used, but not owned, leased from—
Boonville, St. Louis and Southern Railway Company, entire property; term 38 years from Aug. 1, 1917; stipulated payment equal to interest on first-mortgage bonds of lessor. 5,208.34
St. Joseph and Central Branch Railway Company, entire property; operated by the Missouri Pacific under ownership of the entire capital stock and debt of the St. Joseph and Central Branch Railway Company. No accruals for rental were made in the accounts of the Missouri Pacific. ......
Edgewater Terminal Railroad Company, entire property; operated by the Missouri Pacific under ownership of the entire capital stock and debt of the Edgewater Terminal Railroad Company. No accruals for rental were made in the accounts of the Missouri Pacific. ......
Cairo and Thebes Railroad Company, entire property; term 99 years from Mar. 1, 1911; stipulated payment equal to interest on first-mortgage bonds, of lessor. 39,643.33
The Baring Cross Bridge Company, entire property; term 50 years from Jan. 1, 1881; stipulated payment equal to 7 per cent on the outstanding stock and bonds of lessor, all taxes, maintenance, and renewals and $500 per annum for maintenance of corporate organization of lessor. 24,150.66
Little Rock Junction Railway, entire property; term 50 years from Jan. 1, 1890; stipulated payment equal to the interest on first-mortgage bonds of lessor. Lessee to maintain the property and pay all taxes and expenses of corporate organization. As the bonds were all held by or for the lessee on date of valuation no rental was accrued for the seven months' period ending Dec. 31, 1917. ......
Ft. Smith Suburban Railway Company, entire property; operated by the Missouri Pacific under ownership of the entire capital stock and debt of the Ft. Smith Suburban Railway Company. No accruals for rental were made in the accounts of the Missouri Pacific. ......
The Kiowa Hardtner and Pacific Railroad Company, entire property; term expires June 30, 1930; stipulated payment equal to 5 per cent per annum on actual cost of road. 5,785.45
The Edgewater Connecting Railway Company, entire property; operated by the Missouri Pacific under ownership of the entire capital stock and debt of The Edgewater Connecting Railway Company. No accruals for rental were made in the accounts of the Missouri Pacific. ......
Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Nebraska, entire property; operated by the Missouri Pacific under ownership of the entire capital stock and debt of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Nebraska. No accruals for rental were made in the accounts of the Missouri Pacific. ......
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company, 0.188 mile of yard tracks and sidings at Sedalia, Mo., for an indefinite term from June 17, 1896; stipulated payment $300 per annum; taxes and maintenance divided on basis of 50 per cent. 100.00
Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield Railway Company, 0.536 mile of main track and 0.229 mile of yard tracks and sidings at Pleasant Hill, Mo.; term 25 years from July 1, 1902; annual rental of 3 per cent of agreed valuation; lessee pays all maintenance expenses and 50 per cent of the taxes. 168.00
The Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Company, 0.227 The mile of yard tracks and sidings at Eldorado, Kans. The period and terms of use were not ascertained; no rentals were accrued and charged to income for the seven months' period ending Dec. 31, 1917. ......
Solely owned, but jointly used, used by—
Alexandria Lumber Company, tracks, 15.50 miles, Pawnee, La., to Alexandria, La.; period not determined; flat mileage rate per train-mile. 1,934.40
The Arkansas & Louisiana Midland Railway Company, tracks, 0.44 mile, at Crossett, Ark.; period not determined; flat rental $300 per annum; maintenance and taxes divided 50 per cent each. 175.00
Arkansas Central Railroad Company, tracks, 4.68 miles, Arkansas Central Junction, Ark., to Fort Smith, Ark., including station and yard facilities at Fort Smith, Ark.; for indefinite period from Sept. 9, 1912, subject to 60 days' notice. Rental $4,147.50 per annum, plus 2.5 per cent on additions and betterments; 50 per cent of taxes and proportion of operating expenses. 2,706.34
Arkansas Short Leaf Lumber Company, tracks, 44.47 miles, Pine Bluff to Benton, Ark.; period not determined; flat mileage rate per train-mile. 3,275.54
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company
Tracks, 7.25 miles, Gongo, Mo., to Kansas City, Mo. The period and term of use and the amount of rentals accrued and credited to income for the seven month's period ended Dec. 31, 1917; were not ascertained. ......
Tracks, 1.38 miles, Caney, Kans., to Kansas-Oklahoma State line; period of use not ascertained; flat rental of $30 per month; maintenance, operation, and taxes apportioned on wheelage basis. 210.00
Coal Belt Electric Railway Company, tracks, 1.83 miles, at Marion, Ill.; period not determined; flat rental $193 per month; maintenance, operation, and taxes divided equally. 1,351.00
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, tracks, 5.38 miles, Royalton Junction, Ill., to Zeigler, Ill.; term not ascertained; stipulated payment of $3,021 per annum, plus 3 per cent on cost of additions and betterments; 50 per cent of taxes; expenses on basis of cars handled. 1,855.39
Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, tracks, 27.19 miles, Leavenworth, Kans., to Kansas City, Mo., including certain facilities at Leavenworth, Kans., Kansas City, Kans., and Kansas City, Mo.; term 99 years from Aug. 1, 1910; stipulated payment of $35,000 per annum for trackage Leavenworth to Kansas City, Kans., track to Kansas City, Mo., $1,346 per mile per annum, also 2.5 per cent on cost of additions and betterments, and proportion of operating expenses of bridge and terminals. 26,055.20
The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, tracks, 1.67 miles, at Pueblo, Colo.; period of use not ascertained; stipulated payment flat-rate per car. 1,810.25
Enterprise Lumber Company, tracks, 28.0 miles, Alexandria to Glenmora, La.; period not determined; flat rate per train-mile. 1,441.37
Helena Southwestern Railway, tracks, 22.64 miles, Helena S. W. Junction to Elaine, Ark.; 48.0 miles, Brinkley to Helena S. W. Junction, Ark., and 35.62 miles, Helena to Ratio, Ark.; period not determined; flat mileage rate per train-mile. 4,989.32
Illinois Central Railroad Company
Tracks, 1.29 miles, Johnston City, Ill., to Holland Mine, Ill.; term not ascertained; stipulated payment 2.5 per cent per annum on agreed valuation; maintenance, operation, and taxes divided on basis of cars handled. 248.89
Tracks, 7.27 miles, Omaha, Nebr., to South Omaha, Nebr.; term 25 years from Nov. 15, 1899; rental on basis of $1 per car handled. 3,709.00
The Kansas City Southern Railway Company
Tracks, 1.57 miles, at Kansas City, Mo.; period of use not ascertained; stipulated payment, flat rate per train. 1,880.13
Tracks, 1.66 miles, at Connell, Kans.; period of use not ascertained; stipulated payment, flat rate per locomotive. 46.78
Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Company
Tracks, 9.96 miles, Concordia, La., to Vidalia, La., including station facilities at Vidalia, La.; period not ascertained; contract dated Jan. 1, 1917; stipulated payment of $5,433.32 annually and 2.5 per cent on cost of additions and betterments; 50 per cent of all taxes; station facilities on basis of tickets sold, tons of freight handled, and car mileage. 3,169.46
Tracks, 5.73 miles, Tioga, La., to Alexandria, La.; period not ascertained; contract dated June 22, 1905; stipulated payment of $7,712.50 per annum, plus 50 per cent of taxes, maintenance, and operation divided on basis of car mileage. 5,172.93
Louisiana & Pine Bluff Railway Company, tracks, 21.14 miles, Huttig to Spencer, La.; period not determined; flat rate per train-mile. 4,688.05
Memphis, Dallas & Gulf Railroad Company, tracks , 18.39 miles, Glenwood, Ark., to Shawmut, Ark.; period and amount of flat rental not ascertained; 50 per cent of taxes; maintenance, and operation divided on basis of car mileage. 11,127.50
Midland Valley Railroad Company, tracks, 9.81 miles, Silverdale, Kans., to Arkansas City, Ark.; together with station facilities; term 10 years from Nov. 1, 1917; stipulated payment of $3,750 annually; also 50 per cent of taxes and proportion of operating expenses and maintenance on basis of car mileage. 2,406.14
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company
Tracks, 7.41 miles, Iola, Kans., to Piqua, Kans., and station facilities at Piqua, Kans.; term 25 years from Apr. 14, 1902; stipulated payment equal to one-half of 4 per cent on agreed valuation, plus 2 per cent on cost of additions and betterments; also an equal proportion of taxes, maintenance, and operating expenses. 2,310.68
Tracks, 0.82 mile, at Nevada, Mo., including certain terminal facilities at Nevada, Mo.; for an indefinite term from Jan. 1, 1913; stipulated payment $1,726.20 annually; plus 65 per cent of taxes and operating expenses; maintenance on basis of cars handled. 1,006.96
Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Company, tracks, 1.87 miles, and terminal facilities at Joplin, Mo.; period not determined; stipulated payment equal to 2 per cent per annum on valuation, plus 50 per cent of taxes; maintenance and operation of freight station divided on tonnage basis; of passenger station on ticket sales; of other property on basis of cars handled; engine-house expense divided on basis of engines handled. 2,487.59
New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway Company, tracks, 54.09 miles, Kinder, La., to Valderouge, La.; period not determined; stipulated payment $100 per month, plus $1.50 per mile or fraction thereof per train of one locomotive; 30 cars and one caboose and 5 cents per mile or fraction thereof for each additional car or caboose. 2,179.70
The Prescott & Northwestern Railroad Company, tracks, 52 miles, Womble, Ark., to Pike City, Ark.; period not determined; stipulated payment a flat rate per train-mile, minimum of $5 per month. 253.50
St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company
Tracks, 1.82 miles, together with passenger station at Pine Bluff, Ark.; term 25 years from July 22, 1906; stipulated payment equal to 2.5 per cent per annum on valuation, plus 50 per cent of taxes; maintenance and operation of station on basis of tickets sold, flat rate of $1 per train for use of tracks. 2,094.19
Tracks, 119.26 miles, Valley Junction, Ill., to North Junction, Ill.; period 50 years from Sept. 8, 1904; stipulated payment equal to 2 per cent per annum on agreed valuation and cost of additions and betterments; maintenance and operation on car-mileage basis. 153,923.03
Yards and terminal tracks, 68.0 miles, Dupo and Bixby, Ill.; period not determined; stipulated payment equal to 2 per cent per annum on valuation, plus 50 per cent of taxes; maintenance and operation on basis of cars handled. 15,094.99
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Tracks, 19.94 miles, Leavenworth Junction, Kans., Kansas City, Mo.; period not determined; flat rate per train-mile. 2,167.24
Tracks, 3.93 miles, Cochran, Kans., to Leavenworth, Kans.; period not determined; no rental; maintenance and operation on basis of cars handled. ......
Jointly used, but not owned, owned by—
Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company, bridge and tracks, 2.79 miles, from Briark, Ark., to Memphis, Tenn. Operation and taxes divided on basis of percentage of total tolls. 145,037.18
The Atchison and Eastern Bridge Company, bridge and tracks, 0.30 mile, from Atchison, Kans., to Winthrop, Mo. No written agreement covering operations; maintenance, operation, rental, and taxes on basis of tolls-tax traffic. 17,360.64
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, tracks, 7.82 miles, from Eton to Congo, Mo.; term 99 years from June 3, 1902; stipulated payment equal to 2 per cent per annum on valuation; taxes equal proportion; maintenance and operation on wheelage basis. 10,201.72
Atchison Union Depot and Railroad Company, tracks, 0.13 mile, and union station at Atchison, Kans.; term 50 years from date of completion of depot; stipulated payment equal to one-fourth of 5 per cent per annum on valuation, one-fourth of taxes, maintenance, and operation. 1,175.26
The Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad Company, tracks, 0.28 mile, at East St. Louis, Ill.; for an indefinite term from Aug. 21, 1902; stipulated payment $166.66, per month. 466.69
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, tracks, 0.17 mile, at Atchison, Kans., term May 1, 1903, to Dec. 31, 1927; flat rate per passenger car. 0.69
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company
Tracks, 4.02 miles, from Briark to West Memphis, Ark.; flat rate per train-mile only. 1,097.20
Tracks, 24.87 miles, from Pleasant Hill to Leeds Junction, Mo.; for an indefinite term from Feb. 7, 1909; stipulated payment 50 cents per train-mile, minimum $25,000 per annum, and actual cost of additional expense necessitated. 7,392.64
Tracks, 16.72 miles, from Winthrop to St. Joseph, Mo.; term 10 years from Feb. 16, 1907; stipulated payment equal to 2 per cent per annum on agreed valuation and proportion of operating expenses on wheelage basis; also one-third of taxes. 7,973.48
Tracks, 1.38 miles, between Hickory Street and Union Terminal Railway connection, at St. Joseph, Mo.; period of use not determined; stipulated payment equal at 2 per cent per annum on valuation, plus equal proportion of taxes; maintenance and operation on basis of cars handled. 336.30
Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company; tracks, 0.22 mile, and passenger depot at Omaha, Nebr.; period of use not determined; flat rental $600 per annum. 350.00
The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company; tracks, 0.32 mile, at Pueblo, Colo.; flat rental $400 per annum. 233.31
Kansas City and Memphis Railway and Bridge Company: (St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, lessee); tracks, 2.21 miles, including bridge and approaches at Memphis, Tenn.; period of use not determined; stipulated payment, tolls on traffic only. 126.36
The Kansas City Northwestern Railway Company; tracks, 1.32 miles, at Kansas City, Kans., including bridge over the Kansas River; flat rental $12,000 per annum. 7,000.00
The Kansas City Southern Railway Company
Tracks, 11.39 miles, from Asbury, Mo., to Pittsburg, Kans., for an indefinite period from Aug. 1, 1901; rental 40 cents per train-mile. 2,368.77
Tracks, 0.5 mile, and station facilities at Asbury, Mo.; period of use and amount of flat rental not determined; operation, one-third of salaries of station employees. 249.96
Kansas City Terminal Railway Company, tracks, 9.36 miles, at Kansas City, Mo.; term 200 years from June 12, 1909; stipulated payment equal to one-twelfth of interest on bonds and taxes, and proportion of operating expenses on wheelage basis. 13,352.26
The Leavenworth Depot & Railroad Company, tracks, 0.09 mile, at Leavenworth, Kans.; stipulated payment equal to two-fifths of 10 per cent of valuation, plus two-fifths of maintenance, operation, and taxes. 1,795.99
Louisiana & Arkansas Railway, tracks, 0.51 mile, at Hope, Ark.; period of use not determined; stipulated payment equal to 5 per cent per annum on valuation, plus cost of maintenance and taxes. 291.69
Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, tracks, 1.85 miles, from Baltimore & Ohio connection to Illinois Transfer Company, East St. Louis, Ill.; term 28 years from Mar. 15, 1902; stipulated payment 5 per cent on valuation, on wheelage basis, also proportion of expenses and taxes on same basis. 639.76
Memphis Union Station Company, tracks, 0.48 mile, at Memphis, Tenn.; term 50 years from Nov. 1, 1909; stipulated payment 5 per cent on valuation on wheelage basis, also proportion of maintenance and operation on same basis. 24,697.13
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company, tracks, 1.67 miles, including freight and passenger terminals at Nevada, Mo., for an indefinite term from Jan. 1, 1915; maintenance and operation of passenger station on basis of tickets sold; maintenance and operation of freight station and transfer platform on tonnage basis; maintenance of yard on basis of cars handled; operation of yard 65 per cent; taxes 65 per cent. 3,881.26
The Pueblo Union Depot and Railroad Company, tracks, 0.27 mile, and union station at Pueblo, Colo.; stipulated payment a proportion on wheelage basis, of 6 per cent on valuation; maintenance, operation, and taxes on same basis. 4,420.15
Saint Joseph Union Depot Company, tracks, 0.21 mile and station facilities at St. Joseph, Mo.; term 50 years from Sept. 2, 1880; maintenance, operation, and taxes equal proportions; rental none. ......
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company
Bridge and 1.39 miles of tracks, Van Buren to Fort Smith, Ark.; term Nov. 24, 1885, to Mar. 31, 1916; $2 for each engine or passenger car, $1.50 for each freight car, minimum of $12,000 per annum. 4,200.00
Tracks, 1.27 miles, Leeds to Sheffield, Mo.; for an indefinite period from Feb. 12, 1909; 75 cents per train, minimum 6 trains per day. 236.24
St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company
Tracks, 110.32 miles, from Illmo, Mo., to Paragould, Ark., for an indefinite period from Sept. 8, 1904; stipulated payment equal to 2.5 per cent on valuation, plus equal proportion of taxes, maintenance, and operation on car mileage basis. 80,309.48
Yard and terminal tracks, 36.785 miles, at Illmo, Mo.; period of use not determined; stipulated payment equal to 2 per cent per annum on valuation, plus equal proportion of taxes; maintenance and operation on basis of cars handled. 8,517.46
Southern Illinois and Missouri Bridge Company, tracks, 4.58 miles, including bridge and approaches, from North Junction, Ill., to Illmo, Mo.; term 50 years from Nov. 1, 1901; payment of published tariffs and guarantee of proportion of any deficit that may accrue, divided equally among the railroads using the bridge. 51,604.94
The Texas and Pacific Railway Company
Tracks, 1.53 miles, and passenger and freight station facilities at Alexandria, La.; maintenance and operation of passenger station one-third freight station, one-half; rental none; taxes equal proportion. ......
Tracks, 0.24 mile, and station and terminal facilities at Ferriday, La.; stipulated payment equal to 2.5 per cent on valuation; maintenance and taxes on basis of cars handled; operation of station equal proportion; operation of yard on basis of cars handled. 1,458.17
Tracks, 110.3 miles, Ferriday, La., to Addis, La. The period and terms of use and the amount of rentals accrued and charged to income account for the seven months' period ending Dec. 31, 1917, were not ascertained. ......
Tracks, 186.9 miles, Alexandria, La., to Westwego, La.; stipulated payment equal to 1.5 per cent on valuation; maintenance, operation, and taxes on wheelage basis. 70,000.00
Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis
Tracks, 0.60 mile, at St. Louis, Mo. 2,012.20
Tracks, 3.18 miles, including bridge and approaches from St. Louis, Mo., to East St. Louis, Ill.; flat rate per car only. included
Tracks, 2.63 miles, from East St. Louis to Valley Junction, Ill.; for an indefinite period from Mar. 15, 1902; $312.50 per month and proportion of maintenance and taxes on wheelage basis. 2,187.50
Union Station and passenger yard at St. Louis, Mo.; period of use not determined; maintenance, operation, and rental on basis of cars handled. 14,216.65
Trans-Mississippi Terminal Railroad Company, tracks, 9.61 miles, from Westwego, La., to New Orleans, La., together with terminal facilities at New Orleans; stipulated payment equal proportion of fixed charges and taxes; maintenance and operation of freight station, elevators, wharves, and docks on basis of tonnage handled; ferry service, yards, and tracks on basis of cars handled. 183,032.70
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Tracks, 8.66 miles, from Gilmore Junction, Nebr., to Omaha, Nebr.; term from Apr. 25, 1900, to June 30, 1949; consideration 40 cents per train-mile and 20 cents per engine-mile; $1 per revenue train-mile, 25 cents per non-revenue train-mile. 15,062.10
Tracks, 2.38 miles, and union passenger station at Omaha, Nebr.; period of use not determined; stipulated payment equal proportion of 5 per cent on valuation; use of tracks for nonrevenue trains on flat mileage rate only; maintenance and operation of station divided on basis of cars handled. 3,764.40
Union Railway Company (Memphis, Tenn.), tracks, 0.21 mile, at Memphis, Tenn.; period not determined; stipulated payment equal to 3 per cent per annum on valuation; maintenance, operation, and taxes divided on basis of cars handled. 64,253.02
Union Terminal Railway Company (of St. Joseph, Mo.), tracks, 3.67 miles, from South St. Joseph to St. Joseph, Mo.; term for an indefinite period from Feb. 16, 1907; rental $1,383.33 per month and proportion of operating expenses on wheelage basis. 11,826.21

