Candidates of the 1990 Australian federal election

This article provides information on candidates who stood for the 1990 Australian federal election. The election was held on 24 March 1990.

Redistributions and seat changes


Retiring Members and Senators










House of Representatives


Sitting members at the time of the election are shown in bold text. Successful candidates are highlighted in the relevant colour. Where there is possible confusion, an asterisk (*) is also used.

Australian Capital Territory

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate NDP candidate Greens candidate Independent candidate
Canberra Labor Ros Kelly Bill Mackey Julie McCarron-Benson Barbara Meyer Gina Jeffrey
Fraser Labor John Langmore Sandie Brooke Heather Jeffcoat Gareth Smith Sue Bolton Emile Brunoro

New South Wales

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Coalition candidate Democrats candidate Greens candidate CTA candidate Other candidates
Banks Labor Daryl Melham Steve Pratt (Lib) Paul Terrett Ian Clipsham John Hay (Ind)
Brian Meyer (Ind)
Graeme Robinson (DSP)
Barton Labor Gary Punch David Macauley (Lib) Ron George Cathy Mudie Joe Hardy (Ind)
Max Lindon (Ind)
Rosemary McCann (DSP)
Noel Said (GP)
Bennelong Liberal Martin Claridge John Howard (Lib) Bob Springett Robyn Peebles John Dawson (Ind)
Judy Messer (Ind)
Hugh Pitty (NDP)
Berowra Liberal Sue Deane Harry Edwards (Lib) Martyn Yeomans Beville Varidel Mick Gallagher (Ind)
Les Paul (Ind)
Blaxland Labor Paul Keating David Voight (Lib) Fiona Richardson Mohamad Arja (Ind)
Michael Irsak (CNA)
Stephanie Miller (DSP)
Bradfield Liberal Adam McCarthy David Connolly (Lib) Henry Long Anthony Hardwick (Ind)
Alan Jacobs (Ind)
Giovanna Trenoweth (NDP)
Calare Labor David Simmons Joanne Lewis (Nat)
John Loneregan (Lib)
Steve Adams Brian Davis (Ind)
Mike Phillips (Ind)
Charlton Labor Bob Brown Mollie Blake (Lib) Lyn Godfrey Geoff Pendlebury (Ind)
Chifley Labor Roger Price Darren Condon (Lib) Nigel Lovell Bill Bird
Cook Liberal Paul Smith Don Dobie (Lib) Terri Richardson Patricia Poulos (Ind)
Dennis Ralph (Ind)
Cowper National John Murphy Garry Nehl (Nat) Trevor Pike Angelique Meers David Rees (Ind)
Cunningham Labor Stewart West Jeff Thomson (Lib) Meg Sampson Steve Brigham Rex Connor (RCL)
Peter Symonds (Ind)
Dobell Labor Michael Lee Ian Crook (Lib) Rod Benninson Karl Singman Gordon Craig (Ind)
Neville Malloy (GP)
Dundas Liberal Richard Talbot Philip Ruddock (Lib) Peter Reddy Bruce Coleman Barry Liggins (Ind)
Alec Preda (Ind)
John Wilson (Ind)
Eden-Monaro Labor Jim Snow Rob Pollock (Lib)
Gaye White (Nat)
Denise Redmond Jim Collins (Ind)
Greg Doyle (RCL)
Farrer National Bill Higgins Tim Fischer (Nat)
Fowler Labor Ted Grace Gloria Arora (Lib) Jon Phillips Mirjana Ivetic-Elvy Pam Branch (Ind)
Rose-Mary Logozzo (Ind)
Gilmore National Mick Shea John Sharp (Nat) Susan Nagy
Grayndler Labor Leo McLeay Diana Bennett (Lib) Peter Hennessy Clay Wilson Galeb Adra (Ind)
Habib Fares (SPA)
George der Mattosian (CNA)
Lee Pepper (Ind)
Paul Urban (Ind)
Bruce Welch (Ind)
Greenway Labor Russ Gorman Tony Packard (Lib) Roger Posgate Remi Biala (CNA)
Ivor F (Ind)
Gail Lord (DSP)
Warren Wormald (Ind)
