Wikipedia talk:Meetup/Invasive Species WikiThon/Template for Wikipedia articles on Invasive Alien Animals of Union concern

Backup of the initial template developed at Krakow

= DETAILED TEMPLATE for an animal =
Don't forget to insert a [[Template:Taxobox|Taxobox]] on the top of your page.

== Introduction § ==
with scientific name and common name(s), taxonomy (family) and some general information.

== Etymology, synonyms ==
== Description (Morphology)==
Including characteristics, colour variations and aberrations, sounds

== Biology ==
=== Taxa (Subspecies, varieties) ===
=== Parasitism ===
=== Behaviour ===
E.g. Predation, feeding, diet, etc.
=== Reproduction ===

=== Growth and ontogeny, life cycle, longevity ===
=== Survival, predators, parasites, diseases, mortality ===
=== Communication ===

== Ecology ==
=== Habitat ===
=== Distribution ===
==== Home range ====
==== Distribution (worldwide) ====
==== Distribution (in your country/continent) ====
===== Introduction =====
===== Displacement =====
===== Fossil records =====

== [Species name] as an IAS ==
=== IAS of Union concern ===
=== Risk assessment ===
=== Report the species ===
=== Impacts ===
==== Ecological impact ====
==== Economical impact ====
==== Health impact ====
E.g. on human beings or / and animals.
==== Other impacts ====

=== Confinement ===
=== Management, control ===

=== Extermination ===

== Breeding and use ==
E.g. scientific research, food, hunting, pets, medicine etc.

== Protection, conservation, care ==

== Photo Gallery ==
== See also ==
== References ==
== Further reading ==
== External links ==

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= SHORT TEMPLATE for an animal=
Don't forget to insert a [[Template:Taxobox|Taxobox]] on the top of your page.

== Introduction § ==
with scientific name and common name(s), taxonomy (family) and some general information.

== Brief description ==
=== Photo gallery ===

== [Species name] as an IAS ==
=== IAS of Union concern ===
=== Risk assessment ===
=== Report the species ===

== Status and distribution worldwide ==
== Status and distribution in [your country] ==
=== [species] as pet or hunting game ===
=== [species] in the wild ===

== Bibliography ==
== See also ==
== References ==
== Further reading ==
== External links ==