There are other facilities of minor importance, such as stations, interlockers, yard tracks, and sidings, in which the Missouri Pacific grants and receives joint that are not listed in this chapter.

Lessor Companies


Predecessor Companies


The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909)



This company was not controlled on February 21, 1917, the date of foreclosure sale, by any individual or corporation through ownership of capital stock, but through a combination of the stockholders its policy was dominated by the Gould interests until about the time the property was placed in the hands of a receiver. This company controlled on date of foreclosure sale through ownership of their capital stock, the following named companies, whose common-carrier properties it operated: St. Joseph and Central Branch Railway Company, Edgewater Terminal Railroad Company, The Edgewater Connecting Railway Company, and Boonville, St. Louis and Southern Railway Company. It controlled further, through ownership of capital stock, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, which operated its own property.

It controlled jointly with other carriers, through ownership of capital stock to the extent indicated, the following named companies, which operated their own property: Atchison Union Depot & Railroad Company 25 per cent, The Kansas City Terminal Railway Company 8⅓ per cent, Leavenworth Depot & Railroad Company 33⅓ per cent, Missouri and Illinois Bridge and Belt Railroad Company 9 1/11 per cent, Pueblo Union Depot and Railroad Company 20 per cent, St. Joseph Union Depot Company 10 per cent, Southern Illinois & Missouri Bridge Company 20 per cent, and Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis 6⅔ per cent.

It controlled further, through ownership of their entire capital stock, the Western Coal & Mining Company, Pueblo Stock Yards Company, Kansas Central Elevator Company, and Kansas-Missouri Elevator Company.

It also owned 26.8 per cent of the capital stock of The Baring Cross Bridge Company, whose common-carrier property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, under lease since January 1, 1881.

It controlled jointly with the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and the Wabash Railway Company, through ownership by the three companies of the capital stock, the American Refrigerator Transit Company, a private car-line company.

It also owned about 31 per cent of the outstanding capital stock of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company and about 17 per cent of the outstanding capital stock of The Texas and Pacific Railroad Company.

The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date of its formation, August 9, 1909, until it was placed in the hands of a receiver on August 19, 1915, and from that date until June 1, 1917, when the receivership was terminated, by the receiver.

The railroad operated by the company was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado, and aggregating 3,834.13 miles. The owned mileage amounted to 3,777.65 miles and consisted of a main line extending from St. Louis, Mo., west through Kansas City, Mo., to Pueblo, Colo. It owned other main and branch lines located in Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska, the principal ones extending to or through Atchison, Kans., St. Joseph, Mo., Omaha, Nebr., and Fort Scott, Topeka, and Wichita, Kans. The mileage operated under lease amounted to 56.47 miles and consisted of two branch lines: One from Boonville to Versailles, Mo., the other from Kiowa to Hardtner, Kans., and terminal tracks in St. Joseph, Mo., Kansas City, Kans., and Kansas City, Mo. The company used under trackage and terminal rights 96.69 miles of the road of other carriers, part of which afforded access to, or terminal facilities at Omaha, Nebr., St. Joseph, Mo., Pittsburg, Kans., and Kansas City, Mo.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the road owned by the company on date of foreclosure sale, it had acquired 3,262.71 miles from 12 corporations forming the consolidated company on August 9, 1909, and 516.58 miles by subsequent purchase from 10 corporations. In addition, it purchased a portion of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company's road extending from Coffeyville, Kans., to the Kansas-Oklahoma State line, 2.41 miles, making a total acquired by consolidation and purchase of 3,781.70 miles. Abandonments and track changes subsequently reduced the above mileage by 4.05 miles, or to 3,777.65 miles owned on date of foreclosure sale. The mileage acquired from each company is given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Of the owned road at date of foreclosure sale, 161.65 miles which had been acquired from The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company was separated from the remainder of the property in the reorganization and is not a part of the Missouri Pacific at date of valuation of that company, and 348.814 miles of road in Nebraska, was acquired in the reorganization by the Missouri Pacific Corporation in Nebraska, a Delaware corporation, controlled by the Missouri Pacific at date of valuation through ownership of its capital stock.

The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880)


The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) was controlled by the Gould interests on the date of its consolidation through ownership of a majority of the outstanding capital stock. It controlled through ownership of a majority of the outstanding capital stock, the following named companies, whose common-carrier properties it operated: The Central Branch Railway Company, Carthage and Western Railway Company, The Ft. Scott Central Railway Company, Joplin and Western Railway Company, The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Railway Company, The Kansas Southwestern Railway Company, Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company, Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company of Missouri, Kanopolis and Kansas Central Railway Company, The Leroy and Caney Valley Air Line Rail Road Company, Nebraska Southern Railway Company, The Nevada and Minden Railway Company, Nevada and Minden Railway Company of Kansas, Omaha Southern Railway Company, Omaha Belt Railway Company, Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska, The Rooks County Railroad Company, Sedalia, Warsaw and South Western Railway Company, St. Louis, Oak Hill & Carondelet Railway Company.

It also controlled, through ownership of a majority of the outstanding capital stock, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, which operated its own property.

The property of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) was operated by its own organization from the date of its formation, August 12, 1880, to the date of consolidation, August 9, 1909.

