Shaker Continuous Revelation


To be sub on Continuous revelation#Friends (Quakers)

Sources to use:




The Shakers were an offshoot of the Quakers and were founded in the second half of the 18th century. The Shakers, similar to Hicksite Quakers, held the Inward light as having primacy in worship and doctrine, though often framed around the Bible. Their worship, which was mystical and charismatic, had similarities to the Pentecostal movement over 100 years later. In the United States in the 1830s through 1850s, they had a golden era called the Era of Manifestations.

New Pages Needed

  • Hicksites
  • Wilburites

John Wilbur


John Wilbur (Quaker minister)

Needs rework, citations and section on beliefs.

For use on Quaker History


Several paragraphs or whole section needed on main Quakers page or page on History of the Quakers.

Summations needed elsewhere (e.g. Elias Hicks page).

See https://www.jstor.org/stable/3124672?read-now=1&seq=18#page_scan_tab_contents for non-theological reasons for the deepening divide between Hicksite & Orthodox Quakers in the 1820s-30s. Note the Hicksite fears behind the drift to Evangelicalism, including seeing holding to common religious beliefs as akin to "slavery."


^ Hicksites deemed Orthodox Friends as "Creed-Worshipers" and undemocratic.


^ Orthodox Friends believed that Hicks' ideas proliferated due to a lack of Bibles in homes and started their own Bible Society in 1829.

Advent Christian Church


Albany Conference section needs expansion.

See Talk:Advent Christian Church#Invisible Content

Rework of "Gurneyite"


For Gurneyite page

Gurneyite is a branch of the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers. The name originates from sympathy with the ideas of Joseph John Gurney (1788-1847), an English Quaker minister. Gurneyites came about in the 1840s during the second schism in Quakerism.[1] In general, Gurneyite Quakers follow evangelical Christian doctrines on Jesus Christ, the Atonement, and the Bible.



Quakerism's first schism occurred in the 1820s & 1830s in the United States. Long Island minister Elias Hicks put forward ideas which he believed to be in line with the roots of Quakerism as found in George Fox, Isaac Penington, and others. These ideas were not universally received. Many Quakers (Friends) felt that some of Hicks' ideas were heterodox and even entered into heresy. Those who followed the ideas of Hicks were called "Hicksite" while those who opposed were deemed "Orthodox."[2]

In the 1840s a second schism occurred among the Friends. American Quaker John Wilbur traveled to Britain and believed that Orthodox Friends had shifted too far away from their roots in response to the Hicksites. He felt that Quakerism was becoming indistinguishable from other Christian denominations. Wilbur, like Hicks before him, put more emphasis on the Quaker idea of the Inward light, which had similarities to later charismatic concepts. Those who aligned with Wilbur's ideas back in the United States became known as "Wilburites", separating from the Orthodox Friends. In response, English Friend Joseph John Gurney traveled to the US and began to campaign against this new move away from Mainline Christianity.[3]

Gurney put greater emphasis on the Bible and evangelicalism, while reducing emphasis on the Inward Light. Orthodox Friends who resisted Wilbur became known as "Gurneyites." This schism, like the one before it, called numerous Monthly and Yearly Meetings (associations) to split into Wilburite & Gurneyite counterparts. This major split in Quakerism continues to today, however, some meetings have partly reconciled since the 1950s.[4]

In 1887, representatives from all Gurneyite Yearly Meetings met in Richmond, Indiana to construct a confession of faith. The result was the Richmond Declaration, which continues to be upheld as a standard of faith by most Gurneyite Friends. The declaration has much in common with other evangelical & mainline confessions. While leaving different viewpoints on Eschatology open, the declaration made a firm statement on the importance of Scripture and the structure of the church.[5]

English Friends, who suffered no major divisions, recognized American Gurneyites as legitimate Quakers. Most Gurneyite Friends joined to form the Five Years Meeting of Friends (now Friends United Meeting) in 1902. Among Gurneyite Yearly Meetings, only Ohio Yearly Meeting declined to join. In 1924, some Friends from the Indiana Yearly Meeting and Western Yearly Meeting formed the Central Yearly Meeting of Friends due to opposition to what they perceived as modernist theology entering Earlham College.[6] Later, other Yearly Meetings withdrew from the Five Years Meeting, with many of these Friends eventually forming what is now known as Evangelical Friends Church International (EFCI).

