Talk:Operation Battleaxe order of battle

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Oberiko in topic As used

Nicknames and middle names


Putting these here since the articles don't exist for the people and they can be tough to find.

  • Noel M. de la P. Beresford-Peirse
  • Michael O'Moore Creagh (“Dickie”)
  • Alexander Hugh Gatehouse (“Alec”)
  • Hugh Edward Russell
  • Reginald Arthur Savory
  • Ian David Erskine

Different OoB




Different sources have different orders of battle for the German forces, I'm listing all the ones I can find here.

Panzer Abwehr [1]

  • 15th Panzer Division (in the forward area)
    • 8th Panzer Regiment (two battalions)
    • 33rd Reconnaissance unit (battalion-size)
    • 1st Abteilung of the 33rd Artillery Regiment
    • 1st Battalion of the 104th Motor Infantry Regiment
    • 33rd Panzerjäger Battalion (12-50mm PAK 38 ATG's and 21-37mm PAK 35/36 ATG's)
    • 15th Motorcycle Battalion, one AA battery (with 14-88mm FLAK 18 and FLAK 36 guns)
    • Control of three Italian infantry battalions from the Trento Division and three Italian field artillery batteries.

The Crucible of War
Commadante Superiore - Generale d'Armata Italo Gariboldi

  • Deutsches Afrika Korps - Generalleutnant Erwin Rommel
    • Corps Troops
      • Two regiments Italian artillery in Bardia
      • One regiment FlaK (88 mm)
    • 15th Panzer Division - Generalleutnant W. Neumann-Sylkow
    • Panzer Regt 8
    • Reconnaissance Battalion 33
    • Battery P.A.K (anti-tank)
    • Battery flak (88mm.)
    • Rifle Regt 104
      • Battalion lorried infantry
      • Battalion motor-cycle infantry
      • Battalion foot infantry (under Major the Rev. Wilhelm Bach at Halfaya)
    • Divisional artillery at Point 206
    • Trento Division
      • Three infantry battalions and one artillery regiment in area Sollum-Musaid-Capuzzo
    • 5th Light Division (later 21st Panzer Division) - Generalleutnant J. von Ravenstein
      • Panzer Regt 5
      • Reconnaissance Battalion 3

Deutsches Afrika Korps [2]

  • Stützpunkt Halfaya:
    • 1., 3., 4., Kp/SR.104
    • 1/FlakRgt.33 mit 1 leFlakBat (8x20mm Flak) und 1 swFlakBat (4x88mm Flak)
    • I gruppo (Pardi) 2° reggimento artiglieria celere (8x100/14 Haubitzen)
    • II battaglione 62° reggimento fanteria
  • Stützpunkt Qalala:
    • 6 Oasen-Kp + 4x100/17 Haubitzen der gruppo Pardi
  • Stützpunkt 208:
    • 4.MGKp/KBT 15
    • swFlakBat (2x20mm + 4x88mm der I/(FlakRgt.33, 1x5cm PAK + 3x3.7cmPAK der PzJägAbt.33)
  • Stützpunkt 206:
    • 1 Kompanie KBT15
    • 2 Batterien I/ArtRgt.33 (8x10.5cm leFH, 3x3.7cm PAK und 3x5cm PAK von PzJägAbt.33, 4x2cm Flak der I/FlakRgt.33).

Es gab noch drei Stützpunkte in der 2. Verteidigungslinie (Strong points in the second line of defense):

  • Stützpunkt Capuzzo
    • I battaglione 61° reggiment fanteria (mit 2x37/45 PAK)
  • Stützpunkt Musaid
    • II battaglione 62° reggimento fanteria (mit 1 Zug 47/32 PAK)
  • Stützpunkt Ober Sollum
    • 1Kp Infanterie und 1Kp M.Werfer des II battaglione 62° reggimento fanteria (mit 1 Zug 47/32 PAK).

Die DAK Panzerverbände an diesem Tag waren wie folgt organisiert und stationiert:

  • I/PR.8 (13xPzKpfwII, 18 PzKpfwIII, und 8 PzKpfwIV), 2/SRG.104, 1Kp von KBT.15, 1Kp PzJägAbt.33, 1swBat (4x8.8mm) und 1 leFlakBat (8x2cm) von I/FlakRgt.33; diese Einheiten waren nördlich Cappuzo;
  • II/PR.8 sollte insgesamt in etwa 62 PzKpfwII/III u IV gehabt haben, war aber aus technischen Problemen - durch den langen Anmarsch von Tripolis - nicht einsatzfähig und großteils irgendwo bei Gambut in der Werkstatt liegen;
  • PR.5 (39 PzKpfwII, 38 PzKpfwIII, und 19 PzKpfwIV, von denen ein Paar eigentlich von II/PR.8 waren) war zusammen mit der 5.lePD bei Tobruq.

Stützpunkt = base, strong point

More to come from here and here



The Crucible of War
Commander in Chief, Middle East - General Archibald Wavell


  1. ^ The 4th Armoured Brigade was under the effective command of Masservy's 4th Indian Infantry Division

Misc. facts


As used

  • Creagh
    • 7th Armoured Brigade Group
      • 7th Armoured Brigade
      • Support Group
  • Messervy
    • Coast Force
      • Halfaya Group
        • 2nd Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
        • C Squadron, 4th Royal Tank Regiment (12 Matildas + 1 light tank)
      • 11th Brigade Group
        • 1st/6th Rajputana Rifles
        • 2nd/5th Mahratta Light Infantry
        • 2 troops, A Squadron, 4th Royal Tank Regiment (6 Matildas)
    • Escarpment Force