Deșteaptă-te, române!

(Redirected from National anthem of Romania)

"Deșteaptă-te, române!" ("Awaken Thee, Romanian!"; pronounced [deʃˈte̯aptəte roˈmɨne] ) is the national anthem of Romania and former national anthem of Moldova.

Deșteaptă-te, române!
English: Awaken thee, Romanian!

National anthem of Romania
Former national anthem of Moldova
Also known asUn răsunet (English: An echo)
LyricsAndrei Mureșanu, 1848
MusicAnton Pann, 1848
Adopted1917 (Moldavian Democratic Republic)[1]
1990 (Romania)
1991 (Moldova)
Relinquished1918 (Moldavian D.R.)
1994 (Moldova)
Preceded byTrei culori
Anthem of the Moldavian SSR (by the Moldavian SSR)
Succeeded byLimba noastră (by Moldova)
Audio sample
U.S. Navy Band instrumental version (two verses, with repeats of the last two lines of each)

The lyrics were composed by Andrei Mureșanu (1816–1863), and the music was popular (it was chosen for the poem by Gheorghe Ucenescu, as most sources say).[2] It was written and published during the 1848 revolution, initially with the name "Un răsunet" ("An echo"), as a lyrical response to Vasile Alecsandri's poem "Către Români" ("To Romanians"), later known as "Deșteptarea României" ("The Awakening of Romania"), from which Mureșanu took inspiration for many of the themes and motifs of his own lyrics, a fact that is reflected in the overall similarity between the two poems. The original text was written in the Romanian Cyrillic alphabet. It was first sung in late June in the same year in the city of Brașov, on the streets of the Șcheii Brașovului neighborhood[3] and it became immediately the revolutionary anthem.

Since then, this patriotic song has been sung during all major Romanian conflicts, including during the 1989 anti-communist revolution. After the revolution, it became the national anthem on 24 January 1990, replacing the communist-era national anthem "Trei culori" ("Three colours").

29 July, the "National Anthem Day" (Ziua Imnului național), is an annual observance in Romania.[4]

The anthem was also used on various solemn occasions in the Moldavian Democratic Republic during its brief existence between 1917 and 1918.[1] Between 1991 and 1994, "Deșteaptă-te, române!" was the national anthem of Moldova before it was subsequently replaced by the current Moldovan anthem, "Limba noastră" ("Our language").



The melody was originally a sentimental song called "Din sânul maicii mele" composed by Anton Pann after hearing the poem.[5] In 1848 Andrei Mureșanu wrote the poem Un răsunet and asked Gheorghe Ucenescu, a Șcheii Brașovului Church singer, to find him a suitable melody.[5] After Ucenescu sang him several lay melodies, Mureșanu chose Anton Pann's song instead.

First sung during the uprisings of 1848, "Deșteaptă-te române!" became a favourite among Romanians and it has seen play during various historical events, including as part of Romania's declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire during the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878), and during World War I. The song received particularly heavy radio broadcast in the days following Romanian coup d'état of 23 August 1944, when Romania switched sides, turning against Nazi Germany and joining the Allies in World War II.

After the Communist Party abolished the monarchy on 30 December 1947, "Deșteaptă-te române!" and other patriotic songs closely associated with the previous regime were outlawed.[citation needed] Nicolae Ceaușescu's government permitted the song to be played and sung in public, but it was not given state recognition as the national anthem of the Socialist Republic of Romania.

The song was officially adopted as the national anthem on 24 January 1990, shortly after the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.[6][7]

The overall message of the anthem is a "call to action"; it proposes a "now or never" urge for change present in many national anthems like the French revolutionary song "La Marseillaise" – hence why Nicolae Bălcescu called it the "Romanian Marseillaise".

Another anthem


"Hora Unirii" ("Hora of the Union"), written by poet Vasile Alecsandri (1821–1890), which was sung a great deal on the occasion of the Union of the Principalities (1859) and on other occasions. "Hora Unirii" is sung on the Romanian folk tune of a slow but energetic round dance joined by the whole attendance (hora).