Present Day


Gurneyite Friends are usually known as "Evangelical Friends" in the present day. The ideological descendants of the Gurneyites comprise a majority of the world's Quakers today and can be found in every inhabited continent, with most being in Africa.[7] Most are members of the EFCI, though smaller associations of Evangelical Friends exist.

Through the EFCI, Gurneyites are in fellowship with most Evangelical Christians around the world through the National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical Alliance. In an attempt to heal old wounds without compromising their confession of faith, the EFCI is in partnership with the Friends World Committee for Consultation for cooperative efforts between Gurneyites and other Friends.



Like most other Christians, Gurneyite congregations are usually called churches instead of meeting houses, as they are called in other Quaker branches.

Most Hicksite and Wilburite meetings consist of Unprogrammed worship, where there is no official pastor or a prepared sermon. Most Gurneyite services are similar to other evangelical services, including a pastor leading a sermon and having communion. This is not universal among Gurneyites and some meetings have "semi-programmed" worship or "mixed" which involves some unprogrammed elements. Gurneyites who held to unprogrammed worship prior to the 1950s merged into the Conservative Friends, the Wilburite branch of Quakerism.

Gurneyites generally hold to the inerrancy of the Bible and believe that the Inward Light cannot contradict, change or add to the scriptures. Gurneyites do not hold to Christian universalism, which is found in some Hicksite circles, nor to the idea that the Inward Light can be found in the writ of other religions.

NAE Racial Justice Reconciliation Collaborative


To be included under National Association of Evangelicals#Initiatives

Main source: https://www.nae.org/racial-justice-reconciliation-collaborative/

New Page for Ramallah Friends Meeting (Quakers)


--> DRAFT LOCATION: Draft:Ramallah Friends Meeting (Quakers)


The Ramallah Friends Meeting (Quakers), or simply the Ramallah Friends Meeting (RFM), is a Quaker meeting located in Ramallah in the West Bank[8] and is part of the Middle East Yearly Meeting.[9] The Ramallah Friends Meeting Quakers are in association with the Friends World Committee for Consultation and are affiliated with the Friends United Meeting,[10] the largest denomination of Quakerism.


Dedication of Ramallah Friends Meetinghouse in 1910

After the 1860 civil conflict in Mount Lebanon and Damascus between Christians and Druze, many missionaries flocked to Ottoman Syria. These missionaries included Quakers, commonly called Friends, from several nations.[11] In 1869, plans were formed to establish a school for girls in the city of Ramallah.[12][10] The Friends Syrian Mission was established in 1874, which ran the Ramallah Friends School, which still exists today.[13]

Having had a local presence of Friends in the Ramallah area for over 40 years, the Ramallah Friends Meetinghouse was constructed in 1910 as a formal place of meeting and worship for Palestinian Friends.[8] The present building was repaired in 2004 with help from the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting after lacking funds for maintenance since the 1990s.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the RFM meetinghouse and grounds were used to house over 100 Palestinian refugees.[14] During the course of the Second Intifada, the meetinghouse was damaged.[15]

The RFM congregation is a vocal supporter of peace for the region. They voice support for the Palestinian people and sees the Israeli occupation of the West Bank as "oppression." RFM has helped gather humanitarian aid for the Gaza region.[14]



The Ramallah Friends Meeting holds services every Sunday in the "Unprogrammed" style.[16] Unlike most Christian services, this Quaker worship style does not involve a prepared sermon from a Pastor or congregation leader. While meeting leaders may give unscripted sermons, much of the service involves silence until a member of the meeting is felt moved by the Inward light to speak. (See also: Quakers#Unprogrammed worship)



