I am full professor of social studies at University of South-eastern Norway. I studied in Kiel, Berlin, and Bloomington/IN, and I taught sociology and received my PhD at Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany, after that I had positions as postdoc and researcher at a couple of different German and Norwegian higher education institutions.

I work in teacher education and am responsible for methods and history & philosophy science teaching at MA and PhD levels.

My main fields of interest are: qualitative methods (especially multisensory and mobile methods); space, materiality & the body; classic social theory; environment & nature; urban studies ; science and technology studies; ethnomethodology & phenomenology.

I try to make as much as possible of my research publicly available, relying on the Creative Commons License – you can find most of it on my website: studies, essays, photographs, movies, and some sound clips.

I am also writing an entry for my weblog once in a while.