This is a list of missions, operations, and projects. Missions in support of other missions are not listed independently.

World War I


See also List of military engagements of World War I

World War II


See List of World War II military operations

Cold War era





  • Berlin Airlift of 1948:
  • Gladio (?) — Stockpiles of weapons in Italy, Switzerland, Austria and other countries for resistance to Soviet occupiers.
  • Gold (1954)    — covert American tunnel under the Berlin Wall
  • Neptune (1964)   — Soviet-led counterintelligence operation.
  • Reforger   — Annual American exercise to "return forces to Germany".
  • Retail (1946)   — British clearance of naval mines laid in Albanian waters.
  • Silver (1949)   — covert British communications tap in Austria
  • Danube (1968)   — Warsaw Pact invasion to halt Czechoslovakia's "Prague Spring" reforms
  • Banner (1969–2007)   Deployment of British troops to Northern Ireland to prevent sectarian killings and support the police during the 1969–1997 armed campaign of the Provisional IRA. Operation Banner resulted in over 700 British Armed Forces deaths and 303 police deaths at the hands of native Irish Republicans. 307 people were killed by the British troops, about 51% of whom were civilians and 42% of whom were members of republican paramilitaries.

South America

  • Brother Sam (1964)   — A US government contingency plan to support the military coup that overthrew the Brazilian constitutional president João Goulart, if the coup had faced armed resistance
  • The track down operation (1967)     — that captured and executed Che Guevara
  • Condor (1970s) —               — A campaign run by then South American Military Dictatorships' intelligence services with United States' support, which goal was extrajudicial and secretly, find, capture and eliminate political dissidents who, had succeeded to escape political repression in their homelands but could be found in any of these other countries.

Central America and the Caribbean


Southern Africa



  • Bison (1969–1972)   — French intervention to counter FROLINAT insurgency.
  • Tacaud (1978–1980)   — Operation to avoid FROLINAT rebels taking Chad's capital.
  • Manta (1983–1984)   — Intervention in the Chadian-Libyan conflict.
  • Épervier (1986–2014)   — French military presence in Chad originally designed to counter Libyan expansion in Northern Chad, then continued to support Chad during the Sudanese backed Chadian Civil War and later focused on counterterrorism against jihadi threats in the Sahel region.



Central African Republic


Falklands War (1982)




Indochina War

  • Adolphe (1953)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Atlante (1954)     — French operation to pacify the local populace between Da Nang and Nha Trang and re-establish the sovereignty of the Bảo Đại government.
  • Bretagne (1952–1953)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Brochet (1953)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Camargue (1953)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Castor (1953)     — French airborne operation to establish a fortified airhead in Điện Biên Province.
  • Ceinture (1947)   — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Condor (1954)   — French relief attempt of Dien Bien Phu.
  • Hirondelle (1953)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Léa (1947)     — French airborne attempt to capture the leaders of the Viet Minh.
  • Lorraine (1952)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Masterdom (1945–1946)     — French and British Armies operation against Viet Minh in Indochina after the Liberation from Japan.
  • Mouette (1953)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Papillon (1947)     — French operation against Viet Minh in Indochina.
  • Pollux (1953)     — French evacuation of troops stationed in Lai Châu Province.
  • Vulture (1954)     — Aborted American air support of French troops against the Viet Minh around Dien Bien Phu.

Korean War


Vietnam War


Post–Cold War




Sri Lankan Civil War






Horn of Africa


Mano River Region


Central Africa






Western Sahara



  • Liberation (2002)   — Seizure of Asian-owned assets in Zimbabwe.
  • Murambatsvina (2005)   — Zimbabwe government's attack on residential district loyal to opposition groups.

Other Africa


East Timor


Croatian War of Independence 1991–1995

  • Operation Otkos 10 (end Oct-Nov 1991)   — Croatian actions against Serbian forces on area from Mount Bilogora to Mount Papuk (on west of Slavonia).
  • Operation Orkan 91 (1991)   — Follow-up Croatian offensive after Otkos 10.
  • Harmony (1992)   — Canada's contribution to the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), which was created in February 1992 to ensure the protection and demilitarization of three UN Protected Areas in Croatia.
  • Operation Tigar (July 1992)   — Croatian military actions in occupied Dubrovnik hinterland, held by Serbian and Montenegrin regulars.
  • Medački džep (September 1993)   — Croatian offensive against Serbian forces with aim of relieving the city of Gospić from Serb shelling attacks.
  • Bljesak ("Flash") (March 1995)   — Croatian offensive against Serbian forces, with aim of liberating occupied western Slavonia.
  • Oluja ("Storm") (August 1995)   — Croatian major offensive against most areas under control of Serbian forces.

