Wikipedia:WikiProject U.S. Roads/Utah/Auto trails
- 1918: US-91
- 1917: proposed, Victoria, BC to El Paso, TX
- 1918: US-91, US-191
- 1919
- 1926: US-91
- 1920-06: planning started, Green River to Ely
- 1920-07: cut back to Fillmore-Ely
- 1921: (Ely) SR-27, SR-26, US-91 (SLC)
- 1922: became alternate Midland Trail route (to serve Lehman Caves: [1][2])
- 1913-09-14: route proclaimed
- 1913-09-19, 1913-09-25: agreed to include Ogden
- 1915-04-16: Ogden is permanently gone
- 1917-07-27: "Will Prosecute Farmers Who Flood Public Roads"
- 1919-04-30: both realignments to open in July
- 1920-03-26: Clover to Nevada was designated a state highway
One of the early 1910s trails mapped by the National Highways Association
- 1913: map east of SLC
- 1913: tried Dugway route
- 1913: "Senators from Weber, Davis and Box Elder insisted that the route of the highway be designated through their counties in the bill and that be appropriated for the western outlet, of the Midland trail through Box Elder county." "The official route of the Midland trail through Utah as designated by the bill is from the terminus of the Colorado highway at the Utah state line near Grand Junction through Cisco and Thompson in Grand county, through Green River and Woodside in Emery county, through Price and Helper in Carbon county, through Kyune station, Colton. Soldier Summit. Thistle Junction, Spanish Fork. Springville, Provo, Pleasant Grove, American Fork and Lehi in Utah county, through Murray and Salt Lake in Salt Lake county, through Farmington and Kaysville in Davis county, through Ogden in Weber county and through Brigham City and Kelton in Box Elder county." This was not final: [3]
- 1918: across Dugway, US-40, US-91, US-50 (pre-1976)
Apparently the Midland Trail was the first across Dugway? [4] They used the Grand Central Highway as an alternate.
- 1919: via Moab [5]
- 1918: US-30S??
- 1915: (across Dugway, US-40)(SR-70, US-30S, US-91), US-40
- 1918: SR-70, US-30S, US-91, SR-7, US-40
- Moved to LA in 1924: US-91, SR-13, US-89, SR-10, US-50 (pre-1976); spur from SLC via US-91, US-50 (pre-1976)
- (SLC) US-91
- 1924: US-40