Past spotlightsWriting recommendationsArticle worklistWriting series developmentSetting goalsResources

Literacy Summer-long Edit-a-thon

This summer, we are working to revise and improve the understanding of literacy to reflect reading and writing as closely integrated. Additionally, we will be working to develop a series on 'Writing,' where participants will contribute a comprehensive list of themes and articles that will aid in focusing our efforts. We aim to work together to address knowledge inequities on Wikipedia as we create, contribute, and categorize these articles.

Our main goals are to . . .

1. Set writing goals: Create achievable goals for contributions to a target article or articles.

2. Coordinate collaboration: Form writing groups of WikiProject Writing participants interested in improving the same article or articles.

3. Combat knowledge inequities: Address content gaps by creating new content with attention to the research and scholarship of marginalized writing studies teacher-scholars.

Take action by...

1. Choosing an article: Head to our article worklist to find an article you'd like to work on.

2. Adding to the writing series: Contribute themes and articles at the writing series development section.

2. Setting a goal: Edit our 'Setting goals' section with your suggested plan for the month.

3. Collaborate on an article: Use our resources to help create a draft, assess notability, find sources, request feedback, and plan monthly goals.

Past spotlights


Writing recommendations

How to add a reference (1pager)

If you have five minutes each week . . .

  • Add a citation to an article (see 'How to add a reference (1pager)')
  • Contribute a theme or article to the writing series

If you have fifteen minutes each week . . .

  • Update or add a few setences to an article
  • Add notable scholarship and resources to the 'See also' section of an article
  • Suggest revisions and point to sources on the talk page

If you have thirty minutes each week . . .

  • Expand an article with a new section or a few paragraphs
  • Collaborate with another editor to revise or improve an article

If you have an hour or more each week . . .

  • Draft an article in need of creation and link it to a pre-existing high traffic article (redlinks)
  • Revise an article that needs a lot of work

Select an article from the article worklist section to get started!

Article worklist


Alongside each article we've included suggested scholarship to be added to individual articles and notes on specific areas in need of improvement. Please feel free to add additional articles, scholarship, and notes that work to create a more equitable understanding of literacy and subthemes of literacy.

Article Scholarship Notes


  • Teaching literacy section needs to be revised with an understanding of reading and writing as closely integrated. There is currently no primary home for an understanding of the teaching of writing (only the teaching of reading).
  • Literacy education redirects to the teaching literacy section within the main Literacy article.

Teaching Writing in the United States

Writing series development


Help us develop a writing series with key themes and articles critical to a comprehensive understanding of writing. Once the series is created, we will develop a template that can be added to articles listed within the series. This looks similar to an infobox you may see on a biographical article, but focuses primarily on writing studies' articles. Here is an example of the reading series template to help contextualize the end product. Help us contribute to the series by adding themes and articles to the list below.

Add themes and articles to our shared google doc:

Setting goals


Sign up here


Add your username, goals for article creation, and any specific articles you'll be working on below, alongside your name and a goal or goals you aim to achieve by the end of the month. Additionally, if you plan to collaborate on an article with another participant or participants you may opt to list collaborators and/or invite others to join you.

Copy and paste this format and only change what is within the (parentheses). Add this with a new bullet point below the other participants' sign ups:
~~~ (This summer I plan to...) ~~~~~


  1. CCCCWI Advice Manual: Creating article drafts
  2. Tutorial on drafting articles
  3. CCCCWI Advice Manual: Biographies of academics
  4. Wikipedia editing for researchers, scholars, and academics
  5. Citing your own work
  6. Notability criteria for academic biographies
  7. Notability criteria for academic and technical books
  8. CCCCWI Advice Manual: Getting Input From the Community