Talk:Sonic X/Archive 1

Latest comment: 14 years ago by in topic New Sonic X Characters and Coming
Archive 1 Archive 2

Article needs to be cleaned-up/reworked

This article could do with some reworking, as it seems to be quite disorganized and, though informative, features a lot of opinion and conjecture. An example of such is the sentence about female Sonic fans finding Sonic "dreamy and cute." This is in the first paragraph, which should really just be an overview of the show and its premise, and arguably doesn't even belong in the article at all.

Season 3 Spoilers

I added a Spoiler warning, since there are big spoilers on Season 3's ending in the article.

Japanese Ep Names

Do you think we should add the Japanese episode names (translated, of course) to the episode guide? I do.


(Not to mention the usual 4Kids haters) doesnae seem to be quite NPOV, removed that sentence.


Whoever posted all of those pictures on the article, stop. We don't need so many of them.

Canon/Not canon

Try to keep any questions of series canonity with any of the wider Sonic the Hedgehog series out of this article - as it's generally accepted both with the series creators and Sonic Team that the series is most definitely not intended to be canonical, the point is moot.

Plot Synopsis

I never saw the end of Sonic X Series 2/Season 3, can anybody verify, fix, and complete what I have written? Try to keep it short, though. BlazeHedgehog 11:30, 15 April 2006 (UTC)

It sounds correct to me. Great job! I fixed some wording; although the battle between Super Sonic and Dark Oak at the beginning of Episode 53 really doesn't end up with Sonic being defeated, they are at a stalemate. Of course, I don't know how to word this without it sounding odd right now. -- RattleMan 14:00, 15 April 2006 (UTC)


I've seen almost every episode of Sonic X and I never saw Nazo in either one. Did Nazo ever appear in Sonic X?

No. Nicknyte 00:40, 17 May 2006

Ya your right, but I do remember that one episode when sonic turned dark or something because of Dark Oak dont't u? And EggMan did call him "Nazo" so maybe that was him. If u say u saw all the episodes, then y come back and ask that particular question? If u've seen all the episodes then u should remember this one episode right?

No. KatariG4 1:25, 26 June 2006

The dark sonic was from the story of the old sonic games. Sonic was soaked withe the power of the chaos emeralds and when he got mad he turned evil and invicible. Tails made the starposts to trap the emeralds in specail stages so sonic couldn't do that. Sonic later figured out how to use the positive power of the emeralds and was able to control Super Sonic. But in that episode the power from too many emeralds he's never been around cuased the same effect as the real ones before. It threw him off balance and lost his temper for a minute there. Of course those emeralds were fake. Nazo was suppose to be the evil Super Sonic but all theses stories have floated around even by the cartoonists themselves. Boltyhedgehog 11:28, 27 June 2006

Really, how is it u know all this?

No. KatariG4 7:48, 27, June 2006

E-mails from sega. Boltyhedgehog 3:12, 28 June 2006

I also asked my dad on the phone while he was at work. Ha ha ha, always interrupting. Strang how the Japanese intro contains scenes mostly from a pilot episode, the one where they're on their home planet with the Tornado 2 yet Shadow is thir as well. Nazo I think was ment to be in that episode so was never seen on tv. Alot of characters not seen on tv were in pilot episodes. Boltyhedgehog 6:46, 28 June 2006

Season 4 Info

I added some information about Season 4 onto the Sonic X site. I thought it would be wise since so many fans are asking questions about Season 4. Nicknyte 00:07, 18 May 2006 (UTC)

Added more info about Season 4 info. Nicknyte 00:07, 18 May 2006 (UTC)


I just read this page recently and it says:

"Sonic X (whatever the Japanese text is) was the current animated television series featuring the video game hero Sonic the Hedgehog...."

Did it die all the sudden? (Plainnym 13:41, 23 May 2006 (UTC))

What happened to this series? They said it wouldn't be in the fall lineup. So is this a sign of cancelling or a sign of a Season 4? (Plainnym 14:29, 15 June 2006 (UTC))

Stupid Season 4 info to be deleted

O_O Whoever put that stuff up and BLAZE of all things on Season 4 is an idiot. Im deleting it. Nicknyte 16:39, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

Stupid? It's only a rumor. --Alexie 17:05, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

There would be no Sonic x without Tails

I think Sonic x is soooooooooooooooo cool, my fav is Tails hes soooooooooooooo cute!!! I think him and Cozmo make a lovely couple. I wonder what Sonic and Amy would be like, i am sure it would be funny. The only thing is u know Sonic Riders and the Babylon Rouges, i just wish they were in Sonic x. what is this about, miss? I don't really get it. I also don't know if we're supposed to put comments on the talk page or not.

Talk pages are for talking about improving the article, not for things like these. Also, sign your name. If you haven't started an account, click the log-in button and click where it says you can make an account. It's free! --Alexie 21:24, 16 June 2006 (UTC)

Sonic XG?

Yet another Sonic anime is made. So for there has been no announcement of Sonic GX on any official websites and is not confirmed if it is a show or movie (if it even exists.) However, there were three trailers and an article of the anime on a website ,, in June of 2006. The website was dedicated to another website known as Unfortunately the website is no longer up due to recent expirations. The site was shutdown on June 20th, 2006. The series/movie is about the very beginning of Sonic's adventures up to his newest adventures. This is most likely the reason the anime was named Sonic XG seeing how "XG" stands for X-treme Generation. The anime is said to have nearly every character of the entire Sonic sreies including all the cartoons, comics, and games of Sonic and others. It is drawn it is on magizines of the video game Adventure seris. Animation has been upped as well. This may be due to the new Sonic The Hedgehog (2006 game) to be released on November 14, 2006.

Ok, does anybody ELSE besides this guy ever heard of "Sonic GX"? If nobody else has heard it, I'm assuming this is just something this guy made up and I'm deleting it.

Uhh,I actually haveheard of it but it's not complete. They only showed it as a prototype anime. u know, where the see if they should use the idea or not. It'd be cool if it finishes. I don't think Boltstryke is in it tho. I know Boltstryke and he's afan made character. Besides i doubt they,ve made that many eps already or can fit the whole story in a movie.

...Boltstryke? Okay, that pretty much confirms it: Not real. Sega would never, ever, ever use a fan character in anything official. Way too much legal red tape to get through, and Sega themselves has plenty of their own designers to make them ugly characters (see: Silver the Hedgehog) without dipping into fan-made characters. No offense to Boltstryke, of course. I dig his artwork. In reality, even the name "Sonic GX" sounds fan-made - somebody cut and pasted the GX from "Yu-Gi-Oh GX" probably because they thought it sounded cool. BlazeHedgehog 09:31, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

BlazeHedgehog is right. Sega would never use Boltstryke. Though i think he's pretty cool but they wouldn,t use'em. Besides on the site i went to it was X first then G. not the other way around. it means X-treme Generation. it woudn't make sense if they called it Generation extreme now would it. Boltyhedgehog 09:45, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

wait a min guys! Sonic XG is really in development. all it is is a new story thing. they haven't said anything cuz its not official if they gonna do it or not. shouldn't the people know about that? if they don't hear about it in other sources the could hear it fom here. and they can start E-mailing or protesting or something and doit. it'd be cool to see sunshock on tv. i know hes not fan made. besides i think iv heard of sonic vs mario too. and i know iv heard of Shou Yuka. Ezmiles 10:00, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

The argument here is not whether or not Sonic XG exists, I don't think. It's whether or not Sonic XG is an official Sega production. I can say without a doubt that, no, Sega is not producing anything named Sonic XG, OR Sonic GX. Doing a google search for "Sonic XG" brings up a fangame (formerly known as "Sonic Forever"). Doing a Google on "Sonic GX" brings up what I presume is Boltstryke's fancomic. Neither make any references to a new Sonic X series. BlazeHedgehog 11:53, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

Hmm... my comments. oh, ok. since I've seen it before to let's just say it WAS real but like the poster said might not take place since Sega only came up with an IDEA. I already know all about this stuff and it wasn't a hoax but it hasn't been around lately AT ALL! I wouldn't post anything on it. Not yet any ways. Not until they start showing it again or I find another site that's still up. I don't want to end up like that other. BTW.. WHAT "BOLTSTRYKE'S FANCOMIC"? Is it the fan who created him or a different on.? Cuase if it's a defferent one... *says with rage* Boltyhedgehog 12:00 June 22 2006 (UTC)

you strange strange little fox. Isn't Ezmiles the nickname of super tails? I know alot of stuff about this issue but since I personally have no souces I couldn't prove it. I'm not gonna end up like that other guy. I alot of stuff from over the years that tell his TRUE story but I'm still not gonna put anything because some of the information is already here and because I'm not gonna go lokkin for sources to prove. Even the places I do find I won't pay attension to and never remember again, but i might come across it again though, but not remember it. And yes Sonic XG is real but theres no proof so what can you do? It might end up like the game Sonic X-treme, made but never released. Notice how in both tittles the X stands for extreme. Boltyhedgehog 12:05 June 22 2006 (UTC)

Yeah it super tails alright. How would you know that? i thot no one knew that. Hey can you help me find a way to prove XG is real? I,ve got the downloaded trailers but i have no idea how to upload it. Ezmiles 12:30, June 22 2006 (UTC)

Errr... ok, wasn't paying attention. Just noticing we both forgot the comma. Let me catch up. *reads* Ok um its Thought not thot but o well. Anyways I told you I know all about this stuff thats how I know about Ezmile. Won't catch theses people mentioning that. But still if I could see those trailers... but then again I got a chance to read the second poster's post and since he said he'd Mark His Words he'd find more about the truth then I figure he'll be back. besides if he's gonna find the info then let'em doit for us and delete it until he's got 100% proof. he seemed despirate so... But how does he know Rattle man took the first one off? T_T Boltyhedgehog 12:40, June 22 2006 (UTC)

