Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Oklahoma and Rich Mountain Railroad

The railroad operated by the Oklahoma & Rich Mountain Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in the eastern part of Oklahoma. The main line extends westerly from a connection with the tracks of The Kansas City Southern Railway Company at Page to Pine Valley, a distance of 16.946 miles. The carrier also owns 1.216 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 18.162 miles of all tracks owned and used. All of the rail in this road is leased from The Kansas City Southern Railway Company. The carrier has joint use of 0.58 mile of sidings and station facilities at Page, Okla., owned by The Kansas City Southern Railway Company. It also uses part of a warehouse located at Pine Valley, Okla., owned by the Pine Valley Lumber Company as a station.

This is an industrial railroad controlled by the Dierks Lumber & Coal Company of Kansas City, but operated in the interest of a subsidiary of that company, the Pine Valley Lumber Company, owner of timber lands in the region and a large sawmill at Pine Valley, Okla.


The carrier was incorporated September 28, 1925, under the general laws of Oklahoma, to build a railroad from Page to Talihina, Okla., about 35 miles. It was organized October 1, 1925.


The road, all owned, of 16.946 miles, was constructed by or for the carrier, by the Dierks Lumber & Coal Company, except certain construction work done under contract. Construction began in September, 1925, under our authority of February 18, 1926 (105 I.C.C. 559), and the road opened for operation October 11, 1928. All the rail used by the carrier is owned by The Kansas City Southern Railway Company.