Gwydir National Ted Stubbins John Anderson (Nat) Anthony Styles Bevan O'Regan (Ind)
Hughes Labor Robert Tickner Cliff Mason (Lib) John Clancy George Kriflik
Hume Liberal George Martin Wal Fife (Lib) Glenn Roberts David Jones (Ind)
Doug Kirkwood (Ind)
Hunter Labor Eric Fitzgibbon Alison Davey (Nat)
Ashley Saunders (Lib)
Chris Richards
Kingsford-Smith Labor Laurie Brereton Carol Dance (Lib) Amelia Newman Mark Berriman Kaye Tucke (Ind)
Lindsay Labor Ross Free Barry Haylock (Lib) Paul Moritz Brian Grigg William Gayed (CNA)
David Thomas (Ind)
Lowe Liberal Mary Easson Bob Woods (Lib) Andrew Mignot Bruce Threlfo Peter Peterson Corrado Galimberti (Ind)
Lyne National Garry Worth Bruce Cowan (Nat) Peter Cooper
Macarthur Labor Stephen Martin Jim Cameron (Lib) Peter Feltis Chris Illert Ken McDonald Leon Bringolf (SPA)
Mackellar Liberal Adam Hatcher Jim Carlton (Lib) Jonathan King Brad Hogarth Muriel O'Neill Maurice Foley (Ind)
Macquarie Liberal John Marsh Alasdair Webster (Lib) Bruce Forbes Leslie Newton John Baker (Ind)
Stuart Douglass (Ind)
Mitchell Liberal Graeme McIlveen Alan Cadman (Lib) Jan Watts Harold Morton
Newcastle Labor Allan Morris Mark Hallett (Lib) Malcolm Martin Frank Blefari (Ind)
Col Forster (Ind)
Leigh Maughan (Ind)
New England National Paul Brock Ian Sinclair (Nat) Steve Wood Guy Wernhard (Ind)
Peter Worthing (Ind)
North Sydney Liberal Chrissa Loukas John Spender (Lib) Graeme MacLennan Ted Mack (Ind)
Page National Harry Woods Ian Robinson (Nat) Charles Lowe Ivor Brown (Ind)
Martin Frohlich (Ind)
David Kitson (Ind)
Parkes National Ray Leslie Michael Cobb (Nat) Gloria Collison
Parramatta Labor Paul Elliott Ross Barwick (Lib) Michael Antrum Kerry Vernon (DSP)
Phillip Labor Jeannette McHugh Charles Copeman (Lib) Armon Hicks David Barrington Kevin Lohan Toby Marshall (Ind)
George Vlazny (GP)
Cynthia Wrublewski (Ind)
Prospect Labor Janice Crosio Paul Newton (Lib) Kate Wright Jenny Zanella Nick Beams (Ind)
Dick Nichols (DSP)
Reid Labor Laurie Ferguson Lynne McDowell (Lib) Steven Bailey Keith Barron Radwan Elachi (CNA)
Margaret Gleeson (DSP)
Vincent White (Ind)
Richmond National Neville Newell Charles Blunt (Nat) Stan Gibbs Alan Sims Gavin Baillie (Ind)
Helen Caldicott (Ind)
Dudley Leggett (Ind)
Ian Paterson (Ind)
Riverina-Darling National Peter Black Noel Hicks (Nat) Gordon Dansie (Ind)
Robertson Labor Frank Walker Paul St Clair (Lib) Glenice Griffiths Bryan Ellis John Anderson (Ind)
Paul Baker (Ind)
Joyce Cook (GP)
Martin Ritter (Ind)
Shortland Labor Peter Morris Lynne Hall (Lib) Michael Reckenberg Mark Booth (Ind)
Geoff Ellis (Ind)
Clay Robinson (Ind)
Lorraine Welsh (Ind)
St George Labor Stephen Dubois Alan Smith (Lib) John Mukai Don Collingridge John Brkich (CNA)
Colin Hesse (DSP)
Brian Howard (GP)
Sydney Labor Peter Baldwin Stephen Woodhill (Lib) Bob Dawson Tony Harris John Davern Ken Henderson (Ind)
Nadar Ponnuswamy (Ind)
Throsby Labor Colin Hollis Garry Noel-Gough (Lib) Greg Butler Lyn Allison Ronald Henderson (Ind)
David Reilly (Ind)
Warringah Liberal David de Montfort Michael MacKellar (Lib) Marcus Weyland
Wentworth Liberal Dimitri Tsingris John Hewson (Lib) Estelle Myers Geoff Ash James Reid (Ind)
Werriwa Labor John Kerin Rick Lewis (Lib) Eamon Quinn Robert Tomasiello Sue Dobson (EI)