I'll be back to talk tomorrow or later on today, Ezmiles ask again later. My question for BlazeHedgehog will stil be waiting when I return. Boltyhedgehog 12:48, June 22 2006 (UTC)

I... don't know? Look, all I did was Google "Sonic GX" and it comes up mentioning SonicVerseTeam, which I know Boltstryke did comics for, that's all. BlazeHedgehog 22:02, 22 June 2006 (UTC)


Oh wait. I found out that the first post was from that site owner Shou Yuka but the second one wasn't. the second one was someone who supposedly HAS seen the Sonic XG trailer. I haven't the information to contact Yuka but I,ve got a hold of the second poster and his name is Kenny Andrew. I,ve got something planned.Boltyhedgehog 11:41, June 22 2006 (UTC)

Ok I've got it! Me and Kenny are gonna do an interview, debate, thingy on the public Sonic X info page of wikipedia. Yeah! See, I,ve been hee all along but haven't goten involved in anything... till now. This will pretty much be my 1st post on the public thing. I,ve just NOW started in the discussions. I,ll do it later on today, tommorow, and maby some other times. Hey at least since we know he's gonna post again I'll be there to settle some things, even though they might get deleted every day. Boltyhedgehog 12:48, June 23 2006 (UTC)

Oooo Oooo, BlazeHedgehog, where's the talk page? Oh and not being able to put it there won't stop that guy cause he said in my interview he'd keep on till he proves it. I just wish when they first posted it they made it sound better because now people are questioning the existince of Sonic XG. When the next one shows up I'll delete it. Boltyhedgehog June 24 2006 (UTC)

Please tell me you're joking. :P This is the the Talk Page. BlazeHedgehog 07:42, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

First of all, yeah I was joking, second of all, there's that post on Sonic XG again . I'll get it if no one else does. But I'd give it a few minutes to answer stuff, unless you guys disagree, then that's ok too. Boltyhedgehog June 24 2006 (UTC)

Are you guys gonna let the public have the chance to view this so their questions will be answered?

I think we are. Ezmiles June 2006

Hmm.. ok lets wait longer then. I guess it'd be interesting to see the reaction of some poeple.

Wait. Did he not mention that I told him that the idea was canceld? What're they gonna think about me? And should I REALLY put that interview here? I mean I was just curious what's up with this guy but if it's ok to put here then... Boltyhedgehog 9:37,June 24 2006 (UTC)

He's cuasing alot to be written on the talk page.

Maybe he'll get them to change their minds. What do you think? Does it really sound like he'd be lying? It's been 4 days. Ezmiles 12:44, June 2006

Mmmm....well maybe I'll leave it on but request it to be retittle the biggest rumor of Sonic Animes and comics because it's spreading all of sites. Even if it WAS real it's only a rumor to say it's might still be on their minds to actually produce it. So I'm out of it but to handle the care of the subject. Boltyhedgehog 12:52,June 24 2006 (UTC)

It's about time, Rattleman! Heehehehehehe. Boltyhedgehog 13:31,June 24 2006 (UTC)

Now we wait till tomorrow or later today for his return. Sorry about all that. Just wanted that Kenny guy to see it and judging by how many times he's shown up so far I think he did. But like I said before, he won't quit. I said I'd delete it but only if no one else did. You finally did but why so late? Then again it is better that way the people can talk and make fun of him. That's what I'd do. Boltyhedgehog 13:40,June 24 2006 (UTC)

Why won't this die? :( I hate lines and lines of faux and poorly written hoaxes. --HarroSIN 05:35, 26 June 2006 (UTC)

I hear ya there. But I just laugh at them. Boltyhedgehog 10:30,June 26 2006 (UTC)

Why did "I" get blocked when everything was gone? How did it come back? Oh well. I don't usually edit post any ways. Ezmiles 10:40, 26 June 2006

Probably have the same IP adress as the vialator. Hope I don't get blockd someday. I share the computer with some in my family so I'm not always on and my brother has acounts places I don't even know. Man, it's getting worrysome when everyone's dot the same IP adress as you. Boltyhedgehog 10:55,June 26 2006 (

None of u know me but i've been reading the post and I would clearly like to know how it is u all came across this whole "Sonic XG" disscution in the first place. Unitll any of u can even prove it, theres no point in any of u wasting your time on this particular topic....HOLLA PEEPS! KatariG4 3:32,June 27 2006 {

If none of u can prove it I say just giv it all up, or wait and see what "Sonic Team" announcess and then debate. But trust me I hav a cousin who works with the "Sonic Team" company and hes told me a few things of the new "Sonic next gen" game and I would be glad to tell of my great discovery if any of u r intrested.And I know some of u r.I also had the opportunity of playing the new game, and trust me it rocks! And for all of u who r fans you'll never guess what happens to Shadow, oh and wait till u all find out what Sonic's plan is, your all gonna be doing flips in your bedrooms!In the mean time HOLLA PEEPS!!

No. KatariG4 8:56,June 27 2006 {

First of all, I never heard of Sonic XG. Ladyroute 9:30, 27 june 2006

I know Sonic XG WAS an idea for a fact, but I'm not gonna debate about it since I also know it was dropped. As for the new Sonic Next Gen game, I think, "SUPPOSEDLY", Shadow is turned into a half Shadow half robot moster thing by Eggman. Though that idea is SO STUPID. Besides, they already did that with the lizard life form Biolizard. Though the new game is cool, some parts were kinda stupid. People started dying for no reason. Eggman just wants to rule the world! To: KatariG4.

"HEY SCOTT"! Boltyhedgehog 9:41, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

Ok, first of all your kinda wrong Bolty, I told u that if u want to knw what really happens giv me your e-mail and I'll personaly e-mail u the cut-scene of the game where it all happens. Second, why the hell did u say "Hey Scott" at the end of your writing. I'm hoping u didn't mean me. Oh and before I go next time u write, leave your e-mail so I can mail it all to u.......HOLLA PEEPS!!! To: Everyone.

No. KatariG4 7:29, 27,June 2006

Well I know it doesn,t happen but it is a rumor (in the outside world) that it does, my pint was poeple make up a lot of dumb ideas when making ideas. The "HEY SCOTT" remark was from the fact that that's the person who told me the rumor, thugh, he deosn't beleive it either. As for those cut-scene, I know of it buthaven't found out how to get it. IF you do really have it the I'll ask for it. Thanks. To: KatariG4. Boltyhedgehog 6:06, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Thnx Bolty, oh and I hav a few other funny vids I know U and lots of other fans will like.....At least someone believes me..In the meen time HOLLA!!!

No. KatariG4

Hmmhmhmhmhm! "Beleives". Sure I do. *sarcasm* Ok whatever, and BTW, I reccently let a friend use this account, since she doesn't want to make one herself, and any parts that say something about a dad who works at SONIC TEAM was hers not mine. I don't know jack about the people there. But that's it. The rest is mine. And the remark HEY SCOTT was defenately ment for you. Rather you're him or not. Tho I must say it is kinda obvious to me. To: KatariG4. Err.. he's not!!!  :) To: All others. Boltyhedgehog 9:00, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Nazo nominated for deletion

The article Nazo has been nominated for deletion, and the removal of the Nazo section here has also been suggested, as this appears to be unverified speculation violating the verifiability policy and Wikipedia is not a crystal ball. If you know more about this issue, please coment at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Nazo (2nd nomination). Kusma (討論) 02:33, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

Wait. So is it gonna be deleted or not? I see no change. Am I missing something? Axidous 8, July 2006

Yes, it was deleted. Nazo used to point to it's own seperate profile page. If you read the discussion on deleting the Nazo Article, you'll see the general consensus was to delete it and make the article redirect to Sonic X. The section in the Sonic X article for Nazo was also re-written. BlazeHedgehog 21:05, 8 July 2006 (UTC)

Chuckboard Charlie? Emerl a robot?

"Charlie" should be Mr. Stuart. Emerl is called "Emel", not ML, in the dub. Also, Emerl is technically a cyborg, because it is mentioned that he has a "heart" inside of him in Sonic Battle. Should this info be corrected? --Alexie 00:14, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

Emerl doesn't have a heart. He has a soul, but he's still a robot because he was never a living thing before he was created.
Boltyhedgehog 9:45, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
The Emerl article states: "Emerl is a cyborg (it says it is a living being with a heart and free will and made of human parts)." Pwned. ::--Alexie 17:15, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
If Emerl was created by human parts than he wuoln't look the way he does or even be able to do the things he does. Even so, that doesn't make him a cyborg because if so he would technically be human but with robotic parts. That's why one of Teen Titans main characters was named Cyborg. First: In an article he was als called Emeral. Probably a typo. Second: They think Gemerl was an update. How can you update something so powerful that even you couldn't control it. And if you can't control it then how can you update it seeing how he's already attacked everyone and would not cooperate. Besides, Emerl deffied Eggman twice. Once while linked to Sonic and again after ther power given by Eggman himself.
Boltyhedgehog 7:50, 28 June 2006 (UTC)
Citing the Emerl article is meaningless. The article can be edited by anybody, so probably people who think Emerl is a cyborg added that comment. Emerl cannot be referred to as a cyborg unless there is official evidence.
And, by your logic, Emerl is referred to as a robot in this article. Should I cite this article in the talk page of the Emerl article and ask that be changed?
--Feathered serpent 09:36, 6 July 2006 (UTC)

Err.. Can't one of us people who know what's true or not just change it to the right way. We are the staff. Wait. Aren't we? I haven't been around a few days. But then again, who has? Axidous 8, July 2006

About Shadow

Who's cooler? Shadow, Taito, Rouge, or Sunshock? Satellight 10:01, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

I'm goin' with either Shadow or Sunshock. Those two seem pretty cool to me. Slaite 10:15, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

Tato's cute and all but I like Rouge. Ladyroute 10:27, 27 June 2006

Those aren't real characters. --Alexie 17:11, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

How do u guys know about these characters?

