Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Sacramento Northern Railway

The railroad operated by the Sacramento Northern Railway, hereinafter called the carrier, is a standard-gage, electrically operated road, located in the State of California. The owned main line extends southerly from Chico to Sacramento, a distance of 94.041 miles. The carrier also owns branch lines extending from Oroville Junction to Oroville 5.492 miles, Colusa Junction to Colusa 22.423 miles, Globe to Swanston 1.520 miles, Sacramento to Woodland 18.056 miles, and an isolated branch line extending from Willota to Vacaville 15.512 miles. The total first main track mileage is 157.044. The carrier also owns 7.525 miles of other main tracks and 49.066 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 213.635 miles of all tracks wholly owned and used. In addition, the carrier jointly owns and uses with other carriers 2.976 miles of first main tracks, 1.780 miles of other main tracks, and 1.294 miles of yard tracks and sidings, a total of 6.05 miles of track.

The property operated exclusively by virtue of stock control, comprises the entire property of the West Side Railroad Company, hereinafter called the West Side Railroad, consisting of 1.009 miles of main track and 0.024 mile of yard tracks and sidings at West Sacramento.

The carrier leases 0.291 mile of main track and 0.260 mile of yard tracks and sidings at Marysville, owned by The Western Pacific Railroad Company.

The carrier jointly owns with the San Francisco, Napa and Calistoga Railway, 1.235 miles of first main track, 0.280 mile of second main, and 0.280 mile of yard tracks and sidings, making a total of 1.795 miles of all track between Napa Junction and Vallejo, Calif., which is used exclusively by the San Francisco, Napa and Calistoga Railway.

The carrier solely owns certain grading at Vallejo, Calif., on property jointly owned but not used, which is leased to San Francisco, Napa and Calistoga Railway.

The carrier has trackage rights over the line of The Western Pacific Railroad Company on the Yuba River Bridge at Marysville, Calif., for 0.71 mile. Also over the line of the Central California Traction Company at Sacramento, Calif., for 0.20 mile.

The carrier grants the San Francisco-Sacramento Railroad Company trackage rights over 1.84 miles of road at Sacramento. It also grants the Central California Traction Company the joint use of 0.94 mile of road and station facilities at Sacramento.

The carrier wholly owns and uses 213.635 miles of all tracks and uses but does not own 1.584 miles of all tracks. It jointly owns and uses 6.050 miles of all tracks and jointly owns but does not use 1.795 miles of all tracks. These tracks consisting of first and other main tracks and yard tracks and sidings are further classified in the track-mileage table in appendix 1.


The carrier is a California corporation, having its principal office at San Francisco, Calif.

It is controlled by The Western Pacific Railroad Company through ownership of a majority of its capital stock which was acquired under authority of July 8, 1925, 99 I.C.C. 382. It controls, through ownership of all of the outstanding capital stock, the West Side Railroad Company, whose common-carrier property it solely uses.

The property of the carrier has been operated by its own organization since date of acquisition.

On October 15, 1922, we authorized the carrier to acquire and operate the railroad of the San Francisco – Sacramento Railroad Company, in accordance with agreement between the two companies dated July 14, 1928, 145 I.C.C. 533. Title to that property was acquired by the carrier December 31, 1928, which property is covered by a separate report. [where?]


The carrier was incorporated August 29, 1921, under general laws of California, to construct, purchase, lease, own, and operate railroads in California and to purchase the property owned by The Sacramento Northern Railroad. The date of its organization was September 1, 1921. The property of the Sacramento Northern Railroad was acquired by the carrier, November 4, 1925, under authority dated July 8, 1925, 99 I.C.C. 382.

The names of the corporations, the respective dates of incorporation, and for each predecessor the date and manner of succession follows:

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Sacramento Northern Railway. Incorporated under general laws of California, Aug. 29, 1921.
2. Sacramento Northern Railroad. General laws of California, June 20, 1918; sold Nov. 4, 1925, to 1.
3. Northern Electric Railway Company. General laws of California, Sept. 19, 1907; sold at foreclosure sale Apr. 16, 1918, and acquired by 2 from reorganization committee June 28, 1918.
4. Northern Electric Company. General laws of Nevada, June 14, 1905; sold to 3. Dec. 2, 1907.
5. Chico Electric Railway Company. General laws of California, Aug. 15, 1904; sold to 4, Aug. 1, 1905.
6. Marysville and Yuba City Street Rail Road Company. General laws of California, Apr. 17, 1889; sold to 4, July 12, 1906.
7. Shasta Southern Railway Company. General laws of California, July 17, 1906; sold to 3, Jan. 18, 1907.
8. Redding and Red Bluff Railway Company. General laws of California, Feb. 23, 1906; sold to 7, July 1906.
9. Vallejo and Northern Railroad Companay[sic]. General laws of California, Oct. 20, 1909; sold to 3, Dec. 31, 1912.
10. Vallejo and Northern Railway Company. General laws of California, Nov. 8, 1906; sold to 9, January 1910.
11. Sacramento-Folsom Electric Railway Company. General laws of California, May 9, 1911; sold to 3 about February, 1913.
12. Sacramento and Eastern Railway Company. General laws of California, Nov. 28, 1911; sold to 3 about February, 1913.
13. Northern Electric Railway Company, Marysville and Colusa Branch. General laws of California, May 6, 1910; sold at foreclosure Apr. 16, 1918 and acquired by 2 from reorganization committee June 28, 1918.
14. Sacramento and Woodland Railroad Company. General laws of California, July 20, 1911; sold at foreclosure Apr. 16, 1918 and acquired by 2 from reorganization committee June 28, 1918.
15. Sacramento Terminal Company. General laws of California, Sept. 17, 1908; sold at foreclosure Apr. 16, 1918 and acquired by 2 from reorganization committee June 28, 1918.