List of naval battles

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This list of naval battles is a chronological list delineating important naval battles that have occurred throughout history, from the beginning of naval warfare with the Hittites in the 12th century BC to piracy off the coast of Somalia in the 21st century. If a battle has no commonly used name it is referred to as "Action of (date)" within the list below.

Lord Howe's action, or the Glorious First of June, a painting by Philip James de Loutherbourg depicting the Glorious First of June, a naval battle between the British and the French. This battle occurred in 1794, during the height of the Age of Sail.


Year Battle Winners Losers Notes
1275–1205 BC Battles of Alashiya Hittite navy Alashiya Off the coast of Cyprus over 3 engagements.[1]
c. 1190 BC Battle of the Delta Ramesses III The "Sea Peoples" In the Nile delta
664 BC Corinth battles Corfu
540–535 BC Alalia Carthaginians and Etruscans Greeks Near Alalia (now Aléria), Corsica
497 BC Ionians Phoenicians Near Cyprus
494 BC Lade Persians Ionians
480 BC Artemisium Stalemate between Persians and Greeks
Salamis The allied Greek navy Persians
474 BC Cumae Syracuse and Cumae Etruscans
460s BC Eurymedon Delian League Persians
458 BC Aegina Athenians Aegina and the Peloponnesians
450s BC Salamis-in-Cyprus Delian League Phoenicians and Cilicians
433 BC Sybota Corcyra and Athens Corinthians
429 BC Battles of Naupactus Athenians Spartans and Corinthians
425 BC Pylos Athenians Spartans
413 BC Syracuse Syracusans Athenians
411 BC Cynossema Athenians Spartans
Eretria Spartans Athenians In September
410 BC Cyzicus Athenians Spartans and Peloponnesians
406 BC Arginusae Athenians Peloponnesians
405 BC Notium (Ephesus) Spartans under Lysander Athenians under Antiochus
405 BC Aegospotami Spartans Athens Athenian navy destroyed
394 BC Cnidus Persians Spartans
384–3 BC Pharos Syracusans Liburnians
376 BC Naxos Athenians Spartans
357 BC Chios Athenians During the Social War
322 BC Amorgos Macedonians Athenians
306 BC Salamis (in Cyprus) Demetrius I Poliorcetes Menelaeus, brother of Ptolemy I of Egypt
276 BC Strait of Messina Carthaginians Pyrrhus of Epirus
261 BC Cos Antigonus II Gonatas Ptolemy II
260 BC Lipara Islands Carthaginians Roman Republic
Battle of Mylae Romans under Duilius Carthaginians Near Sicily
258 BC Ephesus Rhodians under Agathostratus Ptolemaic fleet under Chremonides
Sulci Romans under Gaius Sulpicius Paterculus Carthaginians under Hannibal Gisco
257 BC Tyndaris Romans under Gaius Atilius Regulus Carthaginians under Hamilcar
256 BC Cape Ecnomus Romans Carthaginians
249 BC Drepana Carthaginians Romans
246–245 BC Andros Macedonians Egyptians At Andros
10 Mar 241 BC Aegates Islands Romans Carthaginians Ending the First Punic War
229 BC Paxos Illyrians Conquer island of Corcyra
218 BC Lilybaeum Romans under Amellius Carthaginians Near Lilybaeum, Sicily
217 BC Ebro River Romans under Cornelius Scipio Carthaginians Near the mouth of the Ebro River, Spain
206 BC Carteia Romans under Gaius Laelius Carthaginians under Adherbal
201 BC Chios Egyptians, Rhodians, and Pergamese Philip V of Macedon
2nd Battle of Lade Philip V of Macedon Rhodians under Cleonaeus
190 BC Eurymedon Roman forces under Lucius Aemilius Regillus Seleucid fleet commanded by Hannibal
Myonessus Romans under Regillus and Rhodians under Eudoras Seleucids under Polyxenidas
147 BC Port of Carthage Carthaginians under Hasdrubal Roman fleet of Lucius Hostilius Mancinus
74 BC Chalcedon Pontians under Mithridates VI Roman fleet of Marcus Aurelius Cotta
73 BC Tenedos Romans under Lucius Licinius Lucullus Pontian fleet
67 BC Korakesion Romans under Pompey Cilician pirates
56 BC Morbihan Romans under Decius Brutus Veneti Near Armorica
49 BC Île du Levant Romans under Decius Brutus ? At Île du Levant
Romans under Decius Brutus ? At Tauroentum
42 BC Republican fleet Reinforcements of the triumvirs
led by Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus
Intercepted and destroyed
3 Sep 36 BC Naulochus Agrippa Sextus Pompeius
2 Sep 31 BC Actium Octavian Antony and Cleopatra Decisive victory
AD 70 Rome vs Batavi in the Maas
AD 199 Shaxian Wu forces under Sun Ce Liu Biao and Huang Zu
AD 208 Red Cliffs Combined forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan Fleet under Cao Cao
AD 221 Yiling Sun Quan Fleet under Liu Bei And successfully defends Jingzhou
AD 222 Dongkou Eastern Wu general Lü Fan Cao Xiu
AD 272 Xiling Lu Kang Jin general Bu Chan And retakes Xiling

Middle Ages


5th century


6th century


7th century


8th century


9th century


10th century


11th century

  • 1000 September 9 Swold – Swedes and Danes defeat Norwegians
  • 1004 – Venetians under Pietro Orseolo II defeat Arabs at Messina
  • 1005 – Pisans defeat Arabs at Messina
  • 1024 – Lemnos – Byzantines defeat Rus' fleet in the Lemnos Island
  • 1026 The Helgeå – Danes under Ulf Jarl defeat Swedes and Norwegians under Anund Jacob and Olaf II Haraldsson (Olaf the Stout) in southern Sweden
  • 1032 – A joint Byzantine-Ragusan squadron defeats a Muslim corsair fleet in the Adriatic
  • 1032 – According to one hypothesis, battle at Iron Gate mentioned in Russian chronicles was a naval battle, where Novgorod fleet tries to reach Tallinn Bay, but is defeated by Estonians.[2]
  • 1035–1036 – Last Arab corsair raids against the Aegean islands are repulsed by the Byzantines
  • 1043 Rus'-Byzantine War – Byzantines defeat Rus' squadron in the Bosporus
  • 1062 Niså – Norwegians under Harald Hardrada defeat Danes in Kattegat
  • 1081 Dyrrhachium – Venetian-Byzantine fleet defeats Normans near Durazzo, Albania
  • 1084 – Normans under Robert Guiscard (20 vessels?) defeat Venetians or Byzantines in a series of battles off Albania/Corfu

12th century


13th century

  • 1213 May 30 and 31 Damme – English under William Longsword sink most of fleet of France's King Philip II in the harbor of Damme
  • 1217 August 24 Dover (South Foreland) – The "Fight off Sandwich". Fleet of English Hubert and Burgh defeat French fleet of Eustace the Monk off Dover. There were actually 2 battles – this describes the 2nd
  • 1241 May 3 (First) Meloria – Pisans under Ansaldo de Mari defeat Genoese
  • 1258 June 25 – Battle of Acre – Venetian fleet defeats Genoese fleet off Acre
  • 1263 – Settepozzi – A Venetian fleet of 38 ships under Gilberto Dandolo defeats a joint Byzantine-Genoese fleet of 48 ships off the Peloponnese
  • 1264 – Saseno – Genoese defeat Venetians
  • 1266 Trapani – Venetians defeat Genoese
  • c. 1273/1275 – Demetrias – Byzantine fleet defeats coalition of Lombard and Venetian lords of Euboea and Crete
  • 1278 July 25 – Algeciras – Castilians vs Morocco and Granada
  • Before 1279 – Conrad Lancia defeats Muslim fleet near Tunisia
  • 1279 March 19 Yamen – Yuan Dynasty defeats Song Dynasty
  • 1282 October 11 – Peter de Queralt defeats Angevin fleet near Reggio di Calabria (details)
    • 14 October – Peter de Queralt defeats Angevin fleet near Nicotera (details)
  • 1283 July 8 Malta – Aragonese-Sicilians under Roger of Lauria defeat Angevins in Grand Harbour, Malta
  • 1284 June 5 Gulf of Naples – Aragonese-Sicilians under Roger of Lauria defeat Neapolitans and capture Charles of Salerno (later Charles II of Naples)
  • 1285 August? (possibly mid-September) – 11 Catalan galleys defeat 25 French galleys under Guillaume de Lodève at Rosas
    • 4 September (probably) Les Formigues (Las Hormigas) – Aragonese-Sicilians under Roger of Lauria defeat French under di Mari and de Orreo near Barcelona
  • 1287 June 23 The Counts – Aragonese-Sicilians under Roger of Lauria defeat Angevins near Naples
  • 1288 Third Battle of Bach Dang – Vietnamese defeat Mongols
  • 1294 Laiazzo – Genoese defeat Venetians near Laiazzo
  • 1298 September 9 CurzolaGenoese fleet under Lamba Doria defeats Venetians under Andrea Dandolo
  • 1299 July 4 Cape Orlando – Angevins under Roger of Lauria defeat Sicilians under d'Oria off northern Sicily
  • 1300 June 14 Ponza – Angevins under Roger of Lauria defeat Sicilians under d'Oria near Naples

14th century


15th century


16th century

  • 1508 Battle of Chaul – Alliance of Mamluk, Gujrat and Calicut defeat Portuguese
  • 1509 February 3 Diu – Portugal's Indian viceroy defeats a combined Egyptian-Gujarat Sultanate fleet off Gujarat, India, and controls spice trade
  • 1510 – Maltese under Prégent de Bidoux defeat Venetians
  • 1512? – Genoese under Andrea Doria defeat Moors at Algiers
  • 1512 August 10 St Mathieu – English defeat French off Brest; Regent and Marie la Cordelière sunk
  • 1521 Battle of TunmenMing Chinese defeat Portuguese
  • 1522 Battle of XicaowanMing Chinese defeat Portuguese
  • 1526 – Swedes and Lübeckers defeat pirate fleet
  • 1529 – Ottoman Turks under Khair-ad-Din (Barbarossa) defeat Spanish
  • 1535 early – 20 June Swedes/Danes/Prussians defeat 9 Lübeck ships
  • 1535 June? – Swedes/Danes/Prussians defeat 10 Lübeck ships at Fyen
  • 1538 September 28 Preveza – Ottoman Turk fleet under Khair-ad-Din defeats Spanish-Venetian-Papal fleet
  • 1541 – Tsuruhime led an army into naval battle and drove the Ōuchi Yoshitaka into the open sea.
  • 1542 – Ningbo Massacre (1542) – battle between Ming China and Portugal, Chinese victory
  • 1545 July 18 and 19 The Solent – French attack English off Portsmouth; Mary Rose sinks
    • 15 August – English fight French off Portsmouth
  • 1549 early August (?) – English defeat French near Channel Islands
  • 1552 Ponza – Ottoman Turks under Sinan Pasha defeat Genoese under Andrea Doria off western Italy
  • 1555 August 11 – Bloody and inconclusive melée between French privateers and a Dutch merchant fleet off Calais
  • 1558 – Portuguese fight English and French off Guinea
    • 13 July – English under Count Egmont defeat French under Marshal de Thermes off Gravelines
  • 1560 May 11 Djerba – Turkish galleys defeat Christian force near Djerba, Tunisia

Northern Seven Years' War (1563–1570)

Year Battle Description
1563 Action of 30 May Swedes capture three Danes before war is declared.
Action of 11 September Inconclusive [skirmish?] between Danes/Lübeckers and Swedes.
1564 Action of 30 May Swedes under Bagge [clash with?] Danes/Lübeckers under Trolle.
Action of 12 July A Swedish captain blows up his ship after a Danish attack.
Action of 12 August Swedes under Klas Horn defeat Danes under Herluf Trolle, southeast of Öland.
1565 Action of 4 June An indecisive battle between Danes/Lübeckers and Swedes near Buchow.
Action of 7 July Swedes defeat Danes/Lübeckers between Bornholm and Rügen.
1566 Action of 26 July Swedes defeat Danes/Lübeckers between Öland and Gotland.
1568 Swedish fleet captures several Polish corsairs and drives off remainder.[4]

Later 16th century

  • 1565 18 October Battle of Fukuda Bay – battle between Japan and Portugal, Portuguese victory
  • 1568 September 23 – Spanish under Martin Enriquez defeat English under Hawkins at San Juan de Ulúa, Mexico Offsite link
  • 1570 – English under Burrough and Hodsdon defeat Danes in the Baltic Sea
    • 15 July – Turkish galliots under Uluch Ali defeat Maltese galleys under Saint-Clement near Gozo
  • 1571 January – Venetians under Marco Querini defeat Turks near Famagusta, Cyprus
    • 7 October Lepanto – Christian coalition decisively defeats Ottoman Turks in a large galley fight off western Greece
  • 1572 August 7 and 10 – Venetians under Colonna vs Turks under Kilitch Ali between Cervi and Cerigo and near Cape Matapan
    • September/October – Several skirmishes between Spanish/Venetians and Turks
  • 1573 April 17 FlushingSea Beggars defeat Spanish under Sancho d'Avila
  • 1574 January 29 Oosterschelde – Sea Beggars under Willem Boisot defeat Spanish under Luis de Resquesens
    • 30 May Battle of lillo – Sea Beggars under Boisot defeat a Spanish fleet
    • June – Swedes capture 3 Lubeckers plus 15 merchantmen
  • 1576 August and 1578 Kizugawaguchi – Blockade efforts in Siege of Ishiyama Honganji, just off Osaka, Japan
  • 1582 July 26 Battle of Terceira (Battle of Ponta Delgada) – Spanish under Alvaro de Bazán defeat French, Portuguese, Dutch and English under Filippo Strozzi in the Azores
  • 1583? Maltese under Avogadro vs Turks
  • 1583 August 3 – Venetians defeat Maltese under Avogadro between Cerigotto and Cape Spada
  • 1585 April – Maltese galleys defeat and capture Turkish sailing ship
  • 1586 – English under Edward Wilkinson vs Spanish and Maltese under Pedro de Gamboa y Leyva at Pantellaria
  • 1588 July and August – Defeat of the Spanish Armada off southern England
  • 1589 – Defeat of the English Armada
  • 1591 about 13 June – English vs Spanish under Diego de la Ribera
  • 1592 May 7 Okpo – Korean navy under Yi Sun-sin defeats Japanese navy under Todo Takatora.
    • 29 May Sacheon – Korean Navy defeats Japanese with the Turtle Ship.
    • 14 August Hansan Island – Korean navy defeats Japanese fleet in the bay of Hansan island.
    • 1 November Busan – Korean Naval demonstration to Japanese navy at the Busan bay. However, they could not occupy Busan.
  • 1595 about late June – Maltese vs Bizertans (details)
  • 1595–1596 – Spanish defeat English raiding/invasion expeditions of the Spanish Main led by Drake and Hawkins
  • 1597 August 28 Chilchonryang – Japanese Navy in conjunction with the Japanese army, defeats the Korean Navy, led by Won Gyun.
    • 26 October Myeongnyang – 13 Korean ships under Yi Sun-sin defeats 330 Japanese ships.
    • – Bizertans vs Genoese and Romans
    • – Spanish defeat the English Islands Voyage near the Azores.
  • 1598 December 16 Battle of Noryang – Chinese Admiral Chen Lin and Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin heavily damage more than 100 Japanese ship, however, 150 Japanese ship succeeds in retreating.
  • 1600 December 14 – Action of 14 December Dutch vs Spanish at Manila

