Talk:Mary Elizabeth Tyler

Latest comment: 2 months ago by 2601:647:6680:4450:C58F:8DA0:D503:3DA4 in topic Klan Statement on the Tyler case

Klan Statement on the Tyler case


This document may be useful for expanding the article.

From “The Searchlight” (Klan Paper)

Defending Mary Tyler - who was guilty. And blaming a favorite target of theirs. This article shows how the Klan could whip up hate out of nothing.


American Patriots, Hark!

American patriots! The womanhood of this country has been criminally assaulted in the most diabolical and satanic manner known to the human race—an attempt has been made to ruin the character of a good woman by the most dastardly methods of current times. That dastardly, cowardly and infamous instrument of murder comprises certain daily and powerful newspapers of this country!

Murder! Yes, murder of the worst type! Those murderers who wield the pen, and strew infamy throughout every nook and corner of this nation by their millions of papers with their thunder-bolts of publicity against fair woman! Every word written in opposition to a great patriotic woman of Atlanta reeks with the blood of a grand innocent lady of Southern birth and standing. A woman’s character destroyed (only temporarily), but that arch enemy of Americanism, the New York World, and its string of subsidized, patronizing, fawning and syncophantic sheets through America, commonly called ‘newspapers,’ but which are nothing more than organs, and specialists as character assassins of the most despicable, contemptible and depraved sort!

The unwarranted murderous attack sprung from the brain of Pulitzer, who disgraces the name of his great father. His paper is located in a city and community where woman’s virtue is played with, and her fair name is no higher regarded than a mere chattel lying upon a crockery-shop shelf for sale at a few pence. Had the so-called editor above referred to, and his blasphemous sheet, had any measure of fairness, justice, and just common canine decency, an effort to materialize effort in its opposition to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, he and his corps would never have focused their salacious and foul guns upon a lone, defenseless woman! I said alone? Defenseless? Not yet. By the eternal gods of justice, she is not alone and defenseless, as every mother’s son of true Southern manhood and those of every other section of this country is aroused! We issue the bugle call to all of you to buckle on your armor, and defend this good lady, even with your lives!

To you American patriots, we address ourselves! Unleash your dogs of war and make these hounds of convict stripe pay penalty for the great injury done. To you we appeal! Southern womanhood has been slaughtered! No woman’s good name is safe from the glaring spotlight of a pernicious newspaper and its set of hirelings. Your mothers, sisters and daughters are unsafe from the millionaire newspaper owners, who prostitute their columns by crushing to death the fair name of a woman. They hesitate at no methods, regardless of how low in order, to carry out their designs as a means to their ends!

Who is back of the damnable juggernaut which extinguishes a woman’s life, character and reputation, in order to carry on the fight against the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan? Who is back of William Randolph Hearst’s local paper, the Atlanta Georgian, which lifts from the World the false charges against our beloved woman, and defames her in her home? Whose tremendous influences, with their serpentine poison, inflames the negro of the North and East against the whites? Whose hands are seen beneath the cover of this murderous and slanderous propaganda? What manner of man was he who came into Atlanta for the World and wired back lies of the falsest and basest sort against an honest woman? By what license does a newspaper use its news columns to assert false charges as true? Who are the cowardly assassins in the background, who are pushing forward the fight against real Americans, by using weak-kneed Protestants and others? Who are the real murderers before and after the fact in the case of the fair woman murdered?

Patriots, I take pleasure in tearing from their demoniacal faces, the masks!

Patriots, view the hellish countenances of Hundreds of Thousands of Knights of Columbus and millions of members of the *Roman Catholic Church* ! The latter despise real Americanism, hate our government, hate you, Patriots! They class your mothers, sisters and daughters as harlots, while the former is the monstrous iron wheel upon which the Roman Catholic Church hopes to crush America, American government, American institutions and purity of our women for the sake of the Dago on the Tiber—the hope of the Roman Catholic Church!

Patriots, if ever red blood ran through your veins for pure American womanhood, innocent and undefiled Southern womanhood, for the purity of your home and household, let it run now with a warmth that knows no quenching! Yea, let your blood spurt fire!

If there must be war with the Roman Catholics, the Knights of Columbus, and the hireling newspapers, editors and reporters, let it come! We are ready!


2601:647:6680:4450:C58F:8DA0:D503:3DA4 (talk) 06:15, 4 July 2024 (UTC)Reply