Northern Territory

Electorate Held by Labor candidate CLP candidate Independent candidates
Northern Territory Labor Warren Snowdon Helen Galton Don Beaton
Tig Donnellan
Bob Liddle
Ron Sterry


Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate National candidates Democrats candidate Other candidates
Bowman Labor Con Sciacca Peter Trounce Stan Brimson Phillip Grattan
Brisbane Labor Arch Bevis Keith Schafferius Andrew Hassall Leo Talty Marylou Heath (Ind)
William Kenney (Ind)
Peter Simmons (DSP)
Capricornia Labor Keith Wright Stan Collard Craig Hardy (Grn)
Dawson National Greg McGarvie Jim Seymour Ray Braithwaite Tom Irelandes
Fadden Liberal Marie Wilkinson David Jull Peter Freckleton Eugene Cross Richard Heymann (Ind)
Fairfax National Beryl Muspratt Alex Somlyay John Stone Bob Borsellino Sheila Adams (ACP)
Fisher Labor Michael Lavarch Tony Holmes Brian Sheahan Glen Spicer
Forde Labor Mary Crawford Brad Bauman Ross Adams Jason Neville John Duggan (Ind)
Coral Wynter (Grn)
Griffith Labor Ben Humphreys Doug Edwards Sean Cousins Steven Lyndon Russel Norman (DSP)
Groom Liberal Stewart Scott-Irving Bill Taylor Terry Day Trevor Ives
Herbert Labor Ted Lindsay Peter Hazard Rick Anderton Colin Parker
Hinkler Labor Brian Courtice Frank Hibble John Evans Ronald Cullen
Kennedy National Rob Hulls Fred Tritton Ross Shannon Patricia Banzhaf
Leichhardt Labor John Gayler Bill Cummings Kevin Byrne Jim Downey Jim Waldock (Ind)
Lilley Labor Elaine Darling Ronald Nankervis Steve Purtill Elizabeth Rowland Dave Riley (DSP)
Maranoa National John Adams John Stone Bruce Scott Mary Hopkins
McPherson Liberal Pat Stern John Bradford Randall Cook Robert North Bert Cockerill (Ind)
Otto Kuhne (Ind)
Moncrieff Liberal Col Struthers Kathy Sullivan Peter Lyons Jonathan Cornish
Moreton Liberal Garrie Gibson Don Cameron Vince Cottrell Ken Davies
Oxley Labor Les Scott David Cooke Ray Wilms Althea Rossmuller
Petrie Labor Gary Johns Bruce Flegg Peter Bateman Anthony Bloomer Natasha Simons (DSP)
Rankin Labor David Beddall John Miles Huan Fraser John Hoskins Cheryl Crisp (Ind)
Richard Whiteman (Ind)
Ryan Liberal Denny Campbell John Moore Helen McAllister Adair Ferguson Alan Skyring (Ind)
Wide Bay National Andrew Foley Warren Truss Bryan Sandall John Szchech (Ind)