No. KatariG4 5:02, 27 June 2006

I know them only because in a music video of Sonic X my brother made using clips from the show Sunshock was in the background while Tails was talking to Knuclkes. Plus, they showed him again later talking to Shadow. Dynomight 6:19, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

I know'em cause my real dad is a character designer at sega and he and someone else designed Taito, O-Dash, and Sunshock. Sunshock's charater idea and storyline comes from some guy he mentioned named Takashi Yuda. Though I haven't seen him much since I was a really little kid, he told me to watch for them and so far I've seen O-Dash on Shadow the Hedgehog and the other to in pilot video clips. Since mostly their story isn't completely developed, they havn,t appeared much. But they're slowly preparing for them by having the other characters on hover shoes in Sonic Riders. They're worried about the fans, reaction to them. Though in Sonic X the only way they'll be shown is if they show the pilot episodes and call the future episodes in season 4 if they make a season 4. User:BoltyhedgehogBoltyhedgehog 8:21, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

I got dibs on the knuckle fiend Sunshock!!

No. KatariG4|

that needs the emeralds and Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy were trying to revive someone to. I think it night be Cosmo but am not sure. They never say but Tails seemed to be down a bit so that's why I now think that. They had 3 emerlds and so did Shadow so they fought over the last one until Eggman came to offer help to both of them. I think he was just setting them ALL up to steal the emeralds though. He acted like it. Slaite 8:00, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Wait. They are real characters, and Rouge and Shadow are in at least 6 games. Ladyroute 8:05, 28 June 2006

All of this and only one person has answered my question so far. Satellight 8:15, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

I personally think Shadow rocks, tho it wouldn't hurt to change his looks a

ESKotaro June/28/06

See, there's SCOTT. I know it cuase for one a few years back my frend and him made some comedy video ans ny friend was Sunshock and Scott was Shadow. Wonder what he's doing HERE. Hey Scott! *cough*-KatariG4-*cough*. To: ESKotaro. Thnx. Didn't you say you didn't know who they were? Bet you know who Salnight and Shardtox is don't ya? To: KatariG4.

  • like it's not obvious who you BOTH are to me in real life*

Boltyhedgehog 6:25, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

Sonic Next-Gen

I refuse to beleive that ANYONE here knows someone from sega, and if they do I doubt they'd give'em information just becuase they know'em. Slaite 10:29, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

If u must know "Kevin's" an employee and F..Y..I, he is in charge of keeping the computers in shape and running for the game creators and modelers to use.He is also my cousin and u don't know him, so u don't hav to beleive it, but its true...HOLLA!! To:Slaite

No. KatariG4 4:32, 27 June 2006

I've got a dad who works as a character designer so if you could find out the freaks name it would really help me find him. Don't worry, I'm not really mad at him but it would be nice to talk to him (and other employes) besides over the phone. Boltyhedgehog 6:32, 28 2006 (UTC)

I cant wait for the game to come out, from what I've seen it looks like its going to be a hit....It's quite a shame that we have to wait so long for it tho.Oh well, hey Bolty whats up?



Does Mark know about this, ESKotaro? Boltyhedgehog

Oh, Kotaro/Katari, I,m giving THIS account to Emily. So from now on I'll be known as Axidous on all the sites I go on, except my e-mail, that'll be Mytar. Alright? Boltyhedgehog

Here I am! I'm Axidous. Axidous 29 June 2006

Who Is Boltstryke??

I've seen the guy before, hes alright.

No. KatariG4 4:56, 27 June 2006

Botstryke is a character made to fit the Sonic Adventure 2 storyline by a fan named Dean Shanghanoo. Though I like the character, that's not why I came up with Bolty. Yu know that. Boltyhedgehog 6:12, 27 June 2006 (UTC)


WARNING! Some changes may be under another user's name. If so, please state that it was either your post or yuor post was unable to be added or changed while someone elses was. This may mean that instead of giving you an editing error it went along but your post was not changed or added while someone elses was. This will be rare and may only ever happen to a few people. Thank you for reading this warning at the alert department account. Any other problems may be allowed posted here to be figured out or to warn others of possible problems unless further notice gives any reason not to.

Does Anyone know who Void is?

Who is Void? I reccently saw a picture of a dude with green looking hair standing next to Sonic Shadow and it was drawn like off the new Sonic Next-Gen game. It said their names above. But who's Void? Dynomight 13:00, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Void is the villain from Sonic Shuffle. -- VederJuda 13:24, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Void was NOT, I repeat, NOT a villain. He says that him breaking the precious stone was an accident. Supposedly Illumina was sealed away because the precious stone shattered but really she seperated into two parts. Void and Lumina Flowlight. In the end they say that they need Void for imaginay world to exist and they come together and reform Illumina, gaurdian of the precious stone. She then admits her mistake. I have the game. Botlyhedgehog 6:34, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

The picture you saw was Sonic artwork and we're working on a plot of showing them again. The picture will be deleted as from those sites now. And Boltyhedgehog, she admits denying her self darkness which everone needs to be balenced. Slaite


This looks like a fan made character, and the image is obviously fake. Does anyone have proof of such a character? -- VederJuda 13:24, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

It is a fan character. It doesn't belong here and kids really need to stop adding this sort of stuff to the article. BlazeHedgehog 13:37, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Whooaaa! Wait a minute. If know one here has seen Sunshock then they may not be able to prove he's real but you can't just automatically say he's fake because there's no proof for that eithr. Besides that picture is obviously fake but I've seen it before about a year or two ago. It was an edited picture of the official one. Even I have the picture. Now there are some people here who say they know Sunshock and a person not from here is posting it back as well. As for there being no sources for it, I think there are going to be sources cause some sites I go to of the show havethe name Sunshock and says Coming Soon. All the people who do know of Sunshock, post here that you do, If you want to. Now first of all, I do. Boltyhedgehog 6:42, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

It is absolutely completely obvious that no character named Sunshock has ever officially existed in any Sonic universe ever. You tell me I can't prove that he isn't official - why don't you prove to me he IS official? It is far more logical to remove a character like that when there isn't any proof (besides a poorly edited image) than there is to add one. BlazeHedgehog 07:35, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

What you say means a lot of sence to me and of course it makes sence to delete it than to put it if you don't know him, but if you can't prove it's real and you can't prove it's fake then what do you do. What if someone proves it fake and then it ends up in a new game? Until then let's just say it's possible cuz whatever it turns out to be the people who said it wasn't what it is wil probably get real embarrassed when they're wrong, or not, but still. Until then he's still cool and can enter into any part of the future storyline and it would fit. Boltyhedgehog 8:47, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

For all you know this could,ve been someone from sega who originally put it there making themselves seem like a freakin kid. Whoever's a kid on here is kinda dumb unless you've stayd nutral in the situation. We don't really care if the noobs and picky fans beleive it cause it's our show! As for the fake photo, it wasn't in photoshop, it was in Ryoon XP, if you're old enough to even know what that is. Maybe when you go to college you'll find out. Besides, not everything's on the internet, somethings are known in the outside world. Other sits may have even used YOU as there source. But some sources might be putting fake information as well so really you're only putting true stuff that's already been seen in public and wouldn't go here anyways seeing how a lot of people beleives that this site tells a lot of lies. Right, Rattleman. Why would you tell others not to come here if you are staff here. Like on forums. And a lot of you try to act like you know the show right. Here. You wanna know about Cosmo, then fine. Think of this. She never said she was gonna die. She saved the galaxy and forfilled her destiny and after the explosion no one saw what happened to Cosmo. In English Cosmo is still talking to Sonic and in others its Dark Oak But Dark Oak and Cosmo are thought to be dead yet neither one says they actually die. "Kids these days". This is Tetsuya Shirogane, age 39, and knows more than any of you. But I am nomatter what still a happy man cause I got a life. SMILES FOLKS. Slaite

I have no idea what you just said; perhaps you could try to be a little more coherent with your rambling. BlazeHedgehog 12:59, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

Sunshock's probably fake. Come on, Sonic Team/SEGA are more creative than THAT. --Alexie 20:19, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

Of course we are. They originally were ment to be with Shadow when Shadow first appeared but were taken out due to the random changes written to the story. But agian, until it out, we don't care what the know-it-all fans think. Slaite

next season

All I have to say here is how could you possibly think the new Sonic X episodes might be season 3 airing in Japan? If it were airing in Japan then it wouldn't say may be in production. Slaite

Sonic X "Season 3" has not aired in Japan yet. Translationg from Japanese to English can be a trick affair, so until more concrete evidence (than a single line of text) surfaces, it would be better to leave it unconfirmed. When I see real images of the next season, images that aren't fan-made characters cut-and-pasted into existing Sonic X screencaps, we can add it. BlazeHedgehog 12:59, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

But why would they produce it from Japaneses to English if it's already in English. Then again, what if the source is wrong and there's no producing at all? Ever think of that, kid? Don't forget, everyone thought the scetches of season 3 was a hoax to. Not to mention there won't be screencaps until after it airs. It's not the way we do things here. Though I can say that almost every rumor about the next season's story was wrong. Some also don't believe that Shadow won't have an adaptoin because of the gun but don,t forget that the soldiers in Sonic X have guns, just there's no actual blood shown. Besides we could,ve adapted it to have nothing to do with the gun. Emerl's story only showed one emerald in Sonic X. If you're gonna respond, make sure you pay close attension to EVERYTHING I'm saying first. Slaite