The railroad operated by this company was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska, and aggregating 3,491.73 miles. The owned mileage amounted to 1,109.07 and consisted of a main line extending from St. Louis, Mo., to Atchison, Kans., from Central Branch Junction to the Sarpy-Douglas County line, Nebr., and from Papillion Junction, to Papillon, Nebr., together with various branch lines in Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the 1,109.07 miles of road owned by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on the date of consolidation, it had acquired 588.02 miles from the companies forming the consolidation of August 12, 1880; 148.91 miles by merger of December 30, 1881, and February 14, 1882; 68.98 miles by subsequent purchase; and 313.26 miles by construction, less 10.10 miles of abandonments and remeasurements. Details with respect to the construction of the property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Missouri Pacific Railway Company


This company was incorporated October 21, 1876, in Missouri. It was controlled by Jay Gould on August 12, 1880, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date of its acquisition, October 24, 1876, until the date of consolidation. The railroad operated on date of consolidation, 297.18 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Missouri. Its main line extended from St. Louis to Kansas City, 286.05 miles, and a branch line extended from Kirkwood to Carondelet, 11.13 miles. Of the road owned by the company, it had acquired 295.87 miles from the Pacific Railroad and 1.31 miles by construction. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Pacific Railroad — Predecessor of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company


The records reviewed do not indicate whether the Pacific Railroad was controlled by any individual or corporation on September 6, 1876, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company, together with that of its leased lines, was operated as follows: By own organization, from completion to March 31, 1868; by State of Missouri, April 1, 1868, to October 10, 1868; by own organization, October 11, 1868, to June 30, 1872; by Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, July 1, 1872, to April 7, 1876; by receivers, April 8, 1876, to September 6, 1876.

The railroad operated by the receivers of the Pacific Railroad was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Missouri and Kansas and aggregating 422.21 miles. The owned mileage of the Pacific Railroad on date of sale amounted to 295.87 miles and consisted of a main line extending from St. Louis to Kansas City, Mo., and a branch line to Carondelet, Mo.

The mileage operated under lease amounted to 126.34 miles and consisted of the following: Kansas City to Leavenworth, Kans., 25.39 miles; Leavenworth to Atchison, Kans., 20.98 miles; Boonville to Tipton, Mo., 25.15 miles; and Sedalia to Myrick, Mo., 54.82 miles.

In addition to the 295.87 miles of road owned by this company on date of foreclosure sale, it constructed in ownership about 77 miles of road between Franklin (now Pacific) and Rolla, Mo. This property forms a part of the system of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company. Separate books of account were kept by the company for recording its financial dealings with respect to the construction of that property and the operations thereof. Details with respect to the financial dealings, corporate operations, and investments, in connection with this property are given in the report on the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

The entire road owned on date of foreclosure sale had been acquired by construction. The records reviewed indicate that the construction work was performed partly by the forces of the company and partly by independent contractors. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The St. Louis & Lexington Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from its minute book. It was controlled on August 12, 1880, the date of consolidation, by J. & W. Seligman & Company through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company under lease from the date it was acquired to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation, 54.82 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Sedalia to Myrick, Mo., which it had acquired by purchase from the Lexington and St. Louis Railroad Company.

Lexington and St. Louis Railroad Company — Predecessor of The St. Louis & Lexington Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the articles of incorporation and from annual reports of the Pacific Railroad. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on March 1, 1877, the date of foreclosure sale, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was leased to the Pacific Railroad for 30 years from September 1, 1870, but the lease was taken over by the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company in 1872 in connection with its lease of the Pacific Railroad.

The railroad owned on the date of foreclosure sale, 54.82 miles, which consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Sedalia to Myrick, Mo., all of which had been acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the principal part of the construction work was done under contract or by the company's own forces. The Pacific Railroad completed the construction of the road about March 25, 1872, under the terms of agreement dated December 1, 1869.

Kansas City and Eastern Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were of such a fragmentary nature that nothing of value could be obtained from them regarding the financial dealings or investments. Data given below were obtained from the minute book and other sources. This company was controlled on August 12, 1880, the date of consolidation, by Jay Gould, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date acquired, January 24, 1878, until December, 1879. From that date until the date of consolidation, it was operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company. The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 43 miles of single-track, narrow-gage, steam railroad, extending from Kansas City to Lexington, Mo., all of which had been acquired from the Wyandotte, Kansas City and Northwestern Railway Company through foreclosure and reorganization, January 24, 1878. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Wyandotte, Kansas City and Northwestern Railway Company — Predecessor of the Kansas City and Eastern Railway Company

The accounting records of the company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. The records reviewed did not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on January 16, 1878, the date of foreclosure, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. This company owned on the date of foreclosure approximately 43 miles of narrow-gage railroad between Kansas City and Lexington, Mo., which was acquired by construction. A copy of this company's articles of association indicates that capital stock in the par value of $180,000, shares $100 each, was authorized. How much was actually issued and the considerations received therefor was not ascertainable from the records obtained. This company issued $645,000 par value of first-mortgage 7 per cent bonds, dated January 1, 1874, due January 1, 1894. The conditions under which and the considerations for which these bonds were issued were not ascertained from the records reviewed. These bonds were actually outstanding at date of foreclosure and were assumed by the Kansas City and Eastern Railway Company.

The Lexington and Southern Railway Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from a minute book and from the records of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company. The company was controlled August 12, 1880, on the date of its consolidation, by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation, by virtue of ownership of capital stock.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 68.07 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Pleasant Hill to Nevada, Mo., which was acquired by construction under a contract made between the company and Jay Gould, President of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, which provided that the company should pay him for constructing the road $15,000 par value each of capital stock and first-mortgage bonds for each mile of road constructed. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

St. Louis, Kansas and Arizona Railway Company

The accounting records of the company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from a minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. The company was controlled August 11, 1880, on date of consolidation, by Jay Gould through ownership of capital stock outstanding. The records reviewed did not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of the company was operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company from the dates it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned consisted of 78.58 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, all in Kansas, extending from Paola to Le Roy, 58.06 miles, and from Osawatomie to Ottawa, 20.52 miles. The entire road owned was acquired by construction, under contract with Jay Gould. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report.

Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. This company was controlled on August 12, 1880, the date of consolidation, by Jay Gould, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from the date it was acquired, July 8, 1880, to the date of the consolidation, by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company. The railroad owned consisted of 46.37 miles of single-track, standard-gage roads, extending from Kansas City to Atchison, Kans., of which 25.39 miles had been acquired from the Missouri River Railroad Company and 20.98 miles from The Leavenworth, Atchison and North Western Railroad Company. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Missouri River Railroad Company — Predecessor of Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison Railway Company


This company was controlled on July 8, 1880, the date of consolidation, by Jay Gould, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated from the date it was completed July 1, 1866, to the date of consolidation, by the Pacific Railroad and the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, successively. The railroad owned consisted of 25.39 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Kansas City to Leavenworth, Kans., all of which was acquired by construction. The road was constructed by A. Caldwell, contractor. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Leavenworth, Atchison and North Western Railroad Company — Predecessor of Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison Railway Company


This company was controlled on July 8, 1880, the date of consolidation, by Jay Gould, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from the date it was completed, October, 1869, to the date of consolidation by the Pacific Railroad and the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, successively. The railroad owned consisted of 20.98 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Leavenworth to Atchison, Kans., all of which was acquired by construction with its own forces. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Missouri Pacific Railway Company of Kansas

The accounting records of the company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled January 25, 1882, on the date of merger, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), through ownership of its capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), from the date it was placed in operation to the date of merger, without formal lease or other agreement.

The railroad owned on date of merger consisted of 48.13 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from a point near Atchison, Kans., to the Kansas-Nebraska State line, all of which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the forces of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880).

The Missouri Pacific Railway Company of Nebraska

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled March 4, 1882, the date of merger, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), through ownership of its capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), from the date it was placed in operation to date of merger, without formal lease or other agreement.

The railroad owned on date of demise consisted of 100.78 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from the Kansas-Nebraska State line to Sapillion, Nebr., all of which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the forces of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880).

Jefferson City, Lebanon and Southwestern Railway


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and other information in possession of the Missouri Pacific. The company was controlled September 12, 1883, the date of its sale by Jay Gould through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from March 15, 1882, the date of completion, to date of sale by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 39.25 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Jefferson City to Cooper, Mo., which was constructed under agreement dated December 14, 1880, by Jay Gould. The actual construction was performed by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Details with respect to the construction are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Laclede and Creve Coeur Lake Rail Road Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and other information in possession of the Missouri Pacific. The company was controlled September 12, 1882, the date of its sale by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from July 1, 1881, the date of its completion, to date of sale by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 11.99 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Lake Junction to Creve Coeur Lake, Mo., which was constructed under contract dated November 24, 1880, by Jay Gould. The actual construction was performed by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Details with respect to the construction are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Carthage, Joplin and Short Creek Railway Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and other information in possession of the Missouri Pacific. The company was controlled September 12, 1883, the date of its sale, by E. H. Brown, its president, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from June 19, 1882, the date of completion, to the date of sale. The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of about 17.63 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Carthage to Joplin, Mo., which was constructed by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Details with respect to the construction are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that the company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the organization of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) as a part of that company's system, without formal lease, from the date it was acquired, January 10, 1891, to the date of consolidation.

The company owned on the date of consolidation 1,456.11 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, of which 1,440.50 miles were located in Kansas and 15.61 miles in Missouri. This mileage consisted of a main line extending from Ottawa, Kans., to the Kansas-Colorado State line and several important branch and connecting lines. The company had a lease agreement for the exclusive use of the road of The Pueblo and State Line Railroad Company, which connected with the lessee's road at the Kansas-Colorado State line and extended from that point to Pueblo, Colo.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

The recorded mileage owned by this company amounted to 1,459.46, of which 1,141.23 miles were acquired by consolidation, 309.25 miles by purchase, and 8.98 miles by construction, less 3.35 miles retired. The mileage acquired by consolidation was from the following companies: The Council Grove, Osage City and Ottawa Railway Company, 69.53; The Topeka, Salina and Western Rail Road Company, 51.73; The Missouri Pacific Railway Company in Kansas, 19.42; The Kansas and Colorado Railroad Company, 136.02; Denver, Memphis and Atlantic Railway, 412.53; The Council Grove, Smoky Valley and Western Railway Company, 27.30; Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota Railway Company, 131.00; Salina, Sterling and El Paso Railroad Company, 40.10; The Wichita and Colorado Railway Company, 46.47; The Verdigris Valley, Independence and Western Railroad Company, 80.63; The Grouse Creek Railway Company, 25.07; and The Interstate Railway Company, 101.43. The 309.25 miles was acquired by purchase from The Fort Scott, Wichita and Western Railway Company.

Details with respect to the construction of the property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Council Grove, Osage City and Ottawa Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that the company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) under implied lease. The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 69.53 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Ottawa to Council Grove, Kans.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

The railroad of the company was all acquired by construction. A contract was made on May 8, 1886, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) with Robert Bagnell, a contractor of St. Louis, Mo., providing for the construction of the road. Work proceeded under this arrangement until about August 14, 1886, when the contract was assigned to Guy Phillips, of New York, as contractor, then assistant secretary of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). A new contract was made with Phillips which provided that he was to construct the road and to receive in payment therefor capital stock and bonds of The Council Grove, Osage City and Ottawa Railway Company, each at the rate of $15,000 per mile of constructed road. There is nothing of record to indicate that Phillips was actually engaged in the building of the road. The records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) indicate that that company furnished all the material used and made all payments in connection with construction. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Topeka, Salina and Western Rail Road Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on the date of consolidation, 51.73 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Council Grove, Kans., to a point on the west line of Dickinson County, Kans., where it connected with the road of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company in Kansas.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

The 51.73 miles of road owned by the company was acquired by construction. The greater part of the work was done by C. G. Patterson, a contractor of Boston, Mass., who had completed approximately 16 miles of road and partly completed about 35 miles at July, 1885. The contract provided that the contractors would furnish equipment.

About this date Jay Gould acquired control of the company through the purchase of a majority of its capital stock from the contractor. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), of which Gould was then president, finished the work of construction and placed the road in operation. In addition to the mileage between Council Grove and the west line of Dickinson County completed by this company, some right of way, grading, and material on the proposed line north of Council Grove, towards Topeka, Kans., was sold by deed dated April 4, 1889, to the Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company, now a part of The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Missouri Pacific Railway Company in Kansas


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that the company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation, 19.42 miles, consisting of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from a point on the west line of Dickinson County, Kans., where connection was had with The Topeka, Salina and Western Rail Road Company, to Salina, Kans. The railroad was all acquired by construction. The construction work was done by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) which furnished the material and made all payments. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Kansas and Colorado Railroad Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that the company then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned, on date of consolidation, 136.02 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located wholly within Kansas. The main line extended from Salina to a point on the east line of Ness County, 126.01 miles, and a branch line extended from Hoisington to Great Bend, 10.01 miles.