Romania's national anthem has eleven stanzas. Today, only the first, second, fourth, and last are sung on official occasions, as established by Romanian law. At major events such as the National Holiday on 1 December, the full version is sung, accompanied by 21-gun salute[citation needed] when the President is present at the event.

Romanian official

Romanian original[8] Original orthography (1848)[9][10] IPA transcription[a] English translation

Deșteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte,
În care te-adânciră 𝄆 barbarii de tirani 𝄇!
(𝄆) Acum ori niciodată, croiește-ți altă soarte,[b]
La care să se-nchine 𝄆 și cruzii tăi dușmani 𝄇. (𝄇)

Acum ori niciodată să dăm dovezi la[c] lume
Că-n aste mâni mai curge 𝄆 un sânge de roman 𝄇,
(𝄆) Și că-n a noastre piepturi păstrăm cu fală-un nume
Triumfător în lupte, 𝄆 un nume de Traian 𝄇! (𝄇)
Înalță-ți lata frunte și caută-n giur de tine,
Cum stau ca brazi în munte 𝄆 voinici sute de mii 𝄇;
(𝄆) Un glas ei mai așteaptă și sar ca lupi în stâne,
Bătrâni, bărbați, juni, tineri, 𝄆 din munți și din câmpii 𝄇! (𝄇)
Priviți, mărețe umbre, Mihai, Ștefan, Corvine,
Româna națiune[d], 𝄆 ai voștri strănepoți 𝄇,
(𝄆) Cu brațele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
„Viața-n libertate 𝄆 ori moarte!” strigă toți 𝄇. (𝄇)

Pre voi vă nimiciră a pizmei răutate
Și oarba neunire 𝄆 la Milcov și Carpați 𝄇!
(𝄆) Dar noi, pătrunși la suflet de sfânta libertate,
Jurăm că vom da mâna, 𝄆 să fim pururea frați 𝄇! (𝄇)
O mamă văduvită de la Mihai cel Mare
Pretinde de la fii-și 𝄆 azi mână d-ajutori 𝄇,
(𝄆) Și blastămă cu lacrămi în ochi pe orișicare,
În astfel de pericul 𝄆 s-ar face vânzători 𝄇! (𝄇)
De fulgere să piară, de trăsnet și pucioasă,
Oricare s-ar retrage 𝄆 din gloriosul loc 𝄇,
(𝄆) Când patria sau mama, cu inima duioasă,
Va cere ca să trecem 𝄆 prin sabie și foc 𝄇! (𝄇)
N-ajunse iataganul barbarei semilune,
A cărui plăgi fatale 𝄆 și azi le mai simțim 𝄇;
(𝄆) Acum se vâră cnuta în vetrele străbune,
Dar martor ne e Domnul 𝄆 că vii nu o primim 𝄇! (𝄇)
N-ajunse despotismul cu-ntreaga lui orbie,
Al cărui jug din seculi 𝄆 ca vitele-l purtăm 𝄇;
(𝄆) Acum se-ncearcă cruzii, în oarba lor trufie,
Să ne răpească limba, 𝄆 dar morți numai o dăm 𝄇! (𝄇)
Români din patru unghiuri, acum ori niciodată
Uniți-vă în cuget, 𝄆 uniți-vă-n simțiri 𝄇!
(𝄆) Strigați în lumea largă că Dunărea-i furată
Prin intrigă și silă, 𝄆 viclene uneltiri 𝄇! (𝄇)
Preoți, cu crucea-n frunte căci oastea e creștină,
Deviza-i libertate 𝄆 și scopul ei preasfânt 𝄇.
𝄆 Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăși[e] 𝄆 în vechiul nost' pământ 𝄇! 𝄇

