User:ProteinBoxBot/PBB Log Wiki Dry run 1-50 Grid Test

Log page index: User:ProteinBoxBot/PBB_Log_Index
This is a Dry run only, no pages were created, updated, or modified in any way.

Protein Status Log - Date: 02:28, 2 October 2007 (UTC)

HUGO Symbol Action Summary Target page(s) WP Symbol Search
TRPC3 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC3 (No Data); TRP3 (No Data); Trp3 (No Data); [1]
TRPC2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC2 (No Data); [2]
TRPC1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC1 (No Data); TRP1 (No Data); Trp1 (No Data); HTRP-1 (No Data); Htrp-1 (No Data); MGC133334 (No Data); Mgc133334 (No Data); MGC133335 (No Data); Mgc133335 (No Data); [3]
ARNTL2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 (No Data); ARNTL2 (No Data); BMAL2 (No Data); Bmal2 (No Data); CLIF (No Data); Clif (No Data); MGC149671 (No Data); Mgc149671 (No Data); MGC149672 (No Data); Mgc149672 (No Data); MOP9 (No Data); Mop9 (No Data); PASD9 (No Data); Pasd9 (No Data); [4]
TRPC4AP Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC4AP (No Data); C20orf188 (No Data); C20orf188 (No Data); TRRP4AP (No Data); Trrp4ap (No Data); TRUSS (No Data); Truss (Unknown Data); [5]
CLOCK Unresolved Status Other Pages: clock homolog (No Data); CLOCK (Old Format Protein Box); KIAA0334 (No Data); Kiaa0334 (No Data); [6]
RORB Unresolved Status Other Pages: RAR-related orphan receptor B (No Data); RORB (No Data); NR1F2 (No Data); Nr1f2 (No Data); ROR-BETA (No Data); Ror-beta (No Data); RZRB (No Data); Rzrb (No Data); bA133M9.1 (No Data); Ba133m9.1 (No Data); [7]
RORA Unresolved Status Other Pages: RAR-related orphan receptor A (No Data); RORA (No Data); ROR1 (No Data); Ror1 (No Data); ROR2 (Old Format Protein Box); Ror2 (No Data); MGC119326 (No Data); Mgc119326 (No Data); MGC119329 (No Data); Mgc119329 (No Data); NR1F1 (No Data); Nr1f1 (No Data); ROR3 (No Data); Ror3 (No Data); RZRA (No Data); Rzra (No Data); [8]
MAPT Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: microtubule-associated protein tau (No Data); MAPT (No Data); DDPAC (No Data); Ddpac (No Data); FLJ31424 (No Data); Flj31424 (No Data); FTDP-17 (No Data); Ftdp-17 (No Data); MAPTL (No Data); Maptl (No Data); MGC138549 (No Data); Mgc138549 (No Data); MSTD (No Data); Mstd (No Data); MTBT1 (No Data); Mtbt1 (No Data); MTBT2 (No Data); Mtbt2 (No Data); PPND (No Data); Ppnd (No Data); TAU (Redirect -> Tel Aviv University); Tau (Unknown Data); Tel Aviv University (Unknown Data); [9]
CFTR Unresolved Status Other Pages: cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (Old Format Protein Box); CFTR (DisAmbig); ABC35 (No Data); Abc35 (No Data); ABCC7 (No Data); Abcc7 (No Data); CF (Redirect -> Cf); Cf (DisAmbig); MRP7 (No Data); Mrp7 (No Data); TNR-CFTR (No Data); Tnr-cftr (No Data); dJ760C5.1 (No Data); Dj760c5.1 (No Data); [10]
STAT3 Unresolved Status Other Pages: signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (No Data); STAT3 (Old Format Protein Box); APRF (No Data); Aprf (No Data); FLJ20882 (No Data); Flj20882 (No Data); MGC16063 (No Data); Mgc16063 (No Data); [11]
NPAS2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: neuronal PAS domain protein 2 (No Data); NPAS2 (No Data); FLJ23138 (No Data); Flj23138 (No Data); MGC71151 (No Data); Mgc71151 (No Data); MOP4 (No Data); Mop4 (No Data); PASD4 (No Data); Pasd4 (No Data); [12]
MTHFR Unresolved Status Other Pages: 5 (Unknown Data); MTHFR (Redirect -> Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase); Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (Old Format Protein Box); [13]
FBXL3 Unresolved Status Other Pages: F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 3 (No Data); FBXL3 (No Data); FBL3 (No Data); Fbl3 (No Data); FBL3A (No Data); Fbl3a (No Data); FBXL3A (No Data); Fbxl3a (No Data); [14]
