Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/NASA/Space Travel (Summer 2015)

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Course name
Space Travel
Course dates
2015-06-15 – 2015-09-30
Approximate number of student editors

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View from Imperia Tower Moscow 04-2014 img12
Student Assigned Reviewing


Week 1

In class - Wikipedia essentials
  • Overview of the course
  • Introduction to how Wikipedia will be used in the course
  • Understanding Wikipedia as a community, we'll discuss its expectations and etiquette.

Handouts: Editing Wikipedia, Illustrating Wikipedia

Assignment - Create your account and learn the basics
  • Create an account and then complete the online training for students. During this training, you will make edits in a sandbox and learn the basic rules of Wikipedia.

Resources: Online Training for Students

Boom boom


Week 2

Assignment - Illustrate an article
  • Identify an article that would benefit from illustration, create or find an appropriate photo, illustration, or audio/video, and add it to the article.
  • All media uploaded to Wikipedia must fall under a "free license," which means they can be used or shared by anyone. Examples of media you can use are photos that you take yourself, images and text in the public domain, and works created by someone else who has given permission for their work to be used by others. For more information about which types of media can be uploaded to Wikipedia, see Commons:Help desk.
  • To add a media file to an article, you must first upload it to Wikimedia Commons. For instructions on how to upload files to Commons, refer to Illustrating Wikipedia. This brochure will also provide you with detailed information about which files are acceptable to upload to Wikipedia and the value of contributing media to Wikipedia articles.

Week 3

In class - Wikipedia essentials
  • Overview of the course
  • Introduction to how Wikipedia will be used in the course
  • Understanding Wikipedia as a community, we'll discuss its expectations and etiquette.
  • The differences between English Wikipedia and other Wikipedias

Handouts: Editing Wikipedia and Using Talk Pages

Assignment - Practicing the basics
  • Create an account and a user page on Wikipedia
  • Enroll in this course.
  • Complete the Online Training for Language Students.
  • To practice editing and communicating on Wikipedia, introduce yourself to another student on their user talk page.

Resources: Online Training for Language Students

In class - Choose an article
  • Choose two articles (a first choice, and a backup) to translate into English. Post the article links on your talk page, and submit them to the instructor for review.
  • Once your instructor has approved one or both of your choices, finalize your choice of which article to translate.

Assignment - Begin translating
  • Copy your article from the target-language Wikipedia into your sandbox.
  • Begin to translate your work.

Week 4

In class - Translation
  • Be ready to discuss your progess translating your article.

Assignment - Translation
  • Continue to translate your work.

Week 5

In class - Publish your work
  • Discussion of fact-checking translated work, finding English-language sources.

Assignment - Publish your work
  • Move sandbox articles into main space.
  • If you are expanding an existing article, it's time to add your revised translation (including English sources, when available). Copy your edit into the article. If you are making many small edits, save after each edit before you make the next one. Do NOT paste over the entire existing article, or large sections of the existing article. Be sure to check the article's talk page and respond to suggestions from Wikipedians. Don't panic if your edits are removed or changed! Discuss it civilly on the article's talk page, and make a note of it for your report or presentation about your editing experience.
  • If you are creating a new article, do NOT copy and paste your text, or there will be no record of your work history. Follow instruction on the "Moving out of your sandbox" handout.
  • In your first edit to the article namespace, include a link of the source article (i.e., the article you translated) in the "edit summary" before hitting "save."
  • Copy the code {{Translated page}} foo to the bottom of the Wikipedia article.

Handout: Moving out of your sandbox

Week 6

In class - Revise and review
  • Individual presentations about your translation process, how you selected your articles, and your observations about how this differs from a traditional translation assignment.
  • Students have finished all their work on Wikipedia that will be considered for grading.