Officially assigned code elements
editThe following is a complete list of the current officially assigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes,[1] using a title case version of the English short names officially defined by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA):
- ABW Aruba
- AFG Afghanistan
- AGO Angola
- AIA Anguilla
- ALA Åland Islands
- ALB Albania
- AND Andorra
- ARE United Arab Emirates
- ARG Argentina
- ARM Armenia
- ASM American Samoa
- ATA Antarctica
- ATF French Southern Territories
- ATG Antigua and Barbuda
- AUS Australia
- AUT Austria
- AZE Azerbaijan
- BDI Burundi
- BEL Belgium
- BEN Benin
- BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
- BFA Burkina Faso
- BGD Bangladesh
- BGR Bulgaria
- BHR Bahrain
- BHS Bahamas
- BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
- BLM Saint Barthélemy
- BLR Belarus
- BLZ Belize
- BMU Bermuda
- BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
- BRA Brazil
- BRB Barbados
- BRN Brunei Darussalam
- BTN Bhutan
- BVT Bouvet Island
- BWA Botswana
- CAF Central African Republic
- CAN Canada
- CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- CHE Switzerland
- CHL Chile
- CHN China
- CIV Côte d'Ivoire
- CMR Cameroon
- COD Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- COG Congo
- COK Cook Islands
- COL Colombia
- COM Comoros
- CPV Cabo Verde
- CRI Costa Rica
- CUB Cuba
- CUW Curaçao
- CXR Christmas Island
- CYM Cayman Islands
- CYP Cyprus
- CZE Czechia
- DEU Germany
- DJI Djibouti
- DMA Dominica
- DNK Denmark
- DOM Dominican Republic
- DZA Algeria
- ECU Ecuador
- EGY Egypt
- ERI Eritrea
- ESH Western Sahara
- ESP Spain
- EST Estonia
- ETH Ethiopia
- FIN Finland
- FJI Fiji
- FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
- FRA France
- FRO Faroe Islands
- FSM Micronesia (Federated States of)
- GAB Gabon
- GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- GEO Georgia
- GGY Guernsey
- GHA Ghana
- GIB Gibraltar
- GIN Guinea
- GLP Guadeloupe
- GMB Gambia
- GNB Guinea-Bissau
- GNQ Equatorial Guinea
- GRC Greece
- GRD Grenada
- GRL Greenland
- GTM Guatemala
- GUF French Guiana
- GUM Guam
- GUY Guyana
- HKG Hong Kong
- HMD Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- HND Honduras
- HRV Croatia
- HTI Haiti
- HUN Hungary
- IDN Indonesia
- IMN Isle of Man
- IND India
- IOT British Indian Ocean Territory
- IRL Ireland
- IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- IRQ Iraq
- ISL Iceland
- ISR Israel
- ITA Italy
- JAM Jamaica
- JEY Jersey
- JOR Jordan
- JPN Japan
- KAZ Kazakhstan
- KEN Kenya
- KGZ Kyrgyzstan
- KHM Cambodia
- KIR Kiribati
- KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
- KOR Korea, Republic of
- KWT Kuwait
- LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
- LBN Lebanon
- LBR Liberia
- LBY Libya
- LCA Saint Lucia
- LIE Liechtenstein
- LKA Sri Lanka
- LSO Lesotho
- LTU Lithuania
- LUX Luxembourg
- LVA Latvia
- MAC Macao
- MAF Saint Martin (French part)
- MAR Morocco
- MCO Monaco
- MDA Moldova, Republic of
- MDG Madagascar
- MDV Maldives
- MEX Mexico
- MHL Marshall Islands
- MKD North Macedonia
- MLI Mali
- MLT Malta
- MMR Myanmar
- MNE Montenegro
- MNG Mongolia
- MNP Northern Mariana Islands
- MOZ Mozambique
- MRT Mauritania
- MSR Montserrat
- MTQ Martinique
- MUS Mauritius
- MWI Malawi
- MYS Malaysia
- MYT Mayotte
- NAM Namibia
- NCL New Caledonia
- NER Niger
- NFK Norfolk Island
- NGA Nigeria
- NIC Nicaragua
- NIU Niue
- NLD Netherlands
- NOR Norway
- NPL Nepal
- NRU Nauru
- NZL New Zealand
- OMN Oman
- PAK Pakistan
- PAN Panama
- PCN Pitcairn
- PER Peru
- PHL Philippines
- PLW Palau
- PNG Papua New Guinea
- POL Poland
- PRI Puerto Rico
- PRK Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)
- PRT Portugal
- PRY Paraguay
- PSE Palestine, State of
- PYF French Polynesia
- QAT Qatar
- REU Réunion
- ROU Romania
- RUS Russian Federation
- RWA Rwanda
- SAU Saudi Arabia
- SDN Sudan
- SEN Senegal
- SGP Singapore
- SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- SHN Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
- SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- SLB Solomon Islands
- SLE Sierra Leone
- SLV El Salvador
- SMR San Marino
- SOM Somalia
- SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- SRB Serbia
- SSD South Sudan
- STP Sao Tome and Principe
- SUR Suriname
- SVK Slovakia
- SVN Slovenia
- SWE Sweden
- SWZ Eswatini
- SXM Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
- SYC Seychelles
- SYR Syrian Arab Republic
- TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
- TCD Chad
- TGO Togo
- THA Thailand
- TJK Tajikistan
- TKL Tokelau
- TKM Turkmenistan
- TLS Timor-Leste
- TON Tonga
- TTO Trinidad and Tobago
- TUN Tunisia
- TUR Turkey
- TUV Tuvalu
- TWN Taiwan, Province of China
- TZA Tanzania, United Republic of
- UGA Uganda
- UKR Ukraine
- UMI United States Minor Outlying Islands
- URY Uruguay
- USA United States of America
- UZB Uzbekistan
- VAT Holy See
- VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
- VGB Virgin Islands (British)
- VIR Virgin Islands (U.S.)
- VNM Viet Nam
- VUT Vanuatu
- WLF Wallis and Futuna
- WSM Samoa
- YEM Yemen
- ZAF South Africa
- ZMB Zambia
- ZWE Zimbabwe