The railroad of the company was acquired by construction under a contract with W. V. McCracken and Company of New York, contractors. This contract provided that the contractors were to construct the road and were to receive in payment capital stock and bonds of the company each at the rate of $15,000 per mile of constructed road. Early in 1887 The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) acquired control of the property and did a small amount of work in completing the road. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Denver, Memphis and Atlantic Railway — formerly named Denver, Memphis and Atlantic Narrow Gauge Railway


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation, 412.53 miles, all in Kansas, consisted of two sections of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad; one, in the western part of the State, extending from a point on the east line of Ness County to a connection with The Pueblo and State Line Railroad on the Kansas-Colorado line, 138.52 miles; and the other in the eastern part of the State, extending from Chetopa to Larned, 272.49 miles, with a branch from Stafford to the Kansas-Oklahoma State line, 1.52 miles.

The railroad of the company was all acquired by construction under a contract with the Fitzgerald & Mallory Construction Company, contractors. It is of record that the Gould and Sage interests were stockholders in the contracting company. Late in 1887 The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) acquired control of the company, and did a small amount of work in completing the construction of its road. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Council Grove, Smoky Valley and Western Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 27.30 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Gypsum City to Marquette, Kans., which was all acquired by construction under a contract with P. J. Nichols, an employee of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). There is nothing of record to indicate that Nichols was actually engaged in the building of the road. The records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) indicate that that company supervised the work of construction and made all payments. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation, 131 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Topeka to Fort Scott, Kans., which was all acquired by construction, under a contract with The Enterprise Construction Company, contractors, a corporation of Kansas. The contract provided that the contractors would furnish equipment. Early in 1881, The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) acquired control of the property through the purchase of the securities which had been issued to the contractor in payment for constructing the road. After acquiring control, The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) did a small amount of work in completing the road. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Salina, Sterling and El Paso Railroad Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under implied lease from the date it was placed in operation, to the date of consolidation by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880).

The railroad owned on date of consolidation amounted to 40.10 miles, and consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Hutchinson to Geneseo, Kans., which was all acquired by construction under a contract with W. V. McCracken and Company, of New York, contractors. Late in 1887 The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) acquired control of the property through the purchase of the securities which had been issued to the contractors in payment for constructing the road. Some small expenditures were subsequently made by the controlling company in completing the road. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Wichita and Colorado Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation, 46.47 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Wichita to Hutchinson, Kans., which was acquired by construction. A contract was entered into by the company on November 2, 1885, with C. E. Burton and associates, contractors, providing for the construction of the road. On the same date the contract was assigned to Guy Phillips, of New York, as contractor, who was an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). There is nothing of record to indicate that Phillips was actually engaged in the building of the road. The records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) indicate that it furnished all the material used, and made all payments in connection with construction of the road. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Verdigris Valley, Independence and Western Railroad Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on the date of consolidation amounted to 80.63 miles. It consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad extending from Le Roy to Deering, Kans., which was all acquired by construction. The line from Le Roy to Winton, Kans., was constructed under contract by E. B. and J. B. Foster, contractors, and was completed in August, 1886. About this date The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) acquired control of the company and subsequently placed the road in operation. An extension from Winton to Deering, Kans., was constructed in 1888, The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) furnishing the material and making all payments therefor. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Grouse Creek Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on January 10, 1891, the date of consolidation, through stock ownership. The records reviewed do not indicate it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation amounted to 25.07 miles, and consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, wholly in Kansas, extending from Dexter to Arkansas City, which was acquired by construction under a contract with James Hill, of Arkansas City, Kans. About July, 1887, The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) acquired control of the property through the purchase of the securities which had been issued to the contractor in payment for constructing the road. Some small expenditures were subsequently made by the controlling company in completing construction of the road. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Interstate Railway Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Certain information stated below was obtained from the accounting records, from the report of the Missouri Pacific upon its corporate history, and other sources. The company was controlled on January 10, 1891, the date of its consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The company owned on the date of consolidation 101.43 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad. One section extended from Monluth Junction, Mo., to Le Roy, Kans., 74.31 miles, and another from Interstate Junction to Madison, Kans., 27.12 miles. Of the 101.43 miles of road owned by the company, 53.26 miles were acquired from The Inter-State Railroad Company and 48.17 miles from The St. Louis & Emporia Rail Road Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The St. Louis & Emporia Rail Road Company — Predecessor of The Interstate Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on July 3, 1890, the date of consolidation, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation amounted to 48.17 miles, all in Kansas. It consisted of two sections of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, one extending from a point on the Kansas-Missouri State line southwest through Linn County to the east line of Anderson County, 27.91 miles, and the other extending from a point on the west line of Rich Township, Anderson County, westerly to the town of Le Roy, 20.26 miles.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

The railroad of the company was all acquired by construction. The records indicate that a contract was made with The Kansas and Colorado Construction Company which was subsequently assigned to the Kansas and Missouri Improvement Company, but to what extent the road was constructed under these contracts was not determined.

About November, 1886, The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) obtained control of the property by acquiring the capital stock which had been issued to the construction companies. The records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) indicate that expenditures were made by that company in constructing the road of The St. Louis & Emporia Rail Road Company, beginning about October, 1884. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Inter-State Railroad Company — Predecessor of The Interstate Railway Company


This company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) on July 3, 1890, the date of consolidation, through stock ownership. Records reviewed did not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under implied lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation amounted to 53.26 miles, of which 37.65 miles were in Kansas and 15.61 miles in Missouri. It consisted of three sections of single-track, standard-gage steam railroad, one extending from Interstate Junction to Madison, Kans., 27.12 miles, another from a point on Linn Anderson County line to the east line of Rich Township, Kans., 10.53 miles, and the third from Mintuth Junction, Mo., to a point on the Missouri-Kansas State line, 15.61 miles, all acquired by construction. The records indicate that a contract was made with the Kansas and Missouri Construction Company but to what extent the road was constructed under the contract was not determined. About November, 1886, The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) obtained control of the company by acquiring capital stock which had been issued to the construction company. Considerable expenditures for construction of the road of the company are recorded in the accounts of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) beginning with October, 1886. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Fort Scott, Wichita and Western Railway Company


This company was controlled on July 1, 1891, the date of its sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records do not indicate that it controlled any other carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from August 1, 1887, the date the property was acquired, to the date of sale. The railroad owned was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, aggregating 309.25 miles. It consisted of a main line extending from the west side of the Marmaton River at Fort Scott in a westerly direction to Kiowa, Kans., and a branch line extending from Eldorado to McPherson, Kans., which had been acquired from the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company by purchase after foreclosure under deed of The Union Trust Company of New York, trustee, dated August 1, 1887. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company — Predecessor of The Fort Scott, Wichita and Western Railway Company, and Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company — Predecessor of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company; formerly named St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company


The St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company was formed by the consolidation of the Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company, formerly the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company, and the Ellsworth, McPherson, Newton and Southeastern Railway Company. The accounting records of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company and the Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company are continuous without distinction for the life of both companies. Therefore, for the purposes of this report, the two companies are treated as one, which is referred to herein as the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company.

On the date of consolidation, October 29, 1885, the Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company controlled the Ellsworth, McPherson, Newton and Southeastern Railway Company through stock ownership. The St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company was controlled on June 28, 1887, the date of foreclosure sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (1880) through stock ownership. Records do not indicate that this company controlled any other carrier corporation.

The property was operated by its own organization from July 1, 1881, the date the first section of the road was placed in operation, until the receivership, January 20, 1887. From that date the property was operated by a receiver until it was conveyed to the Fort Scott, Wichita and Western Railway Company, August 1, 1887. The railroad owned was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, aggregating 309.25 miles. It consisted of a main line extending from the west side of the Marmaton River at Fort Scott, in a westerly direction to Kiowa, Kans., and a branch line extending from Eldorado to McPherson, Kans.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the road owned by the company on date of foreclosure sale, it had acquired 31.75 miles from the Ellsworth, McPherson, Newton and Southeastern Railway Company and 277.50 miles by construction. An undetermined part of the road between Fort Scott and Iola, Kans., was constructed on right of way, partially graded, formerly owned by the Fort Scott, Humboldt and Western Railway Company. The construction work of the company prior to 1884 was performed partly by contractors, none of whom appears to have been affiliated with the company, and partly by company forces. Certain extensions built during the period 1884 to 1886 were constructed under contracts with Guy Phillips, who was an officer of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Fort Scott, Humboldt and Western Railway Company — Predecessor of the Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute record and other papers on file. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on June 21, 1875, the date its property was sold at foreclosure, nor, whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. This company acquired the property and rights of the Fort Scott and Allen County Railroad Company and the Fort Scott, Humboldt and Pacific Railway Company through the consolidation of those companies on October 13, 1871. The extent of the property so acquired could not be determined from the records reviewed. The records indicate that, on date of foreclosure sale, this company owned a partially constructed roadbed between Fort Scott and Humboldt, Kans.

Fort Scott, Humboldt and Pacific Railway Company — Predecessor of the Fort Scott, Humboldt and Western Railway Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Records reviewed do not indicate that it was controlled by any individual or corporation on October 13, 1871, the date of its consolidation, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company acquired any property to the date of consolidation.

Fort Scott and Allen County Railroad Company — Predecessor of the Fort Scott, Humboldt and Western Railway Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from agreements and other papers on file. The records do not indicate that this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on October 13, 1871, the date of its consolidation, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. This company contracted to issue its capital stock in exchange at par for bonds of Bourbon County, Salem, and Humboldt Townships and the city of Humboldt, Kans., and in turn, surrender the county, township and city bonds to the contractor for grading its road. It also contracted to issue first-mortgage 8 per cent bonds at the rate of $15,000 par value per mile for the construction of its railroad, including equipment, and to secure the surrender of $300,000 par value of stock, issued in exchange for county, township, and city bonds, to the contractor, or, in lieu thereof, to issue to the contractor $350,000 par value of 7 per cent preferred stock. The amount of securities issued or the extent of construction done to the date of consolidation could not be determined from the records reviewed.

Ellsworth, McPherson, Newton and Southeastern Railway Company — Predecessor of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company


This company was controlled by the Saint Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad Company on October 20, 1885, the date of its consolidation, with that company to form the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad Company, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company, having been completed first prior to date of consolidation, was not put in operation until after the consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation amounted to 31.75 miles and consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, extending from Eldorado to Newton, which was acquired by construction and which was done under contract by the West Kansas Construction Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Central Branch Railway Company


This company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of its consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909), through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of the company was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was acquired to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas. The owned mileage amounted to 388.19 and consisted of two main lines, one extending from Atchison to Lenora, the other extending from Downs to Alton, and branch lines extending from Greenleaf to Washington, from Yuma to Warwick, and from Jamestown to Burr Oak. Of the road owned 100.01 miles had been acquired from The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company, 254.78 miles from The Atchison, Colorado & Pacific Railway Company, and 33.40 miles from The Atchison, Jewell County & Western Railway Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company

This company was controlled on July 8, 1899, the date of consolidation, by the Union Pacific Railway Company, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was acquired to the date of consolidation. The company owned on date of consolidation 100.01 miles of single-track, standard-gage railroad, extending from Atchison to Waterville, Kans. which was acquired by purchase. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company — Predecessor of The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company, formerly named Atchison and Pikes Peak Railroad Company


The accounting records were of such a fragmentary nature that only partial information could be obtained from them regarding the financial dealings, corporate operations, or investments.

The company was controlled on June 27, 1898, the date of its foreclosure, by the Union Pacific Railway Company, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date of completion, September 8, 1868, until December 6, 1880. On that date operation of the property was assumed by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and operated by it until the receivership, October 13, 1893. From October 13, 1893, until June 30, 1898, it was operated by the receivers.

The railroad operated by the company was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, aggregating 388.19 miles. The owned mileage amounted to 100.01 miles and consisted of a main line extending from Atchison to Waterville, Kans. The mileage operated under lease amounted to 288.18 and consisted of two main lines, one extending from Waterville to Lenora, the other extending from Downs to Alton, Kans., and branch lines extending from Greenleaf to Washington, from Yuma to Warwick, and from Jamestown to Burr Oak.

The road owned by this company on the date of foreclosure was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by William Osborn under contract dated May 9, 1865. The first 40.01 miles of road from Atchison west was completed January 1, 1867, and the remaining 60.00 miles, January 20, 1868, the entire property having been turned over to the company by the contractor on September 8, 1868.

The Atchison, Colorado & Pacific Railway Company

The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. The company was controlled on July 8, 1899, the date of its consolidation, by the Union Pacific Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was acquired to the date of consolidation.

The company owned on the date of consolidation 254.78 miles of single-track, standard-gage railroad, in Kansas. It consisted of two main lines, one extending from Waterville to Lenora, the other extending from Downs to Alton, and branch lines extending from Greenleaf to Washington and from Yuma to Warwick, all of which was acquired by purchase. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.


The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Colorado & Pacific Railway Company


This company was controlled December 21, 1898, on the date of foreclosure by the Union Pacific Railway Company, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company under lease from the date it was acquired to July 1, 1898, and by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) for account of the receiver, from July 1, 1898, to the date of foreclosure.

