Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Winifrede Railroad

The railroad of the Winifrede Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in the southwestern part of West Virginia. The main line extends southerly from Winifrede Junction to Winifrede, thence to the mines of the Winifrede Coal Company at North Branch, a distance of 6.447 miles, with a short branch line projecting from a point near Coal River to a connection with the private railroad of the South West Coal Company, aggregating 6.751 miles of first main track. The carrier also owns 3.340 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 10.091 miles of all tracks owned and used. The carrier has trackage rights over tracks of The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company to reach the latter's station at Winifrede Junction, W. Va. This is an industrial railroad controlled by the Winifrede Coal Company, owners of coal mines in the vicinity of Winifrede, W. Va., which supplies the carrier most of its revenue tonnage.


The carrier was incorporated November 15, 1881, under general laws of West Virginia for the purpose of constructing and operating a railroad from a connection with tracks of The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company at Winifrede Junction to mines of the Winifrede Coal Company at or near Winifrede, W. Va.


The owned mileage was acquired by construction during 1881 and 1882. Records do not indicate whether work was performed by company forces or by contract. The recorded mileage is 7.56; the inventoried mileage 6.751.