Wikipedia:WikiProject Video games/Reference library/Commodore Power Play
This page contains primarily video-game specific content from Commodore Power/Play computing magazine.
Archive collection:
- Spring 1983): [4]
- Summer 1983): [5]
- Fall 1983): [6]
- Winter 1983): International Soccer [7] Gorf, Wizard of Wor [8] DragonsDen (Commodore) [9] Suspended [10]
- Spring 1984): [11]
- June/July 1984): B.C.'s Quest for Tires, Beach Head, Blue Max, Trains (Spinnaker) [12]
- August/September 1984): Kid Grid, Moon Shuttle (Datasoft), One on One: Dr. J vs. Larry Bird, Repton, Drol [13]
- October/November 1984): Solo Flight [14]
- December 1984/January 1985): Summer Games, Wizard, In the Chips (Creative Software), Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, Congo Bongo, Juice! (Tronix) [15]
- February/March 1985): Space Taxi, D-Bug (Electronic Arts), Oil's Well, Death in the Caribbean (MicroFun), Popeye [16] Star Trek, The Seven Cities of Gold, The Pharaoh's Curse, Star Ranger (Commodore Business Machines), Puzzle Mania (Readers Digest) [17]
- April/May 1985): The Hulk, Rug Rider (TriMicro), Boulder Dash, Murder on the Zinderneuf, Saucer Attack!, Stealth, The Castles of Dr. Creep, The Heist (Micro Fun), Tapper, Raid over Moscow, Blockade Runner (Interphase) [18]
- June/July 1985): Ghostbusters, Whistler's Brother, SLAP-SHOT! Hockey (Artworx Software Company), F-15 Strike Eagle, MicroLeague Baseball, Break Street (Creative Software), Spy vs. Spy, Championship Lode Runner, Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Berserker Raids [19]
- August/September 1985): Kennedy Approach, Gyruss, Raid on Bungeling Bay, The Argos Expedition (CBS Software), Up'n Down, Jury Trial II (Navic Software), Geopolitique 1990, Pitfall II, Beamrider, Tournament Tennis (Imagic), Break Dance [20]
- October/November 1985): Impossible Mission, Mindshadow, Breakthrough in the Ardennes, Felony! (CBS Software), Wordfinder (CBS Software), Broadsides, Web Dimension (Activision) [21] Crusade in Europe, Run for the Money (Scarborough), Management Decision (Infinity Software), In the Chips (Creative Software), Market Forces (Intelligence Quest), Donald Duck's Playground [22] Mail Order Monsters, 50 Mission Crush, Panzers East! (Avalon Hill) [23]
- December 1985/January 1986): Master of the Lamps, Racing Destruction Set, Six-Gun Shootout,Winter Games, Maxwell Manor (Avalon Hill) [24] Questron, Summer Games II, Combat Leader [25] Skyfox, Beach-Head II, Knights of the Desert, B.C. II: Grog's Revenge [26]
- February/March 1986): The Great American Cross-Country Road Race, Rescue on Fractalus!, Star Rank Boxing (Gamestar), 3 in 1 College & Pro Football, Statis Pro Baseball (Avalon Hill), Stunt Flyer (Sierra), Super Huey, On-Track (Gamestar) [27] Temple of Apshai Trilogy, Jet Combat Simulator (Epyx), Wishbringer, Road to Moscow, Colonial Conquest [28]
- April/May 1986): Law of the West, Lode Runner's Rescue, Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder, Treasure Island (Windham Classics), The Wizard of Oz, Moebius [29] Carriers at War [30] Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative, Garry Kitchen's GameMaker [31]
- June/July 1986): Gryphon (Avalon Hill) [32] Decision in the Desert [33] Heart of Africa, International Hockey (Artworx) [34] The Dam Busters, Norway 1985 [35] Dreadnoughts [36] Fight Night [37]
- August/September 1986): Brataccas, Psi-5 Trading Company, Super Boulder Dash (Electronic Arts) [38] Acrojet, Arcticfox, Superman: The Game, Quizam (Cygnus) [39] Gato, Crossword Magic (Mindscape) [40]
- October/November 1986): Leader Board [41] Murder on the Mississippi [42] Kung-Fu II: Sticks of Death (UXB), Road Rally U.S.A. (Bantam Software) [43] Phantasie II [44]