17th century


Early 17th century

  • 1601 December 27 Bantam – Dutch defeat Portuguese in Bantam Bay
  • 1602 October 3 Sluis – Dutch under Jacob van Duivenvoorde defeat Spanish under Frederik Spinola
  • 1603 May 26 Sluis – Dutch under Joos de Moor beat back Spanish under Frederik Spinola
  • ?? 1603 October – Tuscan galleys defeat Tunisians
  • 1604 October – Tuscans defeat Tunisians (details)
  • 1605 – Dutch fleet under Willem Haultain attacks and partly destroys a Spanish fleet of transport ships near Dover
  • 1605 November Attack on Salinas de Araya – Spanish under Luis Fajardo defeat a fleet of Dutch smugglers and privateers
  • 1606 June or October Battle of Cape St. Vincent – Spanish under Luis Fajardo defeat Dutch under Willem Haultain
  • 1606 August 17 Cape Rachado – Indecisive action between a Dutch fleet under Cornelis Matelief de Jonge and a Portuguese fleet near Malacca
  • 1607 April 25 Gibraltar – Dutch under Jacob van Heemskerk destroy a Spanish fleet
    • 20 October – Tuscans under Beauregard defeat Turkish trade fleet (details)
  • 1609 about May – French under Beaulieu vs Tunisians (details)
    • 29 June – Spanish-French raid on La Goulette, Tunisia (details)
    • – Venetians defeat Turks near Paxos (details)
    • (late)? – Turks under Khalil defeat French under Fressinet near Cyprus (details)
    • (late)? – Turks vs French under Beaulieu
  • 1610 3–6 January – Nossa Senhora da Graça incident – battle between Japan and Portugal, Portuguese inflict heavy losses on Japan
  • 1610 August 21 – Tuscans vs Turks (details)
    • 10 October – Tuscans vs Turks (details)
  • 1611 August (end)? – Minor action between Danes and Swedes in Kalmar Sound
  • 1612 May 23 or 25 – Sicilian-Neapolitan galley fleet defeats Tunisians at La Goulette (details)
  • 1613 August 29 – Sicilians under de Aragon defeat Turkish trade fleet (details)
  • 1615 January 20–? (Old Style) – English defeat Portuguese in mainly minor skirmishes
    • 17 and 18 July – Spanish vs Dutch (same as next?)
    • – Dutch under Spilbergen defeat Spanish under de Pulgar near Valdivia, Peru (details)
  • 1616 January – Spanish vs ? (details)
    • about March? – Spanish under Ribera defeat Tunisians at La Goulette (details)
    • 29 April – Tuscans under Inghirami defeat Turks near Euboea (details)
    • 14–16 July – Spanish under Ribera defeat Turks in the first regular action between galleys and sailing ships in the Mediterranean (details)
    • July – Spanish versus Dutch (details)
    • about October (possible engagement) – Neapolitans/Sicilian galleys defeat larger Turkish galley fleet
  • 1617 April 13 – Spanish under Ribera vs Venetians
    • 12 June – Minor skirmish between Neapolitans/Sicilians and Venetians
    • Playa Honda – Dutch defeat Spanish
    • 19 and 20 November – Inconclusive battle between Sicilians and Venetians (details)
  • 1618 June 24 – Venice hires Dutch ships and fights Spanish (details)
    • 2 and 3 July – Dutch under Moy Lambert and Spanish under Vidazabal defeat Algerines
    • 23–28 December – English vs Dutch near Jakarta (details)
  • 1619 January 18 and 19 – Maltese vs Algerians near Malta (details)
    • 1 March – English vs Dutch near Jakarta (details)
    • 31 May – Dutch defeat French at the mouth of the Vilaine River
    • – English defeat Portuguese
  • 1620 May 11 – Venetians under Nani defeat Spanish under Ribera (details)
    • 26 June – Tuscans defeat Bizertans (details)
    • 28 December – English (East India Company) defeat Portuguese at Cape Jask
  • 1622 July 13–14 – English and Dutch defeat Portuguese near Mozambique
  • 1622 – English naval bombardment of Algiers
  • 1624 October 3 – A combined squadron of fifteen Neapolitan (Spain), Tuscan, and Papal galleys defeat a squadron of six Algerian ships on the island of San Pietro, near Sardinia (details)
  • 1625 January – French Rochellais rebels capture French fleet at Blavet
    • 1 and 3 February – Portuguese defeat English and Dutch (details)
    • 26 June – Bizertans defeat Maltese near Syracuse, Sicily (details)
    • 15 September – French under Soubise defeat hired Dutch ships near Rochelle
  • 1626? – French with hired English and Dutch ships defeat Huguenot fleet near Rochelle
  • 1626 late – Danes defeat Dunkirkers (details)
  • 1627 November 28 Oliwa – Poles defeat Swedes
  • 1628 July 31 – Dutch ships under Pieter Ita attack and capture 2 Spanish treasure ships
    • 21 June – English defeat Venetians/French at Scanderoon (details)
    • 9 September Dutch squadron under Piet Hein attacks and captures Spanish treasure fleet
    • 29 September – French defeat English near La Rochelle
  • 1629 August 20 – Dutch under Piet Heyn defeat Dunkirkers off Scotland; Heyn is killed
    • 16 September – Swedes defeat Holy Roman Empire near Wismar (details)
  • 1630 September 4–8 – Danes force a retreat of Hanseatic ships in Elbe River (details)
  • 1631 September 12 – Undecided encounter between a Dutch and a Spanish/Portuguese fleet off Pernambuco (details)
  • 1633 July 7 to 22 October Battle of Liaoluo BayMing China defeats an allied fleet of Dutch East India Company and Chinese pirates, one company's vessel burnt and one captured by the Chinese, most of pirates' vessels sunk or captured
  • 1634 about early May – Maltese galleys defeat Turkish vessels at Zante
    • 19 July – Maltese galleys under Valdina defeat Tripolitans
    • – Maltese under Villages defeat Turks
    • – Maltese privateers defeat Turkish galleys
  • 1635 August 21 – Dunkirk squadron under Jacob Collaart (see Dunkirkers) defeat Dutch guardships and captures 60 fishing trawlers
    • 25 August – Dunkirk frigates under Jacob Collaart defeats Dutch escort capturing 24 fishing trawlers
    • about 25 September – Spanish defeat Dutch West India Company convoy
  • 1636 early – Dutch Zeeland squadron under Johan Evertsen defeats Dunkirk fleet under Jacob Collaart
  • 1637 February – 8 Spanish under Miguel de Horna defeat Dutch convoy and escort near Cape Lizard and capture 17 merchant ships
    • Spanish convoy commanded by Lope de Hoces captures 32 enemy ships in the English Channel on its return voyage to Spain.
  • 1638 about 26 March – Spanish under Lope de Hoces defeat and captures Dutch convoy
    • June – Maltese galleys defeat Tripolitan sailing ships near Calabria
    • 1 September – French defeat Spanish in galley fight at the battle of Vado near Genoa
    • 7 August – Venetians under Capello defeat Algerians at Corfu
    • 22 August – French under de Sourdis destroy Spanish galleons under Lope de Hoces at Guetaría (details)
  • 1639 February 19 – Dutch under Maarten Tromp defeat a Dunkirk fleet under Miguel de Horna (details)
  • 1640 January 12–17 Pernambuco – Dutch fleet under Willem Loos defeats Spanish\Portuguese fleet under Dom Fernando de Mascarenhas (details)
    • 15 June – Dunkerquers defeat Dutch in the Shetland Isles (details)
    • July? – French under Maillé Brézé defeat Spanish under Don Gomez de Sandoval
  • 1641 – French under de Sourdis defeat Spanish
    • – Several French vs Spanish
    • 17 and 18 May – Spanish defeat French near Pensacola
    • 1 and 2 September ? – Spanish under Pietersen defeat French and Portuguese
    • 4 November – Dutch under Gijssels defeated by Spanish at Cape St. Vincent (details)
  • 1642 end of June, 2-day battle – French under Maillé Brézé defeat Spanish under Ciudad Real near Barcelona
    • October – Portuguese defeat Spanish?
  • 1643 August – French defeat Spanish?

Danish–Swedish War (1643–1645)

  • 1644 May 16 – Danes defeat Dutch ships which have been hired to support Sweden (details)
    • 25 May – Danes get slightly the better of 33 hired Dutch ships
    • 1 July Colberger Heide (Colberg Heath) – Danish and Swedish fleets fight an inconclusive battle off NE Germany
    • 7 July – Danes defeat Swedes in small battle (details)
    • 10 August – Dutch fleet under Thijsen brushes past Danish fleet under King Christian IV in Kjoge Bay, Denmark (details)
    • 13 October – Femern, Germany – Combined Swedish/Dutch fleet badly defeats Danish fleet

Cretan War (1645–1669)

  • 1644 September 28 – Maltese galleys defeat Turkish sailing ships near Rhodes; their subsequent stay in Venetian-held Crete provoked the outbreak of war (details)
  • 1645 September 28 or 29 – Combined Christian fleet tries and fails to retake Canea (Chania) in Crete, from the Ottomans
    • 1 October – Christians vs Turks near Canea, Crete
  • 1646 May 26 – Venetians defeat Turkish attempt to break their blockade of the Dardanelles. (details)
    • 14 August – Inconclusive fight between Christians and the Ottoman fleet anchored at Chania Bay, Crete
  • 1647 January 27 – The Ottoman fleet of 45 galleys attacks the ship of the Venetian admiral Tommaso Morosini. Both Morosini and the Ottoman admiral, Kara Musa Pasha, are killed. After suffering significant casualties, the Turks are driven off by the arrival of the remaining Venetian fleet.
    • 25 August – Inconclusive skirmish between Christians and Turks
    • 9 September – Inconclusive skirmish between Christians and Turks
  • 1649 May 6 – Minor battle between Venetians and Turks
    • 12 May Focchies – Venetians defeat large Turkish fleet near western Turkey
    • 15 July – Venetians vs Turks near Candia, Crete (details)
    • 18 July – Venetians defeat Turks near Candia (details)
  • 1651 July 8 and 10 – Venetians under Mocenigo defeat Turks (details)
  • 1654 April – Maltese privateers defeat Turks near Rhodes
    • 16 May – Turks under Murad defeat Venetians under Giuseppe Delfino in Dardanelles (details)
    • 21 June – Turks retreat after skirmish with Venetians west of Milos
  • 1655 June 21 – Venetians under Lazaro Mocenigo defeat Turks under Mustapha in Dardanelles (details)
  • 1656 June 26 and 27 – Venetians and Maltese under Lorenzo Marcello defeat Turks under Chinam Pasha in Dardanelles (details)
  • 1657 May 3 – Venetians defeat Algerines (details)
    • 18 May – Venetians under Lazaro Mocenigo defeat Turks and Algerines at Suazich (details)
    • 17–19 July – Venetians, Maltese and Papal forces under Lazaro Mocenigo defeat Turks in Dardanelles (details)
  • 1658 May 19 – Venetians under Contarini defeat Turks between Imbros and the Dardanelles
  • 1659 August 26 (or 27?) – Venetians under Contarini vs Turks (details)
  • 1660 between 26 May and 12 June – Slight skirmish between Venetians and Turks
  • 1661 March (end) – Venetians defeat Turks in minor skirmish
    • 18 May – Venetians defeat Turks in minor skirmish
    • 27 August – Venetians and Maltese defeat Turks near Milos, Greece (details)
  • 1662 September 29 – Venetians defeat Turkish "Alexandria Caravan" between Kos and Kalymnos, Greece (details)
  • 1665 March – French under the Duc de Beaufort defeat Algerines near La Goulette, Tunisia (details)
    • August – French under the Duc de Beaufort defeat Algerines at Cherchell, Algeria
    • 27 November – French under d'Escrainville defeat Turks
  • 1667 February 25 and 26 – Venetians under Molin defeat Turks and Tunisians north of Crete (details)
  • 1668 March 8 and 9 – Venetians defeat Turks near Pelagia, Greece (details)
    • 2 May – French defeat Turks (details)
    • about September – Barbary "Turks" defeat Venetians south of Crete (details)
  • 1669 June – Privateers defeat "Alexandria Caravan" escort near Rhodes (details)

Anglo-Dutch Wars (1652–1674)