South Australia

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate CTA candidate Other candidates
Adelaide Liberal Bob Catley Mike Pratt Peter Mann Cathryn Linedale Jean Booth (Ind)
Keith Oehme (GA)
Barker Liberal Bill Hender Ian McLachlan Mark Lobban Pieter Raams (Ind)
Bonython Labor Neal Blewett Natalie Richardson Colin Maas Bruce Hannaford
Boothby Liberal Michael Keenan Steele Hall Margaret-Ann Williams Bruce Byrne Colin Banks (Ind)
Grey Labor Lloyd O'Neil Jonathan Man Harm Folkers Ern Heyne Peter Clark (Ind)
John Fisher (Ind)
Hawker Labor Elizabeth Harvey Chris Gallus Elizabeth Williams Reg Macey Glen Bottam (GP)
Kathy Ragless (DSP)
Hindmarsh Labor John Scott Barry Lewis Stephen Crabbe Peter Sparrow Alan McCarthy (Ind)
John Maguire (GP)
David Moxham (Ind)
Kingston Labor Gordon Bilney Judy Fuller Janine Haines Cliff Boyd Tom Flanagan (DSP)
George Gater (Ind)
Lyall McDonald (Ind)
Makin Labor Peter Duncan Daryl Hicks Steve Bartholomew Jeff Penny David Howard (Ind)
Geoff Roberts (Ind)
Mayo Liberal Delia Skorin Alexander Downer Merilyn Pedrick John Watson
Port Adelaide Labor Rod Sawford Howard Trotter Damien Aidon Peter Thompson Paul Petit (DSP)
Sturt Liberal Mark Hough Ian Wilson Arlyn Tombleson Tom Curnow Elena Bulis (GP)
Wakefield Liberal George Karzis Neil Andrew Kaye Matthews Ashley Grace


Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate Other candidates
Bass Liberal Silvia Smith Warwick Smith Rae Saxon John Chester (UTG)
Braddon Liberal Terry Hynes Chris Miles James Reilly Tom Egglestone (Ind)
Denison Labor Duncan Kerr Michael Hodgman Rob Alliston Ian Hopkins (DSP)
Graeme Jones (Ind)
Geoff Law (UTG)
Franklin Liberal Eugene Alexander Bruce Goodluck Patsy Harmsen
Lyons Liberal Bob Gordon Max Burr Mike Hancock