The railroad owned on the date of foreclosure, was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, aggregating 254.78 miles and consisted of two main lines, one extending from Waterville to Lenora, the other from Downs to Alton. Its branch lines extended from Greenleaf to Washington and from Yuma to Warwick.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the 254.78 miles of road owned by the company on date of sale, it had acquired 187.20 miles of completed road and 51.28 miles of partially constructed road by consolidation and 16.30 miles by construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Waterville and Washington Railroad Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. In the ratification of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, by persons holding two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock, $60,000 of the $73,900 par value represented in the ratification was held by Washington Township, Washington County, Kans. The property was operated by the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company under lease from the date it was completed to the date of consolidation. The company owned on date of consolidation approximately 20 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Waterville to Washington, Kans. The authorized capital stock was $600,000 par value, shares $100 each. Under the terms of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, it was provided that the stockholders of this company should receive capital stock of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company at the rate of $6,000 par value for each mile of road constructed in lieu of capital stock of this company surrendered.

The Republican Valley Rail Way Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company

The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. In the ratification of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, by persons holding two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock, wherein $49,800 par value of capital stock was represented, $60,100 par value was represented by The Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company, $70,000 par value by the county of Cloud, Kans., $20,000 by the township of Clifton, Washington County, Kans., and the remainder $99,700 par value by various individuals. The property was operated by the Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company under lease from the date it was completed to the date of consolidation. The company owned on the date of consolidation approximately 41.70 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Greenleaf to Concordia, Kans. The authorized capital stock was $900,000 par value, shares $100 each. Under the terms of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, it was provided that the stockholders of this company should receive capital stock of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company at the rate of $6,000 par value for each mile of road constructed, in lieu of capital stock of this company surrendered.

The Atchison, Solomon Valley and Denver Railway Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company

The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. In the ratification of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, by persons holding two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock, wherein $214,800 par value of capital stock was represented, $52,900 par value was represented by The Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company, the remainder being represented by various individuals. The property was operated by the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company under lease from the date it was completed to the date of its demise. The company owned, on the date of its demise, approximately 71.20 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Kansas. It extended from Concordia to Cawker and from Downs to Alton. The authorized capital stock was $1,000,000 par value, shares $100 each, classed as common. Under the terms of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, it was provided that the stockholders of this company should receive capital stock of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company at the rate of $6,000 par value for each mile of road constructed in lieu of capital stock of this company surrendered.

Atchison, Republican Valley and Pacific Railway Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company

The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. In the ratification of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, by persons holding two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock, wherein $77,700 par value of capital stock was represented, $21,700 par value was represented by the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company, and the remainder was represented by various individuals. The company owned on date of consolidation approximately 14.50 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Yuma to Scandia, Kans. The authorized capital stock was $1,400,000 par value, shares $100 each. Under the terms of consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, it was provided that the stockholders of this company should receive capital stock of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company at the rate of $6,000 par value for each mile of road constructed in lieu of capital stock of this company surrendered.

Atchison and Denver Railway Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company

The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from other sources. The company was controlled on December 22, 1879, the date of its consolidation, by James P. Pomeroy, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The company owned on the date of consolidation approximately 39.80 miles of standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Cawker to Kirwin, Kans., and approximately 51.28 miles of partially constructed road extending from Kirwin to Lenora, Kans. The authorized capital stock was $6,400,000 par value, shares $100 each. Under the terms of the consolidation agreement of December 22, 1879, it was provided that the stockholders of this company should receive capital stock of The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific Railroad Company at the rate of $6,000 par value for each mile of road constructed in lieu of capital stock of this company surrendered.

The Atchison, Jewell County & Western Railway Company

This company was controlled on July 8, 1899, the date of consolidation, by the Union Pacific Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was acquired, until the date of consolidation. The company owned on the date of demise 33.4 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad extending from Jamestown to Burr Oak, Kans., all of which was acquired from the Atchison, Jewell County and Western Railroad Company. The authorized capital stock was $585,000 par value, shares $100 each. [...]

Atchison, Jewell County and Western Railroad Company — Predecessor of The Atchison, Jewell County & Western Railway Company


This company was controlled on December 21, 1898, the date of foreclosure by the Union Pacific Railway Company, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from the date it was completed until February 7, 1898, by the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company and its successor, The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company. From February 7, 1898, until the date of foreclosure sale, the property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) for account of the receivers. The railroad owned on the date of foreclosure consisted of a 33.4 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Jamestown to Burr Oak, Kans., which was acquired by construction in 1880. The construction work was performed by James P. Pomeroy, a contractor, and the road was completed March 15, 1880.

The Rooks County Railroad Company


This company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records do not indicate that it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from November 4, 1885, the date of its completion, to the date of consolidation. The railroad of this company consisted of 18.25 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Alton to Stockton, Kans., which was acquired by construction. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Nevada and Minden Railway Company, formerly named Nevada and Girard Railway Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). This company was controlled August 9, 1909, on the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date of its completion, August 11, 1886, to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned consisted of 32.56 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Nassau Junction, Mo., to the Missouri-Kansas State line where it connected with the road of the Nevada and Minden Railway Company of Kansas, all of which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the forces of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.


Nevada and Minden Railway Company of Kansas

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). This company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date of its completion, August 1, 1886, to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned consisted of 41.15 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from a connection with The Nevada and Minden Railway Company at Missouri-Kansas State line to Chetopa, Kans., which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the forces of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.


Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company


The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from records in possession of the Missouri Pacific.

The company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from December 1, 1886, the date of its completion, to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 27 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from the Missouri-Kansas State line to Paola, Kans., which was acquired by construction. Construction was performed under contract by W. V. McCracken and Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company of Missouri


This company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from December 21, 1887, the date of its completion, to the date of the consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 20.70 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Cecil, Mo., to the Missouri-Kansas State line, which was all acquired by construction. The construction was performed by W. V. McCracken and Company, contractors. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Fort Scott Central Railway Company


The accounting records of The Fort Scott Central Railway Company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880).

This company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was acquired or placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned by the company was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas and Missouri, aggregating 83.65 miles. Its main lines extended from Fort Scott, Kans., to Rich Hill, Mo., from Fort Scott to Cornell, Kans., together with a belt line within the corporate limits of Fort Scott, Kans. Branch lines extended from Webb City to Mears Mine, Mo., and from Webb City to Orinogo, Mo.

Of the road owned by the company on the date of consolidation, it had acquired 26.27 miles from The Fort Scott & Eastern Railway Company, 26.87 miles from The Fort Scott & Southern Railway Company, and 3.91 miles from The Fort Scott Belt Terminal Railway Company. The road from Webb City to Mears Mine, Mo., and from Webb City to Orinogo, Mo., 26.60 miles, was constructed under the charter of this company by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Fort Scott & Eastern Railway Company


The accounting records of the company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled on August 1, 1891, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned consisted of 26.27 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Fort Scott, Kans., to Rich Hill, Mo., which was all acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract by Guy Phillips, an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and by forces of that company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Fort Scott & Southern Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled on August 1, 1891, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation 26.87 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, extending from Fort Scott to Cornell, which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract by Guy Phillips, an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and by forces of that company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Fort Scott Belt Terminal Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled on August 1, 1891, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was placed in operation to the date of consolidation.

The property consisted of a belt line 3.91 miles in length, in Fort Scott, Kans., which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract by Guy Phillips, an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), and by forces of that company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Kanopolis and Kansas Central Railway Company


The company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from December 28, 1887, the date of its completion, to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 14.16 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Geneseo to Kanopolis, Kans,. which was acquired by construction performed under contract by H. M. Beatty. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Kansas Southwestern Railway Company


The company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was put in operation December 13, 1887, to the date of consolidation. The railroad owned on date of consolidation, consisted of 20.09 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Olcott to Iuka, Kans. The company acquired by construction during the year 1887, 24.91 miles of road from Olcott to the end of track west of Iuka , Kans. The construction work was performed by the Fitzgerald-Mallory Construction Company. During the year 1902, 4.82 miles of road at end of track west of Iuka were abandoned. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Leroy and Caney Valley Air Line Rail Road Company


This company was controlled on August 9, 1909, the date of consolidation, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated under a lease by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from the date it was put in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned consisted of 51.78 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Roper to Peru, Kans., which was acquired by construction. The road was completed and put in operation in two sections: From Roper to Elk City, Kans., 29.98 miles, completed December 21, 1886, and from Elk City to Peru, Kans., 21.80 miles, completed May 4, 1887. The construction work was performed by Warren H. Loss and by Simmons and Sidell, contractors.

Joplin and Western Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). This company was controlled on January 18, 1910, the date of sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and The Missouri Pacific Company (of 1909), successively, from the date it was put in operation to the date of sale. The railroad owned consisted of 4.59 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Joplin to Grand Falls, Mo. which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract with Guy Phillips, an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), and by forces of that company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Omaha Southern Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Information given below was obtained from the accounting records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). This company was controlled on January 18, 1910, the date of its sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from the date of completion to August 9, 1909, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and from that date to the date of sale by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909).

The property owned on the date of sale consisted of 25.44 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Union northwest to Gilmore Junction, Nebr., which was acquired by construction. It was constructed by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through a contract with Guy Phillips. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific in Nebraska.

Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska


This company was controlled on January 18, 1910, the date of its sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909), through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated from the date of completion to August 9, 1909, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and from that date to the date of sale it was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909). The railroad owned on the date of sale consisted of 73 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Warwick, Kans., northwest to Prosser, Nebr., of which 1.74 miles was acquired by purchase from The Pacific Railway Company in Kansas and 71.26 miles were acquired by construction. Both the property purchased and that acquired by construction was constructed under contract by T. J. Prosser and Company. Further details are given in the accounting reports on the Missouri Pacific in Nebraska and the Missouri Pacific.

The Pacific Railway Company in Kansas

The accounting records were not obtained. Information given below was obtained from the records of the Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on September 19, 1887, the date of its sale, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The company owned on date of sale 1.74 miles of railroad, extending from the Nebraska-Kansas State line to Warwick, Kans. This property was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by T. J. Prosser and Company, contractors. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific. The outlay for constructing the property is concluded in that reported for the Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska, but is not separable therefrom. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company issued any capital stock. The unpaid liability it had incurred for the construction of its property was paid by the Pacific Railway Company in Nebraska upon taking title to the property.

The Pueblo and State Line Railroad Company


Although the property of The Pueblo and State Line Railroad Company was not conveyed to its successor until January 18, 1910, the accounts of the company for the results of corporate operations were closed on August 9, 1909, and certain other accounts were closed on that date. The company was controlled by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) on January 18, 1910, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company, itself, controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by the organization of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from date of completion, December 15, 1887, until May 31, 1909. From that date until date of sale the property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909). The company owned on date of sale 152.12 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Pueblo, Colo., to a connection with the road of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) at the Colorado-Kansas State line, which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the Fitzgerald & Mallory Construction Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

St. Louis, Oak Hill and Carondelet Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). This company was controlled on January 18, 1910, the date of sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909), successively, from the date it was put in operation to date of sale.

The railroad owned by this company consisted of 6.30 miles of double-track, standard-gage road, extending from a connection with the main line of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) near Tower Grove to a point east of Ivory Avenue at Carondelet, in the city of St. Louis, Mo., which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract with Guy Phillips, an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), and by forces of that company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Nebraska Southern Railway Company


The accounting records were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from the accounting records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled on January 18, 1910, the date of sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from August 28, 1887, the date of its completion, to August 9, 1909, and by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) from that date to date of sale.

The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 16.12 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Nebraska, extending from Auburn Junction in a general northerly direction to a point 16.12 miles therefrom. The entire road was acquired by construction, which was performed by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Carthage and Western Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from its minute book and from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). This company was controlled on January 19, 1910, the date of sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909), successively, from the date it was put in operation to the date of sale.

The railroad owned consisted of 17.96 miles of single-track, standard-gage road, extending from Carthage to Asbury, Mo., all of which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the forces of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Construction was completed in two sections, that from Carthage to Neck City, Mo., 8.42 miles, August 15, 1903, and that from Neck City to Asbury, Mo., 9.54 miles, December 31, 1903.

Omaha Belt Railway Company


The accounting records of this company were of such fragmentary nature that but little could be obtained from them regarding its financial dealings, corporate operations, or investments. Data given below were obtained from the records of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The company was controlled on January 19, 1910, the date of sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) from December 1, 1886, the date of completion, to August 9, 1909, and by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) from that date to date of sale.

The property owned on date of sale consisted of 16.17 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Nebraska. Its main line extended from the Sarpy-Douglas County line to Webster Street in the city of Omaha, 13.12 miles, with a branch line from West Side Junction, to Summit Junction, 3.05 miles, all of which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under agreement with Jay Gould by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Sedalia, Warsaw & South Western Railway Company


This company was controlled January 19, 1910, the date of sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through ownership of stock. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909), successively, from the date it was acquired to the date of sale. The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 43.23 miles of single-track, standard-gage road extending from Sedalia to Warsaw, Mo., which was acquired from the Sedalia, Warsaw and Southern Railway Company. The gage of the road was changed from narrow to standard gage by this company about August 3, 1902. Details are given in the report on the Missouri Pacific.