Later 17th century

  • 1645 September 9 Tamandare – Dutch squadron under Jan Lichthart destroys a Portuguese squadron under Jerônimo Serrão de Paiva at Tamandaré Brazil
  • 1645 – Algerian Barbary pirates attempted an attack on Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 1646 La Naval de Manila – Two Spanish galleons with Spanish and Filipino crew repel a Dutch invasion fleet in 5 separate actions over several months around the Philippines
  • 1646? – French under du Mé defeat Spanish
  • 1646 14–16 June, Battle of Orbetello, Spanish defeat French invasion fleet commanded by Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé
  • 1647 June 10 Puerto de Cavite – Spanish defeat Dutch attack near Manila
  • 1650 July 26 – Minor battle between Parliamentarians and Royalists/Portuguese near Lisbon
    • 20 October – Parliamentarians capture French frigate
  • 1654 March 23 Colombo – Skirmish between Dutch and Portuguese
    • 2 May – Dutch defeat Portuguese near Colombo (details)
  • 1655 – English naval bombardment of Algiers
  • 1655 April 14 – English under Robert Blake destroy Barbary ships at Porto Farina, northern Tunisia (details)
    • – French under Vendôme defeat Spanish near Barcelona
  • 1657 April 20 – Santa Cruz de Teneriffe – English under Blake defeat Spanish
    • 12 and 13 September – Danes and Swedes fight inconclusively near Moen, Denmark (details)
  • 1658 November 8 The Sound – Dutch get the better of a Swedish fleet in a large battle near Copenhagen, in support of Denmark. Danish ships watch but are unable to participate
  • 1659 March 30 – Minor battle between Dutch and Danes against Swedes
    • 30 April – Small running battle between Dutch and Danes against Swedes (details)
    • – Dutch/Danes under de Ruyter defeat Swedes and liberate Nyborg
  • 1661 – French naval bombardment of Algiers
  • 1669 December – Battle of Cádiz, English Mary Rose vs 7 Algerines
  • 1670 August – English/Dutch ships defeat Algerine force near Gibraltar
  • 1671 May – Privateers beat off a force of Turkish galleys near Egina, Greece
  • 1675 February 11 – French under Comte de Vivonne defeat Spanish under de la Cueva near Lipari Islands, Italy
    • July (possible engagement) – English defeat Tripolitans
  • 1676 January 8 Stromboli (Alicuri) – Inconclusive fight between French under Abraham Duquesne vs Dutch and Spanish under Michiel de Ruyter
    • January – English defeat Tripolitans
    • 22 April Agosta (Etna) – French fleet under Duquesne and Dutch/Spanish fleet under de Ruyter fight to a draw. De Ruyter is mortally wounded
    • 2 June Palermo – French under Comte de Vivonne defeat Dutch/Spanish under De la Cerda and Den Haen
    • 25 and 26 May/3 June and 4 – Dutch/Danish fleet under Niels Iuel defeat Swedes under Baron Creutz between Bornholm and Rugen in the Baltic Sea
    • 1/11 June Öland – Dutch/Danish fleet defeats Swedish fleet south of Öland in the Baltic Sea
  • 1677 March 3 Tobago – French under Jean II d'Estrées are repelled by Dutch under Jacob Binckes (details)
    • 31 May and 1/11 June – Danes defeat Swedes between Femern and Warnemunde, Baltic Sea (details)
    • 1/11 July and 2 Køge Bay – Danes and Dutch defeat Swedish fleet
    • December Tobago – French under Jean II d'Estrées defeat Dutch under Jacob Binckes
  • 1678 – Undecided action of the isle of Ouessant between a Dutch squadron under Evertsen and a French squadron under Château-Renault
  • 1679 May 3 – Danes vs Swedes
    • 26 June 28 June, 2 and 20 July – Series of skirmishes culminating in a Danish victory over Sweden
  • 1681 July 23 – French defeats Tripolitans
    • 30 September – Spanish defeat Brandenburgers near Cape St. Vincent (details)
  • 1683 – French naval bombardment of Algiers
  • 1686 July 12 – Venetians attacks "Alexandria Caravan" with its Turkish and Tripolitan escort between Naxos and Nicaria
    • 4 October – Venetians vs Turks near Mitylene, Greece
  • c. 1687/88? – Turks and Algerines, under Mezzo Morto, defeat Venetians
  • 1687–1688 – French naval bombardment of Algiers
  • 1688 June 15 – Venetians attacks "Alexandria Caravan" with its Turkish and Algerian escort east of Naxos, Greece
  • 1689 May 1/11 Battle of Bantry Bay – French defeat English off SW Ireland
    • French vs English near Casquets
  • 1690 March 26 – Turks and Algerines under Mezzo Morto defeat Venetians under Valier (details)
    • 10 July Beachy Head (Beveziers) – French defeat Anglo-Dutch fleet
    • – French vs English and Dutch near Madras
    • 8 September – Venetians fight the combined fleet of Turkey, Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis near Mitylene, Greece (details)
  • 1692 May 27 – 3 June Barfleur and La Hougue – Decisive defeat of French by English and Dutch in the War of the Grand Alliance
    • – French defeat Spanish near Cape Finisterre
    • – French defeat Tripolitans near Malta
  • 1693 June Lagos Bay – French under Tourville capture 50 out of 140 merchantmen
  • 1694 June 29 – French under Jean Bart defeat Dutch under Hidde de Vries and others (details)
  • 1695 February 9 and 19 – Turkish fleet defeats and then fights Venetians under Zeno (details)
    • 16 April – French defeat English (details)
    • 15 and 18 September – Venetians under Contarini vs Turks under Mezzo Morto
  • 1696 (mid) – Russians vs Turks near Ochakov, Black Sea
    • 17 June Dogger Bank – French defeat Dutch
    • – French and English fight in Newfoundland
    • – Fight near San Domingo
    • 14 July Bay of Fundy – French under Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville defeat English
    • 22 August – Venetians under Contarini vs Turks and their allies under Mezzo Morto near Andros (details)
  • 1697 July 6, 1 and 20 September – Venetians under Contarini vs Turks in a series of battles in the Aegean Sea (details)
  • 1698 September 20 – Venetians vs Turks, Tripolitans and Tunisians near Samothrace, Greece (details)

18th century


Early 18th century

  • 1701 August 17 – Maltese raid on La Goulette
  • 1702 August 19–24 (OS) – English under Benbow – French under Ducasse draw (details)
    • 23 October Vigo Bay – Anglo-Dutch fleet defeat French and Spanish and destroy Spanish treasure fleet
  • 1703 May 22 Cap de la Roque/Bay of Biscay – French squadron attacks large Anglo-Dutch merchant fleet
  • 1704 August 24 Malaga – English and Dutch under Rooke narrowly defeat French near Malaga
  • 1707 October 21 The Lizard – 2 French squadrons under Forbin and Duguay-Trouin defeat British convoy and escort under Richard Edwards
  • 1708 June 8 – Wager's Action (Battle of Barú)
  • 1709 March 2 – British vs French (details)
    • 25 June – Maltese defeat Tripolitans near Cape Santa di Leuca
  • 1710 April 18 – Maltese defeat Algerines
  • 1713 April 12 – Maltese defeat Algerines
    • – Portuguese defeat Indians near Cheul (details)
  • 1716 July 8 – Venetians under Corner fight an inconclusive battle against Turks under Jannum Koggia east of Corfu (details)
  • 1717 June 12, 13, 16 and 22 – Venetians under Flangini vs Turks in northern Aegean (details)
    • 19 July Matapan – Venetians and their allies vs Turks in Gulf of Laconia, Greece
  • 1718 – Portuguese defeat Indians near Karwar (details)
    • 20–22 July – Venetians vs Turks (details)
    • 11 August Cape Passaro – British under George Byng defeat Spanish near Sicily
  • 1738 June 20, 28 and 29 – Russians vs Turks
    • 9 and 10 August – Turks defeat Russians

Great Northern War (1700–1721)

  • 1702 June 26 – Small-ship action between Sweden and Russia on Lake Ladoga
    • 7 September – Small-ship action between Sweden and Russia on Lake Ladoga
  • 1703 August 7 – Small-ship action between Sweden and Russia on Lake Peipus
  • 1704 May 17 – Small-ship action between Sweden and Russia on Lake Peipus
  • 1705 June 26 – Swedish ships attack Russian base of Kotlin
  • 1710 October 4 – Battle between Denmark under Gyldenløve and Sweden under Wachtmeister in Kjöge Bay (details)
  • 1712 April 11 – Danes under Knoff vs Swedes under Sjöblad (details)
    • 4 August – Very minor engagement between Russia and Sweden
    • 28 September – Very minor engagement between Denmark and Sweden
  • 1713 July 22 – Minor engagement between Sweden and Russia (details)
  • 1714 August 6 Gangut – Russian galleys under Apraksin defeat Swedish force
  • 1715 April 24 – Danes under Gabel defeat Swedes under Wachtmeister (details)
  • 1716 July 8 Dynekilen – Danes under Tordenskjold defeat Swedes
  • 1717 May 14 or 15 – Danish attack on Göteborg is defeated
    • 19 July – Danish attack on Strömstad is defeated
  • 1718 September 17 or 21 – Swedes under King Carl XII defeat Danes under Paulssen
  • 1719 June 4 Osel Island – Russians defeat Swedes under Wrangel
    • 13 July – Danes under Rosenpalm defeat Swedes at Strömstad
  • 1720 August 7 Grengam – Battle between Russian galley fleet under Galitzine and Swedish sailing ships under Sjöblad. Both sides claims victory

War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748)

  • 1741 January 7 and 8 – British vs French in West Indies
    • 12 February – Minor British vs French in Gibraltar Strait
    • March–May Cartagena de Indias – Spanish victory against a large British expeditionary force during the War of Jenkins' Ear
    • 10 August Colachel – Raja of Travancore in India defeats Dutch naval force at Colachel
  • 1742 May 31 – Swedes retreat after battle with Russians in Gulf of Finland (details)
  • 1744 February 22 Toulon (Cape Sicié) – Draw between Franco-Spanish and British fleets south of Toulon
  • 1746 June 25 (OS) – British under Edward Peyton vs French under la Bourdonnais
  • 1747 May 14 1st Cape Finisterre – British under Anson defeat French under de Jonquières
  • 1747/48 – French under Labourdonnais vs British under Peyton near Negapatam
  • 1748 March 7 – British under Cotes defeat Spanish
    • 12 October – British vs Spanish near Havana (details)

Seven Years' War (1756–1763)

  • 1755 June 8 Gulf of St. Lawrence – British under Boscawen defeat French under Hocquart
  • 1756 May 20 Minorca – French under la Galissonnière defeat British under John Byng
  • 1757 early – French under Kersaint de Coëtnempren vs British at San Domingo
  • 1758 – Minor French under Duchaffault vs British under Boscawen near Ushant
    • – Minor French under Durevest vs British under Saunders near Gibraltar Strait
    • 29 April Cuddalore – British under Pocock defeat French under d'Ache
    • 3 August Negapatam – British under Pocock defeat French under d'Ache
  • 1759 August 19 Lagos – British under Boscawen defeat French under de la Clue
    • 10 September – Light Swedish force defeats similar Prussian force near Szczecin
    • 10 September Pondicherry – British fight French but are too damaged to pursue
    • 20 November Quiberon Bay/Cardinaux – British defeat French near St Nazaire
  • 1760 July 3–8 Restigouche River – British defeat French relief force
  • 1762 – British attack on Spanish-held Havana

Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774)

  • 1770 May 27 and 28 – Russians vs Turks near southern Greece (details)
    • 4 June – Minor Russians vs Turks south of Athens (details)
    • 5–7 July Chesma – Russian fleet defeats and burns Turkish fleet off western Turkey
  • 1772 November 6–8 – Russians defeat Turks west of Patrai, Greece (details)
  • 1773 July 4 – Russians under Kinsbergen vs Turks (details)
    • 3 September – Russians under Kinsbergen vs Turks (details)
    • September? – Russians vs Turks (details)
  • 1774 June 20 and 9/19 July – Russians under Tchitchagov and Seniavin vs Turks (details)

American War of Independence (1776–1783)

  • 1776 October 11 Valcour IslandBenedict Arnold escapes the British fleet under Guy Carleton
  • 1777 September 26 to 16 November 1777 Siege of Fort Mifflin on the Delaware River American fleets under John Hazelwood, defending Philadelphia from British navy.
  • 1778 April 19 Frederica Naval Action
  • 1779 July 6 Grenada
    • end – French vs British under Hyde Parker near Fort Royal, Martinique
  • 1779 23 September Battle of Flamborough Head – British Captains Richard Pearson and Thomas Piercy save convoy of 41 merchant ships; Captain John Paul Jones on US ship Bonhomme Richard [purchased by Benjamin Franklin from France] captures HMS Serapis and HMS Countess of Scarborough but loses Bonhomme Richard which sinks off the Yorkshire coast.
  • 1780 January 16 Cape St. Vincent – British under Rodney defeat Spanish under de Langara
  • 1781 April 16 Porto Praya – French under Suffren vs British, in the Cape Verde Islands
    • 19 April Fort Royal
    • – Minor French under de Grasse vs British under Hood
    • – Minor French under Destouches vs British under Arbuthnot
    • 21 July Cape Breton Island – French attack British convoy
    • 5 August (15 NS?) Dogger Bank – Draw between Dutch and British squadrons
    • 5 September Chesapeake Bay – French under de Grasse drive off British under Graves
    • 12 December Second Ushant – British under Kempenfelt capture part of a French convoy from de Guichen
  • 1782 January 25 St Kitts – British under Hood defeat French under de Grasse
    • 17 February Sadras – First fierce but indecisive fight between French under Suffren and British under Hughes near south-east India
    • 9 and 12 April The Saintes – British under Rodney decisively defeat French under de Grasse in the West Indies
    • 12 April Providien – 2nd fight between Suffren and Hughes off India
    • 21 April – British defeat French
    • 6 July Negapatam – 3rd fight between Suffren and Hughes off India
    • 3 September Trincomalee – Hughes fleet damages Suffren's but withdraws
    • 20 October Cape Spartel – Franco-Spanish fleet under Luis de Córdova y Córdova fights British fleet under Richard Howe in indecisive battle. Howe resupplies Gibraltar
  • 1783 June 20 Cuddalore – Suffren prevents Hughes seizing Cuddalore. Last of the five battles between Suffren and Hughes

Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792)

  • 1787 August 30 – Russians vs Turks
    • 27, 28 and 30 September – Russians vs Turks
    • 15 October – Russians defeat Turks
  • 1788 June 17, 18, 28 and 29 and 9 July – Russian and Turkish land and sea forces clash near Ochakov (details)
    • 14/25 July Ochakov – Russia defeats Turkey near Fidonisi
  • 1789 June 2–4 – Russians defeat Turks at Sinope (details)
  • 1790 July 19 Kerch Strait – Slight Russian victory over Turks
    • 8 and 9 September Tendra – Russians defeat Turks
    • 31 October – Russians defeat Turks at the Sulina mouth
    • 17 November 18 – Russians defeat Turks at Tultcha
    • 29 November – Russians defeat Turks at Ismail (details)
    • 30 November, 1, 2, 4–7 December – Russians defeat Turks
  • 1791 July 9 Matchin – Russians defeat Turkish rowing vessels
    • 11 August Cape Kaliakra – Slight Russian victory over Turks in a largely inconclusive battle near Bulgaria

Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790)


The Russian calendar was eleven days behind the Swedish during the 18th century, so Russian dates are eleven days earlier.

