Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern Railroad

The railroad operated by The Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern Railroad Company, herein called the carrier, is a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in New York and Pennsylvania. The owned mileage consists of a main line extending southwesterly from Wayland Junction, N. Y., to Hyde, Pa., with branches projecting from Prosser to Olean, N. Y., Kasson to Hazelhurst, Pa., and spurs to collieries. The properties used under lease comprise additional branch lines. The carrier wholly owns 161.080 miles of road, all of which it uses. It also wholly uses 28.734 miles of road owned by two lessor companies whose entire common-carrier properties it leases and operates, and wholly uses 10.380 miles of road owned by an individual, as described in the paragraphs below.

The railroad of the Clarion River Railway Company, herein called the Clarion River Railway, located entirely within the State of Pennsylvania, consists of a disconnected section of road extending from Croyland to Hallton, a distance of 11.826 miles.

The railroad of The Kersey Railroad Company, herein called the Kersey Railroad, is located within the State of Pennsylvania and extends from Paine to Cardiff, with branches to Five Points and Tyler, aggregating 16.908 miles.

The railroad leased from Frank Sullivan Smith, an individual, formerly owned by The Rochester, Hornellsville and Lackawanna Railroad Company, is located entirely within the State of New York and extends from Moraine to Hornell, a distance of 10.380 miles.

In addition to the foregoing, the carrier has trackage rights over 10.26 miles of road of other carriers, as detailed in Appendix 2, part of which afford means of reaching Wayland, N. Y., and Brockwayville, Pa., the northern and southern termini of the road, respectively.

total 32 different corporations and comprise the line of corporate succession culminating in [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1 The Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York and Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, dated Aug. 1, 1899, and filed Aug. 2, 1899.
2 The Central New York and Western Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, through articles of consolidation filed Aug. 1, 1899. Consolidated Aug. 2, 1899, with 23 to form 1.
3 The Central New York and Northern Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Apr. 20, 1899. Consolidated Aug. 1, 1899, with 4 to form 2.
4 The Central New York and Western Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Nov. 18, 1892. Consolidated Aug. 1, 1899, with 3 to form 2.
5 The Lackawanna and Southwestern Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, through articles of consolidation, filed Oct. 2, 1889. Receivership begun in 1890, and property sold under foreclosure Sept. 24, 1892, to John Byrne, who received deed Oct. 18, 1892. On Nov. 19, 1892, Byrne conveyed that portion of the property formerly owned by 7, to 4, and that portion formerly owned by 6, to individuals whose title was later acquired and is now held by Frank Sullivan Smith.
6 The Rochester, Hornellsville and Lackawanna Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, June 9, 1886. Consolidated Oct. 2, 1889, with 7 to form 5.
7 The Lackawanna and Southwestern Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, dated May 7, 1889. Consolidated Oct. 2, 1889, with 6 to form 5.
8 The Lackawanna and Pittsburgh Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, through articles of consolidation, filed June 1, 1883. Sold under foreclosure Apr. 27, 1889, and reorganized May 7, 1889, as 7.
9 The Lackawanna & Pittsburgh Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Nov. 1, 1882. Consolidated June 1, 1883, with 10 to form 8.
10 The Allegany Central Rail Road Company. Under general laws of New York, through articles of consolidation, filed Nov. 21, 1881. Consolidated June 1, 1883, with 9 to form 8.
11 The Olean Rail Road Company. Under general laws of New York, 1880. Consolidated Nov. 21, 1881, with 12 and 13 to form 10.
12 The Friendship Rail Road Company. Under general laws of New York, 1880. Consolidated Nov. 21, 1881, with 11 and 13 to form 10.
13 The Allegany Central Rail Road Company. Under general laws of New York, Sept. 29, 1881. Consolidated Nov. 21, 1881, with 11 and 12 to form 10.
14 The Rochester, New York and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. Under general laws of New York, through articles of consolidation, filed July 11, 1881. Sold Oct. 21, 1881, to 13.
15 The Rochester, New York and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, 1880. Consolidated July 11, 1881, with 16 to form 14.
16 Rochester, Nunda & Pittsburgh Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, June 27, 1877. Consolidated July 11, 1881, with 15 to form 14.
17 The Rochester, Nunda & Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. Under general laws of New York and Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, filed in New York, Feb. 14, 1873 (approved by special act of New York Legislature), and in Pennsylvania, Mar. 31, 1873. Sold under foreclosure, Mar. 7, 1877, deed given June 20, 1877, and reorganized June 27, 1877, as 16.
18 Northern Railroad and Navigation Company. By special act of Pennsylvania Legislature, approved Mar. 23, 1867. Consolidated Mar. 31, 1873, with 19 to form 17.
19 The Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, through articles of consolidation, filed Mar. 12, 1872; approved by special act of New York Legislature May 17, 1872. Consolidated Mar. 31, 1873, with 18 to form 17.
20 Rochester, Nunda & Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Apr. 9, 1870. Consolidated May 17, 1872, with 21 and 22 to form 19.
21 Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Extension Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Jan. 10, 1872. Consolidated May 17, 1872, with 20 and 22 to form 19.
22 Northern Extension of the Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Jan. 12, 1872. Consolidated May 17, 1872, with 20 and 21 to form 19.
23 The Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, dated July 13, 1899, and filed Aug. 1, 1899. Consolidated Aug. 2, 1899, with 2 to form 1.
24 The Smethport and Olean Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Dec. 5, 1895. Consolidated Aug. 1, 1899, with 25, 28, and 31 to form 23.
25 Buffalo, St. Marys and Southwestern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, filed Jan. 29, 1897. Consolidated Aug. 1, 1899, with 24, 28, and 31 to form 23.
26 St. Marys and Southwestern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, June 19, 1893. Consolidated Jan. 29, 1897, with 27 to form 25.
27 Buffalo and St. Marys Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, June 5, 1895. Consolidated Jan. 29, 1897, with 26 to form 25.
28 The Mt. Jewett, Clermont and Northern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, filed May 26, 1897. Consolidated Aug. 1, 1899, with 24, 25, and 31 to form 23.
29 The Emporium & Mt. Jewett Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Oct. 28, 1895. Consolidated May 26, 1897, with 30 to form 28.
30 Mt. Jewett and Smethport Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, May 27, 1892. Consolidated May 26, 1897, with 29 to form 28.
31 The Mill Creek Valley Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, June 13, 1899. Consolidated Aug. 1, 1899, with 24, 25, and 28 to form 23.
32 The Shawmut Connecting Railroad Company. Under general laws of New York, Aug. 1, 1900. Merged Jan. 20, 1905, into 1.