Sedalia, Warsaw and Southern Railway Company


This company was controlled April 15, 1891, on the date of foreclosure, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) through ownership of stock. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date it was put in operation, December 1, 1880, to the date of foreclosure. The railroad owned by this company consisted of 43.23 miles of single-track, narrow-gage road extending from Sedalia to Warsaw, Mo., which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the Osage Valley Construction Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company



This company was controlled on May 12, 1917, the date of foreclosure sale, by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) through ownership of capital stock. The company controlled, through ownership of capital stock, the Cairo and Thebes Railroad Company, Ft. Smith Suburban Railway Company, and the Little Rock Junction Railway, whose common-carrier properties it operated.

It controlled, further, through ownership of stock, the Coal Belt Electric Railway Company, Natchez & Southern Railway Company, Natchez & Louisiana Railway Transfer Company, Arkansas Central Railroad Company, the Union Railway Company (Memphis), and the Iron Mountain Railroad of Memphis, which was leased to the Union Railway Company (Memphis).

It controls jointly with other carriers, through ownership of stock to the extent indicated, the following-named companies, which operated their own properties: Memphis Union Station Company and Southern Illinois and Missouri Bridge Company, 20 per cent; Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company, 33 ⅓ per cent; Memphis Railroad Terminal Company, 10 per cent; Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis, 6 ⅔ per cent; Trans-Mississippi Terminal Railroad Company, 50 per cent, and Missouri and Illinois Bridge and Belt Railroad Company, 9 per cent.

It also controlled jointly with The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1909) and the Wabash Railway Company, the American Refrigerator Transit Company, a private car-line company.

The property of the company was operated by its own organization from the date of formation, May 16, 1874, to August 19, 1915. From the latter date to May 31, 1917, when the Missouri Pacific assumed control and operation under the master's deed of May 12, 1917, it was operated by the receiver. The railroad operated by the company was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, aggregating 3,215.97 miles.

The owned mileage amounted to 3,184.14 miles and consisted principally of main lines extending from St. Louis, Mo., via Little Rock, Ark., to Texarkana, Ark., and from Little Rock, Ark., to Lake Charles, La., together with numerous other main and branch lines in the States previously mentioned.

The mileage operated under lease amounted to 31.83 miles and extended from Thebes, Ill., to Cairo, Ill.; Argenta, Ark., to Little Rock, Ark.; the bridge across the Arkansas River between Little Rock, Ark., and Baring Cross, Ark., and a belt line within the city of Fort Smith, Ark.

The company used under trackage rights 324.99 miles of road of other carriers, of which 110.32 miles, owned by the St. Louis-Southwestern Railway Company, extended from Illmo Junction, Mo., to Paragould, Ark., and 183 miles, owned by The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, extended from Alexandria, La., to Mile Post 9, near New Orleans, La. Part of the remaining mileage used under trackage rights afforded access to East St. Louis, Ill., Memphis, Tenn., and New Orleans, La.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the 3,184.14 miles owned by the company on the date of foreclosure sale, 684.98 miles were acquired by consolidation, 1,773.51 by purchase from 36 predecessor companies, and 733.16 miles by construction, less 7.51 miles sold or involved in minor changes. Of the road owned at date of foreclosure, 193.69 miles located in Illinois, was acquired in the reorganization by the Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Illinois, a Delaware corporation, which was subsequently acquired by the Missouri Pacific. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1874)


This company was incorporated for the purpose of consolidating the properties of The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company and its Arkansas branch, and The Cairo, Arkansas and Texas Railroad Company. Separate books of account were not opened for the consolidated company, the accounting being continued in the books of The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company. For this reason the report on this company includes the transactions of both companies with respect to results of corporate operations, notes issued and retired, and investment in road and equipment.

The records reviewed did not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 16, 1874, the date of its consolidation, or whether it then controlled any other common-carrier corporation. However, it is of record that the principal officers and directors of this company were the same as those of the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company, with which this company was consolidated.

The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date of incorporation to the date of consolidation. The railroad operated on date of consolidation, 379.69 miles of single-track, 5-foot gage railroad, all owned, consisting of two main lines, one extending from St. Louis to the Missouri-Arkansas State line, 184.90 miles, and the other from Bismarck to Belmont, 120.30 miles; and two branches, one extending from Poplar Bluff to Birds Point, 70.77 miles, and the other from Mineral Point to Potosi, 3.72 miles.

Of the road owned on date of consolidation, 210.83 miles had been acquired from The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company, 98.09 miles from the Arkansas branch, and 70.77 miles from The Cairo, Arkansas and Texas Railroad Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company


As explained in the preceding report, the books of account of this company were continued by the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1874). Therefore, the report on the last-named company includes the transactions of both companies with respect to results of corporate operations, notes issued and retired, and investment in road and equipment.

The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 20, 1874, the date of consolidation, or that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. However, it is of record that the principal officers and directors of the company were the same as those of the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company and The Cairo, Arkansas and Texas Railroad Company. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date of acquirement thereof to the date of consolidation.

The railroad operated on date of consolidation, 210.83 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, all owned, consisted of two main lines, one extending from St. Louis to Pilot Knob, Mo., 86.81 miles, and the other from Bismarck to Belmont, Mo., 120.30 miles, with a branch line from Mineral Point to Potosi, Mo., 3.72 miles, of which it acquired 90.53 miles by purchase and 120.30 miles by construction.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the road owned on date of consolidation 90.53 miles had been acquired from the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1851) and 120.30 miles by construction. When acquired the 90.53 miles of road mentioned above was 5-foot 6-inch gage, which was changed to 5-foot gage in 1868. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1851) — Predecessor of The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Certain information stated below was obtained from other sources. The records reviewed did not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on July 29, 1867, the date of reorganization, nor that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. However, it is of record that the principal officers and directors of the company were the same as those of the Cairo and Fulton Rail Road Company. The property of this company was always operated by its own organization.

The company owned on the date of reorganization 90.53 miles of single-track, 5-foot 6-inch gage, steam railroad, consisting of a main line extending from St. Louis to Pilot Knob, Mo., 86.81 miles, and a branch line extending from Mineral Point to Potosi, Mo., 3.72 miles, which it had acquired by construction. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (Arkansas Branch)


This company constructed a branch line under the name of the "Arkansas Branch," for which separate capital stock and funded debt were issued and for which separate books of account were kept. Therefore, all matters pertaining to the Arkansas branch are set forth in the report that follows. The railroad consisted of 98.09 miles of single-track, 5-foot gage, steam railroad wholly within Missouri and extending from Pilot Knob to the Missouri-Arkansas State line, all of which had been acquired through construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Cairo, Arkansas and Texas Railroad Company


The records reviewed did not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 20, 1874, the date of consolidation, nor whether it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. However, it is of record that the principal officers and directors of the company were the same as those of the company with which it consolidated, The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date it was acquired to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned on date of consolidation consisted of 70.77 miles of single track, 5-foot gage, steam railroad, extending from Birds Point to Poplar Bluff, Mo., of which 20 miles had been acquired from Thomas Allen and associates, being the property formerly owned by the Cairo and Fulton Rail Road Company, and 50.77 miles by construction. It also reconstructed the 20 miles of road acquired from Thomas Allen and associates. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Cairo and Fulton Rail Road Company — Predecessor of The Cairo, Arkansas and Texas Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Certain information stated below was obtained from the accounting records of The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company. The records reviewed did not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 21, 1872, the date of reorganization, or whether it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. However, it is of record that the principal officers and directors were the same as those of The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date it was put in operation to the date of reorganization.

The company owned on the date of reorganization 20 miles of single-track, 5-foot gage, steam railroad, extending from Pud Point to Buffington, Mo., which it had acquired by construction. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.


Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company


The records reviewed did not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 16, 1874, the date of consolidation, or whether it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. However, it is of record that the principal officers and directors of the company were the same as those of the company with which it consolidated, the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company (of 1874). The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date it was put in operation to the date of consolidation.

The railroad operated on the date of consolidation, 305.29 miles, all owned, consisted of a single-track, 5-foot gage, steam railroad, extending from a point on the Missouri-Arkansas line, where connection was had with the road of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company, southwesterly through Arkansas to Texarkana, Ark., which was all acquired by construction. A contract was made on November 19, 1870, between the company and Josiah Caldwell of Boston, providing for the construction of the road and payment therefor in the company's securities. The contract was later assigned to D. D. Parmley and the road was completed and opened for operation April 2, 1873. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Kansas City and Southern Railway Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on October 26, 1882, the date of sale of its property, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road, February 21, 1882, until the date of sale. The company owned on date of sale 42.90 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Helena to Forest City, Ark., all of which had been acquired by purchase from the Iron Mountain and Helena Railroad Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific. The articles of incorporation referred to indicate that the company was authorized to issue $840,000 par value of capital stock, shares of $100 each. How much of this stock was actually issued or the considerations received therefor was not indicated by the records reviewed.

Iron Mountain and Helena Railroad Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on February 21, 1882, the date of sale of its property, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from date of completion until date of sale.

The company owned on date of sale 42.90 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Helena to Forest City, Ark., which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by F. M. Green, contractor. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Doniphan Branch Railway Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated herein after were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from the books of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on February 15, 1884, the date of sale of its property, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from date of completion until date of sale.

The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 20.50 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Neeleyville to Doniphan, Mo. This property was constructed by The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) for this company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Jackson Branch Railroad Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from the books of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on January 6, 1885, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from date of completion until date of sale.

The company owned on date of sale 16.31 miles of standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Allenville to Jackson, Mo., which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract with the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Little Rock, Mississippi River and Texas Railway


The records reviewed do not indicate that this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on January 28, 1887, the date of foreclosure, or that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from February, 1876, to the date of foreclosure. The railroad owned, 167.72 miles, all in Arkansas, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, the main line extending from Little Rock southeasterly to Halley, thence westerly to Warren with branches from Trippe Junction to Arkansas City, and from Varner to Cummings Landing.

Of the road owned by the company, on date of sale, it had acquired 92.31 miles through foreclosure and reorganization of the Texas, Mississippi & Northwestern Railroad Company, and constructed 126.41 miles. Of the road acquired through foreclosure, 51 miles were abandoned in 1876. The records reviewed indicate that the construction work was performed by contract. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Texas, Mississippi & Northwestern Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from records in possession of the Missouri Pacific. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on December 16, 1875, the date of foreclosure, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property owned by the company on the date of sale was operated by its own organization from November 11, 1873, the date its property was acquired, to the date of foreclosure.

The railroad owned was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas, and aggregating 92.31 miles. It extended from Pine Bluff to Collins. Of the road owned on date of foreclosure, 27.57 miles had been acquired from the Mississippi, Ouachita and Red River Railroad Company and 64.74 miles from the Little Rock, Pine Bluff and New Orleans Railroad Company by consolidation of those companies. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Little Rock, Pine Bluff and New Orleans Railroad Company — Predecessor of the Texas, Mississippi & Northwestern Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from records in possession of the Missouri Pacific.

The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on November 11, 1873, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property owned by the company was operated by its own organization from the date of its completion, in 1870, to the date of consolidation.

The railroad owned was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas, and aggregating 64.74 miles. It extended from Pine Bluff, southeasterly, to Chicot and was acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the road was constructed under contract or by company forces. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Mississippi, Ouachita and Red River Railroad Company — Predecessor of the Texas, Mississippi & Northwestern Railroad Company

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from records in possession of the Missouri Pacific.

The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on November 11, 1873, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property owned by the company on the date of consolidation was operated by its own organization from the date it was completed, sometime prior to 1870, until date of consolidation. The railroad owned was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas, and aggregating 27.57 miles. It extended from Chicot, on the Mississippi River, south to Arkansas City, thence west to Collins and was acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the road was constructed under contract or by company forces. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Camden and Alexandria Railway Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated herein after were obtained from its articles of incorporation and its minute book. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 27, 1892, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from date of completion until date of sale.