CRY2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: cryptochrome 2 (No Data); CRY2 (No Data); FLJ10332 (No Data); Flj10332 (No Data); HCRY2 (No Data); Hcry2 (No Data); KIAA0658 (No Data); Kiaa0658 (No Data); PHLL2 (No Data); Phll2 (No Data); [15]
CRY1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: cryptochrome 1 (No Data); CRY1 (No Data); PHLL1 (No Data); Phll1 (No Data); [16]
CSNK1E Unresolved Status Other Pages: casein kinase 1 (Unknown Data); CSNK1E (No Data); HCKIE (No Data); Hckie (No Data); MGC10398 (No Data); Mgc10398 (No Data); [17]
CSNK1D Unresolved Status Other Pages: casein kinase 1 (Unknown Data); CSNK1D (No Data); HCKID (No Data); Hckid (No Data); [18]
TRPT1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: tRNA phosphotransferase 1 (No Data); TRPT1 (No Data); MGC11134 (No Data); Mgc11134 (No Data); [19]
PER3 Unresolved Status Other Pages: period homolog 3 (No Data); PER3 (No Data); GIG13 (No Data); Gig13 (No Data); [20]
PER2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: period homolog 2 (No Data); PER2 (No Data); FASPS (No Data); Fasps (No Data); KIAA0347 (No Data); Kiaa0347 (No Data); [21]
PER1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: period homolog 1 (No Data); PER1 (No Data); MGC88021 (No Data); Mgc88021 (No Data); PER (Redirect -> Per); Per (DisAmbig); RIGUI (No Data); Rigui (No Data); hPER (No Data); Hper (No Data); [22]
MAPK14 Unresolved Status Other Pages: mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (Redirect -> P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases); MAPK14 (No Data); CSBP1 (No Data); Csbp1 (No Data); CSBP2 (No Data); Csbp2 (No Data); CSPB1 (No Data); Cspb1 (No Data); EXIP (No Data); Exip (No Data); Mxi2 (No Data); Mxi2 (No Data); PRKM14 (No Data); Prkm14 (No Data); PRKM15 (No Data); Prkm15 (No Data); RK (DisAmbig); Rk (Unknown Data); SAPK2A (No Data); Sapk2a (No Data); p38 (Redirect -> P-38 (disambiguation)); P38 (Redirect -> P-38 (disambiguation)); p38ALPHA (No Data); P38alpha (No Data); P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (Old Format Protein Box); P-38 (disambiguation) (DisAmbig); [23]
CDH1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: cadherin 1 (No Data); CDH1 (Redirect -> Huntsville/Deerhurst Resort Airport); Arc-1 (No Data); Arc-1 (No Data); CD324 (No Data); Cd324 (No Data); CDHE (No Data); Cdhe (No Data); ECAD (Redirect -> Computer-aided design); Ecad (No Data); LCAM (No Data); Lcam (No Data); UVO (Redirect -> Ukrainian Military Organization); Uvo (No Data); Huntsville/Deerhurst Resort Airport (Unknown Data); Computer-aided design (Unknown Data); Ukrainian Military Organization (Unknown Data); [24]
GSK3A Unresolved Status Other Pages: glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha (No Data); GSK3A (No Data); DKFZp686D0638 (No Data); Dkfzp686d0638 (No Data); [25]
ARNTL Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like (No Data); ARNTL (No Data); BMAL1 (No Data); Bmal1 (No Data); BMAL1c (No Data); Bmal1c (No Data); JAP3 (No Data); Jap3 (No Data); MGC47515 (No Data); Mgc47515 (No Data); MOP3 (No Data); Mop3 (No Data); PASD3 (No Data); Pasd3 (No Data); TIC (Unknown Data); Tic (Unknown Data); [26]
TRPA1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPA1 (No Data); ANKTM1 (No Data); Anktm1 (No Data); [27]
TRPM8 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM8 (No Data); LTRPC6 (No Data); Ltrpc6 (No Data); MGC2849 (No Data); Mgc2849 (No Data); TRPP8 (No Data); Trpp8 (No Data); [28]
TRPM7 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM7 (No Data); CHAK (No Data); Chak (Unknown Data); CHAK1 (No Data); Chak1 (No Data); FLJ20117 (No Data); Flj20117 (No Data); FLJ25718 (No Data); Flj25718 (No Data); LTRPC7 (No Data); Ltrpc7 (No Data); TRP-PLIK (No Data); Trp-plik (No Data); [29]