Electorate Held by Labor candidate Coalition candidate Democrats candidate CTA candidate Other candidates
Aston Labor John Saunderson Peter Nugent (Lib) Damian Wise Michael Ryan
Ballarat Labor John Mildren Michael Ronaldson (Lib) Bill Scetrine Jodie Rickard George Helon (Ind)
Greg Mays (Ind)
Batman Labor Brian Howe Ray Ellis (Lib) George Gogas Alan Watts Nigel D'Souza (DSP)
Bendigo Labor John Brumby Denis English (Nat)
Bruce Reid* (Lib)
Ian Keeling Vic Upson Joan Ansell (Ind)
Russell Castley (Ind)
Bruce Liberal Philip Cottier Julian Beale (Lib) Geoff Herbert Peter Olney
Burke Labor Neil O'Keefe Ian Lindsay (Lib) Patrick McCurry
Calwell Labor Andrew Theophanous Dianne Livett (Lib) Doug Lorman Rob Lukanic Jack Culpin (Ind)
Casey Liberal Jon Linehan Bob Halverson (Lib) Paul Rees John Dubbeld Earle Keegel (Ind)
Basil Smith (Ind)
Chisholm Liberal Helen Mayer Michael Wooldridge (Lib) Trudi Brunton Adrian Stagg
Corangamite Liberal Ian Caldwell Stewart McArthur (Lib) Rob Mann John Andrews Bruce Wilson (Ind)
Corinella Labor Lewis Kent Russell Broadbent (Lib) Mike Burns George Moran (CEC)
Corio Labor Gordon Scholes Adrienne Edgar (Lib) Donal Storey Ian Winter Horst Pfeifer (Ind)
Bruce Tanner (Ind)
Deakin Labor Tony Lamb Ken Aldred (Lib) Louise Enders Rodger Nardi Bronwen Beechey (DSP)
Dunkley Labor Bob Chynoweth Frank Ford (Lib) Peter Lindemann Arthur Comer Len Cosmavich (Ind)
Keith Edwards (PPA)
Peter Seitanidis (Ind)
Mike Toldy (Ind)
Flinders Liberal Tony Moore Peter Reith (Lib) Nance Jaboor David Gilbert (Ind)
Gellibrand Labor Ralph Willis Tim Warner (Lib) Frank Fichera Richard Phillips (Ind)
Don Veitch (Ind)
Gary Walters (DSP)
Gippsland National Merv Bundle Peter McGauran (Nat) Grace McCaughey Robert Watson Ben Buckley (Ind)
Goldstein Liberal Michael Danby David Kemp (Lib) Di Bretherton Phillip McGibbony Adrienne Barrett (DSP)
John Casley (Ind)
Peter Kormoczy (Ind)
Diana Wolowski (Ind)
Higgins Liberal Laurie Walsh Peter Costello (Lib) Clive Jackson Neil Baluch
Holt Labor Michael Duffy Mario Dodic (Lib) Irmgard Westphal Lynne Dickson
Hotham Labor Simon Crean Erdem Aydin (Lib) Phillip Anderson Daryl Esmore Vincent Alfonso (Ind)
Peter Stamatopoulos (SPA)
Indi Liberal John Dennis Ewen Cameron (Lib) Ian Deegan Barry Tattersall (Ind)
Isaacs Liberal Jim Ensor Rod Atkinson (Lib) Darren Koch
Jagajaga Labor Peter Staples Fred Garrett (Lib) Howard McCallum Colin Arnold Robert Morris (Ind)
Kooyong Liberal Eugene O'Sullivan Andrew Peacock (Lib) Jill Leisegang Arthur Burns (AAFI)
Tim Ferguson (Ind)
David Greagg (Ind)
Lalor Labor Barry Jones Rae Medlock (Lib) George Demetriou Ron Moffett Peter Ryan (Ind)
La Trobe Labor Peter Milton Bob Charles (Lib) Greta Jungwirth Teresa Kemp
Mallee National Peter Mitchell Peter Fisher (Nat) Ian McCracken
Maribyrnong Labor Alan Griffiths Victor Rudewych (Lib) Frances McKay
McEwen Labor Peter Cleeland Fran Bailey (Lib) Russell Dawes Win Wise Maurie Smith (Ind)
McMillan Labor Barry Cunningham Jillian Petersen (Nat)
John Riggall* (Lib)
Ross Ollquist Michael Slaughter Glen Mann (Ind)
Melbourne Labor Gerry Hand Rodger Gully (Lib) Geoff Mosley Jim Ferrari (Ind)
Steve Florin (Ind)
Melanie Sjoberg (DSP)
Melbourne Ports Labor Clyde Holding Allan Paull (Lib) David Collyer Greg Loats (DSP)
Menzies Liberal Ivana Csar Neil Brown (Lib) Elizabeth Piper-Johnson Ron Suter
Murray National Frank Purcell Bruce Lloyd (Nat) Barbara Leavesley Anne Adams (Ind)
Scullin Labor Harry Jenkins Wayne Phillips (Lib) Malcolm Brown Angelo Iacono (Ind)
Steve Pollock (Ind)
Wannon Liberal Phillip Sawyer David Hawker (Lib) Allan Thompson Terry Winter
Wills Labor Bob Hawke John Delacretaz (Lib) Philip Mendes Marc Aussie-Stone (Ind)
Mark Beshara (DLP)
Lali Chelliah (DSP)
Cecil G. Murgatroyd (Ind)
Ian Sykes (Ind)

Western Australia

Electorate Held by Labor candidate Liberal candidate Democrats candidate Greens candidate National candidate Other candidate
Brand Labor Wendy Fatin Maureen Healy Jan Wallace Luna Gardiner Errol Tuxworth Keith Evans (Ind)
Clive Galletly (Ind)
Blanche Pledge (GP)
Canning Labor George Gear Ricky Johnston Don Bryant Neil Roper Bill Higgins (PPA)
Phil Hooper (Ind)
Carol Oats (Ind)
Arthur Robertson (GP)
Geoff Spencer (DSP)
Cowan Labor Carolyn Jakobsen Diane Airey Sarah Gilfillan Sally Ward Brian Guinan (ACP)
Robert McLoughlin (Ind)
Barry Smith (GP)
Deb Thomas (DSP)
Curtin Liberal Stephen Booth Allan Rocher Helen Hodgson Mary Salter Michelle Hovane (DSP)
Brett Woodhill (GP)
Forrest Liberal Simon Keely Geoff Prosser David Churches Giz Watson Rick Beatty
Fremantle Labor John Dawkins Paul Stevenage Ray Tilbury Jennie Cary Ian Bolas (Ind)
Ronnie Riley (GP)
Kalgoorlie Labor Graeme Campbell Louie Carnicelli Vin Cooper Robin Chapple Dascia Weckert Josh Sacino (GP)
Moore Liberal Allen Blanchard Paul Filing Alan Lloyd Brian Steels Mark Watson (GP)
O'Connor Liberal Kim Chance Wilson Tuckey Huw Grossmith Jim Cavill James Ferguson Rick Finney (GP)
Pearce Liberal John Duncan Fred Chaney Peter Lambert Greg Bankoff Gina Pintabona (GP)
Perth Labor Ric Charlesworth Marylyn Rodgers Brian Jenkins Brenda Conochie William Witham Richard Cheuk (DSP)
Don Gudgeon (GP)
Stirling Labor Ron Edwards Jock Barker Lachlan Irvine Kim Herbert Eugene Hands (GP)
Barry Shardlow (Ind)
Jonathan Strauss (DSP)
Swan Labor Kim Beazley Peter Kirwan Alan Needham Dee Margetts Paul Auguston (Ind)
Patrick Donovan (Ind)
Erica Gamble (Ind)
Mike Hutton (GP)
Frank Noakes (DSP)
Tangney Liberal Chris Keely Peter Shack Hannah Wolfe Mark Schneider Andrew Wade (GP)