  • 1788 July 17 (6 July OS) Hogland – Bloody engagement between Swedish and Russian battlefleets. Both sides lose a ship, but Swedes withdraw
  • 1789 July 26 (15 July OS) Öland – Indecisive action between the Swedish and Russian battlefleets.
    • 24 and 25 August (13 and 14 August OS) First Svensksund/Ruotsinsalmi in Finland – Russian galley flotilla decisively defeats Swedes.
    • 18 September (7 September OS) – Russians defeat Swedes in a small battle in Barösund near Ingå in Finland.
  • 1790 May 13 (2 May OS) Reval – Disastrous Swedish attack on Russian battlefleet at Reval (now Tallinn).
    • 15 May (4 May OS) Fredrikshamn/Hamina in Finland – Swedish galley flotilla defeats Russian galley flotilla.
    • 3 and 4 June (23 and 24 May OS) – Action off Kronstadt – Indecisive action between the battlefleets.
    • 3 July (22 June OS) Vyborg Bay – The Swedish battlefleet and galley flotilla break through the Russian blockade, suffering heavy losses.
    • 9 and 10 July (28–29 June OS) Second Svensksund/Ruotsinsalmi in Finland – Decisive victory of the Swedish galley flotilla. The largest naval battle in the Baltic Sea of all times. Extremely heavy losses suffered by the Russians.

French Revolutionary War (1793–1802)

  • 1794 January 22 and 25 – French attack British convoy (details)
    • 23 April – British defeat French frigates (details)
    • 1 June The Glorious First of June – British fleet defeats French fleet in North Atlantic but French grain convoy makes it through to Brest
    • 8 June – French vs British near Jersey
    • 23 August – British defeat French near Brest
    • 22 October – French vs British near Mauritius
    • 6 November – French capture HMS Alexander (details)
  • 1795 March 13 and 14 – British under Hotham vs French under Martin (details)
    • 8 and 9 June – British vs French near Belle Isle
    • 23 June Groix – British under Hood defeat French under Villaret-Joyeuse off Groix, France
    • 13 July – British vs French (details)
    • 7 October – British vs French (details)
  • 1797 February 14 Cape St. Vincent – British under Jervis defeat Spanish near Gibraltar
    • 26 March – Austrian vessels, supported by Venetian battleship, fight off small French attack (details)
    • 16 May – Danish vessels get the better of Tripolitans near Tripoli, Libya (details)
    • 11 October Camperdown (Kamperduin) – British fleet under Admiral Duncan defeats Dutch
  • 1798 August 1–3 The Nile (Aboukir Bay) – British under Nelson defeat moored French fleet under Brueys in Egypt
    • 12 October – British defeat French invasion force off western Ireland (details)
    • 28 October – Minor British vs French
  • 1799 September 3, 4, 5 and 10 – Minor light skirmishes between British and Spanish
  • 1800 August 4 – French attack British convoy (details)
  • 1801 April 5 Copenhagen – British under Nelson destroy moored Danish ships off Copenhagen to prevent France taking them over
    • 6–12 July Algeciras – French defeat initial British assault, British counter-attack and defeat Franco-Spanish force.

19th century


Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815)

  • 1803 May 23, 24 and 27 – 4 ships take on Tripolitan gunboat force (details)
    • 31 May 1 June – Adams vs Tripolitan gunboats
    • – Duckworth (British) defeats Rochambeau (French) near Santo Domingo
  • 1804 February 15 Pulo Aura – French attack British convoy
    • 3, 7, 23/24 August and 28 and 2–5 September raids on Tripoli (details)
  • 1805 about February – French squadron raids British (details)
    • 4 July? – French capture British East Indiaman (details)
  • 1805 July 4 – 2 Russian ships defeat French gunboat force (details)
    • 18 July Battle of Blanc-Nez and Gris-Nez – Combined Dutch and French flottila repulses an attack by a superior British squadron
    • 22 July Cape Finisterre – Inconclusive action between British Admiral Calder and French Admiral Villeneuve
    • 6 August – French attack British convoy (details)
    • 21 October Trafalgar – Nelson defeats combined Franco-Spanish fleet under Admiral Villeneuve, losing his life but gaining control of the oceans for Britain for the rest of the war
    • 4 November – British capture 4 French battleship survivors from Trafalgar
  • 1806 February 6 San(to) Domingo – British under Duckworth defeat French under Leissegues (French) off Santo Domingo
    • 4 July – Russians defeat French in Narenta Channel
    • 26 July – British defeat Dutch (details)
    • 25 September – British battleships defeat French frigate force (details)
  • 1807 February 19 – British battleships under Duckworth burn several Turkish ships in Dardanelles (details)
    • May – British vs Turks at mouth of Dardanelles (details)
    • 22 May 23 Dardanelles – Russians under Admiral Seniavin defeat Turks near Cape Janizary
    • 1 July Athos (Lemnos/Monte Sancto) – Russians under Seniavin defeats Turks in northern Aegean
    • 23 and 31 August – Danes defeat British light forces near Copenhagen (details)
    • 2–7 September Copenhagen – British forces under Admiral Gambier and General Cathcart capture the Danish fleet
  • 1808 9–14 June – Capture of Rosily Squadron
    • 3 March Spain captures French battleship Atlas.
  • 1809 April 11–24 – British destroy French ships at Basque Roads
    • 13–17 April – British capture French battleship near Porto Rico
    • late May – HMS Melpomène vs Danish gunboats
    • 25–27 June – British and Sicilians vs French near Pozzuoli Bay
    • 26 and 31 October Cette and ? – Southern France
    • 18 November – French frigates defeat British East Indiamen near Mauritius (details)
    • 13 December – French frigates capture HMS Junon (details)
  • 1810 July 3 – French frigate force defeats British East Indiamen in Mozambique Channel (details)
    • 26 August Grand Port – French defeat British at Vieux Grand Port, Mauritius
    • 31 August – British vs French near Toulon
  • 1811 March 13 Lissa – British frigates under Hoste defeat larger Franco-Venetian squadron under Dubordieu off Lissa (Vis) in the Adriatic
    • 29 November – Britain captures French frigate (details)
  • 1812 February 22 – Britain captures French battleship Rivoli (details)
    • 12 July Lyngør – British sink last Danish frigate
  • 1813 November 5 – Skirmish between British and French near Toulon (details)

South American Independence wars


War of 1812


Greek War of Independence

  • 1821 March 4 – Greeks vs Turks north-west of Zakynthos
    • June 5, 6 and 8 – Greeks defeat Turks
    • August 10 – c. 13 – Skirmishes
    • October 1 – Skirmish
  • 1822 March 4
    • May 31
    • June 18–19 – Greek fireships under Konstantinos Kanaris blow up the flagship of Ottoman admiral Kara Ali Pasha
  • 1823 September 27 – Greeks vs Turks west of Lemnos
    • October 23 – Greeks vs Turks near Pondikonisi
  • 1824 August 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 and c. 26 – Various skirmishes between Greeks and Turks/Egyptians/Tunisians
    • September 1 – First Budrum – Greeks vs Turks and Egyptians
    • September 9 – Second Budrum
    • September 22 – Greeks vs Egyptians near Nikaria
    • September 29
    • November 12 and 13 – Greeks vs Turks and Egyptians near Spinalonga
  • 1825 April 29
    • May 26
    • June 1 – Greeks defeat Turks between Euboea and Andros
    • June 14 and 15 – Greeks defeat Turks and Egyptians near Suda Bay
    • June 28 and 29 – Greeks vs Turks and Egyptians south of Cerigo
    • August 3 – Greeks defeat Turks near Missolonghi
    • November 14 – Greeks under Miaoulis vs Turks/Egyptians/Algerines/Tripolitans near Navarin
    • November 25, 26, 29, 30 and December 6 and 7 – Greeks vs Turks (and allies?) near Missolonghi
  • 1826 January 22 and 28 – Greeks vs Turks
    • April 15
    • July 27 and 28 – Greeks vs Turks near Samos
    • September 10 and 11 – Greeks vs Turks near Mitylene
    • October 7 (6?) – Greeks vs Turks in Aegean Sea (?)
  • 1827 September 29 – "Greeks" (Frank Abney Hastings) vs Turks in Salona Bay
    • October 20 Navarino – British/French/Russian squadrons, under Admirals Codrington, de Rigny, and Geiden, destroy Turkish/Egyptian/Tunisian fleet of Tahir Pasha off south-west Greece
  • 1828 January 31 – British and French defeat Greek pirates at Grambusa

Cisplatine War

  • 1826 February 9 – Argentina vs Brazil
  • 1827 February 9 Juncal – 15 Argentines ships under Brown defeat 17 Brazilians under Pereira
    • February 24 – Argentines under Brown vs Brazilians near Quilmes
    • April 6 and 7 Monte Santiago – Brazilian fleet defeat Argentine navy under William Brown south of Buenos Aires

Mid 19th century


Liberal Wars (1828–1834)

  • 1842 – Argentinians under William Brown defeat Uruguayans
  • 1849 May 3 – Schleswig-Holstein vs Denmark near Kiel
  • 1849 May 11 – Schleswig-Holstein vs Denmark near Bulk
  • 1849 June 4 – Battle of HeligolandGerman Confederation engages Denmark, ends in stalemate

Crimean War (1853–1856)

  • 1857 26 June – battle between Chinese pirates and Portugal during the Qing dynasty, Chinese victory
 **April 10–11, 1862, Union forces on Tybee Island and naval operations conducted a 112-day siege, then captured the Confederate-held Fort Pulaski in Georgia 

Late 19th century

  • 1864 February Eckernfjorde – Danish ships defeated by Prussia
    • March 17 Jasmund – Prussians vs Danes
    • May 9 Helgoland – Danish fleet defeats Prussian-Austrian fleet in the North Sea

Paraguayan War (1864–1870)

  • 1865 June 11 Riachuelo – Brazilian fleet defeats Paraguayan fleet in Paraná river
  • 1866 February 7 Abtao – Spain vs Peru/Chile

Boshin War (1868–1869)


Peruvian Coup attempt (1877)


Sino-French War (1884–1885)

  • 1884 August 23 Foochow – Small French squadron annihilates Chinese force at Foochow (Fuzhou)
  • 1885 February 14 Battle of Shipu – French attack Chinese ships
  • 1885 March 1 Battle of Zhenhai – Chinese fleet and coastal defenses repel French squadron
  • 1891 April 23 Battle of Caldera Bay – Chilean Balmacedist torpedo boats sink a Chilean Congressionalist frigate.
  • 1892 July 6 – armed striking union members in boats engage two armed barges
  • 1893 July 13 Paknam incident – French ships enter Siamese waters, Siamese fleet responds, French victory
  • 1894 January 9–21 Rio de Janeiro Affair – American fleet engages Brazilian rebel fleet, breaking the blockade of Rio de Janeiro
  • 1896 27 August – Anglo-Zanzibar War itself lasted 38 minutes, making it the shortest military conflict in history. Zanzibar royal yacht, HHS Glasgow is sunk by five British warships.

20th century


Boxer Rebellion (1899–1901)

  • 1911 September 29–30 Preveza – Italians defeat Ottomans
  • 1912 January 7 Kunfuda Bay – Italians defeat Ottomans
  • 1912 February 24 Beirut – Italians defeat Ottomans
  • 1912 November 21 Kaliakra – Bulgarians defeat Ottoman fleet
  • 1912 December 3 Elli – Greeks defeat Ottoman fleet
  • 1913 January 18 Lemnos – Greeks defeat Ottoman fleet
  • 1913 July 14–15 Romanian landings in Bulgaria – Romanians carry out successful landings in Bulgaria, leading to Bulgaria having to sue for peace two weeks later

World War I (1914–1918)