War in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992–1995

  • Operation Corridor '92 (24 June 1992 – 6 October 1992)   — Bosnian Serb operation against Bosnian Croat forces in Bosnian Posavina.
  • Maritime Monitor (July 1992 – November 1992)   — in support of UN resolutions 713 and 757, operation which subsequently became:
  • Sky Monitor (October 1992 – April 1993)   — Monitoring by NAEW of unauthorized flights in the airspace of Bosnia-Herzegovina during the Bosnian War.
  • Maritime Guard (November 1992 – June 1993)   — in support of UN Resolution 787.
  • Balbuzard (January 1993 – December 1995)   — French military action aiming to liberate hostages in Sarajevo and ensure the safety of already deployed French elements of UNPROFOR in case of a potential evacuation.
  • Deny Flight (April 1993 – December 1995)   — NATO operation preventing the violation of the Bosnia-Herzegovina airspace, declared No-Fly Zone.
  • Sharp Guard (June 1993 – October 1996)     — Co-ordinated WEU and NATO evolution of Operation Maritime Guard in continuing support of UN Resolution 787.
  • Neretva '93 (September 1993 – October 1993)   — Offensive of Bosnian Muslim forces against Bosnian Croats in northern and eastern Herzegovina.
  • Operation Tvigi '94 (24 January 1994)   — Bosnian Croat attack on village of Here.
  • Bøllebank ("Hooligan-bashing" in Danish) (29 April 1994)   — UN-forces' use of tanks against Bosnian Serbian forces.
  • Operation Tiger (2 June 1994 – 21 August 1994)   — Offensive of pro-government Bosniak forces against forces of Fikret Abdić.
  • Amanda (25 October 1994)   — Danish UN-forces' second engagement against Bosnian Serbian forces.
  • Operation Cincar (20 October 1994 – 3 November 1994)       — Joint Bosniak-Croat offensive to take control of Kupres from the VRS.
  • Operation Spider (4 November 1994 – Summer 1995)    — Republika Srpska and Serbian Krajina offensive in northwestern Bosnia.
  • Operation Winter '94 (29 November 1995 – 24 December 1995)     — Croatian offensive in Livno area.
  • Operation Leap 1 (7 April 1995)     — Croatian offensive in Livno-Bosansko Grahovo area.
  • Operation Leap 2 (4 June 1995 – 10 June 1995)     — Croatian offensive in Livno-Bosansko Grahovo area.
  • Operation Krivaja '95 (6 July 1995 – 11 July 1995)   — Bosnian Serb operation to take control of the Srebrenica enclave.
  • Operation Stupčanica '95 (25 July 1995 – 26 July 1995)   — Bosnian Serb operation to take control of the Žepa enclave.
  • Operation Summer '95 (25 July 1995 – 29 July 1995)   — Croatian offensive in western Bosnia.
  • Sword '95 (1995)   — Bosnian Serbian offensive against Bosnian-Muslim forces in western Bosnia.
  • Operation Deliberate Force (August – September 1995)  NATO air campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Operation Maestral (8 September 1995 – 15 September 1995)     — Major Croatian offensive in western Bosnia.
  • Operation Sana (13 September 1995 – 13 October 1995)   — Bosnian offensive in northwestern Bosnia.
  • Operation Una (18 September 1995 – 19 September 1995)   — Croatian operation against Bosnian Serb Army.
  • Operation Southern Move (8 October 1995 – 11 October 1995)     — Croatian offensive in area around Mrkonjić Grad.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Post Bosnian War)


Kosovo War 1999

  • Allied Force (1999)   — NATO's air campaign in Yugoslavia
  • Megaphone (2000)   — Canada's return of equipment used in Kosovo
  • Quadrant (1999–2002)   — Canada's mission in Kosovo
  • Joint Guardian (1999 – )   — NATO operation which established KFOR

