Zbigniew Raszewski (5 April 1925, Poznań) was a Polish writer and theatre historian.



Shortly after his birth his family moved to Bydgoszcz, where he spent his childhood and youth. He wrote one of the best books on the town, and more broadly on Polish-German relations there, in the form of Pamiętnik gapia. Bydgoszcz, jaką pamiętam z lat 1930-1945 Wyd. Pomorze Bydgoszcz., a compendium of memoirs.

In 1945 - 1949, he studied Polish at the University of Poznań, later becoming an assistant at the university. He moved to Warsaw and was involved with the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as becoming a professor at the Warsaw Theater School in Zelwerowicza.


  • Z tradycji teatralnych Pomorza, Wielkopolski i Śląska 1955
  • Teatr ogromny 1961
  • Staroświecczyzna i postęp czasu 1963
  • Raptularz 1965-1967
  • Raptularz 1965-1992
  • Raptularz 1968-1969
  • Słownik biograficzny teatru polskiego 1973
  • Krótka historia Teatru Polskiego 1977
  • Bilet do teatru: Szkice
  • Bogusławski
  • Teatr w świecie widowisk
  • Trudny rebus: Studia i szkice z historii teatru
  • Weryfikacja czarodzieja i inne szkice o teatrze
  • Listy do Małgorzaty Musierowicz
  • Mój świat
  • Pamiętnik gapia. Bydgoszcz, jaką pamiętam z lat 1930-1945
  • Teatr na Placu Krasińskich