The RFM is a member of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, an organization aimed at uniting Quakers of all backgrounds and ideologies. The RFM is also a recipient of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Middle East Collaborative, which helps with RFM's needs, as well as other Quaker institutions in the region.[17]

They are also a partner of Global Ministries, an interdenominational organization which furthers partnerships between churches and aids in specific congregation needs.[18]




Continuous Revelation in Quakerism


For Continuous revelation#Christianity

Use Divine light#Quakers for George Fox quote

See https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/continuing-revelation.pdf

See https://www.pym.org/quakerism/quaker-faith/ (Continuous Revelation section)

See https://www.friendscentral.org/academics/quaker-philosophy:

"A simple concept, Continuing Revelation is a foundation upon which the Quaker faith rests. It is the belief that, rather than limit spiritual study to a fixed canon, learning should be an ongoing and never-ending process."

https://quaker.fandom.com/wiki/Continuous_revelation <-- no citations

Check Fox's, Penington's, Hick's and Wilbur's works for statements on revelations from the Inward Light and views on Divine revelation in general.

Continuous Revelation in Pentecostal & Charismatic Movement


For Continuous revelation#Christianity (maybe under the Protestantism section instead: Continuous revelation#Protestantism)

Continuous Revelation in Judaism


Continuous revelation#Judaism

^ Expand section (see articles on Reform Judaism view (ex. "God changes her mind"))

^ Maybe also add into Reform Judaism page

Possible "Golden Rule" Page edits


IDEA 1: Possibly swap ordering of Deuterocanonical and Gospel citations to pair with more universal understanding.

IDEA 2: Possibly add portion to bottom of section pertaining to Church Fathers giving commentaries on the Golden Rule.

US Religion Census


2010: https://www.usreligioncensus.org/report1.php?year=2010


  1. ^ Brinton, Howard H. "Friends for Seventy-Five Years." Bulletin of Friends' Historical Association, vol. 49 no. 1, 1960, p. 3-20. Project MUSE, https://doi.org/10.1353/qkh.1960.a395287
  2. ^ The Cambridge Companion to Quakerism, edited by Stephen W. Angell, Pink Dandelion, 2018; pgs. 2-32
  3. ^ Taber, William P., Jr. "The Expanding World of Ohio Wilburites in the Latter Part of the Nineteenth Century." Quaker History, vol. 56 no. 1, 1967, pgs. 18-33. Project MUSE, https://doi.org/10.1353/qkh.1967.0008
  4. ^ Pitman, Ruth (2011). "The 1955 Union and the Future of Friends". Retrieved July 30, 2024.
  5. ^ "Quaker Info - Declaration of Faith Issued by the Richmond Conference in 1887".
  6. ^ Angell, Stephen W.; Dandelion, Pink (26 September 2013). The Oxford Handbook of Quaker Studies. Oxford University Press. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-19-166735-0.
  7. ^ "Evangelical Friends Church International - History".
  8. ^ a b The Quaker World - C. Wess Daniels, ‎Rhiannon Grant - 2022 - Chapter 60 - ISBN: 978-0367142513
  9. ^ "FWCC - EMES - Middle East Yearly Meeting".
  10. ^ a b "Friends United Meeting (FUM) website - Middle East".
  11. ^ "PYM - A Quaker in Beirut, Lebanon: Interview with Friend Tony Manasseh". 18 March 2021.
  12. ^ "American University in Cairo - Quaker activity in Ramallah: 1869 -1914".
  13. ^ "Ramallah Friends School website - School History".
  14. ^ a b "Ramallah Friends Meeting (Quakers) - 2018 Newsletter".
  15. ^ "UPenn - Philadelphia Area Archives - Friends of Ramallah Friends Meeting (Quakers) records".
  16. ^ "Ramallah Friends Meeting website - Ministries".
  17. ^ "Philadelphia Yearly Meeting - Middle East Collaborative".
  18. ^ "Global Ministries - Friends Meeting in Ramallah".