The company owned on date of sale 32.48 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Camden to Eldorado, Ark., which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract with Guy Phillips, who was an officer of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railway Company


Although the property of this company was not conveyed to its successor until December 13, 1893, the accounts of the company were closed on December 31, 1891. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on December 13, 1893, the date of sale, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway from the date of acquisition thereof until date of sale. The company owned on date of sale 190.48 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Alexandria, La., and McGehee, Ark., of which 144.59 miles had been acquired from the Alexandria and St. Louis Railway Company and 45.89 miles by construction. The construction work of this company was performed under contract with Guy Phillips, who was affiliated with the company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Alexandria and St. Louis Railway Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on November 23, 1893, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of the company was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from the date it acquired its original road until date of sale. This company owned on date of sale 144.59 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Alexandria, La., and the Louisiana-Arkansas State line, which had been acquired by purchase from the Houston, Central Arkansas and Northern Rail Road Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Rail Road Company — Predecessor of the Alexandria and St. Louis Railway Company


Although the property of this company was not conveyed to its successor until April 29, 1893, its accounts were closed on December 31, 1891. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 29, 1893, the date of sale, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from date of completion until date of sale. The company owned on date of sale 144.59 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Alexandria, La., and the Louisiana-Arkansas State line, all of which had been acquired by construction. About 53 miles of the road between Merouge and Riverton, La., was constructed under contract by the Reynolds and Henry Construction Company. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the contactors were affiliated with the company. The remaining mileage was constructed under contract with Guy Phillips and Jay Gould, who were affiliated with the company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railroad Company (of May, 1887) — Predecessor of the Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Rail Road Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 10, 1889, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. This company owned no common-carrier property on date of consolidation. The articles of incorporation referred to indicate that the company was authorized to issue $3,000,000 par value of capital stock, shares $100 each. How much of this stock was actually issued by the company or the considerations received therefor, was not indicated by the records reviewed.

The Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railroad Company (of March, 1887) — Predecessor of the Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Rail Road Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 10, 1889, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. This company owned no common-carrier property on date of consolidation. The articles of incorporation referred to indicate that this company was authorized to issue $300,000 par value of capital stock, shares $100 each. How much of this stock was actually issued by the company or the considerations received therefor was not indicated by the records reviewed.

White River Railway Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the report of the Missouri Pacific on its corporate history and the accounting records of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The company was controlled on January 31, 1903, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed did not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company as a part of its own system from January 1, 1903, the date construction was completed, until the date of sale.

The railroad owned consisted of 41.90 miles of steam road, from Cushman Branch Connection to Mount Olive, Ark., which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by J. H. Reynolds and Company, Kenefick Hammond Company, and the Bethune, Dalhoff, McNervy Construction Company.

The authorized capital stock was $3,810,000 par value, shares $100 each. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company recorded the acquisition of $260,000 par value of this stock , at a total cost of one 5 per cent assessment, or $13,000, which was retired through the sale of the property. The funds for construction of the road were advanced by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, but the amount applicable to the 41.90 miles of completed road is not separable from the total outlay recorded by that company for construction of additional mileage after the date of sale.

St. Louis Valley Railway

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from its minute book and agreements. The records reviewed did not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 30, 1903, the date of sale. The records did not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The records reviewed indicate that the road owned amounted to 145.26 miles, of which 119.26 miles, between Valley Junction and North Junction, Ill., were acquired by construction and about 26 miles, between Gorham and Zeigler, Ill., had been acquired by purchase from the East and West Illinois Railway. The construction work on this road was being performed under contract by the West and Fordyce Construction Company on the date of sale. Under the terms of the contract the company agreed to issue to the contractor $25,000 par value of first mortgage bonds and $25,000 par value of capital stock for each mile of completed road. The accounting records of the contractor were not obtained.

East and West Illinois Railway

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the minute book and the accounting records of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and the St. Louis Valley Railway. The records reviewed did not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on November 20, 1902, the date of sale. The records did not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The West and Fordyce Construction Company, which was constructing the property at the date of sale, financed the construction under an agreement which provided for its reimbursement in capital stock and bonds of the St. Louis Valley Railway, successor to this company. The minute records of the company indicate that it was in possession of and operating about 26 miles of completed road, between Gorham and Zeigler, Ill., of the East and West Illinois Railway as of date of sale. The authorized capital stock was $5,000 par value, shares $100 each. How much was actually issued and the considerations received therefor was not ascertainable from the records obtained.

St. Louis Valley Transfer Railway

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the minute book and the accounting records of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The records reviewed did not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 27, 1903, the date of sale, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. This company did not construct any mileage, but owned certain right of way in St. Clair County, Ill., on date of sale. The authorized capital stock was $10,000 par value, shares $100 each. How much was actually issued and the considerations received therefor was not ascertainable from the records obtained.

Memphis, Helena and Lousiana Railway Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 30, 1903, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway from date of completion until date of sale.

The company owned 38.15 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Halley, Ark., and the Arkansas-Louisiana State line, which was acquired by construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Memphis, Helena and Lousiana Railroad Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on April 30, 1903, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from the date of completion until date of sale.

The company owned on date of sale 26.22 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between the Arkansas-Louisiana State line and Alsatia, La., which was acquired by construction. It also owned a partially constructed road between Alsatia and Clayton Junction, La., 76.29 miles. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway — Formerly Named the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad


This company was controlled on April 13, 1906, the date of sale of its property, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through ownership of 99 per cent of its capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date of acquisition to December 31, 1889. From the latter date to the date of sale it was operated under lease by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The railroad owned consisted of about 166.51 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, all in Arkansas. Its main line extended from Argenta westward to Van Buren and to Fort Smith, about 161.25 miles, with a branch line extending from the main line to Coal Hill, about 5.26 miles, of which 100.65 miles were acquired by purchase at foreclosure from the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad Company and 65.86 miles were acquired by construction. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Coal Hill Branch of The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway

The accounting records of this company were not obtained. This company was organized by officials of The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway for the purpose of constructing about 3 miles of road extending from Coal Hill to the Allister Coal Mine, Ark. It was in existence less than a month and to the date of its sale, January 12, 1885, had constructed no property.

Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad Company — Formerly Named Little Rock and Fort Smith Branch of the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company


The accounting records of this company were not obtained. Data given below were obtained from records in possession of the Missouri Pacific. The records reviewed do not indicate that the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on December 10, 1874, the date its property was sold at foreclosure to the bondholders' agents. The property was conveyed to The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway, by the special master, December 19, 1874. The property of the company was operated by its own organization from the date of its completion to the date of sale. The railroad owned consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, from Argenta to Clarksville, Ark., about 100.65 miles, which was acquired by construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Wabash Southern Railway Company

No accounting records were kept by this company. Data indicated below were obtained from the records of its successor, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, and the report of the Missouri Pacific on its corporate history. The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through ownership of its capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from July, 1908, the date construction of the road was completed, until the date of sale. The railroad owned consisted of 9.44 miles of single-track, steam railroad, from Zeigler to Benton, Ill., which was acquired by construction. The authorized capital stock was $10,000 par value, shares $100 each. All of this stock was issued to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company in payment of advances for construction. The records of the latter indicate that expenditures aggregating $435,676.67 were made in the construction of the road owned by the company.

St. Louis, Watkins and Gulf Railway Company


The property of this company was conveyed to its successor by deed dated September 1, 1909, but the accounts of the company for the results of corporate operations were continued to March 31, 1910, and other accounts were not closed until that date. The accounting data in this report, therefore, cover the period to March 31, 1910. The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of its sale through ownership of capital stock. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road, May 26, 1902, to the date of sale. The railroad owned 102.85 miles, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, from Alexandria to Lake Charles, La., 97.86 miles, and four branch lines aggregating 4.99 miles, of which 101.20 miles had been acquired by purchase from the Farmers Loan and Trust Company, which company had acquired it at foreclosure sale from the Kansas City, Watkins and Gulf Railway Company, and 1.65 miles by construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Kansas City, Watkins and Gulf Railway Company


The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 23, 1902, the date of its demise, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date its original road was placed in operation, October 1, 1892, until it was placed in receivership, February 12, 1898. From that date until the date of foreclosure it was operated by a receiver. The railroad operated by the receiver on date of foreclosure, 101.20 miles, all owned by the company, consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Lake Charles to Alexandria, La., 98.37 miles, and two branch lines aggregating 2.83 miles all of which had been acquired by construction. The records reviewed indicate that the construction work was all performed by J. B. Watkins, contractor, who was also a director of the company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Springfield Southwestern Railway Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the accounting records of the successor, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through ownership of capital stock. Records reviewed did not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from April 20, 1907, the date construction was completed, until the date of sale. The results of operation were recorded in the books of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company.

The railroad owned consisted of 35.24 miles of road, extending from Crane to Springfield, Mo., all of which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by various contractors, the Willier Construction Company being the principals.

Pine Bluff and Western Railroad Company


Although the company acquired title to a portion of its property on October 5, 1903, and conveyed its entire property to its successor by deed dated September 1, 1909, the available accounting records of the company were opened during January 1904, and were continued for recording results of corporate operations until February 28, 1910. Certain other accounts were not closed until that date.

This company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, March 1, 1910.

The railroad owned by the company on date of sale consisted of 44.34 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Pine Bluff to Benton, Ark., of which it had acquired 22.54 miles by purchase from the Pine Bluff and Western Railway Company and 21.80 miles by construction. The construction work was performed by the Sawyer and Austin Lumber Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Pine Bluff and Western Railway Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from the articles of incorporation and from the books of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The records reviewed indicate that this company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on October 5, 1903, the date of sale of its property through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date its road was completed until date of sale.

The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 22.54 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Pine Bluff and Sheridan, Ark., which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the Sawyer and Austin Lumber Company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

New Orleans & Northwestern Railroad Company


The property of this company was conveyed to its successor by deed dated September 1, 1909, but the accounts of the company for the results of corporate operations were continued to January 31, 1910, and certain other accounts were not closed until that date.

The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale of its property through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by its own organization from November, 1902, the date it acquired its original road, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, February 1, 1910.

The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 116.10 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Louisiana extending from Vidalia to the Louisiana-Arkansas State line, of which 115.74 miles had been acquired from interests which had acquired it at foreclosure sale from the New Orleans and Northwestern Railway Company (of 1890), and 0.36 mile by construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company (of 1890)


The property of this company was sold at foreclosure sale September 20, 1902, but the accounts of the company and of the receiver for the results of corporate operations were continued until October 31, 1902, and certain other accounts were not closed until that date.

The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 20, 1902, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by its own organization and receivers from date of completion to October 31, 1902, as follows: By own organization from completion to August 31, 1891; by receivers from September 1, 1891, to February 28, 1898; by own organization from March 1, 1898, to July 31, 1901; and by receivers from August 1, 1901, to October 31, 1902.

The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 118.03 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Natchez, Miss., to a point in Louisiana on the Louisiana-Arkansas State line, all of which was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed by the Natchez Construction Company. Of this mileage, 115.74 miles were acquired by the New Orleans & Northwestern Railroad Company and 2.29 miles by the Natchez & Southern Railway Company, which is separately reported upon. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

New Orleans, Natchez and Fort Scott Railway Company — Predecessor of the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company (of 1890)

No accounting records were obtained. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on January 16, 1890, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The records reviewed do not indicate that it owned any common carrier property on date of consolidation.

New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company (of 1884) — Predecessor of the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company (of 1890)

No accounting records were obtained. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on January 16, 1890, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The records reviewed do not indicate that it owned any common carrier property on date of consolidation.

Mississippi River, Hamburg and Western Railway Company


This company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property was operated by its own organization from April 1, 1901, shortly after the first section of the road was constructed, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on January 31, 1910.

The railroad was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas and aggregating 50.93 miles, consisting of one line without branches extending from Luna Landing to Crossett, which was acquired by construction, part of which was done under contract between 1897 and July 1, 1903. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Little Rock and Monroe Railway Company


The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from November 1, 1905, the date construction of the road was completed, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, January 31, 1910. The railroad owned amounted to 43.44 miles and consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Arkansas and Louisiana. It extended from Felsenthal, Ark., to Monroe, La., and was acquired by construction performed during the period 1903 to November 1, 1905. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway


The property of the company was conveyed to its successor by deed dated September 1, 1909, but the accounts of the company for the results of corporate operations were closed on December 31, 1899, and certain other accounts were closed on that date. The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date the first section of its road was completed June, 1888, until December 31, 1889. From the latter date to the date of sale the property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company under lease agreement.

The railroad owned on date of sale amounted to 170.64 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Its main line extended from Coffeyville, Kans., to Van Buren Junction, Ark., 164.63 miles, and its branch lines aggregated 6.01 miles, of which it had acquired 2.41 miles by purchase from The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad Company and 168.23 miles by construction. The construction work was performed under contract with Guy Phillips, an officer of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880), and by forces of that company. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from the books of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880) and from other sources. The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on January 10, 1890, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from the date of completion to date of sale by virtue of capital stock control.

The railroad owned on date of sale amounted to 2.41 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, wholly in Kansas. Its main line extended from Coffeyville to the Kansas-Oklahoma State line and its branch line aggregated 0.20 mile, all of which had been acquired by construction. The construction work was performed under contract with Guy Phillips, an officer of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company (of 1880). Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Herrin Railway

No accounting records were obtained. Data, indicated below, were obtained from the records of its successor, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and the report of the Missouri Pacific on its corporate history.

