Article Evaluation

  • Everything in the article fit and nothing was out of place
  • Updates could be made about the recent movie Patriot's Day that was about the Boston Bombing
  • updates could also be made about Big Papi's speech at Fenway
  • The article is neutral and has no biased claims
  • The history about the marathon is under represented, and the history of trademarking the phrase is a bit over represented
  • Most of the links in the references work. There was one that had an article no longer found.
  • Most of the sources are WBZ articles, a Boston news group, and reliable.
    • They are not biased, even though they originate in the city of interest
  • The discussion on the talk page is only about proof reading/grammatical issues
  • It's rated C class and low importance
  • It's part of Wiki projects: United States; Massachusetts; Boston; and Athletics

Article Selection



Carbamoyl phosphate


Aspartate ammonia-lyase

The research I'm involved in for my SRP is about Arginase deficiency, so I would love to edit an article that is related to Arginine metabolism, the urea cycle, or guanidino compounds so that I can further my understanding of the other mechanisms indirectly related to our disease.

-These all seem like good choices. Pick the one that interests you most. Make sure there is enough content to add as well. - Dr. Tienson-Tseng




[1] :Argpyrimidine as biomarker for carbonyl stress

[2] :Argpyrimidine in diabetes

[3] : Argpyrimidine as tag in nanoparticle delivery for T2 Diabetes; talks about how it functions as a tag (therefore what it is involved in in the body and in disease)

[4] :argpyrimidine as Maillard rxn product

[5]: Maillard reaction, advanced glycation end products

[6] MG synthesis

[7] MG adduct in nuc of neuronal cells

[8] mapping MG and AP


Edit drafting:

Argpyrimidine is a fluorescent protein modification. This property of the methylglyoxal-mediated Maillard Reaction derivative has been studied for its potential as an indicator of diabetic proteins. ~[9]

Discussion Notes




~5 sources by next week (10 for final)


for next week: live edit on an article. Post at least a sentence (any article)

2 weeks from now first draft is due! (1-2 pages..)


edit: Uncoupling Proteins; EMP3 (easy direct grammar edits on sandbox, everything else on talk pg)

Prepare powerpoint presentation and upload to ccle (due thurs of 10th week) (wiki dashboard has guidelines for presentation--focus on the science content added)

rest of quarter just edit drafts and work and rework

final draft due Dec 14 (live article "print out" as pdf onto ccle)

final reflection (letter to future seminar students--detail guidelines and rubric on ccle) and upload to ccle by Dec 14






The pathways involved in the synthesis of Methylglyoxal, and subsequent production of Argpyrimidine.

In vivo, argpyrimidine is synthesized from a Methylglyoxal (MG) mediated modification on an arginine residue in a protein.[9] Methylglyoxal is formed through the Polyol pathway, the degradation of triose phosphates from Glycolysis, acetone metabolism, protein Glycation, or Lipid peroxidation.[1][6][9] Methylglyoxal then can modify Arginine, Cysteine, or Lysine amino acid residues within a protein.[9] The modification of these side chains through the Maillard reaction forms Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs).[7] This occurs when there is an increase in blood sugar levels in the body. The free sugar compounds undergo alternate pathways, like advanced glycation, to produce AGEs.[5] In the Methylglyoxal-mediated Maillard Reaction on arginine, a dihydroxy-imidazolidine intermediate is involved in the production of the argpyrimidine modification.[9]

Maillard reaction of argpyrimidine under physiological conditions[10]


Mechanism of reductone intermediate formation from methylglyoxal in vitro. Two methylglyoxals undergo a Cannizzaro-like reaction initially to generate one methylglyoxal and one glyceraldehyde, then generate formic acid as a by-product through an intermolecular rearrangement.

In vitro, argpyrimidine has been synthesized through incubation with methylglyoxal and other higher sugars at physiological conditions.[9] In synthesis through other sugars, argpyrimidine was produced in lower concentrations with glyceraldehyde, threose, ribose, ascorbic acids, and glucose and fructose, respectively.[9] The argpyrimidine derivative produced through the MG-incubation with Nα-t-BOC-Arg (N-alpha-(tertbutoxycarbonyl)-L-Arginine), an alpha-amine protected amino acid derivative, in vitro used a reductone intermediate, 3-hydroxypentane-2,4-dione. This argpyrimidine product was found to be detectable by its blue fluorescent properties.[4][9]

General outline of the Maillard Reaction[11]

Argpyrimidine is also found in food chemistry through the browning of food by the Maillard Reaction. During this process, Glycation occurs, adding carbohydrate modifications to proteins and lipids.[5] By adding the sugar components to the food, there is an added/changed element to the flavor of the food. This reaction is involved in the formation of most yeast containing foods, including breads and fermented alcohols.[4]

The Maillard Reaction occurs between the carbonyl group of a sugar and the amino group on a protein. These react to form a N-substituted glycosylamine, also known as a Schiff base. The Schiff Base then undergoes an isomerization by an Amadori rearrangement to form a ketosamine, or a Amadori rearrangement. The Amadori product can then undergo many further reactions to form various AGE products, which can also be further modified into different products.[11]

Disease Research/Therapies




Argpyrimidine has been associated with Diabetes mellitus because of its relationship with Hyperglycemia in the body. Increased blood sugar is characteristic of Diabetes. During times of high concentration of sugar in the blood, the glucose-derivative methylglyoxal can be synthesized as an alternate pathway to glycolysis.[2] This then allows for the AGEs, like argpyrimidine, to be produced.[2] There have been studies that have linked the increase in AGEs to the characteristics of various diseases, including Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration.[2][5][7] Because of this, there has been increasing research regarding argpyrimidine's role in diabetes related injury.[1][7][12]



Similar to its association with Diabetes, argpyrimidine is also a known biomarker for aging. Through glycation of certain proteins, Microglia and Macrophages are activated in the brain, leading to aging related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. This glycation due to increase in AGEs has also been linked to a release of Cytokines, and to the increase of Oxidative stress, which increases oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and other macromolecules in the body.[5][12] The effects of the protein glycation is due to the interaction between the AGEs and their receptors on cell surfaces. Antioxidants have been shown to slow the process of aging and age related diseases by disrupting the interaction between AGEs and their receptors.[12][4]

Notes on Draft


**Add more to Food chemistry section?


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  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i The Maillard reaction in foods and medicine. O'Brien, John, 1960 May 26-. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. 1998. ISBN 9781845698447. OCLC 798340515.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
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