Deщеаптъ-те, роmъnе, dіn соmnȢл чел dе móрте
Ꙟn каре тĕ аdъnчіръ 𝄆 барбарii dе тіраnĭ 𝄇!
(𝄆) АкȢm орĭ nічĭ оdатъ кроĭеще'цĭ алтъ сóрте
Ла кареа съ се 'nкіnе 𝄆 ші крȢzіĭ тъĭ dȢшmаnĭ 𝄇! (𝄇)

АкȢm, орĭ nічĭ оdатъ съ dъm dовеzĭ ла лȢmе,
Къ 'nасте mъnĭ mаĭ кȢрџе 𝄆 Ȣn съnџе dе роmаn 𝄇,
(𝄆) Шĭ къ'n а nóстре пептȢрĭ пъстръm кȢ фалъ Ȣn nȢmе
ТрĭȢmфътор ꙟн лȢпте, 𝄆 Ȣn nȢmе dе Траĭаn 𝄇. (𝄇)

Ꙟnалцъ'цĭ лата фрȢnте, ші каȢтъ 'n џіȢр dе тіnе
КȢm стаȢ ка браzĭ ꙟн mȢnте 𝄆 воĭnічĭ сȢте dе mіĭ 𝄇!
(𝄆) Ꙋn глас еĭ mаĭ ащеатъ ші сар ка лȢпĭ ꙟн стіnе
Бътръnĭ, бърбацĭ, жȢnĭ, тіnерĭ 𝄆 dіn mȢnцĭ ші dіn къmпіĭ 𝄇! (𝄇)

Прівіцĭ mъреце Ȣmбре, МіхаĭȢ, Щефаn, Корвіnе
Ла nаціа роmъnъ, 𝄆 л'аĭ востріĭ стръnепоцĭ 𝄇!
(𝄆) КȢ брацеле арmате, кȢ фокȢл вострȢ'n віnе,
Віĭацъ 'n лібертате, 𝄆 орĭ móрте стрігъ тоцĭ 𝄇! (𝄇)

Пре воĭ въ nimiчіръ а пісмеĭ ръȢтате
Ші óрба nеȢnіре 𝄆 ла Мілкоб ші Карпацĭ 𝄇!
(𝄆) Daр nоĭ пътрȢnшĭ ла сȢфлет de сфъnта лібертате,
ЖȢръm, къ воm da mъna, 𝄆 съ фіm пȢрȢреа фрацĭ 𝄇! (𝄇)

О mаmъ веdȢвітъ dела МіхаĭȢ чел mаре
Претіndе dела фіі'шĭ 𝄆 аzĭ mъnъ d'ажȢтор 𝄇;
(𝄆) Ші бластъmъ кȢ лакръmĭ ꙟн окĭ, пе орĭ шікаре,
Ꙟn астфелĭȢ dе перікȢл 𝄆 се фаче въnzътор 𝄇. (𝄇)

De фȢлџере съ пеаръ, de тръсnет ші пȢчóсъ,
Орĭ каре с'ар ретраџе 𝄆 din глоріосȢл лок 𝄇,
(𝄆) Къnd патріа саȢ mama кȢ іnima dȢióсъ,
Ва чере ка съ тречеm 𝄆 прin сабіе ші фок 𝄇. (𝄇)

N'aжȢnсе iaтагаnȢл барбареĭ сеmiлȢnе,
А кърȢĭ плъџĭ фатале 𝄆 ші аzĭ ле maĭ сіmціm 𝄇;
(𝄆) АкȢm се вѫръ кnȢта ꙟн ветреле стръбȢnе,
Daр maртор nе é DomnȢл 𝄆 къ віĭ nȢ о прііmim 𝄇. (𝄇)