The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. No information was obtained regarding the operation of the property prior to date of sale. The property consisted of 7.72 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Bush to Herrin, Ill., which was acquired by construction, having been completed on February 1, 1904. The Herrin Railway issued $100,000 par value of capital stock, shares $100 each, to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company in payment of advances for construction. Records of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company indicate that actual expenditures amounting to $130,289.43 were made in constructing the property of the Herrin Railway.

Herrin and Johnston City Railway Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the accounting records of its successor, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed did not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from July 1, 1907, the date construction was completed, until the date of sale. The results of operation were recorded in the books of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. The railroad owned consisted of 3.86 miles of railroad, extending from Herrin to Holland Mine, Ill., which was acquired by construction. The authorized capital stock was $10,000 par value, shares $100 each, all of which was issued to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company in payment of advances for construction. The funds for construction of the road were advanced by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company which company recorded a total money outlay of $118,957.85 for constructing the property.

Gurdon and Fort Smith Railroad


The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from March, 1908, sometime after construction of the road was completed until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on January 31, 1910.

The railroad of the company was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas and aggregating 35.11 miles, consisting of two lines, one from Antoine to Caddo Gap, the other from Gurdon to Smithton, all of which was acquired by construction. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Garland Western Railway Company

The accounting records of the company were not obtained. Data indicated below were obtained from the records of its successor, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and the report of the Missouri Pacific on its corporate history. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on the date of sale, or whether it controlled any corporation. No information was obtained regarding the operation of the property.

The railroad was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas and aggregating 1.51 miles, consisting of one line from Hot Springs to the race track at Oak Lawn, which was acquired by construction. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Farmerville & Southern Railroad Company


The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it then controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from November 1, 1904, the date construction of the road was completed, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on January 31, 1910. The property owned amounted to 22.59 miles. It consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Litro to Farmerville, La., which was acquired by construction during the period April, 1903, to October 31, 1904. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Eldorado and Bastrop Railway Company


The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the completion of construction in March, 1904, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company January 31, 1910.

The railroad was a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Arkansas and aggregating 44.09 miles, consisting of one line extending from Eldorado to the Arkansas-Louisiana State line, which was acquired by construction during the period March, 1902, to March, 1904. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Coal Belt Railway Company


The company was controlled on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed did not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the time construction of the road was completed in March, 1904, until February 28, 1910. While the deed conveying the property of this company to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company was dated September 1, 1909, possession was not taken until March 1, 1910. The property owned was a single-track, steam railroad, located in Illinois, extending from Herrin to East Carterville, 3.75 miles, which was acquired by construction performed during the period July, 1903, and March, 1904. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Arkansas Southwestern Railway Company


Although the company did not acquire title to its property until February 21, 1903, and conveyed it to its successor by deed, dated September 1, 1909, the books of the company were opened during April, 1900, and were continued for recording results of corporate operations until January 31, 1910. Certain other accounts were not closed until that date.

This company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from April, 1900, the date it took over its original road, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, February 1, 1910.

The railroad owned on date of sale consisted of 33.01 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Smithton and Pike City, Ark., which was acquired by purchase from interests which had acquired it at foreclosure sale from the Southwestern Arkansas and Indian Territory Railroad Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Southwestern Arkansas and Indian Territory Railroad Company

No accounting records of this company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on March 13, 1900, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date the first section of its road was completed, September 28, 1885, until the receivership in March, 1896. From that date the property of the company was operated by receivers until it was surrendered to its successor in April, 1900.

This company owned on date of sale 33.01 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Smithton and Pike City, Ark., which was acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the property was constructed by the forces of the company or by contract. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Brinkley, Helena and Indian Bay Railroad Company


The accounting records of the company, for the period from August, 1891, to June, 1901, were not obtained. During that period its transactions were recorded in the books of the Arkansas Midland Railroad Company, therefore complete information cannot be given from the accounts in connection with its financial dealings, corporate operations, or investments. The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on date of sale, September 1, 1909, through stock ownership. The property was operated by its own organization from the date of its acquisition until the property was delivered to its successor on January 31, 1910.

The railroad owned and operated on date of sale amounted to 23 miles and consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Brinkley to Pine City, all in Arkansas, of which 15 miles had been acquired by purchase from the Brinkley Car Works and Manufacturing Company and 8 miles by construction. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Arkansas Midland Railroad Company


The property of the company was conveyed to its successor by deed dated September 1, 1909, but the accounts of the company for the results of corporate operations continued to January 31, 1910, and certain other accounts were not closed until that date. The accounting records obtained consist of operating books only and cover the period from July 1, 1901, to January 31, 1910. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from this company's report to us and from other sources.

The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. The property was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road, January 3, 1880, until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, January 31, 1910.

The railroad owned on date of sale amounted to 47.57 miles and it consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Helena to Clarendon, Ark., which had been acquired from Sidney H. Horner, who had acquired it at foreclosure sale from the Arkansas Central Railway Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Arkansas Central Railway Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from court records and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on July 26, 1877, the date of foreclosure, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of this company was operated by its own organization and a receiver from the date of completion until July 26, 1877, when it was conveyed by the master in chancery to Sidney H. Horner, who operated the property until January 3, 1880.

The company owned on the date of foreclosure, 47.57 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad between Helena and Clarendon, Ark., which had been acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the construction work was performed under contract or by company forces. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Arkansas Midland Rail Road Company — Predecessor of the Arkansas Central Railway Company

No accounting records of the Arkansas Midland Rail Road Company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the Arkansas Midland Rail Road Company was controlled by any individual or corporation on August 31, 1870, the date of consolidation, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company owned any common-carrier property.

Little Rock & Helena Rail Road Company — Predecessor of the Arkansas Central Railway Company

No accounting records of the Little Rock & Helena Rail Road Company were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the Little Rock & Helena Rail Road Company was controlled by any individual or corporation on August 31, 1870, the date of consolidation, nor whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company owned any common-carrier property.

Arkansas and Louisiana Railway Company


The property of the company was conveyed to its successor by deed dated September 1, 1909, but the accounts of the company, for the results of corporate operations continued to January 31, 1910, and certain other of its accounts were not closed until that date. It was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale, through stock ownership. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

That part of the property of this company purchased from the Arkansas and Indian Territory Railway Company was operated by a contractor from May 17, 1883, to April 1, 1887. From that date to December 3, 1887, the entire property was operated by this company's own organization; from December 3, 1887, to August 25, 1889, by a receiver; and from the latter date to February 1, 1910, it was operated by this company's own organization.

The railroad owned on date of sale, consisted of 25.61 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Hope to Nashville, all in Arkansas.

It had acquired 9.32 miles of narrow-gage road by purchase from the Arkansas and Indian Territory Railway Company and 16.29 miles of standard-gage road by construction. The construction of the standard-gage road and the conversion of the narrow gage to standard gage was performed by J. D. Beardsley, contractor. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Arkansas and Indian Territory Railway Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and minute book. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on May 17, 1883, the date of sale, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road September 18, 1882, to the date of sale.

The company owned on the date of its demise 9.32 miles of narrow-gage, steam railroad, between Hope and Washington, Ark., which had been acquired by purchase from the Washington and Hope Railway Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Washington and Hope Railway Company — Predecessor of the Arkansas and Indian Territory Railway Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on September 18, 1882, the date of sale, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date of completion to the date of sale.

The company owned on the date of sale 9.32 miles of narrow-gage, steam railroad, between Washington and Hope, Ark., which had been acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the property was constructed under contract or by company forces. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Natchez & Western Railway Company


Although the company acquired title to its property on March 23, 1904, and conveyed it to its successor on September 1, 1909, the available accounting records of the company were opened on April 11, 1905, and were continued until January 31, 1910. The company was controlled by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, the date of sale of its property, through stock ownership. The records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road until it was surrendered to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company, January 31, 1910.

The railroad owned on date of sale amounted to 16.33 miles. It consisted of 15.81 miles of standard-gage, steam railroad, extending from Concordia to Black River, La., and 0.52 mile of detached road located at Vidalia, La., which had been acquired from interests that had acquired it, at foreclosure sale from the Natchez, Red River & Texas Railroad Company. The road thus acquired originally consisted of 24.48 miles of narrow-gage road, but 8.15 miles thereof was abandoned by this company and the remainder, 16.33 miles was changed to standard gage in 1907. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Natchez, Red River & Texas Railroad Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data, indicated hereinafter, were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on February 13, 1887, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The records reviewed do not indicate who operated the property of this company from the date it acquired its original road until it was conveyed to the Natchez & Western Railway Company.

The company owned on February 13, 1887, the date of sale, 24.48 miles of narrow-gage, steam railroad, extending from Vidalia to Black River, La. Of this it had acquired 8.67 miles from the Vidalia and Western Rail Road Company and 15.81 miles by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the construction work was performed under contract or by company forces. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Vidalia and Western Rail Road Company — Predecessor of the Natchez, Red River & Texas Railroad Company, formerly named the Vidalia and Lake Concordia Railroad and Steamboat Transportation Company

No accounting records were obtained. Data indicated hereinafter were obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on June 1, 1881, the date of sale of its property, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from date of completion to date of sale. This company owned on date of sale 8.67 miles of single-track, narrow-gage, steam railroad, extending from Vidalia to Concordia, La., which had been acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the construction work was performed by the forces of the company or by contract. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Little Rock and Hot Springs Western Railroad Company


This company was controlled on October 11, 1911, the date of its demise, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property of this company was operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road until 1901, when it leased that portion of its road between Little Rock and Benton, Ark., to the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Company, which continued to operate that portion of the property until just prior to the date of demise. The remainder of the property between Benton and Hot Springs, was operated by its own organization until September 1, 1909, when it was sold to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company.

This company owned during its corporate life 53.36 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark. Of the total road owned, 30.90 miles between Benton and Hot Springs were sold to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company on September 1, 1909, and 22.15 miles between Little Rock and Benton, were sold to the Rock Island, Arkansas and Louisiana Railroad Company on October 9, 1911, leaving 0.31 mile owned on date of demise, October 11, 1911, which together with the corporate rights and franchises, was transferred to the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company.

Of the road owned by this company during its corporate life, it had acquired approximately 4 miles from the Little Rock, Hot Springs and Texas Railway and 49.36 miles by construction. The construction work was performed by Edward Whitaker and William C. Fordyce, contractors. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Little Rock, Hot Springs and Texas Railway

No accounting records of the Little Rock, Hot Springs and Texas Railway were obtained. Information stated below was obtained from its articles of incorporation and from other sources. The records reviewed do not indicate whether this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on July 18, 1899, the date of demise, or whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by its own organization from date of completion to date of demise. This company owned on the date of its demise approximately 4 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Benton and Saline River, Ark. This property was all acquired by construction. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the construction work was performed by the forces of this company or by contract. Further details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Marion and Harrisburg Railway Company


The company was controlled on March 12, 1913, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from February, 1910, to February 28, 1913. The records reviewed do not indicate by whom or under what conditions the property was operated prior to February, 1910, or subsequent to February 28, 1913. The road owned on the date of sale amounted to approximately 2 miles and it consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Illinois, extending from Brick Plant to Marion, which was acquired by construction performed between April, 1905, and January, 1907. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Marion and Johnston City Railway Company


The company was controlled on March 12, 1913, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from February, 1910, to February 28, 1913. The records reviewed do not indicate by whom or under what conditions the property was operated prior to February, 1910, or subsequent to February 28, 1913. The road owned on the date of its sale amounted to 7 miles. It consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in Illinois, extending from Marion to Johnston City, which was acquired by construction preformed between September, 1905, and August 1, 1911. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Johnston City Connecting Railway Company


The Johnston City Connecting Railway Company was controlled on March 12, 1913, the date of sale, by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company through stock ownership. Records reviewed do not indicate that this company controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property was operated by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company from date of completion until the date of sale. The road owned on date of sale amounted to 2 miles and consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Illinois, and extended from Oak Ridge Mine to Johnston City, which was acquired by construction performed between December, 1911, and June 22, 1912. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.

Missouri Pacific Railroad Corporation in Illinois



The company was controlled June 29, 1918, the date of its sale, by the Missouri Pacific through stock ownership. This company controlled, through stock ownership, the Coal Belt Electric Railway Company, whose property was separately operated. The property was operated, from June 1, 1917, to December 31, 1917, by the Missouri Pacific. From January 1, 1918, to date of sale it was operated by the United States Railroad Administration as a part of the operating unit of the Missouri Pacific.

The railroad owned at the date of sale amounted to 193.69 miles. It consisted of a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, in Illinois, extending from Valley Junction to North Junction, 120.70 miles, Gorham to the Franklin-Williamson county line, 31.19 miles, and from Ziegler to Butler [sic-Benton], 9.44 miles, together with eight branches or mine spurs aggregating 32.36 miles. The road had been acquired by purchase June 2, 1917, through the reorganization managers, of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. Details are given in the accounting report on the Missouri Pacific.