Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Florida State University/Adv Molecular Bio Bass-FSU-Fa23 (Fall)

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Course name
Adv Molecular Bio Bass-FSU-Fa23
Florida State University
Dr. Hank W. Bass
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Molecular Biology
Course dates
2023-08-28 00:00:00 UTC – 2023-12-15 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course is designed to equip you with the skills necessary to become proficient in science writing, specifically as a "Wikipedian", but these skills will also prove applicable to your graduate research and beyond. You will have the opportunity to edit or create actual Wikipedia pages, thereby making significant contributions to global knowledge on topics within the field of molecular biology. In addition, you will cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for scientific literacy, precision in writing, and critical thinking.

The Wiki Education module constitutes 25% of the overall grade for Dr. Bass' Advanced Molecular Biology (PCB 5595) course. Online exercises and tutorials from the Wiki EDU course will be spread throughout the fall semester.

All students enrolled in PCB 5595 will be concurrently registered in the Wiki EDU course. This begins with online tutorials, which are due by specified timelines. Towards the semester's end, each student will choose a page to work on, subject to the instructor's approval. They will then present their work in class, which is scheduled to occur in early December.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Hafiza Sara Akram DNA polymerase
Ioo23a Trophozoite
Bs20dp Muramyl dipeptide
Vmt19 Type I collagen Ghrelin, Beta cell, PQBP1
Amabotsi P24 capsid protein
PSA23B Tomato Chlorosis Virus
Deh23 Triple helix
Amb20m Olfactory nerve
Scienceporium Beta cell
RCC23A Ghrelin Type I collagen, Acetyltransferase, Urocortin III
GradStudent4Life Epstein–Barr virus viral-capsid antigen
Cba021 Neutral theory of molecular evolution
CryingEM Electron cryotomography
ChokoApplePie PIN proteins
Banerjee12 S-Nitrosylation
Msp20bt Dimethoate HIV/AIDS research, Triple helix, Tumor microenvironment
Hcs22e Tumor microenvironment Beta cell, DNA polymerase, Acetyltransferase
Adn23 Orexin
T23sa Plant defensin
Achait2023 Guanylate-binding protein Orexin, Olfactory nerve, Ghrelin
Jlp21k Acetyltransferase
Fz23 Urocortin III
Ybg16 SCCmec
RSMT123 SON (gene)
Bei203 Drug design
Yf23c Triple helix