Sitting Senators are shown in bold text. Tickets that elected at least one Senator are highlighted in the relevant colour. Successful candidates are identified by an asterisk (*).

Australian Capital Territory


Two seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending one seat. The Liberal Party was defending one seat.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates Greens candidates NDP candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Bob McMullan*
  1. Margaret Reid*
  2. Roger Dace
  1. Norm Sanders
  2. Jenny McLeod
  1. Hedley Rowe
  2. Michael Poole
  1. Michael Denborough
  2. Jan Grech

Max Minius
Ralph Schroder
Maggie Kennedy

New South Wales


Six seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal-National Coalition was defending three seats. The Nuclear Disarmament Party was defending one seat (although Senator Irina Dunn contested the election as an independent). Senators Michael Baume (Liberal), Peter Baume (Liberal), John Faulkner (Labor), Paul McLean (Democrats), Graham Richardson (Labor) and Kerry Sibraa (Labor) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Coalition candidates Democrats candidates Green Alliance candidates NDP candidates CTA candidates
  1. Stephen Loosley*
  2. Bruce Childs*
  3. Sue West*
  4. John McCarthy
  1. Bronwyn Bishop* (Lib)
  2. David Brownhill* (Nat)
  3. Chris Puplick (Lib)
  4. Geoffrey Anderson (Lib)
  1. Vicki Bourne*
  2. Karin Sowada
  3. William Cole
  4. Dorothy Thompson
  1. Ian Cohen
  2. Christopher Kirkbright
  3. Sue Arnold
  4. Jo Faith
  5. Jane Beckmann
  1. Robert Wood
  2. Samantha Trenoweth
  1. Kevin Hume
  2. John Everingham
EFF candidates New Australia candidates Grey Power candidates Green Party candidates Enviro. Inds candidates CEC candidates
  1. George Turner
  2. Alan Gourley
  3. Bill Garing
  4. Jim Shanks
  5. Dallas Clarnette
  6. June Smith
  1. Oscar Landicho
  2. Onsy Mattar
  3. Len Hajjar
  4. Sam Ressitis
  5. Reginaldo Conti
  6. Warren Rogan
  1. Robert Clark
  2. Theo Hetterscheid
  3. Walter Radimey
  1. Daniela Reverberi
  2. Jenys Newton
  1. Irina Dunn
  2. Peter Prineas
  3. Harry Recher
  1. Lex Stewart
  2. Leone Hay
  3. John Doran
Group C candidates Group D candidates Group L candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Ian Murphy
  2. Anne Murphy
  1. Alan Wilkinson
  2. Andrew MacGregor
  1. Colin Wilson
  2. Glenn Wilson

Lord Rolo
Evalds Erglis
Zero-Population Growth
Bob Sutherland

John Henshaw
Abraham Lincoln
Harry Hnoudakis
Ian Monk

Peter Consandine
Gene Pierson-Salvestrin
Reen Dixon
Bill Smith

Northern Territory


Two seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending one seat. The Country Liberal Party was defending one seat.