N'aжȢnсе dеспотісmȢл кȢ 'nтеага лȢĭ орбіе,
А кърȢĭ жȢг din веакȢрĭ 𝄆 ка вітеле'л пȢртъm 𝄇;
(𝄆) АкȢm се 'nчеаркъ крȢzіĭ ꙟн óрба лор трȢфіе,
Съ ne ръпіаскъ ліmба: 𝄆 dар mорцĭ nȢmaĭ о dъm 𝄇! (𝄇)

Роmъnĭ dіn патрȢ ȢnгĭȢрĭ, акȢm, орĭ nічĭ оdатъ
Ꙋnіцĭ'въ ꙟн кȢџет, 𝄆 Ȣnіцĭ'въ 'n сіmцірĭ 𝄇!
(𝄆) Стрігацĭ ꙟн лȢmеа ларгъ къ DȢnъреа'ĭ фȢратъ
Пріn іnтрігъ ші сілъ, 𝄆 віклеnе Ȣnелтірĭ 𝄇! (𝄇)

Преоцĭ, кȢ крȢчеа'n фрȢnте, къчĭ óстеа é крещіnъ,
Deвіzа'ĭ лібертате, 𝄆 ші скопȢл еĭ преа сфъnт 𝄇!
𝄆 МȢріm mаĭ біnе 'n лȢптъ, кȢ глоріе deпліnъ,
Deкът съ фіm склаві ĭаръшĭ 𝄆 ꙟн векĭȢл nост пъmъnт 𝄇! 𝄇

