Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Denver and Rio Grande Railroad

1881 charter


First, from Ogden to a point near the intersection of the western and southern boundary lines of Utah, in Washington County, passing into or through the counties of Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, Juab, San Pete, Sevier, Millard, Beaver, Piute, Iron, Kane and Washington - a distance of about 320 miles. With a branch from a point of intersection in Beaver County thence in a southwesterly direction to the Western Boundary line of Utah, at or near its intersection with the seventh standard parallel south, passing into or through the counties of Beaver and Iron, - a distance of about 60 miles;

  • N/A

Second, from the mouth of Clear Creek near Joseph City in Sevier County, to the southern boundary line of Utah in Kane County, at a point where the Arizona Northern Railway of Arizona Territory shall intersect said boundary line, passing into or through the counties of Sevier, Piute, Iron and Kane, all in the Territory of Utah - a distance of about 140 miles;

Third, from the mouth of Clear Creek in Sevier Valley in Sevier County, to the city of St. George in Washington County, passing into or through the counties of Sevier, Piute, Beaver, Iron, Kane and Washington all in the Territory of Utah, - a distance of about 130 miles;

  • N/A

Fourth, from a point at or near Iron Springs in Iron County to a point on the western boundary line of Utah, near the seventh standard parallel south in Iron County, passing into or through Iron County, : a distance of about 55 miles;

  • N/A

Fifth, from a point at or near Cove Creek Fork in Millard County to a point on the western boundary line of Utah at or near its intersection with the thirty ninth parallel north latitude, passing into or through Millard County, with branches as follows:

  • N/A

1) a branch running to a point on the western boundary line of Utah, at or near the north end of needle range of mountains;

  • N/A

2) a branch from the most convenient point on said line to a point at or near Frisco. The said line and two branches - a distance of about 145 miles;

  • N/A

Sixth, from Salt Lake City to a point on the western boundary line of Utah at or near the first standard parallel south, passing into or through Salt Lake and Tooele counties, all in Utah Territory - a distance of about 140 miles;

  • N/A

Seventh, from a point at or near Lehi in Utah County to a point on the western boundary line of Utah between the first and second standard parallels south - a distance of about 150 miles;

  • N/A

Eighth, from a point at or near Springville in Utah County to a point on the western boundary line of Utah between the first and second standard parallels south, passing into or through the counties of Utah, Juab and Tooele - a distance of about 150 miles;

Ninth, from a point at or near Salina in Sevier county to a point on the western boundary line of Utah at or near the thirty ninth parallel of north latitude, passing into or through the counties of Sevier, San Pete, Millard - a distance of about 200 miles,

  • N/A

Tenth, from a point at or near Deseret in Millard County to a point on the western boundary line of Utah between the second and third standard parallels south, passing into or through the counties of Millard and Juab - a distance of about 80 miles;

  • N/A

Eleventh, from a point at or near Salina in Sevier County to a point on the Utah & Pleasant Valley RR at or near the mouth of Thistle Valley in Utah County, passing into or through the counties of Sevier and San Pete and Utah - a distance of about 80 miles;

Twelfth, from the city of Provo in Utah County to a point on the eastern boundary line of Utah, passing into or through the counties of Utah, Wasatch and Uintah, with the following branches:

  • main, N/A

1) a branch from a point at or near the mouth of White River in Uintah County, to a point on the eastern boundary line of Utah where the same is crossed by the valley of Green River, passing into or through Uintah County;

  • N/A

2) a branch from a point at or near Soldiers Pass in Wasatch County to a point on the Sevier Valley Railway line at or near the mouth of Huntington Creek [southeast of Castle Dale] in Emery County;

  • main, N/A

3) a branch from a point at or near the mouth of White River in Uintah County to a point at or near Kimball's Station in Summit County, passing into or through the counties of Summit, Wasatch and Uintah;

  • N/A

4) a branch from the mouth of White River in Uintah County to the mouth of Grand River in Piute County, passing into or through Uintah, Piute and San Juan Counties, The length of said last named line and four branches being - a distance of about 620 miles;

  • N/A

Thirteenth, from a point at or near the city of Ogden in Weber County to a point at or near Salina in Sevier County and thence in a general southwardly direction to the north boundary line of the Territory of Arizona, and from at or near Salina aforesaid eastwardly to the westerly boundary of the state of Colorado, the northerly terminus of said railroad being at or near said city of Ogden, the southern terminus being the northern boundary line of Arizona and the eastern terminus being the western boundary of the state of Colorado. The general route of said railroad being - a distance of about 600 miles;

Fourteenth, from a point at or near the city of Salt Lake in the county of Salt Lake by the routs most practicable to Park City in the county of Summit and with a branch from Park City to Coalville. The general route of said railroad being about a distance of 52 miles;

Fifteenth, from a point at or near Provo in Utah County to a point at or near the mouth of Duchesne Fork of the Uintah River in Wasatch County - a distance of about 100 miles.


From a point near Ogden City to near Salina in Sevier County Utah and thence in a general southwardly direction to the North boundary line of the Territory of Arizona, and from Salina eastwardly to the western boundary of Colorado - a total distance of about 600 miles.


From a point near the City of Salt Lake by the route found most practicable to Park City and with a branch from Park City as may be found most practicable, to Coalville - a total distance of about 52 miles.

1908? bylaws



36. From a point at or near Green River, in Emery County, Utah, westerly and northwesterly along Saleratus Wash to a point on Clark's Valley Guide Meridian, near Chimney Rocks; thence in a general westerly direction along said Saleratus Wash to a point on the divide between Saleratus Wash and San Rafael River near the Castle Valley Guide Meridian; thence in a general westerly direction crossing the valley of Huntington Creek to Castledale, in Castle Valley; thence southwesterly through Castle Valley to a point on the western boundary line of Emery County near its intersection with Ivie Creek; thence continuing in a general southwesterly direction to the divide between Ivie Creek and Meadow Creek; thence northwesterly following the valley of Meadow Creek to the terminus of the COMPANY'S constructed line near Nioche, in Sevier County; with a branch from the most convenient point near Castledale northwesterly following the valley of Huntington Creek to its source; also with a branch from the most convenient point near Castledale in a general northerly direction to Price, in Carbon County; also with a branch from Castledale aforesaid northerly following the valley of Cottonwood Creek to its source in San Pete County; [?]

37. From Farnham, in Carbon County, southerly to the valley of Miller Creek near the junction of Miller Creek with Price River; thence in a general westerly direction along the valley of Miller Creek to its source, a distance of 24 miles, more or less, all in Carbon County, Utah.