What do you mean it's already in english? TMS is a Japanese company and the mention of Sonic X on their line-up was printed in Japanese. It was translated to english. And people rightfully thought the sketches of Season 3 were a hoax. I don't really see what your point is in all of this. We need more information before we jump to conclusions; Wikipedia has a policy discouraging against stuff like this (See: Wikipedia is not a Crystal Ball) BlazeHedgehog 16:06, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

You don't see the point because you're not paying attension. Sonic X season 3 is already in Enlish and has already aired in America. TSM says that more Sonic X episodes may be in production. But if this is true then it mst likely has nothing to do with season 3. You could put "but it is unconfirmed if this is true or not". Slaite

Isn't that kind of what it already says? It says, to paraphrase, "TMS has listed they are producing Sonic X episodes, but it is currently unknown if these are new episodes or if it just means Season 3 will air in Japan soon." BlazeHedgehog 21:51, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

Sorry. Accidently deleted my own post before I even put it up earlier. I think I've been awake too long again. Err.. umm..isn't season 3 already starting to air in Japan? Axidous 19:55, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

Season 3, to my knowledge, has never aired in Japan. At least, not yet. BlazeHedgehog 21:51, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

You even misunderstood his question to? I can't beleive it. It must be hard for you to understand stuff nomatter how simple, huh? He did say starting to air. I also said it wouldn't be called producing if it were just season 3 all over again but in Japan. They also would give more information than that if it were something that simple. If they're In Production that means NEW episodes that haven't ever been seen. Ican't beleive it's so hard to explain to you kids! If you can post on a ebsite you should be able to understand this. Slaite

Wikipedia is not a battleground. Quote; "Every user is expected to interact with others civilly, calmly, and in a spirit of cooperation. Do not insult, harass, or intimidate those with whom you have a disagreement." Please, attempt to relax a little. I would appreciate it if you did not refer to me as a "kid", as I am 23 years old and I seriously doubt you're the age you claim, given your demeanor. My entire point is we don't know, for absolute certainty, that this may be the case, and it would be the best to wait for more information. I did not misunderstand Axidous; he asked if Season 3 was airing in Japan, and I told him the truth: Last time I had heard, it was not. For all we know, TMS could be changing aspects of the Season 3 episodes before they air in Japan - this was already visible in the bootleg HK Season 3 DVDs, in which some of the animation was changed for certain scenes. It's not going to kill you to wait. BlazeHedgehog 11:37, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

I apologize if I came on a little strong. Although, for all we know you may not be the age you claim you are either. But I do beleive you and hope you beleive me. Thuogh, if I might ask, what is a 23 year old doing as staff of a cartoon's fan site. I mean I know you guys put real stuff on here but it's not an officail Sonic site. In case you are wondering the same about me, I,m here do to the reccent hoaxes which are both true and false and recieve payment for the WorldWideWeb Ratings of the story. We use this to help pay for even newer games that haven't even been stated to be in prodution yet. We could pay for it easily but the more the better to make sure things run smoothly. Well if you really ae a Sonic fan then I hope you enjoy the new Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 game. It's prototype was put together through the results from Sonic Adventure thruogh to Sonic Riders. Slaite

Well, if you ask me, if Sonic X may be in production in Japan, then you've got a better chance of Jaleel White getting his VA job back than having a 3rd US season this September. Expect reruns. Of course, I may be wrong. 22:03, 5 August 2006 (UTC)

"Just wondering" stuff

Ok, just wondering, we've got a link for an episode guide and we've got the names of songs in Japanese and English on there too but could we or should we put the lyrics to some of the songs? Because some people search for lyrics too. Oh and if we can put it up or find lyrics do we have to have a source, because if you here the song it should be obvious that they're the words? Though it wouldn't be a problem. And what if we write the lyrics to the songs ourselves? Just wondering. Axidous 30 June 2006

Wikipedia already warns that the Sonic X article may be too large; adding lyrics would be even larger. And previously, when I've seen lyrics added to other articles on Wikipedia, they end up being removed. There are plenty of other websites out there with song lyrics. BlazeHedgehog 11:39, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

Oh, Ok. Like I said, just wandering. But what if it was linked to it's own page like with the episode guide? Just wanna learn some of the rules here that I don't quite understand on that other thing we read. Axidous 30 June 2006

*shrug* It's possible. I think the OST for Shadow the Hedgehog has it's own seperate Wikipedia article.BlazeHedgehog 15:48, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

Comments moved to talk page from article

Shadow and Sunshock.

- *Sunshock the Echidna: THE PICTURE ON THE RIGHT IS ONE RENAMED ON MY COMPUTER! - I can't beleive that some idiots got this wrong. Zak the choa guy, why would you possibly wan't to take credit for this? Are you stupid?!!!!! Of course you are. Many people beleived that the pictures of Sunshock were recolors of Shadow and Sunshock but this is untrue. In fact there was NO picture of Knuckles at all. It was a picture of Shadow alright but his head was erased and the head was completely redrawn by the artist who posted the picture. We hope you enjoy this as comedy as well though revealing the truth. See more on the truth below.

This pics completely fake. A cow with one eye can see that lol!!!

No. KatariG4 2 July 2006

Y'know, it's obviously fake but you gotta givem credit, its not bad character design. Oh and, KatariG4, I,m not sure it's th second just yet. I think that's tomarrow... oh wait, it's after midnight. nevermind, it's just the beginning of July 2nd. Heh heh. ^^; Axidous 8:01, 2 July 2006 (UTC)

Hey wait a second! The background is fake too! You never see that background EVER in Sonic X.! Maybe the same kind of wall cuase it in the ARK but that wall was never drawn slanted towards the screen like that. The pipe thing on the wall is from a totally different image with Shadow and chris starring at each other shown from the side angle. And that image of Shaodw was when he was starring at Chris only there was a big window showing outter space in the background. I was looking through teamartial's screenshots that had space colony ARK and no background exactly like that existed. I think the image of Shadow that was used to make Sunshock was the one from when he was talking to Eggman from when he was first released. Axidous 8:12, 2 July 2006 (UTC)

Nice work Sherlock!!! You've done it again. I swear I don't know how u do it!! Amazing!! Just kidding with ya.....ok now I'm not!!

No. User:KatariG4\KatariG4 3, July 2006

No worries. HA HA HA HAAAA! That stupid pic is gone now. Stupid wannabe pic char designer! HEHEEEEEEE!!! Axidous 8, July 2006

Behind the Hoax

- Ok, the picture of Sunshock's head was completely redrawn and colored on computer. Of course we didn't want it to look too real so we made it funny. Of course many people ACTUALLY read it so they are crazy. The funny thing is that this hoax had a lot of truth in it as well but was so mixed up no one could recognize it. What was funniest of all to us at sega is that many of actually beleived thet we took it seriously which was the real hoax behind it all. Not that Sunshock was a charater but that people thought it was done by a fan, that they thought they could do better, an that they thought that the creator of the hoax was despirate. Of course the story was even funnier and weirder bacuase it was made up by more than one person. And a lot of fans reposted our article on the site. But of course we here have a life and a lot of time on our hands so really we didn,t do it to make you beleiveit was real or to test you or anything. No, we actually did it for no reason at all. We were not despirate but all of you people sure were. You were so despirate to make it seem false even though you know that there may have been a slight chance it was true. Though thie idea for the black echidna and fox were originally brought up when the idea of the black hedgehog who resembled Sonic was brought up. They were unused due to the randow changes of stories to the point where it was all about Shadow. Shunshock and Taito were their prototype character code names. You may never see them on anything but isn't nice to know what kind of characters were brought up to an idea? It was taken out of our time to get paid for the ratings of the hoax. It obviously spread all aroun the internet due the those in chat rooms and forums. This paticular hoax has been redone for four years. That's why many people saw the trailer and pilot episode which either included Taito, Sunshock, or O-Dash. Even the voice actors volunteered. Both Nobutoshi Kanna and Sean Schemmel offered to have their names in the hoax articles. We even had an audition to see who wuold take that part to be paid as well. But it's not like we lied or anything. We wouldn't let this go on without eventually saying something about it. Oh, and to let some people who obviously may need to go to school twice as long, Wikipedia has different people watching over different pages. Though some are the same but not a lot. And don't gloat in victory. Especially since none of you Sonic Freaks even won. you know, it isn't good to be such a freak at something. That's why it's called freak. I mean, some people are way too picky avout the shows they watch. It's the creator's show so they can do whatever they want in it. And...IT"S JUST A STUPID CARTOON.!!! Why be so picky over the story anyways. It WAS originally meant for little kids. You actually talk about it on the web. I mean I can actually talk but making subjects like who's a better voice actor or the poor drawings in a cartoon. Why are you so picky. If you really need sertain musc which hardly anybody listen's to in the background then by a soundtrack or sometihng. It is so hard to beleive that some kids just don't have common sence and try to make it seem like they understand everything even though they obviously don't. You people complain too much and over the smallest things too. So spoiled. Anyways I'm not gonna really comlain either since I don't even know any of you and probably never will since you may never make it here, plus you're none of my business. Though I must say tha t I really doubt some of you're potetial. It's pathetic. Anyways don't wanna seem too fruity and mood changing or anything but good buy, have a nice and seccessful life, and SMILE. - This is Tetsuya Shirogane, and I,m out. - - This has nothing to do with the story, hoax, or idea of Sonic XG. - - Be prepared for the new Sonic The Hedgehog game coming this fal on November 14, 2006. This was brought to you by directors, voice actors, and employees at 4Kids Entertainment, SEGA corporation, and SEGA Of America. Thank you.

