Order of precedence in Bangladesh

The order of precedence in Bangladesh, officially known as Warrant of Precedence, is a symbolic hierarchy that lays down the relative precedence in terms of ranks of important functionaries belonging to the executive, legislative and judicial organs of the state, including members of the foreign diplomatic corps. When a person holds more than one position, the highest position is considered. The Warrant of Precedence was challenged by a writ petition. On November 10, 2016, the Appellate Division of the Bangladesh Supreme Court issued a full judgment on the writ of Warrant of Precedence.[1] The Government filed a review petition, thought the Appellate Division did not stay the execution of the judgment. Cabinet division revised and published a new warrant of precedence in July 2020 which contradicts the judgement of the Supreme Court on Warrant of Precedence.[citation needed]


Order of Precedence of Bangladesh 1986
Rank Position
  • Persons holding appointments accorded status of a Advisers without being members of the Advisory Council
  • Member of the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Deputy Ministers of the Republic
  • Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary accredited to Bangladesh
  • Persons holding appointments accorded status of a Deputy Minister
  • Visiting Ambassadors and High Commissioners not accredited to Bangladesh
  • Mayors of the City Corporations (within the jurisdiction of their respective corporation)
  • Additional Inspector Generals of Police
  • Chairman, Civil Aviation Authority
  • Commissioners of Divisions within their respective charges
  • Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates/Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrates/Joint District and Sessions Judges/Joint Metropolitan Sessions Judges
  • Deputy Registrars of the Supreme Court
  • Chief Controller of Imports and Exports
  • Chief Engineer, Housing and Settlement Department
  • Chief Engineer, Public Health Engineering Department
  • Director General of Export Promotion Bureau
  • Director General, Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence
  • Director General of Post Offices
  • Joint Secretaries to the Government
  • Managing Director, Bangladesh Shipping Corporation
  • Managing Directors of the Financial Institutions
  • Managing Director, Bangladesh Film Development Corporation
  • Ministers and Deputy High Commissioners (of the rank of Ministers in Embassies, High Commissions and Missions located in Bangladesh)
  • Officers of the rank of Brigadier General in the Army and equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force
  • Surveyor General of Bangladesh
  • Additional Chief Architect
  • Additional Chief Engineers of Government Departments
  • Chairman –
  • Deputy Inspector Generals of Police
  • Collectors of Customs and Excise
  • Additional Director General, Health Services
  • Commissioners of Divisions outside their respective charges
  • Commissioners of Taxes
  • Consuls General
  • Controller General of Accounts
  • Controller General of Defence Finance
  • Councilors of Embassies, High Commissions, and Legations of Foreign and Commonwealth Government
  • Inspector General of Prisons
  • Joint Chief, Planning Commission
  • Officers of the rank of Full Colonel in the Army and equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force
  • Officers of the status of Joint Secretary to the Government
  • Principals of Medical and Engineering Colleges and Professors of Universities
  • Additional Commissioners (within their respective charges)
  • Mayors of City Corporations outside their respective charges
  • Senior Judicial Magistrates/Metropolitan Magistrates/Senior Assistant Judges
  • Assistant Registrars (Senior Assistant Judge) of the Supreme Court
  • Military, Naval, and Air Attaches to Embassies and Legations and Military, Naval, and Air Advisors to High Commissions
  • Professors of Medical and Engineering Colleges
  • Chairmen of District Councils (if elected) within their respective charges
  • Commandant of the Bangladesh Marine Academy
  • Deputy Commissioners within their respective charges
  • Deputy Inspector Generals of Police outside their charges
  • Officers of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army and equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force
  • Deputy Secretaries of the government
  • Superintendents of Police within their respective charges
  • Civil Surgeons within their respective charge
  • Officers of the rank of Major in the Army and equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force
  • Chairmen (if elected) of class I Municipalities within their charges
  • Chairmen (if elected) of Upazila Parishads within their respective charges


  1. ^ "Supreme Court releases full verdict on Warrant of Precedence".