Year Date Battle Description
1914–1918 U-boat campaign Actions throughout the war by the German U-boat Arm against Allied shipping
1914 4–10 August Pursuit of Goeben and Breslau Bloodless engagement – British fleet pursuits German battlecruiser SMS Goeben and light cruiser SMS Breslau, fails to intercept them and they escape to Constantinople.
16 August Battle of Antivari French and British force sinks Austrian cruiser in the Adriatic
26 August Battle of Río de Oro British cruiser HMS Highflyer intercepts and sinks German merchant raider, SMS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse
27 August – 7 November Siege of Tsingtao British and Japanese fleet destroy German and Austro-Hungarian colonial fleet and coastal defenses around Tsingtao, then launch amphibious assault, eventually capturing the city.
28 August Battle of Heligoland Bight British Grand Fleet ambushes and sinks German ships on patrol off Germany's coast; led Germany to pursue a fleet in being strategy for most of the rest of the war
14 September Sinking of SMS Cap Trafalgar British merchant raider, HMS Carmania encounters and sinks German merchant raider SMS Cap Trafalgar, which in turn was disguised as Carmania.
20 September Battle of Zanzibar German cruiser SMS Königsberg sinks British cruiser HMS Pegasus
22 September Action of 22 September 1914 German U-boat SM U-9 ambushes and sinks three British armored cruisers
22 September Bombardment of Madras German cruiser SMS Emden destroys Indian oil refinery in Madras and sinks one merchant ship
22 September Bombardment of Papeete German armored cruisers SMS Scharnhorst and SMS Gneisenau destroy French coastal defenses in French Polynesia and sink the French gunboat Zélée and a freighter
1 October – 11 July 1915 Battle of Rufiji Delta German cruiser SMS Königsberg is blockaded in the Rufiji River delta by a British fleet, holds out for months before being sunk by monitors HMS Mersey and Severn
17 October Battle off Texel British fleet repels attack by four German torpedo boats, sinking all four.
28 October Battle of Penang SMS Emden sinks Russian cruiser Zhemchug and French destroyer in Penang harbour
29 October Black Sea raid Ottoman war minister Enver Pasha instigates the Ottoman entry into the war with raids on Russian ports
1 November Battle of Coronel German cruisers under von Spee defeat a British cruiser force off the coast of Chile; German victory
3 November Raid on Yarmouth German battlecruiser squadron attempts to bombard British city of Yarmouth, intercepted by British destroyers. German cruiser SMS Yorck and British submarine HMS D5 are sunk by mines, and are the only losses of the action
9 November Battle of Cocos HMAS Sydney intercepts and forces the beaching of SMS Emden; Australian victory
18 November Battle of Cape Sarych Two Ottoman warships clash with five Russian pre-dreadnoughts
8 December Battle of the Falkland Islands British battlecruiser force virtually wipes out von Spee's squadron.
16 December Raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby German battlecruiser squadron successfully bombards several British ports, British fleet intercepts, but little damage is done in battle, neither side losses ships
25 December Raid on Cuxhaven British airships launch air raid on German port of Cuxhaven, causing major damage. German U-boats pursuit the fleeing airships, but fail to stop them
1915 24 January Battle of Dogger Bank Blucher sunk by British battlecruisers in the North Sea.
19 February Naval operations in the Dardanelles Campaign Mainly carried out by the Royal Navy with substantial support from the French and minor contributions from Russia and Australia against Ottoman Empire and ended with Turkish victory
15 March Battle of Más a Tierra British cruisers pursuit, corner, and sink German cruiser SMS Dresden
1 May Battle off Noordhinder Bank Two German torpedo boats sunk by British destroyers
1 May Attack on SS Gulflight German submarine SM U-30 torpedoes the then-neutral American oil tanker SS Gulflight, but fails to sink her. Causes an international incident.
7 May Sinking of the RMS Luistania German submarine SM U-20 torpedoes and sinks the British ocean liner, RMS Lusitania killing 1193 civilians, turns international opinion against Germany
10 May Action of 10 May 1915 Russian and Ottoman ships clash near the Bosporus
23–24 May Bombardment of Ancona Austro-Hungarian fleet bombards Italian port of Ancona and damages an Italian destroyer
23–24 May Action off Vieste Austro-Hungarian squadron launches raid against Italian port of Vieste, intercepted by Italian cruisers and destroyers. Austro-Hungarians succeed in sinking an Italian destroyer.
24 May Raid on Porto Buso Italian destroyer Zeffiro raids and captures Austro-Hungarian naval base.
2 July Russian raid on Gotland Russian cruiser squadron intercepts German cruiser force laying mines off the Åland Islands. German mine-laying cruiser Albatross sunk and cruisers Roon and Prince Adalbert damaged.
8-20 August Battle of the Gulf of Riga Russian fleet successfully prevents German fleet from breaking into the Gulf of Riga
19 August First Baralong incident British Q-ship, HMS Baralong intercepts and sinks German U-boat SM U-27
24 August Second Baralong incident British Q-ship, HMS Baralong intercepts and sinks German U-boat SM U-41
10 December Battle of Kirpen Island Two Ottoman gunboats sunk by Russian destroyers
26 December-July 1916 Battle of Lake Tanganyika British, Belgians, and Germans battle for control of Lake Tanganyika
28-29 December First Battle of Durazzo Allied fleet defeats Austro-Hungarian fleet off Albania
1916 8 January Action of 8 January 1916 Russian and Ottoman ships encounter each other in the black sea, have a brief exchange of fire then withdraw
16 January Action of 16 January 1916 German merchant raider SMS Möwe sinks British cargo ship off Maedeira
10 February Second Battle of Dogger Bank German torpedo boat flotilla sorties and engages a British sloop flotilla, sinking HMS Arabis
29 February Action of 29 February 1916 The Royal Navy dispatches ships to destroy a German commerce raider in the North sea, successfully sinking it with the loss of one armed merchant cruiser.
24 April Bombardment of Yarmouth and Lowestoft German battlecruiser squadron shells British ports, intercepted by small British fleet, minimal losses for both sides
31 May – 1 June Battle of Jutland Inconclusive two-day battle between the main British and German fleets, largest and only such engagement of World War I.
19 August Action of 19 August 1916 Attempted reengagement of main British and German fleets, results in only minor skirmish
27 August Raid on Ruse Romanian torpedo boats attack an Austrian flotilla in Bulgaria
26–27 October Battle of Dover Strait (1916) German torpedo boats launch a raid into the Dover straight to disrupt shipping
1917 10 March Action of 10 March 1917 German merchant raider SMS Möwe sinks two New Zealand cargo ships
16 March Action of 16 March 1917 British cruiser HMS Achilles sinks German merchant raider SMS Leopard
7 April Scuttling of SMS Cormoran United States Navy blocks the German merchant raider SMS Cormoran at port, but her crew scuttles the ship before it can be captured
21 April Battle of Dover Strait (1917) Destroyer battle.
4 May Action of 4 May 1917 Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney engages the German airship LZ92, neither side suffers casualties
15 May Battle of the Strait of Otranto (1917) Austro-Hungarian fleet attacks Allied fleet in attempt to break blockade
12–20 October Operation Albion German fleet engages and defeats Russian fleet, successfully lands and occupies West Estonian archipelago
15 October Action of 15 October 1917 American destroyer, USS Cassin engages and damages German U-boat SM U-61
17 October Battle of Moon Sound German and Russian forces clash in the Baltic Sea.
17 October Action off Lerwick German cruisers SMS Brummer and SMS Bremse attack a British convoy off the Shetland Islands, sinking most of it.
17 November Second Battle of Heligoland Bight Clash between British and German squadrons during mining operation
17 November Action of 17 November 1917 Two American destroyers sink German submarine SM U-58
1918 20 January Battle of Imbros Ottomans and British fight off Imbros in the Aegean.
23 April Zeebrugge Raid Royal Navy attempts to scuttle ships in Zeebrugge channel to prevent Germans from reaching open water, operation fails
23–24 April First Ostend Raid Royal Navy attempts to scuttle ships in Ostend channel to prevent Germans from reaching open water, operation fails
8 May Action of 8 May 1918 German submarine SM U-32 is sunk by depth charges from HMS Wallflower
9 May Second Ostend Raid Royal Navy attempts to scuttle ships in Ostend channel to prevent Germans from reaching open water, operation fails
21 May Action of 21 May 1918 American patrol ship USS Christabel engages and sinks the German submarine SM UC-56
2 June Sinking of SS Carolina German submarine SM U-151 sinks American passenger liner SS Carolina
10 June Sinking of the SMS Szent István Italian torpedo boat MAS-15 torpedoes and sinks Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent István
18 June Action of 18 June 1918 German submarine SM U-151 torpedoes and damages the British cargo ship SS Dwinsk, submarine is later engaged by American transport USS Von Stuben, but escapes
19 July Tondern raid British aircraft carrier, HMS Furious launches air raid on German airfield in Todern
21 July Attack on Orleans German submarine SM U-156 attacks a group of barges off Massachusetts
25 August Action of 25 August 1918 Brazilian fleet sailing from Freetown to Dakar is attacked by German U-boats, but suffer no losses. Brazilians successfully counterattack, sinking one U-boat.[5]
2 October Second Battle of Durazzo Allied fleet attacks Austro-Hungarian fleet and coastal defenses in Durazzo, Albania, decimating the city
14 October Action of 14 October 1918 Portuguese patrol ship NRP Augusto de Castilho is sunk by the German submarine SM U-139 while defending a merchant ship
31 October – 1 November Raid on Pula Italian frogmen sink the Austro-Hungarian battleship, SMS Viribus Unitis, without knowing it had just been transferred to the State of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs the day prior
  • 1921

Irish Civil War (1922–1923)

  • 1922
    • 29 March – Capture of the UpnorIrish Republican Army tugboat, Warrior captures the British cargo ship, SS Upnor, which was carrying weapons.[6]
  • 1933
    • 14–15 February Battle of Tarapacá – Colombian river fleet bombards Peruvian river defenses, comes under fire by Peruvian seaplane fighters, but is repelled.

Chaco War (1932–1935)

  • 1936
    • 5 August Convoy de la Victoria – Republican destroyer Alcalá Galiano intercepts a Nationalist convoy but fails to stop it
    • 8 August – Action of 8 August 1936 – Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera sank British yacht Blue Shadow while shelling Republican positions.
    • 16 August-12 September Battle of Majorca – Republicans launch amphibious assault on Nationalist held Majorca but fails
    • 19 September Spanish Guinea uprising – Nationalist merchant raider sinks a Republican prison ship
    • 29 September Battle of Cape Espartel – Nationalists cruisers sink Republican destroyer Almirante Ferrándiz.
    • 14 December – Action of 14 December 1936 – Soviet merchant ship Komsomol is sunk by Nationalist cruiser Canarias.
  • 1937
    • 10 January – Action of 10 January 1937 – Soviet merchant ship Smidovich is captured by Nationalist destroyer Velasco.
    • 5 March Battle of Cape Machichaco – Nationalist cruiser Canarias defeats a Basque Auxiliary Navy squadron
    • 28 March – Action of 28 March 1937 – Greek merchant ship Gardelaki is captured by Nationalist patrol ship Uad Kert.
    • 2 April – Action of 2 April 1937 – Greek merchant ship Poli is sunk by Nationalist cruiser Baleares.
    • 4 April – Action of 4 April 1937 – Panamanian merchant ship Janu is captured by Nationalist patrol ship Huelva.
    • 5 April – Action of 5 April 1937 – Greek merchant ship Nagos is captured by Nationalist patrol ship Maria Teresa.
    • 6 April – Action of 6 April 1937 – Panamanian merchant ship Andra is sunk by Nationalist armed trawler Galerna.
    • 16 April – Action of 16 April 1937 – Panamanian merchant ship Hordena is captured by Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera.
    • 24 May Attack on the Barletta – Republican aircraft attack the Italian merchant raider Barletta, killing six Italian sailors
    • 26 May Attack on the Albatros – Republican aircraft attack the German destroyer Albatros with no casualties
    • 29 May Deutschland incident – Republican aircraft attack the German cruiser Deutschland, killing 31 and injuring 74 of her crew
    • 31 May Bombardment of Almería – Kriegsmarine squadron led by Admiral Scheer bombards the Republican port of Almería in retaliation for an attack on the cruiser Deutschland
    • 14 July - Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera, assisted by the naval trawler Galerna, seized the British cargo ship Molton off Santander, inside Spanish waters, despite the presence of the British battleship Royal Oak.
    • 7 July – Action of 7 July 1937 – French merchant ship Liberte is captured by Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera.
    • 15 August – Action of 15 August 1937 – Panamanian merchant ship Geo McKnight is disabled by the Italian destroyer Freccia.
    • 31 August – Action of 31 August 1937 – Soviet merchant ship Timiryazev is sunk by the Italian destroyer Turbine.
    • 1 September – Action of 1 September 1937 – British merchant ship Woodford is sunk by the Italian submarine Diaspro.
    • 3 September – Action of 3 September 1937 – Soviet merchant ship Blagoev is sunk by the Italian submarine Luigi Settembrini.
    • 7 September Battle of Cape Cherchell – Nationalist cruiser Baleares destroys a Republican convoy.
    • 12 December – Action of 12 December 1937 – French merchant ship Sydney is captured by Nationalist merchant raider Lazaro.
    • 21 December – Action of 21 December 1937 – French merchant ship Francois is captured by Nationalist merchant raider Mallorca.
  • 1938
    • 21 January – Sinking of the Endymion – British merchant ship Endymion is sunk by Nationalist submarine General Sanjurjo.
    • 21 January – Capture of the Pomaron – Estonian merchant ship Pomaron is captured by Nationalist merchant raider Vincente Puchol.
    • 22 January – Action of 22 January 1938 – Estonian merchant ship Juss is captured by Nationalist merchant raider Mallorca.
    • 5–6 March Battle of Cape Palos – Republican squadron sinks Nationalist cruiser Baleres.
    • 19 March – Action of 19 March 1938 – Soviet merchant ship Lensovet is captured by Nationalist patrol ships.
    • 30 March – Sinking of the Lena – Greek merchant ship Lena is sunk by Nationalist submarine General Mola.
    • 30 March – Capture of the Alix – Norwegian merchant ship Alix is captured by Nationalist patrol ship Huevla.
    • 19 May – Action of 19 May 1938 – Greek merchant ship Ellinico Vuono is captured by Nationalist cruiser Canarias.
    • 26 May – Capture of the Stepanov – Soviet merchant ship Skvortzov Stepanov is captured by Nationalist cruiser Canarias.
    • 26 May – Capture of the Jan – Danish merchant ship Jan is captured by Nationalist patrol ship Inasi.
    • 30 May – Action of 30 May 1938 – Panamanian merchant ship Wintonia is captured by a squadron of Nationalist cruisers.
    • 31 May – Action of 31 May 1938 – Soviet merchant ship Potishev is captured by Nationalist merchant raider Vincente Puchol.
    • 21 July – Action of 21 July 1938 – Norwegian merchant ship Skulda is captured by Nationalist patrol ships.
    • 17 October – Action of 17 October 1938 – Soviet merchant ship Katayama is captured by Nationalist minelayer Vulcano.
    • 23 October – Action of 23 October 1938 – Soviet merchant ship Tsyurupa is captured by Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera.
    • 2 November – Action of 2 November 1938 – Soviet merchant ship Max Hoels is captured by Nationalist minelayer Vulcano.
    • 9 November – Action of 9 November 1938 – Greek merchant ship Nicolau Eleni is captured by Nationalist patrol ships.
    • 11 November – Capture of the Victoria – Greek merchant ship Victoria is captured by Nationalist merchant raider Mar Cantabrico.
    • 11 November – Sinking of the Hanna – Dutch merchant ship Hanna is sunk by Nationalist submarine General Mola.
    • 19 November – Action of 19 November 1938 – Latvian merchant ship Everards is captured by Nationalist patrol ships.
  • 1939
    • 15 January – Action of 15 January 1939 – French merchant ship Aunis is captured by Nationalist gunboat Deto.
    • 28 January – Action of 28 January 1939 – British merchant ship Lake Lugano is sunk by Nationalist merchant raider Mar Negro.
  • 1937
    • August 7–25 September Battle of Shanghai – Japanese cruisers and carrier-based aircraft destroy the Republic of China fleet in the Yangtze River.[7]
  • 1938
    • 11 June-28 October Battle of Wuhan – Chinese gunboats see minor action against the Japanese fleet.

Winter War (1939–1940)

  • 1939
    • 1 December Battle of Russarö – Soviet heavy cruiser Kirov and escorting destroyers exchange fire with Finnish coastal defenses. Finnish coastal guns damage Soviet warships, forcing their retreat.
    • 14 December Battle of Utö – Two Soviet destroyers attack a Finnish lighthouse. Finnish coastal defenses repel Soviet destroyers.
    • 18 December Battle of the Beryozovye Islands – Soviet battleships Marat and Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya exchange fire against Finnish coastal defenses at key forts.

