Game Boy: R-Type II, M.C. Kids, Joe & Mac, Max, The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2, The Legend of Prince Valiant, Lemmings (video game), Pop Up, The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback!, Battleship, Swamp Thing, George Foreman's KO Boxing
NES: Dropzone, Contra III: The Alien Wars, The Legend of Prince Valiant, Prince of Thieves, Hammerin' Harry, Super Turrican, Top Gun, TaleSpin, Paperboy 2, Double Dragon II: The Revenge, The Adventures of Rad Gravity
SNES: Wing Commander, NHLPA Hockey '93, Super Pang, Spindizzy Worlds, Kick Off, Darius Twin, Power Athlete, Chuck Rock, Drakkhen, James Bond Jr., Super Battletank