[deʃ.ˈte̯ap.tə.te ro.ˈmɨ.ne ǀ din ˈsom.nul t͡ʃel de ˈmo̯ar.te ǀ]
[ɨn ˈ te̯a.dɨn.ˈt͡ʃi.rə ǀ 𝄆 bar.ˈba.rij de ti.ˈranʲ 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [a.ˈkum orʲ ni.t͡ʃo.ˈda.tə ǀ kro.ˈjeʃ.tet͡sʲ ˈal.tə ˈso̯ar.te ǀ]
[la ˈ sə sen.ˈ ǀ 𝄆 ʃi ˈkru.zij təj duʃ.ˈmanʲ 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[a.ˈkum orʲ ni.t͡ʃo.ˈda.tə ǀ sə dəm do.ˈvezʲ la ˈ ǀ]
[kən ˈas.te mɨnʲ maj ˈkur.d͡ʒe ǀ 𝄆 un ˈsɨn.d͡ʒe de ro.ˈman 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [ʃi kən a ˈno̯as.tre ˈpjep.turʲ ǀ pəs.ˈtrəm ku ˈfa.ləu̯n ˈ ǀ]
[ə.ˈtor ɨn ˈlup.te ǀ 𝄆 un ˈ de tra.ˈjan 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[ɨ.ˈnal.t͡sət͡sʲ ˈla.ta ˈfrun.te ǀ ʃi ˈkau̯.tən d͡ʒur de ˈ ǀ]
[kum stau̯ ka brazʲ ɨn ˈmun.te ǀ 𝄆 voj.ˈnit͡ʃʲ ˈsu.te de mij 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [un ɡlas jej maj aʃ.ˈte̯ap.tə ǀ ʃi sar ka lupʲ ɨn ˈstɨ.ne ǀ]
[bə.ˈtrɨnʲ bər.ˈbat͡sʲ ʒunʲ ˈti.nerʲ ǀ 𝄆 din munt͡sʲ ʃi din kɨm.ˈpij 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[pri.ˈvit͡sʲ mə.ˈre.t͡se ˈum.bre ǀ mi.ˈhaj ʃte.ˈfan kor.ˈ ǀ]
[ro.ˈmɨ.na na.t͡si.ˈ ǀ 𝄆 aj ˈvoʃ.tri strə.ne.ˈpot͡sʲ 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [ku ˈbra.t͡se.le ar.ˈma.te ǀ ku ˈfo.kul ˈvos.trun ˈ ǀ]
[vi.ˈa.t͡san li.ber.ˈta.te ǀ 𝄆 orʲ ˈmo̯ar.te ˈstri.ɡə tot͡sʲ 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[pre voj və ni.mi.ˈt͡ʃi.rə ǀ a ˈpiz.mej rə.u.ˈta.te ǀ]
[ʃi ˈo̯ ne.u.ˈ ǀ 𝄆 la ˈmil.kov ʃi kar.ˈpat͡sʲ 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [dar noj pə.ˈtrunʃʲ la ˈsuf.let ǀ de ˈsfɨn.ta li.ber.ˈta.te ǀ]
[ʒu.ˈrəm kə vom da ˈmɨ.na ǀ 𝄆 sə fim ˈ̯a frat͡sʲ 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[o ˈma.mə və.du.ˈvi.tə ǀ de la mi.ˈhaj t͡ʃel ˈ ǀ]
[pre.ˈ de la ˈfi.iʃʲ ǀ 𝄆 azʲ ˈmɨ.nə da.ʒu.ˈtorʲ 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [ʃi ˈblas.tə.mə ku ˈlak.rəmʲ ǀ ɨn okʲ pe orʲ.ʃi.ˈ ǀ]
[ɨn ˈast.fel de pe.ˈri.kul ǀ 𝄆 sar ˈfa.t͡ʃe vɨn.zə.ˈtorʲ 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[de ˈful.d͡ʒ sə ˈpja.rə ǀ de ˈtrə ʃi pu.ˈt͡ʃo̯a.sə ǀ]
[orʲ.ˈ sar re.ˈtra.d͡ʒe ǀ 𝄆 din ɡlo.ri.ˈo.sul lok 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [kɨnd ˈpa.tri.a sau̯ ˈ ǀ ku ˈ du.ˈjo̯a.sə ǀ]
[va ˈt͡ʃ ka sə ˈtre.t͡ʃem ǀ 𝄆 prin ˈ ʃi fok 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[ˈna.ʒun.d͡ʒe ja.ta.ˈɡa.nul ǀ bar.ˈba.rej se.mi.ˈ ǀ]
[a ˈkə.ruj pləd͡ʒʲ fa.ˈta.le ǀ 𝄆 ʃi azʲ le maj sim.ˈt͡sim 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [a.ˈkum se ˈvɨ.rə ˈknu.ta ǀ ɨn ˈve.tre.le strə.ˈ ǀ]
[dar ˈmar.tor ne je ˈdom.nul ǀ 𝄆 kə vij nu o pri.ˈmim 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[ˈna.ʒun.d͡ʒe des.po.ˈtis.mul ǀ kun.ˈtre̯a.ɡa luj or.ˈ ǀ]
[al ˈkə.ruj ʒuɡ de ˈse.kulʲ ǀ 𝄆 ka ˈvi.te.lel pur.ˈtəm 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [a.ˈkum sen.ˈt͡ʃe̯ar.kə ǀ ˈkru.zij ku ˈo̯ lor tru.ˈ ǀ]
[sə ne rə.ˈpe̯as.kə ˈ ǀ 𝄆 dar mort͡sʲ ˈnu.maj o dəm 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[ro.ˈmɨnʲ din ˈpa.tru ˈuŋɡ.jurʲ ǀ a.ˈkum orʲ ni.t͡ʃo.ˈda.tə ǀ]
[u.ˈni.t͡si.və ɨn ˈku.d͡ʒet ǀ 𝄆 u.ˈni.t͡si.vən sim.ˈt͡sirʲ 𝄇 ǁ]
(𝄆) [stri.ˈɡat͡sʲ ɨn ˈ̯a ˈlar.ɡə ǀ kə ˈdu.nə.re̯aj fu.ˈra.tə ǀ]
[prin ˈin.tri.ɡə ʃi ˈsi.lə ǀ 𝄆 vi.ˈ u.nel.ˈtirʲ 𝄇 ǁ] (𝄇)