World War II (1939–1945)

  • 1939–1945 Battle of the Atlantic (1939–1945)
  • 1939
    • 1 September Danzig Bay – German Stuka dive bombers destroy much of the Polish Navy
    • 1–3 September Battle of Hel – Surviving Polish warships engage German invasion fleet. All Polish ships are sunk or captured.
    • 1–25 September Worek Plan – Polish submarines attempt to defend coast against German landings.
    • 13 December River Plate – British and New Zealand cruisers engage the German heavy cruiser Admiral Graf Spee. Damaged, she is later scuttled.
  • 1940
    • 8 April Action of 8 April 1940 – The German cruiser Admiral Hipper sinks the destroyer HMS Glowworm off of Norway
    • 9 April Preceding Battle of Narvik – Flotilla of German destroyers engage and sink Norwegian coastal defense ships HNoMS Norge and HNoMS Eidsvold
    • 9 April Battle of Drøbak Sound Norwegian coastal defenses at Oscarsborg Fortress sink the German heavy cruiser Blücher
    • 9 April Action off Lofoten German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau engage British battlecruiser HMS Renown and her group of destroyers. No ship is lost and only suffers minimal damage, first engagement between capital ships of the war.
    • 10 April First Battle of Narvik – British destroyer flotilla sinks two German destroyers and a flotilla of merchant ships
    • 13 April Second Battle of NarvikHMS Warspite and a force of supporting destroyers sinks all remaining German destroyers in Narvik.
    • 26 May – 4 June Dunkirk evacuation
    • 8 June Operation Juno – German battleships Gneisenau and Scharnhorst sink the aircraft carrier HMS Glorious and two destroyers off Norway
    • 10–25 June Italian invasion of France – French and Italian naval forces skirmish in the opening hours of the invasion
    • 14–15 June Convoy HX 47 – Two German U-boats attack British convoy, sinking two merchant ships.
    • 21–22 June Convoy HX 49 – Three German U-boats attack British convoy, sinking three merchant ships.
    • 28 June Battle of the Espero Convoy British cruiser HMS Orion sinks Italian destroyer Espero
    • 3 July Mers-el-Kebir – British fleet attacks French fleet in harbour in Algeria
    • 3–6 July Convoy OA 178 – German Stuka's attack British convoy, sinking several merchant ships and damaging more.
    • 9 July Calabria (Punta Stilo) – British fleet attacks Italian fleet
    • 19 July Cape SpadaHMAS Sydney sinks Italian cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni off Crete
    • 24–27 August Convoy HX 65 – 8 ships sunk in North Atlantic. First Canadian action of the war.
    • 25 August – Sinking of the Elli – Italian submarine Delfino sinks the Greek cruiser RHS Elli
    • 3–5 September Convoy FS 271 – German E-boats attack British convoy, sinking five merchant ships.
    • 6–9 September Convoy SC 2 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, sinking three merchant ships.
    • 20–22 September Convoy HX 72 – 11 ships sunk in the North Atlantic.
    • September 23–35 Dakar – Vichy French fight off a British/Free French landing at Dakar
    • 12 October Battle of Cape Passero – British cruisers HMS Ajax and HMS York engage and sink three Italian destroyers.
    • 16–19 October Convoy SC 7 – 20 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 19–20 October Convoy HX 79 – 12 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 20–21 October Attack on Convoy BN 7 – Allied fleet engages a flotilla of Italian destroyers, sinking one of them
    • 5 November Convoy HX 84 – 5 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 9 November Battle of Gabon – Free French aviso Savorgnan de Brazza sinks Vichy French aviso Bougainville
    • 11 November Taranto – British air attack on Italians anchored at Taranto, inspiring the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
    • 12 November Strait of Otranto – British and Australian ships engage and destroy an Italian convoy.
    • 27 November Cape Spartivento (Cape Teulada) – British fight back an Italian interception
    • 30 November - 27 December Operation Nordseetour - German cruiser Admiral Hipper carry's out raids in the North Atlantic, sinking a merchant vessel and damaging two British cruisers.
    • 1–3 December Convoy HX 90 – 11 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 6–8 December and 27 December German attacks on Nauru – German merchant raiders destroy Allied merchant ships off Nauru.
  • 1941
    • 10–11 January Operation Excess – Royal Navy engages maritime strike Luftwaffe
    • 12 January-2 February Convoy SC 19 – German U-boats intercept Allied convoy, sink four merchant ships.
    • 17 January Ko Chang – Vichy France defeats Thailand
    • 22 January – 22 March Operation BerlinScharnhorst and Gneisenau sink and capture 22 British merchant ships.
    • 22 January-8 February Convoy SC 20 – German U-boats intercept Allied convoy, sink five merchant ships.
    • 30 January-18 February Convoy HX 106 – German U-boats attack British convoy, sinking two merchant ships.
    • 31 January Attack on Convoy AN 14 – Italian destroyers intercept an Allied convoy, disabling a merchant ship
    • 8–11 February Convoy HG 53 – 9 ships sunk and 1 German Fw 200 Condor shot down
    • 25–28 February Operation Abstention – British attempt to land on the Italian-occupied Greek island of Kastelorizo, but are repelled by Italian naval and air forces
    • 27 February Action of 27 February 1941 – New Zealand cruiser HMNZS Leander sinks Italian merchant raider Ramb I
    • 2–8 March Convoy OB 293 – 3 ships and 2 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 4 March Operation Claymore – British destroyers and commandos raid a fish oil plant in occupied-Norway, sinking several German merchant ships
    • 15–17 March Convoy HX 112 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, Allies suffer minimal losses and sink two U-boats.
    • 26 March Raid on Souda Bay – Italian destroyers launch explosive motor boats which sink British cruiser HMS York and Norwegian tanker Pericles
    • 28 March Cape Matapan – British fleet defeats Italian fleet in night action
    • 2–5 April Convoy SC 26 – 10 ships sunk and 1 U-boat destroyed in North Atlantic
    • 4 April – Action of 4 April 1941 – German merchant raider Thor engages and sinks British merchant raider HMS Voltair off Cape Verde
    • 6 April – Action of 6 April 1941 – British cruiser HMS Capetown is torpedoed by Italian MAS boat MAS-213, damaging her.
    • 16 April – Battle of the Tarigo Convoy Duisburg. Lampo, Tarigo and Baleno are sunk, as well as HMS Mohawk
    • 7–10 May Convoy OB 318 – 7 ships sunk and 1 U-boat captured in North Atlantic
    • 8 May – Action of 8 May 1941 – British cruiser HMS Cornwall engages and sinks the German merchant raider Pinguin
    • 10–28 May Convoy HX 126 – Nine German U-boats attack British convoy and sink nine merchant ships.
    • 21 May – 1 June – Battle of Crete – Royal Navy loses three cruisers and 6 destroyers to Axis air attacks
    • 24 May – Battle of the Denmark StraitBismarck and Prinz Eugen sink HMS Hood
    • 24–27 May – Hunt for the German battleship Bismarck ends in her sinking
    • 9 June Battle of the Litani River – Two Vichy French destroyers engage Australian amphibious forces, chased away by Allied ships
    • 16 June-3 July Convoy HX 133 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, sinking six merchant ships.
    • 18 June-12 July Convoy SL 78 – Four German U-boats sink eight Allied merchant ships.
    • 22 June-3 August Gulf of Riga campaign – Series of light engagements between German and Soviet ships, results in German control of the Gulf of Riga
    • 22 June 1941 – 27 December 1942 Western Black Sea raids – Series of raids conducted by the Soviet Navy along Romanian and Bulgarian coasts, fails to disrupt Axis shipping
    • 26 June Raid on Constanța – Soviet Black Sea Fleet attempts raid on Romanian port, attack is successfully repelled by Romanian destroyers
    • 26 June Action of 26 June 1941 – Romanian torpedo boats engage Soviet gunboats, damaging and capture one
    • 9 July Action of 9 July 1941 – Three Romanian torpedo boats engage and sink a Soviet submarine
    • 13–14 July Operation München – Romanian monitor NMS Mihail Kogălniceanu engages two Soviet monitors and forces their retreat
    • 13–28 July Operation SubstanceForce H is attacked by Italian torpedo boats, submarines, and aircraft en route to Malta
    • 19 July-1 August Convoy OG 69 – German and Italian submarines inflict heavy casualties on British convoy.
    • 26 July Battle of Bengtskär – Soviet Naval Infantry attempt to capture the island of Bengtskär, landings are repelled by Finnish gunboats who sink a Soviet patrol boat
    • 10–15 August Convoy HG 70 – British convoy defends itself from German and Italian submarines with minimal losses.
    • 13–25 August Convoy OG 71 – 10 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 25 August Battle of Khuzestan – British and Australian sloops engage and sink Iranian sloops IIS Babr and IIS Palang
    • 27 August – Capture of U-570 – British and Canadian destroyers capture German U-boat U-570
    • 27–31 August – Soviet evacuation of Tallinn
    • 9–11 September Convoy SC 42 – 14 ships and 2 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 17 September – 1 October Convoy HG 73 – 9 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 27 September Operation Halberd – Royal Navy successfully defends convoy from Italian fleet and air attacks
    • 14–18 October Convoy SC 48 – 11 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 22 October-5 November Convoy HX 156 – Allied convoy successfully defends against U-boat attacks.
    • 30 October – 4 July 1941 Siege of Sevastopol – Soviet Black Sea Fleet attempts to defend Sevastopol from Axis small craft and aircraft, ultimately fails
    • 6 November – Crimean campaign – Romanian submarine NMS Delfinul sinks the Soviet cargo ship SS Uralets
    • 8–9 November Battle of the Duisburg Convoy – Royal Navy intercepts and destroys an Italian convoy
    • 19 November – HMAS Sydney and the German surface raider Kormoran destroy each other in a single ship action off Western Australia; Sydney is lost with all hands
    • 6 December Action of 6 December 1941 – Bulgarian submarine chasers, Chernomorets and Belomorets engage and sink the Soviet submarine Shch-204
    • 7 December Pearl Harbor, also starting the Pacific War – Japanese naval and air forces launch surprise raid on American naval base at Pearl Harbor, forces United States to enter World War II
    • 8–23 December Battle of Wake Island – American coastal and air defenses at Wake Island hold off Japanese invasion for 15 days, sinking several Japanese warships in the process
    • 8–25 December Battle of Hong Kong – British destroyers and gunboats are engaged by Japanese gunboats and aircraft
    • 10 December South China Sea – HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse sunk by Japanese air attack
    • 13 December Cape Bon – British and Dutch destroyers sink Italian cruisers
    • 17 December First Sirte – Indecisive British-Italian fight off Libya
    • 17 December Battle of Jibrieni – Soviets attack an Axis convoy, losing a submarine
    • 19 December Raid on Alexandria – Italian frogmen cripple several British warships in Alexandria Harbor
    • 19–23 December Convoy HG 76 – 4 ships sunk and 5 U-boats destroyed
    • 24–25 December Battle of Borneo – Dutch submarines engage several Japanese warships and transports during the opening days of the invasion
  • 1942
    • 12 January Action of 12 January 1942 – Dutch minelayer, HNLMS Prins van Oranje is intercepted and sunk by the Japanese destroyer Yamakaze.
    • 14 January Operation Postmaster - British commando unit aboard an armed trawler board and capture the three Axis merchant ships in the neutral Spanish Guinea port of Santa Isabel.
    • 23–25 January Battle of Balikpapan – American and Dutch destroyers and submarines intercept and sink several Japanese transports
    • 26–27 January Battle off Endau – Australian destroyer, HMAS Vampire is sunk by a Japanese fleet.
    • 30 January-3 February Battle of Ambon – Japanese fleet lands invasion force on Ambon Island. Japanese minesweeper, W-9 strikes a Dutch mine and is sunk, with two more Japanese minesweepers damaged. USS Heron is severely damaged by Japanese aircraft, but survives.
    • 30 January-15 February Convoy SC 67 – Allied convoy defends itself against U-boat attacks.
    • 1 February Marshalls-Gilberts raids – American carriers launch airstrikes against Japanese bases
    • 4 February Battle of Makassar Strait – Japanese aircraft launch attack on an American-Dutch fleet
    • 11–13 Channel Dash – Major Kriegsmarine surface units escape from occupied-France to Germany, British attempt to intercept with disastrous results
    • 13 February Battle of Palembang – British gunboat HMS Li Wo intercepts a Japanese convoy and engages it alone, she sinks a transport, but is later sunk by overwhelming fire from escort ships
    • 16 February Attack on Aruba – Several German U-boats sink several Allied oil tankers in coordinated attack
    • 16 February - 23 March Operation Neuland - German & Italian submarines carry out unrestricted submarine warfare in the Caribbean Sea.
    • 18–20 February Battle of Badung Strait – Allied fleet engages Japanese fleet, losing a destroyer
    • 19 February Bombing of Darwin – Japanese carrier task force attacks Australia
    • 21–25 February Convoy ON 67 – 8 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 25–28 February Operation Abstention – British attempt to land on Kastelorizo, but an Italian destroyer flotilla intercepts the landing fleet. British forced to retreat.
    • 27 February Java Sea – Japanese invasion convoy escorts destroy ABDA fleet
    • 27 February Sinking of the Langley – Japanese aircraft attack Allied convoy centered around USS Langley, she is severely damaged and forced to be scuttled.
    • 28 February – 1 March Battle of Sunda Strait – Continuation of the Battle of the Java Sea, Japanese force sinks USS Houston and HMAS Perth
    • 1 March Second Battle of the Java Sea – Continuation of the Battle of the Java Sea, Japanese force sinks HMS Exeter, HMS Encounter, and USS Pope
    • 1 March Battle of the Bali Strait – Continuation of the Battle of the Java Sea, four surviving American destroyers skirmish with the Japanese, but escape to Australia
    • 3 March Scuttling of USS Perch – American submarine USS Perch is engaged by Japanese destroyers, suffers damaged and it scuttled, crew is later captured.
    • 4 March Last Stand of HMAS Yarra – Australian sloop HMAS Yarra escorts a small convoy, but is intercepted by Japanese cruisers, engages them alone and is sunk.
    • 6–13 March Operation SportpalastGerman battleship Tirpitz leads a fleet to intercept an Arctic convoy, but fails to locate it, British counter with aircraft, but also fail in finding the German fleet
    • 22 March Second Sirte – Italian fleet obstacles a British convoy to Malta, hit escorts, but failed to sink the cargo ships. Delay of the convoy led to the loss of four freighters by air attack
    • 27 March Action of 27 March 1942 - German submarine U-123 sinks American Q-ship, USS Atik.
    • 28 March – St Nazaire Raid – British destroyer, HMS Campbelltown crashes into Normandie dry dock, rending it useless for the rest of the war.
    • 28–29 March Convoy PQ 13 – British cruiser HMS Trinidad and destroyers defend convoy against attacking German destroyers.
    • 31 March – 1 April Battle of Christmas Island – Japan invades and occupies Christmas Island, Japanese cruiser Naka is severely damaged by American submarine, USS Seawolf
    • 31 March – 10 April Indian Ocean Raid – Japanese task force attacks Ceylon
    • 14 April Convoy OG 82 – 1 U-boat sunk
    • 19 April Bombardment of Curaçao – German U-boat U-130 attempts to shell Dutch oil refinery on Curaçao. U-130 is engaged by Dutch shore batteries, but escapes.
    • 3–4 May Invasion of TulagiUSS Yorktown and her battlegroup engage the Japanese invasion fleet, sinking several small warships, but fail to prevent the capture of Tulagi.
    • 5 May-6 November Battle of Madagascar – Allied forces invade Vichy-controlled Madagascar. Allied fleet engages Vichy French and Japanese warships, before securing the island.
    • 6–21 May Convoy ON 92 – German U-boats inflict heavy casualties upon Allied convoy.
    • 8 May Coral Sea – Japanese invasion convoy turned back by US carrier aircraft. First carrier battle in history.
  • 1942–44 German U-Boats campaign in Gulf of St. Lawrence
    • 31 May-8 June Attack on Sydney Harbour – Japanese submarines raid Sydney Harbour, and sink HMAS Kuttabul
    • 3–4 June Battle of Dutch Harbor – Japanese carrier-based aircraft attack US Navy base in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. SS Northwestern is sunk in the attack.
    • 4–5 June Midway – invasion convoy retreats after US sinks four Japanese carriers and one Japanese heavy cruiser
    • 6 June Action of 6 June 1942German merchant raider Stier sinks American Liberty Ship, SS Stanvac Calcutta.
    • 8 June Shelling of NewcastleJapanese submarine I-21 shells the Australian port of Newcastle, but do no damage. Australian coastal artillery engages, but I-21 escapes.
    • 12–15 June Operation Vigorous – 6 ships sunk from convoy to Malta. The rest of the convoy is driven back
    • 14–15 June Operation Harpoon – 6 ships sunk from convoy to Malta when the convoy is intercepted by an Italian cruiser squadron
    • 14–17 June Convoy HG 84 – German wolfpack attacks British convoy, sinking five merchant ships.
    • 2–4 July Convoy PQ 17 – 24 ships sunk from Arctic convoy to Soviet Union
    • 5 July Action of 5 July 1942 – American submarine USS Growler sinks Japanese destroyer Arare
    • 5-8 July Convoy QS-15 - German submarine U-132 attacks an Allied convoy sinking three merchant ships.
    • 8–10 July Battle of Someri – Finnish and German gunboats engage and sink Soviet gunboats in the Gulf of Finland
    • 17–31 July Convoy ON 113 – Wolfpack intercepts Allied convoy, sinking five merchant ships.
    • 24 July-8 August Convoy ON 115 – Wolfpack intercepts Allied convoy, sinks three merchant ships and loses one U-boat.
    • 3 August Attack on the DureenbeeJapanese submarine I-175 attacks and damages the Australian fishing trawler Dureenbee
    • 3 August Action of 3 August 1942 – British submarine HMS Saracen sinks German submarine U-335 off the Faroe Islands.
