Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 108

Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track, narrow-gauge (2-foot) steam railroad, located in the western part of Maine. The owned mileage extends northerly from Farmington to Marbles, Me., a distance of 47.004 miles, with a branch of 30.317 miles extending north from Strong to Bigelow, Me. There are also several short branches' to lumber mills or small settlements aggregating 26.363 miles in length. The total length of the main and branch lines is 103.684 miles. The carrier also owns yard and side tracks totaling 12.788 miles. Its road thus embraces 116.472 miles of all tracks owned. In Appendix 1 will be found a general description of the property of the carrier.

Corporate History


The carrier was incorporated and organized on January 30, 1908, by special act of the State of Maine, for the purpose of acquiring by consolidation the properties of the Sandy River Railroad Company, the Franklin & Megantic Railway Company, and the Kingfield & Dead River Railway Company. Its principal office is located at Portland, Me. The detailed facts as to the development of the fixed physical property are given in Appendix 2.

The corporations whose franchises and properties have gone to make up the carrier and the dates of the changes in those several corporations are shown in the following table:

Name of corporation Incorporated Date and character of change in corporation
The carrier. January 30, 1908, in Maine. Present company.
Sandy River Railroad Company. April 8, 1879, in Maine. January 30, 1908, consolidated with Franklin & Megantic and Kingfield and Dead River Railway Company to form carrier.
Franklin & Megantic Railway Company. June 3, 1897, in Maine. January 30, 1908, consolidated with Sandy River Railroad Company and Kingfield and Dead River Railway Company to form carrier.
Franklin & Megantic Railroad Company. January 1, 1884, in Maine. June 3, 1897, reorganised as the Franklin & Megantic Railway Company.
Kingfield and Dead River Railway Company. June 3, 1897, in Maine. January 30, 1908, consolidated with Franklin & Megantic Railway Company and Sandy River Railroad Company to form carrier.
Kingfield and Dead River Railroad. June 19, 1893, in Maine. June 3, 1897, reorganized as the Kingfield and Dead River Railway Company.
Phillips & Rangeley Railroad Company. March 12, 1889, in Maine. June 30, 1908, sold to carrier.
Madrid Railroad Company. June 3, 1902, in Maine. July 1, 1908, sold to carrier.
Eustis Railroad Company. April 29, 1903, in Maine. August 29, 1911, sold to carrier.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The property owned by the carrier on date of valuation was acquired as follows:

By consolidation:
January 30, 1908, of the Sandy River Railroad Company. 18.20
January 30, 1908, of the Franklin & Megantic Railway Company. 16.41
January 30, 1908, of the Kingfield and Dead River Railway Company. 18.30
Total. 52.91
By purchase:
July 1, 1908, of the Phillips & Rangeley Railroad Company. 29.06
July 1, 1908, of the Madrid Railroad Company. 5.33
August 29, 1911, of the Eustis Railroad Company. 10.48
Total. 44.87
By construction:
1909, Bracket Junction to Little Fields. 4.27
1912, Perham Junction to Barnjum. 2.84
1909 to 1915, Various small branches. 0.86
Total. 7.97
Grand total. 105.75
Less mileage abandoned:
Portion of Kingfield and Dead River Railroad, Kingfield to Alder Stream. 2.29
Total recorded mileage acquired. 103.36
Mileage determined by inventory as of date of valuation exceeded the above by. .32
Making a total owned road mileage on date of valuation of. 103.68

The property acquired from the Eustis Railroad Company, consisting of 10.48 miles of road from Eustis Junction to Green's Farm, was not used from 1908 to December 31, 1915. The portion of this section from Eustis Junction to Langtown Junction, 6.25 miles, was rehabilitated and put in operation on January 1, 1916. The remaining 4.23 miles, from Langtown Junction to Green's Farms, had not been put in operation at date of valuation. The carrier, therefore, only operated 99.45 miles of its railroad at the latter date.