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I would like to add some famous personalities of Nyotini(correct pronunciation is neotani)in the chapter of neotani. Shamshulullema Mohd Abdul Jalil Usmani was born in neotani and he was the professor of Persian in benaras Hindu University formerly called Queens College Benaras.

He was among the six Shamshululemas (the Brightest as the sun) in India. This honor was conferred upon him by the British ruler in eighteen century for his educationist views and intellectualities. He was a true scholar and patriot and has a deep vision to education for all classes.

He got constructed two palatial buildings in neotani which are still intact and a lone reminder of his love to his native place.

His grandsons are still living in neotani

—Preceding unsigned comment added by Ashshoo (talkcontribs)