    • 5–10 August Convoy SC 94 – 11 ships and 2 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 8 August Savo Island – Japanese sink 4 cruisers escorting Guadalcanal invasion convoy
    • 11–15 August Operation Pedestal – 13 ships sunk from convoy to Malta
    • 16–30 August Operation Wunderland – German fleet successfully raids Soviet shipping in the Kara Sea, sinking several ships.
    • 22–25 August Convoy ON 122 – German U-boats inflict casualties on Allied convoy, demonstrated importance of radar.
    • 24 August Eastern Solomons – Japanese aircraft carrier Ryujo sunk while attacking Guadalcanal
    • 27-28 August Convoys SG-6/LN-6 - Two German submarines sink two Allied merchant ships.
    • 2–21 September Operation Orator – Allies defend Convoy PQ 18 from German attacks. Convoy losses 13 merchant ships, as to Germany's loss of four U-boats, majority of convoy makes it to Arkhangelsk.
    • 4 September - 2 November Battle of Bell Island - Two German submarines sink four Canadian ore ships off Newfoundland with heavy casualties.
    • 6-10 September Convoy QS-33 - Two German submarines sink four Allied merchant ships and one Canadian armed yacht.
    • 10–14 September Convoy ON 127 – 7 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 12–16 September Convoy TAG 5 – 2 ships sunk in Caribbean Sea
    • 12-16 September Convoy SQ-36 - Two German submarines sink three Allied merchant ships.
    • 12-24 September Laconia Incident – German U-boat U-156 torpedoes and sinks British transport RMS Laconia. Axis submarines and warships attempt to rescue survivors before being attacked by American aircraft, and forced to call off rescue efforts.
    • 12–28 September Convoy SC 100 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, sinking five merchant ships.
    • 13–14 September Operation Agreement – British forces attempt to land in Tobruk, German and Italian torpedo boats and coastal defenses repel invasion, sinking several British warships.
    • 13–26 September Convoy QP 14 – German U-boats sink five allied ships of the convoy, while Allies sink one U-boat and damage five.
    • 27 September Action of 27 September 1942German merchant raider Stier engages American Liberty ship SS Stephen Hopkins. Both ships sink each other in the engagement.
    • 1 October Battle of Cape Burnas – Romanian gunboats engage and sink Soviet submarine after it sank a German transport.
    • 12 October Cape Esperance US cruisers intercept Japanese cruiser force approaching Guadalcanal
    • 12–16 October Convoy SC 104 – 8 ships and 2 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 22 October Battle of Sukho Island – Germany attempts amphibious invasion of Sukho Island, but are repelled by Soviet gunboats, which sink several German transports.
    • 26 October Santa Cruz Islands – USS Hornet sunk in aircraft carrier battle near Guadalcanal
    • 26–29 October Convoy HX 212 – 6 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 27–31 October Convoy SL 125 – 11 ships sunk decoying U-boats away from Operation Torch
    • 1–4 November Convoy SC 107 – 15 ships and 1 U-boat sunk in North Atlantic
    • 2–8 November Convoy TAG 18 – 6 ships sunk in Caribbean Sea
    • 6–11 November Convoy TAG 19 – 2 ships sunk in Caribbean Sea
    • 8 November Casablanca – French fleet in harbour an shore batteries attempt to defend Moroccan neutrality but are defeated by a US Navy fleet
    • 11 November Attack on the Ondina – Dutch oil tanker MV Ondina and Indian corvette, HMIS Bengal defend themselves against two Japanese merchant raiders, sinking one of them.
    • 12–15 November Guadalcanal – decisive US victory, last offensive Japanese operation attempted in the Guadalcanal campaign, 11 transports and 2 battleships sunk. heavy losses on both sides in 2 night surface actions.
    • 15–18 November Convoy ON 144 – German U-boats inflict high casualties upon an Allied convoy.
    • 30 November Tassafaronga US cruisers intercept Japanese destroyers resupplying Guadalcanal, but suffer heavy losses from torpedo attack
    • 2 December Battle of Skerki Bank – Allied fleet intercepts Italian convoy and sinks all four transport ships and most of their escorting destroyers.
  • December 1942-June 1943 Operation Lilliput – Royal Australian Navy provides escort to New Guinea convoys, defends them from Japanese air attacks
    • 11–31 December Convoy ON 153 – German U-boats intercept Allied convoy, sink three merchant ships.
    • 26–30 December Convoy ON 154 – 14 ships and 1 U-boat sunk in North Atlantic
    • 30 December 1942-3 January 1943 Convoy JW 51B – British cruisers and destroyers defend convoy against attacking German cruiser-destroyer force.
    • 31 December Barents Sea – British escorts fight off German surface attack on convoy JW 51B
  • 1943
    • 3–12 January Convoy TM 1 – 7 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 14 January-18 February Operation Ke – Japan withdraws from the Solomon Islands, Allied and Japanese fleets conduct final engagements of the Guadalcanal Campaign.
    • 19-20 January Battle off Zuwarah – British destroyers sink Italian minesweeping force
    • 23 January - 3 February Convoy SG-19 - German submarine U-223 sinks American troopship, SS Dorchester with a loss of 674 out of 904 of her crew. Greatest American loss of life from a single ship in a convoy.
    • 28 January Shelling of Port GregoryJapanese submarine I-165 shells Australian port of Port Gregory, there are no casualties.
    • 29 January Rennell Island – USS Chicago lost
    • 4–7 February Convoy SC 118 – 8 ships and 1 U-boat sunk in North Atlantic
    • 21–25 February Convoy ON 166 – 11 ships and 2 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 2–4 March Bismarck Sea – aircraft sink 12 ships from a Japanese troop convoy to New Guinea
    • 6 March Battle of Blackett Strait – an American task force intercepts 2 Japanese destroyers and sinks them both.
    • 6–9 March Convoy SC 121 – 7 ships sunk in North Atlantic
    • 10–11 March Convoy HX 228 – 5 ships and 2 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 16–19 March Convoys HX 229/SC 122 – 22 ships and 1 U-boat sunk in largest North Atlantic U-boat wolfpack attack
    • 25 March-10 April Convoy HX 231 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, sink six merchant ships.
    • 26 March Komandorski Islands – US cruiser force intercepts a Japanese Aleutian Islands convoy
    • 28 March Convoy RS 3 – German U-boats destroy Convoy RS 3.
    • 1–16 April Operation I-Go – Japanese launch ariel counteroffensive against Allies in the Solomon Islands, sinking a small number of ships.
    • 16 April Battle of the Cigno Convoy – Italian destroyers defend transport against attacking pair of British destroyers
    • 30 April-1 May Convoy TS 37U-515 attacks a convoy alone and sinks seven Allied merchant ships.
    • 3–4 May Battle of the Campobasso Convoy – British destroyers sink Italian transport and destroyer
    • 9–13 May Convoy HX 237 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, sinking three merchant ships. Allies counter and sink three U-boats.
    • 11–13 May Convoy SC 129 – British defend against large U-boat attack, sinking three U-boats and minimal losses to convoy.
    • 14 May Attack on AHS CentaurJapanese submarine I-177 sinks Australian hospital ship AHS Centaur with a heavy loss of life.
    • 15 May Sinking of U-176 – Cuban submarine chasers sink U-176 in the Caribbean.
    • 18–20 May Convoy SC 130 – 3 U-boats sunk in North Atlantic
    • 29 April – 6 May Convoy ONS 5 – 12 ships and 6 U-boats sunk in last major North Atlantic U-boat wolfpack attack
    • 15–20 June Convoy GP55 – Japanese submarine I-174 intercepts Allied convoy and sinks American transport and damages an LST.
    • 6 July Kula Gulf
    • 8–12 July Convoy Faith – German aircraft attack Allied convoy, sinking two Allied troopships with heavy casualties.
    • 12–13 July Battle of Kolombangara – Japan defeats a US and New Zealand fleet
    • 17–18 July Operation Scylla – Italian cruiser Scipione Africano repels attack by British torpedo boats, sinking one.
  • August 1943-October 1944 Kara Sea U-boat campaign – German U-boats attempt to disrupt Soviet shipping in the Kara Sea, scoring several kills
    • 6–7 August Battle of Vella Gulf – American destroyers intercept the "Tokyo Express" and sink 3 Japanese destroyers.
    • 17–18 August Battle off Horaniu – American destroyers intercept Japanese convoy evacuation the Solomon Islands
    • 29 August Battle of Isefjord – Danish coastal defense ship, HDMS Niels Juel is sunk by German warships and aircraft while attempting to flee to Sweden.
    • 8 September Operation Zitronella – German task force led by Tirpitz and Scharnhorst destroy Norwegian coastal defenses in Svalbard
    • 8 September-22 November Dodecanese campaign – German forces invade and occupy the Italian Dodecanese Islands, Allied and Italian fleets take heavy losses.
    • 9 September Action off Bastia – Italian destroyers and coastal defenses engage a small German auxiliary fleet, sinking all of them.
    • 9 September Battle of the Straits of Bonifacio – Main Italian fleet attempts to sail to Sardinia following Armistice. German aircraft intercept Italian fleet. Italian battleship Roma is sunk by German aircraft with a Fritz X radio-controlled bomb.
    • 19–23 September Convoys ONS 18/ON 202 – German U-boats simultaneously attack two convoys, but Allies defend them with minimal losses.
    • 28 September-12 October Convoy SC 143 – German U-boats attack Allied convoy, Allied fleet successfully defends it, sinking three U-boats.
    • 6 October – Naval Battle of Vella Lavella
    • 15–18 October Convoys ONS 20/ON 206 – Allied convoys defend themselves against large U-boat attack, with only a single ship lost.
    • 22–23 October Battle of Sept-Îles – German light force defeats similar British force
    • 26–29 October Convoy ON 207 – 3 U-boats sunk by a combination of air and naval support in the North Atlantic
    • 27–31 October Convoy SL 138/MKS 28 – 1 ship and 1 U-boat destroyed in North Atlantic
    • 2 November Empress Augusta Bay
    • 6 November Action off Cape Bougaroun – German aircraft attack Allied convoy off Algeria, sinking several ships.
    • 13 November Action of 13 November 1943 – British submarine HMS Taurus sinks Japanese submarine I-34
    • 18–21 November Convoy SL 139/MKS 30 – 1 ship and 3 U-boats sunk
    • 24 November-5 December Convoy SL 140/MKS 31 – Allied convoy defends against attacking U-boats, sinking six of them.
    • 26 November Battle of Cape St. George – American destroyers intercept the "Tokyo Express" and sink 3 Japanese destroyers.
    • 13 December Action off Silba – Three British torpedo boats attack the grounded Croatian cruiser Zniam and permanently disabling her and sinking a tug.
    • 20–30 December Convoy JW 55B – German battleship Scharnhorst and escorts sortie to locate Allied convoy. Preludes Battle of the North Cape.
    • 26 December North Cape – convoy JW 55B escorts sink Scharnhorst off northern Norway
    • 28 December Operation Stonewall – Allied ships and aircraft sink three German destroyers in the Bay of Biscay
  • 1944
    • 11 January Action of 11 January 1944 – British submarine HMS Tally-Ho sinks Japanese light cruiser Kuma off Penang
    • 12-27 January Convoy JW 56A – German U-boats sink and damage half of the convoy.
    • 14 February Action of 14 February 1944 – British submarine HMS Tally-Ho sinks German submarine UIT-23 off Penang
    • 17 February Operation Hailstone – Allied fleet attacks former Japanese naval stronghold at Truk Lagoon in the central Pacific, Japanese defenders lose many aircraft and merchant ships
    • 29 February Battle of Ist – Free French destroyers intercept German convoy and sink a corvette and freighter
    • 1–16 March Second Indian Ocean Raid – Japanese heavy cruiser Tone sinks British freighter Behar. The crew of Behar are later executed aboard Tone.
    • 29 March Action of 29 March 1944 – Colombian destroyer ARC Caldas defends convoy against German submarine U-154, and damages her.
    • 19 April - Action of 19 April 1944 - Norwegian submarine HNoMS Ula attacks sinks the German submarine U-974.
    • 22 April-31 May Convoy UGS-40 – German aircraft attack Allied convoy in Mediterranean, but fail to score a single hit. Allies suffer no losses, while Germany loses 19 aircraft.
    • 26 April Action of 26 April 1944 – British light cruiser HMS Black Prince and escorting destroyers intercept a flotilla of German destroyers, sinking one of them.
    • 28 April Battle of Lyme Bay – German E-boat's raid Lyme Bay and sink two American tank landing ships.
    • 6 May Action of 6 May 1944 – German submarine U-66 is sunk by aircraft from USS Block Island (CVE-21) and rammed by USS Buckley (DE-51)
    • 13 May Action of 13 May 1944 – Japanese submarine RO-501 is sunk by American destroyer escorts off the Azores.
    • 4 June Capture of U-505 – German submarine U-505 is captured by USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60) and her destroyer escorts off Cape Verde.
    • 6 June Invasion of Normandy – Allied fleets launch the largest amphibious invasion ever conducted in Occupied-France. Allied warships do battle against German coastal defenses and torpedo boats, losing several warships in the invasion.
    • 6 June Capture of U-744 – British and Canadian warships capture and later scuttle the German submarine U-744
    • 9 June Battle of Ushant – Allied 10th destroyer flotilla (UK/Canadian/Polish ships) engage and defeat remnants of the German 8th destroyer flotilla off Brittany
    • 19 June Philippine Sea – US invasion of Saipan initiates the largest aircraft carrier battle in history including "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot"
    • 19–20 June Battle of Nerva Island – Soviet gunboats and torpedo boats repel attack by two German destroyer escorts, T-30 and T-31. T-31 is sunk.
    • 24 June Action off Murter Island – Two British torpedo boats engage German and Croatian torpedo boats off Murter Island. Croatian torpedo boat T7 is damaged and beached.
    • 17 July Action of 17 July 1944 – British submarine HMS Telemachus sinks Japanese submarine I-166 off Penang
    • 17 July Operation Mascot – Royal Navy launches carrier assault against German battleship Tirpitz, but fails.
    • 17 July-3 August Convoy HX 300 – Largest convoy of the war, despite German U-boat attacks, Allies successfully defend merchant ships with no losses.
    • 15 August Battle of Port Cros – American destroyer USS Somers (DD-381) sinks a German aviso and corvette
    • 15 August-14 September Operation Dragoon – Combined Allied fleet launches amphibious assault in Southern France. Allied warships exchange fire against German coastal artillery.
    • 18–19 August Convoy Hi-71 – American submarines sink Japanese convoy and escort carrier Taiyo
    • 7 September Shin'yo Maru Incident – American submarine USS Paddle attacks Japanese convoy and sinks cargo ship Shin'yo Maru killing several American POW's
    • 23–26 October Leyte Gulf – US invasion of the Philippines produces a decisive battle with the Japanese fleet including four main actions – the Sibuyan Sea, Surigao Straits, off Samar and Cape Engano. First use of Kamikaze tactics by the Japanese.
    • 6 October Action of 6 October 1944 – Dutch submarine HNLMS Zwaardvisch sinks German submarine U-168 in the Java Sea
    • 12–16 October Formosa Air Battle – American carrier-based aircraft and Japanese naval aircraft do battle over Formosa
    • 1 November Battle of Pag Island – Two British destroyers ambush and sink a German destroyer and two corvettes
    • 9 November-21 December Battle of Ormoc Bay – American destroyers attack sink several Japanese destroyers and merchant ships
    • 10 November Action of 10 November 1944 – American submarine USS Flounder sinks German submarine U-537 in the Java Sea
    • 15–18 November Convoy Hi-81 – American submarines intercept Japanese convoy and sink escort carriers Shinyo and Akitsu Maru
    • 24 December Convoy WEP 3 - Belgian troopship SS Leopoldville is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-486 with a loss of 819 lives.
  • 1945
    • 10–20 January South China Sea raid – American fleet successfully disrupts Japanese shipping in the South China Sea
    • 14 March Sinking of U-174 – South African frigate HMSAS Natal sinks U-174 on her maiden voyage.
    • 18 March Battle of the Ligurian Sea – Two British destroyers sink two German destroyer escorts
    • 19 March First Bombing of Kure – American carrier-based aircraft damage Japanese warships at anchor in Kure
    • 1 April – 25 May Battle of Okinawa – The Japanese lose their last significant naval force, including the battleship Yamato. Large scale systematic Kamikaze operations conducted by Japanese air forces.
    • 6 April-22 June Operation Kikusui – Japanese Kamikaze campaign against Allied warships begins
    • 12 April Capture of U-1024 – Two British frigates capture German submarine U-1024 in the Irish Sea
    • 12 April-7 May Operation Teardrop – Allied anti-submarine warfare campaign along the North American East coast.
    • 23 April Action of 23 April 1945 – German submarine U-183 is sunk by American submarine USS Besugo in the Java Sea
    • 5–6 May Battle of Point Judith – American destroyers sink German submarine U-853 in the Long Island Sound.
    • 7-8 May Actions of 7-8 May 1945 - Three German U-boats attack and sink three Allied ships. U-320 is sunk in the action, becoming the last U-boat to sunk. Final German naval action of the war.
    • 15–16 May Battle of the Malacca Strait – British 26th Destroyer Flotilla ambush and sink the Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro.
    • 8 June Action of 8 June 1945 – Two British submarines intercept and sink Japanese heavy cruiser Ashigara.
    • 18 July Attack on Yokosuka – Allied naval aircraft bomb and damage Japanese warships in Yokosuka
    • 22–23 July Battle of Sagami Bay – American destroyers intercept Japanese convoy fleeing Tokyo Bay, last surface battle of the war.
    • 24 July Action of 24 July 1945 – American destroyer escort USS Underhill is sunk by Japanese kaiten (suicide-torpedoes)
    • 24–28 July Second Bombing of Kure – Allied naval aircraft sink all remaining Japanese capital ships in Kure
    • July–August Allied naval bombardments of Japan – Allied warships bombard strategic sites on the Japanese coast