[ˈpre.ot͡sʲ ku ˈkru.t͡ʃe̯an ˈfrun.te ǀ kət͡ʃʲ ˈo̯as.te̯a je kreʃ.ˈti.nə ǀ]
[de.ˈvi.zaj li.ber.ˈta.te ǀ 𝄆 ʃi ˈsko.pul jej pre̯a.ˈsfɨnt 𝄇 ǁ]
𝄆 [mu.ˈrim maj ˈbi.nen ˈlup.tə ǀ ku ˈɡ de.ˈpli.nə ǀ]
[de.ˈkɨt sə fim sklavʲ ˈja.rəʃʲ ǀ 𝄆 ɨn ˈvek.jul nost pə.ˈmɨnt 𝄇 ǁ] 𝄇

Wake up Romanians from your sleep of death
Into which you've been sunk by the barbaric tyrants.
Now or never, sow a new fate for yourself
To which even your cruel enemies will bow!

Now or never, let us show the world
That through these arms, Roman blood still flows;
And that in our chests we still proudly bear a name
Triumphant in battles, the name of Trajan![note 1]

Raise your broad forehead and see around you
How, like fir trees on a mountain, brave youths, of a hundred thousand
An order they await, ready to pounce, as if wolves on sheep.
Old men and young, from mountains high and plains wide!

Behold, mighty shadows; Michael, Stephen, Corvinus,[f]
The Romanian nation, your great grandchildren.
With armed hands, with your fire in their veins,
"Life in liberty or death", they all proclaim!

You were vanquished by the evils of your envy
And by blind disunity at Milcov and the Carpathians
But we, whose souls were pierced by holy liberty,
Swear that forever in brotherhood we will join!

A widowed mother from time of Michael the Brave[note 2]
Of her sons, she today demands a helping hand
And curses, with tears in her eyes, whosoever
In times of such great need, a traitor proven!

Of thunder and of brimstone should they perish
Anyone who flees from this glorious calling.
When homeland and our mothers, with a sorrowful heart,
Will ask us to cross through swords and blazing fire!

Have we not had enough of the barbaric crescent's yatagan
Whose fatal wounds we still feel today?
Now, the knout[note 3] is intruding on our ancestral lands
But the Lord is our witness that so long as we are alive, we won't accept it!

Have we not had enough of despotism and its unseeing eye
Whose yoke, like cattle, for centuries we have carried?
Now the cruel ones are trying, in their blind arrogance,
To take away our language, but only dead shall we surrender it!

Romanians of the four corners of the world, now or never,
Unite in thought, unite in feeling!
Proclaim to the world that the Danube has been stolen
Through intrigue and coercion, sly machinations!

Priests, lead with holy crosses, for this army is Christian,
Its motto is liberty and its goal all too holy.
Better to die in battle in with eternal glory,
Than to once again be slaves on our ancient lands!

  1. ^ The Roman emperor Trajan conquered Dacia, covering roughly the same territory as modern Romania, for the Roman Empire.
  2. ^ Michael briefly ruled the principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, covering roughly the same territory as modern Romania.
  3. ^ A whip usually associated with Imperial Russia, as the yatagan was with the Ottomans.

See also



  1. ^ See Help:IPA/Romanian and Romanian phonology.
  2. ^ Sometimes sung as soartă [ˈso̯ar.tə].[11][12][13]
  3. ^ Sometimes written în [ɨn].[14][15][16]
  4. ^ In Moldova, it was La patria române [la pa.tri.a ro.ˈmɨ.ne] ("The Romanian fatherland").[17]
  5. ^ Sometimes sung as iară [ˈja.rə].[18][19][20]
  6. ^ The text refers to a member of the Romanian-origin Corvin family (either John or Matthias)


  1. ^ a b Andrieș-Tabac, Silviu (2008). "Simbolurile Republicii Democratice Moldovenești (1917-1918). Interpretări semantice". Tyragetia (in Romanian). 2 (2): 291–294.
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