Category:Flora of Seychelles

This category contains the native flora of Seychelles as defined by the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (WGSRPD).

Taxa of the lowest rank are always included; taxa of higher ranks (e.g. genus) are only included if monotypic or endemic.

The WGSRPD designation includes the Granitic Seychelles, a group of islands which form the main part of the country Seychelles. These islands sit on the Seychelles Bank and composed mostly of granite derived from ancient continental crust.[1]

Aldabra and Seychelles' other coralline islands – Amirante Islands, Farquhar Group, and Southern Coral Group, (Coëtivy and Île Platte) – which are known as the Outer Islands or Coralline Seychelles, are politically part of Seychelles, but the WGSRPD treats them a separate botanical country, Aldabra.[1] See Category:Flora of Aldabra.

Include taxa here that are endemic or have restricted distributions (e.g. only a few countries). Use regional categories when taxa have a larger distribution that is approximately coincides by that taxon's distribution (e.g. Category:Flora of the Western Indian Ocean) instead of each subordinate category of that region.


  1. ^ a b Brummitt, R. K. (2001). World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (PDF) (2nd ed.). International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases For Plant Sciences (TDWG). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-01-25. Retrieved 2021-07-27.