—Preceding unsigned comment added by Slaite (talkcontribs)

I would just like to say, that if this sort of thing keeps happening - adding your interviews, and fan-characters to the article, etc. - that it may be considered vandalism, and may even end up landing you in hot-water. Please, stop. BlazeHedgehog 12:30, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

I don't mean to sound rude but if you are uncertain if that other subject is really season 4 or a remake of season 3 then don't you think the review should not have that tittle. And if it's unconfirmed than you probably shouldn't have it up yet. It's probably best to wait. Slaite

Does anybody know what is going on in this huge, terribly written, run-on sentence? Only thing I noticed was that he/she claims that Sonic is for "little kids." Well, Sonic The Hedgehog happens to have the biggest fanbase for any video game out there today, and beats out other more "mature" titles by leaps and bounds. And who says it's kiddie? Why? Because the characters are not 100% human? Neither is Master Chief of your precious Halo series, so I suggest you go back to playing on XBOX Live, and leave us older gen guys alone. --HarroSIN 15:14, 4 July 2006 (UTC)

Emerl built by Eggman?

Emerl: A robot bulit by Eggman

We all know Emerl was built by an ancient civilization, according to Sonic Battle. This seems to be the case as well for the anime.But Emerl was built by the rock-like Kron Colony In Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood known in Japan as Sonic Chronicles: Invaders from the Dark Dimension.

I caught Eggman saying something along the line: "Of course, he is powerful. It is an ancient war machine that can learn rivals' skills", in the episode where Emerl goes berserk. There is not a scene where we can see Eggman actually working on Emerl, either.

I was watching the Japanese version, btw

--Feathered serpent 09:19, 6 July 2006 (UTC)

Who in the world said he was created by Eggman?!! Even in the english versoin they never said that! Gemerl maybe. But some the he's a rebuilt Emerl. Even if it's true... "REBUILT" not created. Besides, Gemerl can't be nearly as powerful as Emerl. Right? Looks ok tho, i guess. Axidous 8, July 2006


I think it should be noted,that in the (now) final series,Eggman is shown from a mure sympathetic side at the end,even himself adresing sympathy,when Tales's gota do what he's got to do in the end of that series.

Well also note that his nickname is "Tails" and not Tales. But did anyone actualy see Cosmo die? If she had enough power to fly and to hold down that planet egg then maybe she could have also survived and left, especially since Sonic and Shadow try to save her sort after. Besides, how can she spread her seeds of she's dead or if the only way to make one is for SuperSonic and SuperShadow to use Chaos Regeneration which only created one seed? Not to mention that they would be growing in soil that's not from her own planet. And what's with Sonic being able to hear spirits? Axidous 15, July 2006

You're a bit contradicting yourself, don't you think? First you say Cosmo is possibly alive, then suddenly she's a spirit? Although I have to agree, that she might not be dead, she did say she's with her mother. Wait, now I'm contradicting myself - if Dark Oak was destroyed, and has reunited with Earthia, and Cosmo has also joined her, then wouldn't that make her dead?T-borg 22:27, 5 August 2006 (UTC)

I know. Sorry. But then again, didn't they say that it was suppose to make him stronger but didnt ever say what happende to him either? Wait. They was probably in the english dub. Its been a while now since it ended so I cant remember every word. I didnt actually mean spirit, I just meant if she really was dead how'd Sonic hear her spirit. Hmm... Tails is the character meant not to fall in love and Cosmo's a character made only for Sonic X so it's possible that this could've only been for the fans who are for some reason really into other peoples' romance. Well the comics too. I just want to know why everything has to have at least the slightest bit to do with "love". Axidous 7, August 2006

Sonic X in the Philippines

To whomever is running this page, Sonic X is currently being aired on GMA 7 every weekday mornings at 8:30 A.M. Here is the schedule direct from the GMA 7 website: Doberdog 08:34, 19 July 2006 (UTC)Doberdog

About International versions and the op/ed sequences.

Though I CANNOT show proof(but I have seen them), the opening and endings of all international based versions (which are technically the japanese version with TMS making slight changes to the masters themselves.) have the japanese opening and ending songs playing. The only exception is France who made the ending songs instrumental. Even than this is inconsistant, because Hikaru Michi plays in episode 39 during the DVD scene. All versions based off the 4Kids version, obviously won't have these.

Reason I'm bringing this up is because someone put "International versions used an instrumental version of the ending song" in the Song section.

I'd just like to say hat everyone seems to be against the english versions. All it i is a story comin' from someone elses mouth. I don't mind the voices as long as Sonic doesn't sound like a nerd and Amy doesn't sound so cheap and corny in her emotions (especially anger these days. What a ) but the only ones I really care about is Shadow(who just doesn't sound as sly anymore), Rouge(who doesn't sound as caring and trust worthy), and Knuckles(who's voice is too ruogh and deep.) Other than that I'm ok, but Knuckles' voice should be somewhat closer to Sonic's since he kinda looks like him (was originaly sen to be Sonic's match in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, even now they still run the same). The English Opening song (the actually reason I'm putting this) isn't that bad. Everytime someone's at my house or I'm at their house someone sings along with the opening to the english version of Sonic X, Gotta Go Fast. Axidous 21, July 2006

American seasons

The American version for seasons makes more sense. If the season with Cosmo is 26 episodes and is one whole season then the parts before it has to be 2 seperate seasons because it was 26 episodes each, plus Super Sonic's at the end of every season after something big happens and the main part of the story takes adifferent turn (though the english intro is useless after the first 26 episodes). Axidous 22, July 2006

No it doesn't. If they were divided into seasons, then why is Episode 26 through 29 on DVD 7 in Japan? Also, going by that concept, the mini-sonic adventure story would be considered seasons also, because Super Sonic is there. Further more, the French Schedule releases (which most likely are no longer online) refer to Sonic X Episode 53+ as Series 2 (or Season 2, depending on how you take "Sonic X II"). Mendinso 24, July 2006

It doesn't make as much sense though. Sure there was Super Sonic in the adventure sagas but it doesn't fit equally the the way it does while just happening to show him every 26 eps. Plus, if 53+ was season 2 then that means they should have or make 26 more episodes to it before really ever thinking of a season 4(season 3 in Japan) at all. The DVDs don't count becuase it's just DVD and they don't all have the same amount of episodes on each one. If all this stays as is as is then they must be having unequal seasons. In Japan why does season 1 have 52 eps but season 2 has only half that amount? In America they showed it 26 episodes each, which is equal. Some of the things $Kids changed seem better. Not many things but some. I see both English and Japanese and they say Japanese is way better but when I look at it, nothing too specail there. The "Live and Learn" theme is in english in a Japanese dubbed show(And dub is just to voice). Besides, who cares about the music in the background, no one pays attention to that, I'm listening to the characters, and I don't really pay attention to what they say once 3 minutes passed cause it's meaningless by that time, unless they show flashbacks.Axidous 26, July 2006

Silly vandals, Sonic X is for kids (sort of)

Thank god they removed TV-MA V, and changed it to Y7 (its correct rating).

There really is going to be a season 4 of Sonic X

Many website's fans and different people have confirmed that a season 4 of Sonic X will come out in Spring/Summer of 2010 exciting huh, and this is actually confirmed. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Ultimatewikidude (talkcontribs) 11:51, 19 October 2009 (UTC)

Where was this confirmed? I've seen nothing about this actually being true, only rumors. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:01, 22 November 2009 (UTC)

SEGA still has to comfirm that there will be. We cant say for sure until either 4Kids or SEGA approves it.

But I think it would be epic to have a season 4. (But afterwards, just make an intirely new show). —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:11, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

They've been saying that ever since season 3 ended, and kept setting dates for it, but it hasn't happened. If they do make more, I think it's more likely to be an entirely different series than a continuation of Sonic X. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:18, 6 August 2010 (UTC)

Disney Channel

Don't say if this show will be on Disney Channel, Toon Disney, or ABC Kids in America unless you have proof. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:52, 17 September 2007 (UTC)

i heard that there is a possibility that there are NOT going to make a season 4 —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:46, 14 June 2010 (UTC)


"Currently, the only way to view "Series 2" in its original native language (Japanese) is to purchase the Chinese Video CDs, which feature Japanese dialogue with Chinese subtitles. This Video CD uses the second version of the Japanese opening theme, "Sonic Drive", and the second version of the Japanese ending theme, "The Shining Road"."

Where does this come from (and where can you find the VCDs)? I searched Chinese Amazon for "索尼克", and found nothing about Sonic X. Are these VCDs legal releases or pirated discs? (Stefan2 08:33, 21 October 2006 (UTC))

I think they're bootleg. But, still, no one has a valid source on this. But this is backed up by Nicknyte's (a website who used to carry Sonic X jap episodes) had them with chi subs. But. no matter what the article says, this isn't the only way to watch the epis. There were tons of Sonic X Series 2 epis in Jap (now removed by TMS) on YouTube. And on several forums have been subbing them in english not to mention you an also get them on Torrents. UnDeRsCoRe 15:13, 21 October 2006 (UTC)
But if they are bootleg, where does the Japanese version come from? If the Japanese version is available, someone must have published this version somehow, either by broadcasting it on a TV channel somewhere in the world, or by publishing a DVD/VHS/VCD/etc. edition of it, or else the Japanese soundtrack would only be stored at some SEGA office. Is there any known version anywhere that doesn't have Chinese subtitles, and is there any known version anywhere that offers better image quality (e.g. higher resolution) than the VCD standard? I would prefer to find an edition with DVD quality, Japanese soundtrack and NO subtitles, but I don't know if that is possible. (Stefan2 18:30, 21 October 2006 (UTC))
Guys, having seen the VCDs myself and had have rips from them, these are offical VCD for Sonic X. The company that has released Sonic X in the Taiwan region (which is where these VCDs came from if I recall) released the whole entire Sonic X series on VCD. This still is not too uncommon for anime and other releases in Asia to be released on VCD, with two audio tracks. Also, it itself isn't too uncommon for subtitles to be hardcoded onto the video. This is mostly due to the lack of VCD capabilities, as it cannot offer a subtrack. - Mendinso

Yey I know that you can watch sonic x at sonic x. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:29, 7 May 2010 (UTC)


is there going to be another one? because like SatAM and AoSTH Mr.Willison 18:14, 4 November 2006 (UTC) thanks

.... It's hunanumis!