Later 20th century


21st century

  • 2001
  • 2002
  • 2003
    • 20–24 March – Battle of Al Faw (2003) Joint British-American-Australian-Polish fleet conducts amphibious operation on the Al-Faw Peninsula in Iraq. Forces capture Iraqi ports and oil platforms.
  • 2004
    • 24 April – Attack on USS Firebolt – US patrol ship, USS Firebolt is attacked by suicide dhows while defending Iraqi oil platforms. in the Persian Gulf. Suicide attack destroys Firebolt's RHIB and kills three of her crew. Two more suicide dhows are sunk by the Australian frigate HMAS Stuart.
  • 2006
    • 11 May – Battle of Point Pedro (2006) The Sri Lanka Navy and LTTE Sea Tigers clash, leaving 18 SLN personnel and around 50 Tigers dead.
    • 14 July – Attack on INS Hanit – Israeli corvette INS Hanit is struck by a land-launched C-802 anti-ship missile off the coast of Beirut and is damaged.
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
    • 10 November Battle of Daecheong A South Korean patrol damages a North Korean gunboat forcing it to withdraw.
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2014
    • 23 March – Capture of the Cherkasy – Ukrainian minesweeper Cherkasy is boarded and captured by Russian forces after attempting to flee Crimea.
  • 2016
    • 1 October – Attack on HSV-2 Swift – United Arab Emirates Navy ship Swift is attacked by a C-802 anti-ship missile launched by Houthie rebels off Yemen and is severely damaged.
  • 2017
    • 30 January – Attack on HMS Al Madinah – Royal Saudi Navy frigate HMS Al Madinah is struck by a remote controlled suicide boat by Houthie Rebels off Yemen and is severely damaged.
    • 16 March – Somali pirates hijack an oil tanker[17]
  • 2018
  • 2020
    • 17 May – British flagged tanker Stolt Apol is attacked by two pirate skiffs 75 nautical miles off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden and disables one skiff before escaping.[19]
  • 2022
  • 2023
    • 29 May – Sinking of the Yuri Olefirenko – Ukrainian tank landing ship, UNS Yuri Olefirenko is sunk by Russian anti-ship missiles while docked in Odesa. Ukraine has not confirmed nor denied the loss.[21]
    • 11 June – Attack on the Priazovye – Ukrainian sea drones attack the Russian Vishnya-class intelligence ship, RFS Priazovye, but attack is repelled.
    • 4 August – Attack on the Olenegorsky Gornyak – Ukrainian sea drones attack and damage the Russian tank landing ship Olenegorsky Gornyak off Novorossiysk.
    • 14 September – Attack on the Sergey Kotov – Russian Bykov-class patrol ship, RFS Sergey Kotov is attacked and severely damaged by Ukrainian sea drones.[22]
    • 16 September – Attack on the Samum – Russian Bora-class corvette, RFS Samum, is attacked and damaged by Ukrainian sea drones.[23]
    • 7 October – Action off Gaza – Israeli Navy intercepts and sinks Hamas attack boats attempting to infiltrate Israel.[24]
    • 13 October – Attack on the Pavel Derzhavin – Russian Bykov-class patrol ship, RFS Pavel Derzhavin is attacked and damaged by Ukrainian sea drones.[25]
    • 30-31 December – Attacks on the MV Maersk Hangzhou commercial vessel Maersk Hangzhou attacked by Houthis.
    • 31 December – Sinking of a Stenka-class patrol ship. – Russian Coast Guard Stenka-class patrol ship sunk by Ukrainian sea drones off Sevastopol.
  • 2024
    • 1 February – Sinking of the Ivanovets – Russian Tarantul-class corvette, RFS Ivanovets, is sunk by Ukrainian sea drones off Crimea.[26]
    • 14 February – Sinking of the Caesar Kunikov – Russian tank landing ship, RFS Tsezar Kunikov is sunk by Ukrainian sea drones off Crimea.[27]
    • 5 March – Sinking of the Sergey Kotov – Russian Bykov-class patrol ship, RFS Sergey Kotov is attacked and sunk by Ukrainian sea drones in the Kerch Strait.[28]
    • 15 July - In the Red Sea, the Panamaninan flagged tanker Bentley-I is unsuccessfully attacked by a Houthi sea drone before engaging in a gun battle with two Houthi manned fast attack craft, which are driven off.[29]
    • 21 August - In Red Sea, the Greek flagged tanker Sounion was attacked and exchanged gunfire with two Houthi manned fast attack craft. The Sounion was then hit by three projectiles and set afire before being abandoned by its crew.[30]

See also



  1. ^ Connolly, Peter; Gillingham, John; Lazenby, John (2016). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval Warfare. Cambridge, England: Routledge. p. 9. ISBN 9781135936747.
  2. ^ Mäesalu, Ain (2012). "Could Kedipiv in East-Slavonic Chronicles be Keava hill fort?" (PDF). Estonian Journal of Archaeology. 1 (16supplser): 199. doi:10.3176/arch.2012.supv1.11. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 October 2017. Retrieved 27 December 2016.
  3. ^ Jean-Claude Castex, Dictionnaire des batailles navales franco-anglaises Archived 23 October 2022 at the Wayback Machine, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2004, p.21
  4. ^ Unconfirmed.
  5. ^ Maia, Prado (1961). D.N.O.G. (Divisão Naval em Operações de Guerra), 1914–1918: uma página esquecida da história da Marinha Brasileira. Serviço de Documentação Geral da Marinha.
  6. ^ "The daring capture of a British naval ship that enraged Downing Street and armed anti-Treaty IRA for Civil War". 11 April 2023.
  7. ^ "Naval War in China". Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  8. ^ "Chinese Naval Battles(Civil War and later)(re-done)". Archived from the original on 29 July 2016.
  9. ^ Assault on the Liberty: The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship], by James M. Ennes, Jr. (ISBN 0-9723116-0-2) page 67
  10. ^ [bare URL]
  11. ^ Israel admits it sank Lebanese refugee boat in 1982 war error, killing 25 — TV. The Times of Israel, 22 November 2018.
  12. ^ "HARINGVLIET". Stichting Maritiem Historische Databank. Retrieved 13 October 2014.
  13. ^ "Iraq reports sinking Iranian navy ship - UPI Archives". UPI. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  14. ^ "ZERAI DERES light frigates (1968-1969/1983-1984)". Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  15. ^ "Stalemate & Siege" (PDF). 2011. Retrieved 19 September 2020.
  16. ^ "NATO ships thwart attack on Misrata harbour". Archived from the original on 19 February 2018. Retrieved 19 April 2017.
  17. ^ "Somali force and pirates aboard hijacked vessel exchange fire". Reuters. 17 March 2017. Archived from the original on 17 September 2018. Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  18. ^ "Russia seizes Ukrainian ships near annexed Crimea". Al Jazeera.
  19. ^ "Pirates attack tanker off Yemen coast, causing minor damage". Star Tribune.
  20. ^ GDC (25 June 2022). "Russian Buyan-M Corvette Sustained Significant Damage By Ukrainian Drone Strikes". Global Defense Corp. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  21. ^ "Russia Says Destroyed Ukraine's 'Last Warship'". The Moscow Times. 31 May 2023. Retrieved 20 March 2024.
  22. ^ "Ukraine attacks Russian warships in Black Sea, destroys air defences in Crimea, Kyiv says". Reuters. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  23. ^ Writer, Andrew Stanton Weekend Staff (16 September 2023). "Russian Black Sea missile ship towed away after drone attack: Ukraine". Newsweek. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  24. ^ "Navy says it killed dozens of Gazan terrorists attempting to infiltrate from sea". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  25. ^ "Ukraine hit two Russian vessels in drone attacks, intelligence source says". Reuters. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  26. ^ "Military intelligence: Russian missile ship sunk off occupied Crimea". The Kyiv Independent. 1 February 2024. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  27. ^ "Russian landing ship Caesar Kunikov sunk off Crimea, says Ukraine". 14 February 2024. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  28. ^ "Ukraine war: Kyiv says seven dead as drone attack sinks Russian ship". 5 March 2024. Retrieved 20 March 2024.
  29. ^ [bare URL]
  30. ^ [bare URL]