Republic of Macedonia

  • Able Sentry (1993–1994)  Berlin Brigade deployed as part of Multi-National United Nations Protection Forces (UNPROFOR) to the Republic of Macedonia to establish Camp Able Sentry and monitor sanctions imposed by NATO against Serbia/Kosovo. *This mission was later taken over by the (then) Germany-based, 3rd Infantry Div (Mech).
  • Echo (1998–2000)   — Canada sending air forces to Aviano, Italy to enforce a no-fly zone over Balkan region (UNSFOR and UNKFOR).
  • Essential Harvest (2001)   — month-long NATO mission of disarming ethnic Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia.
    • Forage (2001–2002)   — Canadian contribution to NATO's Essential Harvest.
  • Kinetic (1999–2000)   — Canada's contribution to NATO's mission KFOR to secure Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia and to provide humanitarian needs to displaced persons.
  • Mountain Storm (2007)   — Republic of Macedonia's special police operation against Albanian extremists.


  • Constable (1997)   — Canada's contribution to the United Nations Mission in Haiti
  • Uphold Democracy (1994–1995)       — U.S. led multinational intervention aimed at removing the military regime after the 1991 coup in Haiti. This operation was later replaced by UNMIH.
  • New Horizon (1995–1996)     — U.S. mission in support (and under the command) of United Nations Mission in Haiti
  • Secure Tomorrow (2004)         — US led multinational force, authorized by the UN as the Multinational Interim Force (MIF) which was replaced by the MINUSTAH.
    • Carbet (2004)   — French codename for peace-keeping intervention in Haiti.
  • MINUSTAH (2004–present)   — United Nations peace-keeping presence in Haiti.

Persian Gulf War


Iraq (post-Gulf War)




Armenia (First Nagorno-Karabakh War)


Middle East


Global War on Terrorism and other associated activity


Afghanistan War

  • Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan (2001–2014)     ISAF — US led invasion of Afghanistan following the September 11 attacks, aiming to attack al-Qaeda and deny it a safe haven in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power.
    • Arès (2003–2007)  French Special Forces contribution to the operation Enduring Freedom.
    • Épidote (2002–2014)   — French Army training of Afghan Army officers.
    • Héraclès (2001–2002)   — French Navy contribution to the initial phase of operation Enduring Freedom.
    • Pamir (2001–2014)   — French Land Army contribution to the operation Enduring Freedom.
  • Freedom's Sentinel (2015–2021)       RSM — Afghan and US led counterterrorism operations against the remnants of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
  • Resolute Support (2015–2021)     RSM — NATO-led training, advising, and assistance mission in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
  • Operation Allied Welcome (2021–present) — Evacuation of US citizens, green card holders, Special Immigrant VISA holders, and their families.

Iraq War



  • Serval (2013)   — French intervention in Mali to counter AQIM progress.
  • Barkhane (2014)   — French counter-terrorism activities in Sahel region to eradicate AQIM presence.
  • Rijke (2015)   — Unconfirmed codename for rescue mission of Dutch hostage Sjaak Rijke detained in Mali since 2011.

Syrian War


Other military counter-terrorist operations


Terrorist operations


Counter-terrorism drills


Preventive counter-terrorist operations


Reactive counter-terrorist operations




Law enforcement


Other anti-narcotic operations


Anti-child pornography operations


Operations against intellectual property theft

  • Buccaneer (2001) — International raid on unauthorized software distribution.
  • D-Elite (2005) — US raid on software infringement operations.
  • Fastlink (2004) — International operation against illegally copied computer software.
  • Site Down (2005) — International effort against illegally distributed films.

Other operations


See also:

U.S. Involved Law Enforcement Operations


Humanitarian operations




Non-military operations



  1. ^ Conboy, Morrison, entirety.
  2. ^ Operation Desert Sabre
  3. ^ "U.S. Periods of War and Dates of Recent Conflicts" (PDF). Congressional Research Service.



Conboy, Kenneth and James Morrison (1995). Shadow War: The CIA's Secret War in Laos. Paladin Press. ISBN 0-87364-825-0.