Typo Fixes

In the Nezo section of this article there is a typo fix near the end that needs to be corrected. It had Nezo name spelled Nero insted of Nezo.Sonic34 13:11, 9 November 2006 (UTC)Sonic34

It's Nazo not Nezo or neroIkethebaby 22:02, 21 November 2006 (UTC)

Japanese Editon

Could we have a little more information about the Japanese editon I'd like to learn more.Themasterofwiki 19:34, 4 December 2006 (UTC)

What do you want to know? -- RattleMan 15:36, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

Well I finaly got real copies of the DVD's off ebay and Im really happy with them however there are some cut sceans, blood, and swear words.Themasterofwiki 13:25, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

The Japanese version is so much Better [User:Paddyfowl] 7:34 29th january 2007 (UTC)

Some sceans also have alchool use but in EP 14 they replaced Wine with food.Themasterofwiki 18:50, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

You can view all the edits 4kids made on this site. -- RattleMan 19:02, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

yea!!! Nazo is Japanese for "enigma" or "mystery" —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:08, 2 March 2008 (UTC)

Well, Nazo never really showed up. He was just in a japanese commercial for the show, but they decided to cut him out. No one is even sure what his name was going to be; 'Nazo' is the nickname given to him, as it translates to 'mystery' in english. -Mace


Do we really need the same robot list in both this article and the E-Series article? 13:25, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

No. DeathGodDragon EDGE 01:07, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

So, which one should be removed? The one here or the one at E-Series? 09:45, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

I say the one here should be removed; re-direct it to it on the other page... what I mean ot say is, use the "Main Article" tag and refer viewers there. Knuckles sonic8 20:44, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

Formatting the lists

Tried making a table of the list of characters / people involved. Style I had in mind was white borders that blended into page background and alternating rows with lighter & darker shades of some color. Had problems defining css arguments so put class="wikitable" for the moment. 22:11, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

Game continuity

Will there be another game episode like the sonic adventure 1 & 2 episodes? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 09:37, 29 January 2007 (UTC).

Maybe only if they make a 4th season and decide to make part of it based off the game however it it will probley be based off Sonic The Hedgehog (2006), Sonic Riders or Sonic Rush.Themasterofwiki 13:22, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

Riders would be interesting on TV, but, unfortunately, I don't see any of those happening. Sabre Knight 19:13, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Article Needs Work

Themasterofwiki 13:23, 6 February 2007 (UTC)I think that this article needs clean-up it seems to be getting messed up.

Could you be a bit more specific? --May the Edit be with you, always. (T-borg) (drop me a line) 17:08, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

Just some of the plot is messed up a little bit.Themasterofwiki 18:49, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

01:14, 15 March 2007 (UTC)Sonicrules2== End of the series? ==

Whoever put in the bit about the DVD company saying that Sonic X has ended its run, is there any way to get a citation on that? Raven23 22:59, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

I know! Maybe SEGA are making a sequel, another Sonic Anime TV Series, but this time withOUT the 4Kids Cast, Dr. Eggman, Rouge, and Knuckles would still sound like in Sonic X, though, possibly due to more suitable for the design of characters. Each season have 2 14-episodes-long missions (except for season 1, with a 28-episodes-long mission, where they had to find Cosmo) and a live-action actor playing a comic live-action role of the chief of the "HEROES" Teams. Sonic Heroes should have a TV Series based on the game itself, only different. But it would include the Sonic Heroes Theme for the Opening and Ending Theme in the US Version. Here's a list of teams, you should like:

1. SONIC: a. Sonic b. Tails c. Knuckles

2. DARK: a. Rouge b. Shadow c. Omega (never yet seen in the Anime)

3. ROSE: a. Amy b. Cream (8 years old now, and she would sound much less squeaky and annoying) c. Big d. Cheese the Chao (Cream shouldn't been seen without Cheese)

4. CHAOTIX a. Vector (with a gruffer voice than that jorky one which we heard for "Find the Computer Room") b. Espio c. Charmy

5. EGGMAN a. Eggman b. Bokkun c. Bocoe d. Decoe

6. NEUTRAL (this team would debut in the "Sonic Heroes" TV Series in season 2) a. Silver b. Blaze c. Cosmo

7. BABYLON (this team would debut in the "Sonic Heroes" TV Series in season 2 too) a. Jet b. Wave c. Storm

8. ROBO (this team would debut in the "Sonic Heroes" TV Series in season 3) a. Gerald Robonik b. Beta c. Emerl d. Gamma

They'll have to do missions like during the Black Creatures War, the original Sonic Heroes Adventure, the 2006 generation Adventure, and many different others.

Somehow it'll be a more likable Sonic Anime TV Serie than Sonic X.

If you think it ain't going to happen, try sending a comment to SEGA about what I talked about in this discussion, and you might see.

Sega might make season 4 if not a new series has a changeSonicrules2 01:14, 15 March 2007 (UTC)Sonicrules2

Cool down time

As things are starting to heat up, let's take this here, Ok? I'm of cource talking about the rumoured/sertain end of the series. —May the Edit be with you, always. (T-borg) (drop me a line) 21:49, 5 March 2007 (UTC)


Did Australlia get the 4Kids dub, or a band new dub? On the DVD description on the link in the DVD section, they use the Japanese episode titles instead of the US ones, so I figured they might get a diffrent one. Takuthehedgehog 01:13, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

nope we got the "plain old" english dub

wolly da wanderer

I hate it that they edited out the more darker scenes....I think that this show would be good if it DID have some more darker parts... Mrx9898 04:44, 24 August 2007 (UTC)

Not shown in japan? What the heck?!

It keeps saying Series 2 hasn't been shown in japan yet. How can that be true? I keep reading the differences between episodes on series 2 in japan and in the US, and the show is from Japan in the first place.

PS, I don't edit on here much, so I'm basically a n00b. Tell me if I did somethign wrong.--Alice2 01:01, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

Yes, it's true. Episodes 53-78, aka "Series 2", have not yet been aired in Japan. They were, however, released on DVD in Japanese with Chinese subtitles, which is where we can get the differences. Raven23 13:44, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
No, these were NOT released on DVD, rather a Chinese VCD set in Taiwan region. I honestly don't know how one would go opon getting the set, however... Mendinso 04:07, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Where can I buy these DVDs?Themasterofwiki 17:33, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

I've been trying to find these VCDs for more than a year, but it seems that the only place where you can get them is on sites where one of the requirements for even registering an account is Taiwanese residence... (Stefan2 12:12, 27 June 2007 (UTC))

what about ebay? BlueBananas4ever —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:04, 17 August 2008 (UTC)

What evry one is saying in here is WRONG,japan had allready aired episodes 53-78 before other places did,dont belevie me then go to youtube ,put those episodes in japanese version and there in there! they even say at the ending "TV Tokyo" —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:56, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

Season 4

What's the point of saying there MIGHT be one? The Wikipedia is for facts, right? Besides, I don't really see any unresolved cliffhangers here. What happened to Chris: It can be assumed that he got home safely and saw his family and friends again. What happened to Shadow: They said it themselves. Using Chaos Control that one last time took all the energy he had. If he ran out of energy and was never seen again, it's safe to say he died. The flower pot: I always assumed it was Cosmo's seed. What else could it really be if it has a purpose in the plot?

I was thinking of removing it, but I thought it best not to go ahead and do so. Should I do anything or leave it as is?

PS, tell me if I'm doing something wrong here. --Alice2 15:02, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

The point is that it's perfectly logical that there might be another season. It's also logical that there won't be. And the cliffhangers are still unresolved: Chris may not have made it home, Shadow technically was seen again in the original version, and the flower pot could be something else, not to mention that what it grows into is unknown. So, there you go. The rumors section is fine where it is until we get some confirmation as to whether or not there will be another season. Raven23 22:50, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
Good point. Never mind. --Alice2 13:54, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Calm down. Remember, all great shows end. Even if I feel that Sonic X should be screwed if it didn't have more episodes, we don't know if it will end yet.Morgan22345 20:02, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

That was just STUPID.

If there's going to be a Season 4, it MUST be in a different channel, FUNimation.

Dude, FUNimation's voices might be even worse, although Cream the Rabbit's voice actress might be in there since she also works 4 FUNimation. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 01:28, August 21, 2007 (UTC)

Hmmm... I don't think so pal unless something happened also I believe their might be a season four but it all depends if sega can be bothered.Wolly da wanderer 02:58, 6 August 2007 (UTC)

there is not going to be a season 4...i know, its not to easy User|wikialexdx —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wikialexdx (talkcontribs) 02:16, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

Actually, there will be a Season 4, it just won't air in the USA (yet, or never). It's only airing in Poland at the time, starting june 1, 2008. (proof is that more than 5 websites dedicated to Sonic has actually stated that) The Master Librarian (talk) 23:24, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

Obviously by now (2009) this is false. Seems like it was just fan rumors after all. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:04, 22 November 2009 (UTC)

Mcdonald toys

Hey at Macca's a while back there were some Sonic X lanchers with three disks. There were three sets one with sonic one with Tails and one with Knuchles. I think this should be added in the toys section eh?