The carrier acquired its owned mileage through consolidation, merger, and construction, as detailed below:

Of the 31 predecessors of this company, 22 did not construct any completed road, although some of them began construction work. The remaining companies, together with the carrier, which 10 companies constructed sections of completed road, are as follows:

  • Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern.
  • The Rochester, Hornellsville and Lackawanna Railroad Company (constructed about 10.13 miles of road which has been acquired by Frank Sullivan Smith).
  • The Lackawanna and Pittsburgh Railroad Company.
  • The Allegany Central Rail Road Company (second corporation).
  • The Olean Rail Road Company.
  • The Friendship Rail Road Company.
  • St. Marys and Southwestern Railroad Company.
  • Buffalo and St. Marys Railroad Company.
  • Mt. Jewett and Smethport Railroad Company.
  • The Shawmut Connecting Railroad Company.


Acquired in the consolidation of Aug. 2, 1899, from—

The Central New York and Western Railroad Company (of 1899)—
Constructed by The Lackawanna and Pittsburgh Railroad Company—
Wayland Junction to Swains, N. Y., about 1884 17.06
Angelica to Rockville, N. Y., about 6.5 miles of road constructed about 1884; withdrawn from operation by a successor company about 1890; road dismantled about 1895; right of way still held by the carrier.
Constructed by The Allegany Central Rail Road Company (second corporation) and its predecessor companies—
Swains to Angelica, N. Y., completed as a narrow-gage road about 1882, gage changed to standard by The Lackawanna and Pittsburgh Railroad Company about 1884 17.55
Angelica to Friendship, N. Y., about 8.74 miles of narrow-gage road completed about 1882; withdrawn from operation by a successor company about 1890; road dismantled about 1894; roadbed later used by the carrier in constructing a standard-gage road between the two towns mentioned.
Constructed by The Friendship Rail Road Company—
Friendship to Bolivar, N. Y., about 13 miles of narrow-gage road completed about 1881; withdrawn from operation by a successor company about 1890; road dismantled about 1894; roadbed later used by the carrier in constructing a standard-gage road between the two towns mentioned.
Constructed by The Olean Rail Road Company—
Bolivar, via Prosser, to Olean, N. Y., constructed by this company as a narrow-gage road during 1880 or 1881; gage changed to standard by the carrier during 1901. 18.00
Constructed by The Rochester, Hornellsville and Lackawanna Railroad Company—
Moraine to Hornell, N. Y., about 10.13 miles of road constructed about 1887; sold under foreclosure, while owned by a successor company, during 1892, and acquired by individuals whose title was later acquired by Frank Sullivan Smith, the owner, on date of valuation. This property has been operated under lease by the carrier, or its predecessor company, since 1892 (mileage now reported as 10.38 miles)
Total 52.61
The Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern Railroad Company—
Constructed by the Buffalo and St. Marys Railroad Company—
Clermont to St. Marys, Pa., 1895 and 1896 23.82
Constructed by the St. Marys and Southwestern Railroad Company—
St. Marys to Hyde, Pa., 1893 and 1894 21.85
Constructed by the Mt. Jewett and Smethport Railroad Company—
Marvindale, via Hazelhurst, to Mt. Jewett, Pa., 1893 and 1895 8.60
Total 54.27

Acquired by merger, Jan. 20, 1905, from—

The Shawmut Connecting Railroad Company—
Constructed by this predecessor company—
Prosser, N. Y., to the New York-Pennsylvania State line, 1901 2.19

Acquired through construction by or for the carrier:

Coryville to Smethport, Pa., 1900 7.46
Smethport, via Kasson, to Marvindale, Pa., 1900 7.55
Horton City to Drummond, Pa., 1902 1.27
Kasson to Clermont, Pa., 1903-04 7.63
Angelica to Bolivar, N. Y., 1903-04 23.33
In this construction the carrier used an old roadbed comprising part of a completed road which had been dismantled in 1894.
Olean, N. Y., 1904-05 .42
Weedville to Browns Run, Pa., 1907 1.54
New York-Pennsylvania State line to Coryville, Pa., 1910 10.95

Total recorded mileage acquired 169.22

Less reductions in mileage:
Revisions of line, various dates 2.91
Line from Hazelhurst to Mount Jewett, Pa., abandoned during 1908 5.10

Total recorded mileage 161.21

Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 0.130
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 161.080

All mileage constructed was standard gage, except as otherwise noted. The approximately 47 miles of road shown as constructed for the carrier during the years from 1900 to 1914, inclusive, were constructed under contract by