Labor candidates CLP candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Bob Collins*
  2. Di Shanahan
  1. Grant Tambling*
  2. Richard Lim

Ilana Eldridge (Ind)
Citizen Limbo (NDP)



Six seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending three seats. The National Party was defending two seats. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Senators Florence Bjelke-Petersen (National), Mal Colston (Labor), David MacGibbon (Liberal), Warwick Parer (Liberal) and Margaret Reynolds (Labor) were not up for re-election. The seat held by Senator John Stone (National) was also not up for re-election but was vacant due to his resignation to contest the House of Representatives; this seat would be filled in May by Bill O'Chee.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates National candidates Democrats candidates CTA candidates DSP candidates
  1. Gerry Jones*
  2. Bryant Burns*
  3. John Black
  4. Greg Vicary
  1. Ian Macdonald*
  2. John Herron*
  3. Carmel Draper
  1. Ron Boswell*
  2. Glen Sheil
  3. Beth Honeycombe
  4. Jim Mason
  1. Cheryl Kernot*
  2. Tony Walters
  3. Brian Stockwell
  4. John Brown
  1. Rona Joyner
  2. Wilfred Blake
  3. Bernice King
  4. Ross Maclean
  1. Maurice Sibelle
  2. Karen Fletcher
Enviro. Inds candidates Conservative candidates Grey Power candidates Group F candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Peter James
  2. John Jones
  1. Sydney Volker
  2. Loraine Morrison
  1. Ron Alford
  2. Felix Cernovs
  1. Barry Weedon
  2. Margaret Crompton

Vincent Burke
Steve Dimitriou
Mark Cresswell
Clemens Vermeulen

South Australia


Six seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal Party was defending three seats. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Senators Nick Bolkus (Labor), Dominic Foreman (Labor), Graham Maguire (Labor), Tony Messner (Liberal) and Amanda Vanstone (Liberal) were not up for re-election. The seat held by Senator Janine Haines (Democrats) was also not up for re-election, but was vacant due to her resignation to contest the House of Representatives; it was filled in April by Meg Lees.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates Green Party candidates National candidates CTA candidates
  1. Rosemary Crowley*
  2. Chris Schacht*
  3. Gay Thompson
  4. Jim Hyde
  1. Robert Hill*
  2. Baden Teague*
  3. Grant Chapman*
  4. Ivan Venning
  1. John Coulter*
  2. Graham Pamount
  3. Judy Smith
  4. Pat Macaskill
  1. Deborah White
  2. Philippa Skinner
  3. Colin Hunt
  1. Neville Agars
  2. Gary Hamdorf
  1. David Squirrell
  2. Colin Sinclair
Group B candidates Group F candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Tania Mykyta
  2. Lizz Higgins
  1. F. Rieck
  2. Heather Shephard

Anastasios Giannouklas
Jack Holder (GP)
Jack King



Six seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal Party was defending three seats. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Senators Brian Archer (Liberal), Terry Aulich (Labor), John Coates (Labor), Brian Harradine (Independent), Michael Tate (Labor) and Shirley Walters (Liberal) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates UTG candidates DSP candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Nick Sherry*
  2. John Devereux*
  3. Jacquie Murphy
  4. Sue Mackay
  1. Jocelyn Newman*
  2. John Watson*
  3. Paul Calvert*
  1. Robert Bell*
  2. Sarah Hancock
  1. Michael Lynch
  2. Juliet Lavers
  3. Joan Staples
  4. Eva Ruzicka
  1. Kath Gelber
  2. Scott Lewington

John Gademski



Six seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal-National Coalition was defending four seats. Senators John Button (Labor), Gareth Evans (Labor), Austin Lewis (Liberal), Janet Powell (Democrats), Jim Short (Liberal) and Olive Zakharov (Labor) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Coalition candidates Democrats candidates Greens candidates CTA candidates DLP candidates
  1. Robert Ray*
  2. Barney Cooney*
  3. Kim Carr
  4. Carole Marple
  5. Roger Lowrey
  1. Richard Alston* (Lib)
  2. Kay Patterson* (Lib)
  3. Rod Kemp* (Lib)
  4. Julian McGauran (Nat)
  5. Peter Coatman (Lib)
  6. Severn Clarke (Lib)
  1. Sid Spindler*
  2. Jill O'Brien
  3. Hans Paas
  4. Christine Craik
  1. Ken McGregor
  2. Alf Bamblett
  3. Pauline Scott
  1. Al Watson
  2. George Khoury
  1. Robert Semmel
  2. Jean Taylor
AAFI candidates Pensioner candidates Enviro. Inds candidates Group F candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Denis McCormack
  2. Robyn Spencer
  1. Neil McKay
  2. Fred Grant
  1. Gordon McQuilten
  2. Claire McLeod
  1. Peter Robinson
  2. John Giltinan