Wolly da wanderer

Don't worry I've all ready added it in.Wolly da wanderer 02:58, 6 August 2007 (UTC)

Trivia section

I removed it completely, as I couldn't find anything notable enough to be incorporated into the main text. Any objections? —May the Edit be with you, always. (T|C) 01:15, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Music section

I removed the nickelodeon era section because it has episode numbers which never happened. 18:53, 23 July 2007

i love you sonic

That's nice but a bit inconvient to say it here sorry.Wolly da wanderer 02:58, 6 August 2007 (UTC)

I saw it in Korea

In Pyongyang, May, 2006. I've forgot the channel. It was in Russian with Korean subtitles.

Comrade, it was the Korean Central Television. But you might haven't seen the differenses: series 03, 06, 15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 30, 38, 41, 45, and 46 were edited. More than a half of the episode #65 was banned, in the episode #18 the names of dam constructors were "George", "Tony" and "Andrus"(referented to Andrus Ansip) --Kim The Wolf —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:00, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
Probably The Sonic X anime is symbolising the Iron Curtain era - Station Sqare is the West, and the world of Sonic is the East. In the end of Season 2 there is an allusion to the late 80-s. Almost the same disaster happened to the East, like it might have happened to Earth in the end of Season 2. Maybe that's why this anime was not banned in the DPRK.
This is quite hard to believe for most ppl who enter this site. N. Korea is highly isolated, politically and socially and even no one is allowed to leave or enter North Korea, I would have to temporary remove this and I would need to do research by myself. --Dark paladin x 00:05, 4 November 2007 (UTC)


Just a heads up I'm deleting a silly comment. That is all.Wolly da wanderer 02:55, 13 August 2007 (UTC)


So I believe it's not polite to just delete something with out telling people. That's how some people get into edit wars.Wolly da wanderer 02:54, 15 August 2007 (UTC)

I got rid of a stupid trivia comment on Cosmo's page and just now I'm telling everone. Lesser Shadow 23:53, 5 September 2007 (UTC)


This section sounds a tad biased. Im sure there were some positive reasons for the dubs, and there is alot of use of weasel-word use in the section altogether.-- 19:45, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Jetix in the Philippines?

This should be verified, as there is no official existence of the network in the cable channels. --Pasawayz 04:11, 28 September 2007 (UTC)

Sonicfan122 (talk) 01:18, 19 November 2007 (UTC)


I was just at and they are allowing pre-orders for a new Sonic X dvd containing 13 episodes. I pre-ordered it but,has anyone else heard of this? The cover has old art of Sonic and Eggman but new for Amy Tails and Knuckles (Who can activate his LEGO shoes. Sorry,couldn't resist. I got that from Nintedo Power.).-SLJCOAAATR —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:54, 4 November 2007 (UTC)

Hello????Am i the only who cares???!!!-SLJCOAAATR

If you can, put is on the season 4 rumors part, so we know, also put a link to it.Sonicfan122 (talk) 01:18, 19 November 2007 (UTC)

I checked Amazon out myself, I don't see a season 4. But, they have the first 13 episodes of season 2/3 listed as season 5 and the next 13 episodes of that season listed as season 6.

This can cause confusion if you buy first without reading the plot summery.


NO YOU IDIOTS! Here's the link... I cancelled my order untill i find out what it REALLY is.-SLJCOAAATR —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:45, 22 November 2007 (UTC)

The New World Saga is part of the first season of Sonic X,not the fourth season! --User:Mark Alvarez

...GOD DAMN AMAZON-SLJCOAAATR —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:38, 22 November 2007 (UTC)

Exactly, which episodes are on this DVD. Sonicfan122 (talk) 01:19, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

I think episodes 27 through 57. -- User:Mark Alvarez —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:30, 25 November 2007 (UTC)
I apologize. The New World saga is part of the SECOND season! --User:Mark Alvarez —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:34, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

WTF!!!???I'm confused...-SLJCOAAATR —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:45, 25 November 2007 (UTC) You are not the only one! --User:FDFD —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

I saw a Sonic X DVD on the internet titled "NEW WORLD SAGA" but it's NOT a new season! it has tha first 13 episodes of the first season! it's only a more convinient way of buying the first season with out having to buy 5 or 4 different DVDs!


Wow 2 fan fic. characters and a spelling error.I already erased it from the article.

-SLJCOAAATR —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:45, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

4Kids website

[2]. --User:Mark Alvarez —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:44, 7 December 2007 (UTC)


Not a big fan of Sonic, but I think it could be mentioned that this "Nazo" resembles Silver the Hedgehog. Silver's page mentions he was redesigned many times - one of his previous designs could have been Nazo.

Just seems like something of note to me. The Clawed One (talk) 06:48, 23 December 2007 (UTC) People've said that MANY times,it's probably correct, which to me,is a hint at a possible season 4 since Silver sn't in SA,SA2,OR SB. He really couldn't have fit in with season 3,but, ya never know!-SLJCOAAATR —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:21, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

Well, Nazo was only in a Season 1 commercial, which was in 2003. And Silver didn't show until Sonic 2006, which, obviously was in 2006. Plus, I did some research, and that "Prototype Silver" that's been mentioned was really an orange-haired mink ( O_o ) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:20, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Removal of the Nazo section?

Unencyclopedic, unofficial, speculation, and original research. --Jw21/PenaltyKillah 03:48, 16 February 2008 (UTC)

Well, the section doesn't seem to be soursed, so if we can't find any, then I'm for removing it too. —T-borg (T | C) 01:38, 17 February 2008 (UTC)
An ongoing barrage of more speculation and unofficial information, leeched with undesirable original research... if I see any more barrages, I will remove the section. I understand that this oh-so-peculiar mystery is of high intrigue throughout the Sonic fandom, but this is an encyclopedia. Please. --Jw21/PenaltyKillah 05:03, 17 February 2008 (UTC)
And... it's removed. --Jw21/PenaltyKillah 21:16, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

Final Fantasy/Sonic X

I removed this edit because I could not find anything other than a flash series. Can any one confirm anything other than that? Rgoodermote  20:39, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

You are correct. Those are fan-works (some quite good), but there is no licensed Final Fantasy/Sonic X product or media. David A. Flory (talk) 15:34, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

Something interesting from TMS's website... (season 4 thoery)

TMS entertainment's English website lists Sonic X as having "more than 78 episodes" (, see the bar at the top of the screen). This may state that there is a fourth season planned. Can someone that can read Japanese check out the Japanese version of the site ( and make sure that this isn't exclusive to the English site/ a mistranslation? KJS77Talk 02:49, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Can't even FIND Sonic X on the Japanese site. That little bit on the English site is pretty interesting. -- RattleMan 02:59, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
Meh, what can we do about it anyway. Wiki isn't a crystal ball, if there's no concrete sourses we can't add it. —T-borg (T | C) 22:32, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
I'm still kind of wondering if these later episodes may have aired somewhere in Asia, but no one has made any mention of the information. It kind of happened when Thailand started broadcasting Episode 53+, and most people didn't notice it till about the 4th episode into the second series. Not to mention, Studio MAO was still listed for sometime after the episodes were produced, that they were working on the series, making me wonder if additional episodes were in production during that time. I remember awhile back, one of Jetix's sites had listed Sonic X having 104 episodes produced. To be quite honest, I also wouldn't be surprised if TMS has produced these episodes, but decided not to air or sell them for whatever reason. TMS has a nasty habbit of producing a series, and not airing it until much later after it was produced. My best example would be TMS's co-production, Uchuu Densetsu Ulysse 31. It took them 10 years to finally air the entire series on Japanese airwaves, even though it was aired all over the world long after words. Mendinso (talk) 14:33, 18 March 2008 (UTC)


2 years ago... Me: I'm a skimming through IGN pics. LALALALALA!!!! (You MAY wanna avoid this next part.)(Sees Sonic X pic. with Sonic, and Blaze facing Nega, and Hyper Chaos (It had ALL 14 emeralds in it.) MUTHA F**A!!!!!! SONIC X SEASON 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I could tell, It was definatly Sonic X animation. The pic. isn't there anymore...SLJCOAAATR 1 (talk) 22:49, 21 March 2008 (UTC)


4kidstv has confirmed that it will air season 4 of sonic x —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:51, 15 April 2008 (UTC)

Sure. Like smoking crack?SLJCOAAATR 1 (talk) 22:36, 17 April 2008 (UTC)


TMS entertainment has confirmed that sonic x will continue —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:55, 15 April 2008 (UTC)

Maybe. But without a proper citation, we can't really prove anything. Raven23 (talk) 20:04, 15 April 2008 (UTC)

UK Toon Disney/Jetix block!?!

"It will start yet another run on Toon Disney's Jetix block in the United Kingdom and Ireland, under a TV-G rating." What? Toon Disney has closed down in the UK, Jetix is a channel in it's own right, and ratings such as TV-G don't exist in the UK at all. TV channels don't use them, and the cinema and DVDs use U, PG, 12, 15 and 18. Digifiend (talk) 12:33, 13 May 2008 (UTC)

Article picture

Why is the picture on the article so freaking big? I suggest we make it a bit smaller.--Fireaxe888 (talk) 11:46, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

Disregard; a person came along and changed it for no reason. I've reverted. -- RattleMan 12:15, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

Regarding Original Run...

