
Ultra-Processed Construction Materials (UPCMs)

Ultra Processed Construction Materials are convenient, and have thus become ubiquitous.

Ultra-Processed Construction Materials (UPCMs) are materials used in construction that have undergone several industrial processes, often involving multiple stages of extraction, chemical modification, transportation and products originating from every corner of the world. In many cases these products become composite materials. These materials have become a cornerstone of modern construction due to their scalability, predictability, and durability. However, the ubiquitous use of UPCMs has also raised significant environmental, economic, and social concerns.[1]



UPCMs are construction materials that are repeatedly processed before being utilised. Each processing stage adds to the material’s ecological footprint particularly in terms of energy consumption, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions. These effects add up and compound, to make the UPCMs more costly and wasteful yet. With each step, their carbon footprints difficult to quantify and trace. UPCMs are distinct from Raw Building Materials (RBMs) in that they require substantial intervention and transformation from their natural state. The production of these materials often involves:

    A copper mine. Copper is used to treat lumber - which is often (wrongly) thought of as a natural material.
    Mining or quarrying of raw resources like clay, sand, ores, limestone and other minerals.
  • Crushing and grinding to break down materials into usable forms.
  • Chemical processing to enhance properties like strength or fire resistance.
  • Heat treatments, such as firing bricks or curing limestone, which can release significant amounts of greenhouse gases.
  • Transportation over long distances, adding to fuel consumption and emissions.
  • Warehousing for storage, often requiring further packaging, including the use of plastics.

Examples of UPCMs


Some of the most commonly used UPCMs include:

  • Bricks: Clay bricks undergo quarrying, shaping, and firing in kilns, a process that releases carbon gases and other emissions. For a typical house, the use of bricks can contribute significantly to the total carbon footprint.
    Brick kilns in the Indian subcontinent are huge emitters of CO2e gasses and carbon particulates.[2]
    Concrete: Composed of cement, sand, and gravel, concrete requires significant energy for production, especially in the manufacture of cement, one of the highest carbon-emitting processes globally[2].
  • Lumber (treated): Once a natural material, lumber is typically highly processed before use to prevent damage from insects, moisture and even fire. due to chemical treatments for durability (e.g., Chromated copper arsenate) and industrial-scale harvesting, making it a UPCM.

Environmental Concerns


UPCMs are a major contributor to the construction sector’s environmental impact. Key concerns include:

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The construction industry accounts for approximately 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions[3], with UPCMs being a significant contributor due to energy-intensive processing and the use of fossil fuels in production (e.g., kiln-firing bricks or manufacturing cement). (Images and information about the pollution from brick manufacture in the primitive kilns of the Indian Subcontinent)
    Construction waste is difficult to regulate. It's often fly-tipped in forests and in rivers.
    Waste Generation: The multiple stages of UPCM production generate large amounts of waste, at every step - from the original mines, the refining sites, transportation, manufacturing sites and at the end of the building's life. Much of this waste is non-recyclable or challenging to dispose of, further contributing to environmental degradation. In Australia, 45.45% of all landfills originate as UPCMs[4].
  • Resource Depletion: UPCMs rely on finite natural resources including rare earths, ores, plant-based materials and fossil minerals like coal or limestone, often extracted in ways that damage ecosystems and disrupt local communities.

Economic and Social Implications


Beyond their environmental costs, UPCMs have profound economic and social impacts:

  • Inflation and Housing Costs: The reliance on UPCMs contributes to inflation in construction costs, driving up the price of housing. The energy and labor-intensive processes involved in creating UPCMs make them expensive to produce and transport, exacerbating affordability issues in the housing market.
  • Energy Dependency: The production of UPCMs requires a steady supply of energy, often derived from non-renewable sources such as coal and natural gas. This dependency not only increases the carbon footprint but also makes construction vulnerable to fluctuations in global energy prices.

The Push for Low-Carbon Alternatives


In response to the environmental challenges posed by UPCMs, there is increasing interest in developing low-carbon UPCMs. These include materials that incorporate recycled content, such as fly ash in concrete or reclaimed materials like old tires. Some projects have shown promise by upcycling waste into usable construction materials, but these methods are often expensive and difficult to scale. Additionally, these materials still require considerable processing, which can introduce the so-called green premium, making them more costly than traditional UPCMs. As it stands, Earthbuilt. is just one company that is offering a scalable, inexpensive unprocessed materials that's still appropriate for modern homes.

Why We Should Be Concerned


The environmental, economic, and social costs of UPCMs make them a critical issue in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. As construction continues to grow, particularly in urbanising areas, the reliance on UPCMs will only intensify unless there is a concerted effort to adopt sustainable alternatives. The need to transition from UPCMs to more eco-friendly, minimally processed materials is urgent if we are to mitigate the adverse effects of construction on the environment and create a more sustainable built environment for future generations.



Ultra-Processed Construction Materials offer the scalability and strength required for modern construction nut there are concerns that about their environmental and cost impacts. As the world searches for more sustainable ways to build, a shift away from UPCMs and toward low-carbon alternatives will be essential in reducing the environmental and economic costs associated with construction.

  1. ^ PhD, Jan Golembiewski (2024-09-30). "A Crisis of Our Own Making: The Addiction to Ultra-Processed Construction Materials (UPCMs)". Medium. Retrieved 2024-10-01.
  2. ^ a b Kulkarni, Nitin G.; Rao, Anand B. (November 2016). "Carbon footprint of solid clay bricks fired in clamps of India". Journal of Cleaner Production. 135: 1396–1406. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.152. ISSN 0959-6526.
  3. ^ "Why The Built Environment – Architecture 2030". Retrieved 2024-10-01.
  4. ^ Pickin, Joe; Wardle, Christine (16 December 2022). "National Waste Report 2022". The Australian Commonwealth Department Of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water: xiii.