Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Pacific Coast Railroad (Washington)

The railroad of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a standard-gauge steam railroad, located in western Washington. The main line extends southerly from Seattle to Franklin, a distance of 33.623 miles, with branches from Renton to Coal Creek, Mile 14 to Lake Washington, Maple Valley to Taylor, Black Diamond to Bruce, Franklin to Kanasket, and Franklin to Kummer. The carrier owns 52.055 miles of first main track, 10.295 miles of second main track, and 25.970 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 88.320 miles of all tracks wholly owned and used. In addition the carrier jointly owns and uses with other carriers 0.596 undivided mile of sidetracks, its portion thereof, based on ownership, being 0.298 mile.


The carrier is a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal office at Seattle, Wash. It was incorporated originally as The Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company, which was later changed to the present name of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. The carrier is controlled by the Pacific Coast Company through ownership of its entire outstanding capital stock. On the other hand, the records reviewed do not indicate that the carrier, itself, controls any other common-carrier corporations. The property of the carrier has been operated by its own organization from the date it acquired its original road, November 30, 1880, until the date of valuation, except that during the period October 1, 1897, to December 31, [1907?], the Pacific Coast Company operated the property as agent.


The carrier was incorporated November 26, 1880, under the general laws of the Territory (now State) of Washington, as The Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company, for the purpose of constructing and operating a railroad from Seattle to Walla Walla, Wash., and to purchase and operate the property of the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad Company, On March 20, 1916, under the general laws of the State of Washington, the name of The Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company was changed to the Pacific Coast Railroad Company. The date of organization of the carrier was November 27, 1880.

Pursuant to the above purpose, the carrier acquired the property of the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad Company. The carrier itself and its predecessors total three different corporations, of which one underwent a change of name, [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Pacific Coast Railroad Company. See 2.
2. The Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company. Under general laws of the Territory (now State) of Washington, Nov. 26, 1880. Name changed to 1, Mar. 20, 1916.
3. Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad Company. Under general laws of the Territory (now State) of Washington, Nov. 3, 1876. Sold to 2, Nov. 30, 1880.
4. Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and Transportation Company. Under general laws of the Territory (now State) of Washington, July 23, 1873. Sold to 3, Nov. 8, 1876.

The owned mileage of the carrier, amounting to 52.055 miles, was acquired partly by purchase, partly by exchange, and partly by construction. The property constructed by the carrier and the corporations that comprise the line of succession culminating in the carrier as at present constituted, the years when the various portions of the line were constructed, and the manner in which the carrier acquired the property are indicated in the following table, wherein, to facilitate comparison with the table showing the corporate succession, previously given, the same order of corporations is maintained.

Acquired by construction:
New Castle to Coal Creek, Wash., 1883 1.480
Renton to Franklin, Wash., 1885 21.279
Black Diamond to Bruce, Wash., 1885 2.043
Maple Valley to Atkinson, Wash., 1888 1.416
Atkinson to Taylor, Wash., 1892 7.952
Mile 14 to Lake Washington, Wash., 1895 1.217
Acquired by direct purchase:
From the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad Company—
Constructed by that company—
Argo to Renton, Wash., 1876 8.963
Renton to New Castle, Wash., 1878 6.305
Constructed by the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and Transportation Company, Seattle to Argo, Wash., 1873-1876 3.500
From the Denny Clay Company, constructed by that company, Franklin to Kummer, Wash., 1897 1.672
Acquired by exchange, from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, constructed by The Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company, Seattle to Argo, Wash., 1882-1883 3.410
Total 59.237
Less mileage between Seattle and Argo, Wash., acquired from the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad Company, exchanged for mileage of the Northern Pacific Railway Company 3.500
Net total 55.737
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 3.682
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 52.055