Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Philadelphia and Beach Haven Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Report, Volume 106

Philadelphia and Beach Haven Railroad


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of Philadelphia and Beach Haven Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located in the eastern part of New Jersey. The owned mileage extends in a southerly direction from Manahawken to Beach Haven. The carrier owns no equipment. Below is a statement of the owned and used mileage:

Statement of Mileage
First main track
Yard tracks and sidings
All tracks
Wholly owned and used. 12.130 2.513 14.643
Owned but not used, leased to Barnegat Railroad Company. 0.677 --- 0.677
Total owned. 12.807 2.513 15.320
Total used. 12.130 2.513 14.643

Jointly Used Property


The carrier has no jointly owned and used property.

Economic Conditions Relating to Traffic


There is but little farming development.

Corporate History


The carrier was incorporated January 13, 1894, under the general laws of New Jersey through filing with the secretary of state its certificate of organization dated December 29, 1893. The purpose for which the carrier was incorporated was to own, maintain, and operate that portion of the line of the Long Beach Railroad Company, extending from Manahawken to Beach Haven, via Barnegat City Junction, together with the franchises pertaining thereto. The date of organization was December 29, 1893.

The railroad owned by the carrier on date of valuation was part of the railroad formerly owned by the Long Beach Railroad Company. On November 28, 1893, the corporate property, rights, and franchises of the Long Beach Railroad Company were sold under foreclosure proceedings and conveyed in two separate parts. That portion of the road extending from Manahawken to Beach Haven, a distance of 12.130 miles, and 0.677 mile of road extending from Barnegat City Junction to Long Beach City, was conveyed to Samuel Rea by deed dated December 12, 1893. The latter conveyed the property to the carrier by deed dated December 29, 1893.

From the date of its organization the property of the carrier was operated for it by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, as agent, until May 1, 1909. From that date until the date of valuation it was operated for the carrier by the Tuckerton Railroad Company under the terms of agreements with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, agent for the carrier. The principal office is located in Camden, N. J. The detailed facts as to the development of the fixed physical property are given in Appendix 2.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The road owned on date of valuation had been acquired by the carrier through purchase from Samuel Rea, by deed dated December 29, 1893, being a portion of the railroad formerly owned by the Long Beach Railroad Company.

Leased Railway Property


The carrier leases to the Barnegat Railroad Company, terminable on 30 days' written notice, at a rental of $1 per annum, that portion of its road extending from Barnegat City Junction to a point of connection with the line of the Barnegat Railroad Company.