List of mechanical engineers

This is a list of mechanical engineers, noted for their contribution to the field of mechanical engineering.

See also List of engineers for links to other engineering professions.

  • Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) – polymath
  • Rudolf Diesel (1858–1913) – inventor of the diesel engine
  • Bryan Donkin (1768–1855) – associated with paper making and printing machinery, tinned food, beam engines, gas valves and the Babbage difference engine; employed on civil engineering projects such as the Thames Tunnel, Chatham Docks and Caledonian Canal; member of Royal Society of Arts, Institution of Civil Engineers, and the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers; founder member of the Royal Astronomical Society
  • Cornelius Drebbel (1572–1633) – inventor of the first navigable submarine
  • Keith Duckworth (1933–2005) – designer of the Cosworth DFV
  • Alec Issigonis (1906–1988) – automotive engineer associated with the development of the Mini
  • Taqi al-Din (1526–1585) – polymath, numerous mechanical innovations
  • Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) – Serbian electrical and mechanical engineer contributing to the development of AC motors and power delivery
  • Torine Torines (1876–1944) – pioneer Swedish sewing machine mechanic engineer
  • John Tregoning (1840s–1920s) – American mechanical engineer, who wrote the first books on factory management
  • Richard Trevithick (1771–1833) – steam power pioneer, designer of early high-pressure boiler (Cornish boiler) and "Puffing Devil" locomotive

