Admin statistics
Action Count
Edits 92750
Edits+Deleted 109528
Pages deleted 15026
Revisions deleted 38129
Logs/Events deleted 2
Pages restored 112
Pages protected 238
Pages unprotected 9
Protections modified 13
Users blocked 1557
Users reblocked 208
Users unblocked 22
User rights modified 10
Users created 13
Pages merged 1





Image deletion backlogs

Wikipedia files with unknown source – No backlog currently
Wikipedia files with unknown copyright status – No backlog currently
Wikipedia files missing permission – No backlog currently
Wikipedia files with no non-free use rationale – No backlog currently
Disputed non-free Wikipedia files – No backlog currently
Orphaned non-free use Wikipedia files – No backlog currently
Replaceable non-free use Wikipedia files – No backlog currently

Wikipedia files with a different name on Wikimedia Commons – 2 items

Wikipedia files with the same name on Wikimedia Commons – 47 items

Non-free files with orphaned versions more than 7 days old needing human review – 25 items

Requested RD1 redactions – 6 items

Proposed deletion – No backlog currently

Items pending OTRS confirmation of permission by date – No backlog currently

RfA candidate S O N S% Ending (UTC) Time left Dups? Report
Significa liberdade 126 16 5 89 22:18, 21 September 2024 2 days, 22 hoursno report
RfB candidate S O N S% Ending (UTC) Time left Dups? Report

Last updated by cyberbot ITalk to my owner:Online at 23:18, 18 September 2024 (UTC)