It's been bugging me for some time now, but why do we have the English Date listed for the series original run? Shouldn't it be the Japanese, since it started in April 2003? I know this gets confusing, because of the later episodes never airing in Japan, but the series did not first run in August 2003. We probably also should change the end of the original run to match either the Thailand or France airdate, whichever is available, since these are the first two countries to finish the series broadcast. Either that, or we could include two sets of seperate dates for the two series... Mendinso (talk) 16:39, 17 May 2008 (UTC)

This is the English Wiki, used mainly for US info. You can find what you're looking for in other Wiki's. Skeletal_SLJCOAAATR_Soul_Striker_of_Vengence (talk) 01:48, 27 May 2008 (UTC)

Once and for all... Does a section about rumours belong in Wikipedia?

I would like a healthy debate on this. So far, speculation from every variety has appeared. With NO official press releases regarding the new season of Sonic X (making the content unnotable) and various references that can be deemed as errors or misinterpretations...

Come on, people. It's good to dream big. Or relieve the dream. Or whatever inspirational message that we're all a fan of. The point is... this fan-worthy (and contributed by fellow fans) section contains no encyclopedic content of the series itself. Except an apparent listing that was planned for the future, as well as those various misinterpretations. Face it, this series is shelved. Yes, unexpectedly. For now, I'll remove the section, but transfer information about the cliffhangers to another place. --Jw21/PenaltyKillahCANUCKLEHEAD! 05:21, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

  • Reverting the edits made back, since there is legit proof about the episodes. TMS Entertainment's Financial Press Report back in May 2006 indicated that Sonic X would be put into production for a possible release in 2007 (which didn't happen), but recent information suggusted that Poland is scheduled to start airing these episodes on a weekly basis. The actual page right now is fine, and I do not support the current edits of removing the section made. If there is anyone questioning where information regarding Sonic X airing in Poland came from, I'll show a collection of links:

There is additional schedule's also listing the same thing, but I believe these should be enough for now. There is also the thing on TMS Entertainment's english website that lists more than 78 episodes. While the email that was sent to them on a Dutch Sonic X site, mentioned that the series is only to 78 episodes, I wonder if they were only referring to what was broadcasted or not, as it was not specifically mentioned in the original email. Mendinso (talk) 05:44, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

Done and done. Placed citation needed tag(s) where needed. --Jw21/PenaltyKillahCANUCKLEHEAD!RIP 06:03, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

No S4. I'm removing it. Skeletal_SLJCOAAATR_Soul_Striker_of_Vengence (talk) 23:53, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

Season 4 not true

I found out that yeah, there is no immediate plan for new Sonic X episodes. [3] —Preceding unsigned comment added by The Master Librarian (talkcontribs) 21:04, 22 June 2008 (UTC)

That was weeks ago.Fairfieldfencer FFF 21:32, 22 June 2008 (UTC)

Okay I can't figure out how to make a new discussion section, so I'll just put it here: That pic of Sonic from episode 1, near the bottom of the page, it's kinda... blurry. So to speak. It's just kind of hard to tell what he looks like from it. Here: .Pause it at apprx. 5:03 or 5:04. -Mace —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:26, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Statement about Season 4 was removed. Wikipedia doesn't look too kindly to unverified information. Unless you have a source about an actual confirmation from a production company, do not revert my edits.--F-22 RaptörAces High 07:53, 21 February 2010 (UTC)

About Bokkun

Is he a type of "homage" to Impmon, from "Digimon:Tamers" Anime ? Because they´re very similar...

Brazilian guy 08 (talk) 21:44, 23 June 2008 (UTC)

Proof? Skeletal_SLJCOAAATR (talk) 01:10, 24 June 2008 (UTC)

They´re very similar in appearence. Is he a "homage" or that´s only a coincidence ? Brazilian guy 08 (talk) 22:03, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Most likely, a coincidence.  Skeletal S.L.J.C.O.A.A.A.T.R.  01:32, 17 July 2008 (UTC)

Article Issues

Please do not take down those tags. Per WP:MOS-AM, the article needs restructuring. The section titles should be: Lead, Infobox, Plot, Characters, Production, Media, Reception, References and External links. The article doesn't really cite any sources, contains no footnotes, has a plot summary that is too long, and still contains some unencyclopedic information. Until these issues are dealt with, the tag stands. --Kraftlos (talk) 01:51, 1 August 2008 (UTC)

Fair enough. Will restructure article according to plan, and perhaps shorten the synopsis, but I did trim down the external links and that is now comparable to the anime articles out there. --PenaltyKillahJw21 14:27, 1 August 2008 (UTC)

The American Localization part uses sources that are opinionated, and otherwise not reliable. I suggest that it be cleaned up or at least uses better sources. The part about Maria Robotnik not really dead in the US release is not true, for starters. The source has a guy saying "I believe they just made her unconcious" in the source used. This is not a reliable source and if you cannot come up with a better one then I request it be deleted. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:47, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

Sonic X on Italia 1

Sonic X was on Italia 1. They have a different opening than the rest of Europe. I don't know the name of it or the name of the singer, but here's the video, if anyone can identify it.

Please help me on this. Thanks.

~Garfield Turtle Anime~ (talk) 13:40, 12 November 2008 (UTC) Hajiru

Sonic X Korean?

Is there a Korean version of Sonic X in South Korea? What channel is it on? Just curious.

~Garfield Turtle Anime~ (talk) 23:41, 15 November 2008 (UTC) Hajiru

Cartoon Network?

Cant't be true, I'm User:Enzeru of Sonic News Network Wiki and I never see it. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:00, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

Sonic X the Band

There is a Hard Rock band called Sonic X from Canada. they are really good too. I checked out their myspace page:

If you like Rock music you will probably like these guys, I do now. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:41, 13 July 2009 (UTC) -Sonic X Season 4- Thank you for saying that because Season 4 is real for sonic x and sonic underground is goona premiere on boomrang —Preceding unsigned comment added by Cowboy11 (talkcontribs) 03:27, 29 November 2009 (UTC) Sonic X Season 4 is true because i saw a trailer on youtube. So go to youtube and type Sonic X June 1 2010 and you will see a video called Sonic X Season 4 trailer and click on it. so it is true. So there will be no rumors. So i revaled that there is a Season 4 so there will be episode 79-104. so. enjoy season 4. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:13, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

Censored scene pic

Can we have a pic of a scene that was cut-out from the english version if possible? --VitasV (talk) 09:24, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

Any reasons why?--F-22 RaptörAces High 22:26, 21 April 2010 (UTC)

New Sonic X Characters and Coming

There is no official confirmation that Sonic X will have a Season 4--F-22 RaptörAces High 22:29, 21 April 2010 (UTC)

Heres the real proof for Sonic X Season 4 "THIS JUST IN!!! RECENTLY I HAVE BEEN GOING FROM WEBPAGE TO WEBPAGE TRYING TO FIND OUT IF THERE IS GOING TO BE ANOTHER SEASON OF THE ANIME SHOW SONIC X!! Well, I got lucky because Sega has provided Sonic fans around the world with tremendous information about this recently asked question. On Sega's website, they have been saying that a new season is being in the session of approval by Japan, because they won't be able to make the 4th season if Japan doesn't agree because... well... it is an anime and that's where Sonic X originally came from! They say that if the Japanese who made the show, formally known as the Sonic Team, agree to make one last season then it will be aired on June 1, 2010. Sega is not sure what channel it is going to take place on though,but there has been talk of Sonic X premeiring on Cartoon Network, usually on at Saturday nights during the anime part of Cartoon Network, Toonami, which goes from 7 P.M.-11 P.M. This will probably be the last season of Sonic X because Sega just wanted to get rid of the many cliffhangers that were left for all Sonic fans on the last episode, Episode 78, of season three. For example: What happened to Chris Thorndyke, Is Shadow dead, Was the pot with the plant on the last episode from Cosmo, Will Sonic and Amy's relationship go further, and much much more. There have also been other rumors about the show such as other characters from Sonic games and comics being in the fourth season. It is said that Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat might be in it but that is all the characters they are adding so far. Disappointingly though, Sonic's current voice actor for Sonic X, Jason Griffith, will not be playing his voice in the new season. Instead, Sonic will be voiced by his original voice actor from many old Sonic games such as SA2 and Sonic Heroes, Ryan Drummond, which probably old Sonic fans will be pleased by. Amy Rose and Knuckles the Echidna will be voiced by their current voice actors, but many say that other characters on Sonic X will be voiced by different people as well. None of the comic Sonic characters such as Sally Acorn and Mighty the Armadillo will not be in this show, not in the new season and not in future seasons, Sega says that Sonic comic characters were only made for the comics nothing else. Do not flame me if any of this information is false, I'm just trying to provide Sonic fans with very exciting news, do not get too excited though because I had stated that Sega hasn't approved the show just yet. I will make sure that I research more into this issue and when I find out more I will make sure to update you all! Pls, if you would like to, then maybe you could help out as well, go online and research into it and if you find more information then please tell me, it's not that I would immediatley use it for my news but I am a GINORMOUS fan of Sonic and I just like to know about these things :) THANK YOU FOR READING AND I HOPE THIS HELPED!" —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:19, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

Farix (t | c) 01:35, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

More News There will be a 4th Season to Sonic X. I don't know when, and I have no idea who will be in it, just don't give up hope on it, and if the

person who said there won't be a 4th season, show proof. (Chances are that Season 4 may come somwhere in this fall or next

year.) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:39, 12 September 2010 (UTC)