Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/West Virginia Midland Railroad

The railroad of the West Virginia Midland Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track narrow-gauge steam railroad, located in central West Virginia. The main line extends southeasterly from Holly Junction to Webster Springs, a distance of 30.133 miles, with branch lines extending from Holly to Long Run, Marpleton to Valentine Moats, and Webster Springs to Breece, aggregating 45.984 miles of first main track. The carrier also owns 4.912 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 50.896 miles of all tracks owned and used. The road from Holly Junction to Holly is provided with an extra rail for the operation of standard-gauge equipment.


The carrier was incorporated August 12, 1905, under the general laws of the State of West Virginia, for the purpose of acquiring the property, rights, and franchises of the Holly River and Addison Railway Company. The date of organization of the carrier was August 22, 1905. Pursuant to the above purpose, the carrier acquired at its organization the property, rights, and franchises of the corporation named. The carrier and the Holly River and Addison Railway Company, together with its predecessor, total three different corporations, and comprise the line of [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. The West Virginia Midland Railway[sic] Company. Under general laws of West Virginia, Aug. 12, 1905.
2. Holly River and Addison Railway Company. Under general laws of West Virginia, Sept. 10, 1898. Sold March 17, 1906, to 1.
3. Holly River Railroad Company. Under general laws of West Virginia, June 20, 1896. Sold May 15, 1899, to 2.

The road owned by the carrier, amounting to 45.984 miles, was acquired by purchase and construction. Of the three corporations which comprise the line of succession culminating in the carrier as at present constituted, one predecessor, the Holly River Railroad Company, acquired property from its predecessor in ownership, the Holly River Lumber Company, concerning the construction of which no record is available. The data with respect to the miles of road constructed by the three corporations, the years in which the various portions of the line were constructed, and the manner in which the carrier acquired the property are indicated in the following table, wherein, to facilitate comparison with the table showing corporate succession, previously given, the same order of corporations is maintained.

Acquired by purchase from the Holly River and Addison Railway Company:

Constructed by the Holly Lumber Company, Holly Junction to Holly, 1892-93 5.0
Constructed by the Holly River Railroad Company, Holly to Hockmer, 1897-98 12.0
Constructed by the Holly River and Addison Railway Company, Diana to Webster Springs, 1901-2 12.5
Constructed by the Oak Run Lumber Company, Marpleton to Moats (no details) 3.3

Acquired by construction:

Webster Springs to Breece, 1906 4.75
Holly to mouth of Long Run, 1910 7.00
Total 44.55
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 1.434
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 45.984