Chris Vassis
Edward Fraser
Joe Toscano
Don Meggs

Deborah Goudappel
James Bernard
Athol Guy
Mabel Cardinal

Western Australia


Six seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending two seats. The Liberal Party was defending two seats. The Australian Democrats were defending one seat. Senator Jo Vallentine, elected as an independent, was contesting the election for the Greens Western Australia. Senators Fred Chaney (Liberal), Peter Cook (Labor), Peter Durack (Liberal), Patricia Giles (Labor), Sue Knowles (Liberal) and Peter Walsh (Labor) were not up for re-election.

Labor candidates Liberal candidates Democrats candidates Greens WA candidates National candidates DSP candidates
  1. Jim McKiernan*
  2. Michael Beahan*
  3. Mark Bishop
  4. John Cowdell
  1. Noel Crichton-Browne*
  2. John Panizza*
  3. Winston Crane*
  4. Bernie Masters
  1. Jean Jenkins
  2. Richard Jeffreys
  3. Barbara Churchward
  1. Jo Vallentine*
  2. Christabel Bridge
  3. Gladys Yarran
  1. Michael Jardine
  2. Brian English
  3. Josephine Walton
  1. Catherine Brown
  2. Kylie Budge
Conservative candidates Grey Power candidates Pensioner candidates Ungrouped candidates
  1. Brady Williams
  2. Charles Bussell
  3. Laurence Molloy
  1. Doug Ratcliffe
  2. Jack Webb
  1. Maureen Grierson
  2. Gordon Munn

Mitchell Faircloth
Ted Quinlan
Barbara Stark
Philip Achurch

Summary by party


Beside each party is the number of seats contested by that party in the House of Representatives for each state, as well as an indication of whether the party contested the Senate election in the respective state.

Party NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Total
Australian Labor Party 51 * 38 * 24 * 14 * 13 * 5 * 2 * 1 * 148 8
Liberal Party of Australia 41 * 35 * 22 * 14 * 13 * 5 * 2 * 132 7
National Party of Australia 13 * 4 * 24 * 5 * * 46 5
Country Liberal Party 1 * 1 1
Australian Democrats 49 * 38 * 24 * 14 * 13 * 5 * 2 * 145 7
Call to Australia 16 * 24 * * 12 * 52 4
Democratic Socialist Party 8 7 4 * 5 * 3 1 * 28 3
Grey Power 5 * * 12 * 3 * 20 5
Green Alliance 181 * 1 * 19 2
Greens Western Australia 14 * 14 1
Combined New Australia Party 6 * 6 1
Nuclear Disarmament Party 2 * 2 * * 4 3
Socialist Party of Australia 2 1 3
Australian Conservative Party 1 * 1 * 2 2
Pensioner Party of Australia 1 * 1 * 2 2
United Tasmania Group 2 * 2 1
ACT Green Democratic Alliance 2 * 2 1
Rex Connor Labor Party 2 2
Queensland Greens 2 2
Irina Dunn's Environment Independents 1 * * * 1 3
Citizens Electoral Council * 1 1 1
Australians Against Further Immigration 1 * 1 1
Democratic Labor Party 1 * 1 1
Independent EFF * 1
New South Wales Green Party * 1
Independent and other 69 36 11 12 11 2 1 5 147

1Contested as a group of affiliated parties registered under the names Central Coast Green Party (2 candidates), Cowper Greens (1 candidate), Eastern Suburbs Greens (3 candidates), Greens in Lowe (1 candidate), Illawarra Greens (2 candidates), South Sydney Greens (3 candidates), Sydney Greens (1 candidate) and Western Suburbs Greens (5 candidates), with the Green Alliance Senate - New South Wales as the registered Senate name.

See also


