Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Reynoldsville and Falls Creek Railroad

Location and general description of property.—The railroad of the Reynoldsville and Falls Creek Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located in Pennsylvania. The owned main line extends southwestwardly from Falls Creek to Soldier Run, a distance of 10.732 miles, with branches projecting from the line at various points and aggregating 12.774 miles, making a total of 23.506 miles of main track. The carrier also owns 13.901 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 37.407 miles of all tracks owned.

The carrier is an industrial railroad. It reports for the year ending June 30, 1917, that it handled 785913 tons of freight, of which 753652 tons represented products of the mines. Most of the traffic was received from the Jefferson & Clearfield Coal & Iron Company, the controlling interest.


The carrier was incorporated January 11, 1897, under the general laws of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of acquiring the property, rights, [...] The carrier itself and those corporations total three corporations and form the line of [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Reynoldsville and Falls Creek Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Jan. 11, 1897.
2. Reynoldsville and Falls Creek Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Dec. 13, 1883. Consolidated Jan. 11, 1897, with 3 to form 1.
3. The Falls Creek Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, July 16, 1889. Consolidated Jan. 11, 1897, with 2 to form 1.