Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Mount Hood Railroad

The railroad of Mount Hood Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located in the northern part of Oregon. The owned mileage extends southerly from Hood River, Oreg., to Parksdale, Oreg., a distance of 21.162 miles. The carrier also owns yard and side tracks totaling 5.084 miles. Its road thus embraces 26.246 miles of all tracks owned. In Appendix 1 will be found a general description of the property of the carrier.

Corporate history.—The carrier was incorporated on February 27, 1905, under the laws of the State of Utah, for a period of 100 years, for the stated purpose of constructing, owning, operating, and maintaining railroads, log roads, waterways, canals, and steamboats in the States of Washington and Oregon. Provision was also made for the purchase and sale of securities for general construction work and for carrying on any business of the company in Utah or elsewhere in the United States. A disclaimer of the purpose of owning and operating railroads in Utah, its home State, is inserted in the articles of incorporation. The principal incorporator was David Eccles, a capitalist of Ogden City, Utah, interested in the Oregon Lumber Company, which operates sawmills at Dee, Oreg. The carrier was organized on March 3, 1905. Its principal office is at Ogden, Utah. The detailed facts as to the development of the fixed physical property are given in Appendix 2.

History of corporate financing, capital stock, and long-term debt.—


Preliminary surveys of the section of the road from Hood River to Dee were commenced in December, 1904, and completed in April, 1905. Construction was commenced in April, 1905, and completed about March, 1906. The work of grading was done by Giebisch and Joplin, of Portland, Oreg., under contract. The remaining construction was accomplished by the organization and forces of the Oregon Lumber Company. This section of road was released for operation on May 1, 1906. Preliminary surveys of the extension from Dee to Parkdale were commenced in March, 1909, and construction was completed in December, 1909. The grading was done by E. T. Johnson & Co., of Portland, Oreg., under contract. The remaining construction was done by forces of the carrier and the Oregon Lumber Company. This extension was turned over for operation on January 1, 1910, completing the 21 miles of road.