TRPM6 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM6 (Old Format Protein Box); CHAK2 (No Data); Chak2 (No Data); HMGX (No Data); Hmgx (No Data); HOMG (No Data); Homg (No Data); HSH (DisAmbig); Hsh (No Data); [30]
TRPM5 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM5 (No Data); LTRPC5 (No Data); Ltrpc5 (No Data); MTR1 (No Data); Mtr1 (No Data); [31]
TRPM4 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM4 (No Data); FLJ20041 (No Data); Flj20041 (No Data); TRPM4B (No Data); Trpm4b (No Data); [32]
TRPM3 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM3 (No Data); GON-2 (No Data); Gon-2 (No Data); LTRPC3 (No Data); Ltrpc3 (No Data); MLSN2 (No Data); Mlsn2 (No Data); [33]
TRPM2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM2 (No Data); EREG1 (No Data); Ereg1 (No Data); KNP3 (No Data); Knp3 (No Data); LTRPC2 (No Data); Ltrpc2 (No Data); MGC133383 (No Data); Mgc133383 (No Data); NUDT9H (No Data); Nudt9h (No Data); NUDT9L1 (No Data); Nudt9l1 (No Data); TRPC7 (No Data); Trpc7 (No Data); [34]
TRPM1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPM1 (No Data); LTRPC1 (No Data); Ltrpc1 (No Data); MLSN1 (No Data); Mlsn1 (No Data); [35]
TRPV6 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPV6 (Old Format Protein Box); CAT1 (DisAmbig); Cat1 (Redirect -> CAT1); CATL (No Data); Catl (No Data); ECAC2 (No Data); Ecac2 (No Data); HSA277909 (No Data); Hsa277909 (No Data); LP6728 (No Data); Lp6728 (No Data); ZFAB (No Data); Zfab (No Data); [36]
TRPV5 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPV5 (No Data); CAT2 (Redirect -> Category 2 cable); Cat2 (No Data); ECAC1 (No Data); Ecac1 (No Data); OTRPC3 (No Data); Otrpc3 (No Data); Category 2 cable (Unknown Data); [37]
TRPV4 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPV4 (No Data); OTRPC4 (No Data); Otrpc4 (No Data); TRP12 (No Data); Trp12 (No Data); VR-OAC (No Data); Vr-oac (No Data); VRL-2 (No Data); Vrl-2 (No Data); VRL2 (No Data); Vrl2 (No Data); VROAC (No Data); Vroac (No Data); [38]
TRPV3 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPV3 (No Data); VRL3 (No Data); Vrl3 (No Data); [39]
TRPS1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: trichorhinophalangeal syndrome I (No Data); TRPS1 (No Data); GC79 (No Data); Gc79 (No Data); MGC134928 (No Data); Mgc134928 (No Data); [40]
FAS Unresolved Status Other Pages: Fas (DisAmbig); FAS (Redirect -> Fas); ALPS1A (No Data); Alps1a (No Data); APO-1 (No Data); Apo-1 (No Data); APT1 (No Data); Apt1 (No Data); CD95 (Redirect -> Fas receptor); Cd95 (No Data); FAS1 (No Data); Fas1 (No Data); FASTM (No Data); Fastm (No Data); TNFRSF6 (No Data); Tnfrsf6 (No Data); Fas receptor (Old Format Protein Box); [41]
TRPV2 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPV2 (No Data); MGC12549 (No Data); Mgc12549 (No Data); VRL (No Data); Vrl (No Data); VRL-1 (No Data); Vrl-1 (No Data); VRL1 (No Data); Vrl1 (No Data); [42]
TRPV1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPV1 (Old Format Protein Box); DKFZp434K0220 (No Data); Dkfzp434k0220 (No Data); VR1 (Redirect -> Rishi Rich); Vr1 (No Data); Rishi Rich (Unknown Data); [43]
ACE Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: angiotensin I converting enzyme 1 (No Data); ACE (DisAmbig); ACE1 (No Data); Ace1 (No Data); CD143 (Redirect -> Angiotensin-converting enzyme); Cd143 (No Data); DCP (DisAmbig); Dcp (No Data); DCP1 (No Data); Dcp1 (No Data); MGC26566 (No Data); Mgc26566 (No Data); Angiotensin-converting enzyme (Unknown Data); [44]
NR1D2 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: nuclear receptor subfamily 1 (No Data); NR1D2 (No Data); HZF2 (No Data); Hzf2 (No Data); BD73 (No Data); Bd73 (No Data); EAR-1r (No Data); Ear-1r (No Data); Hs.37288 (No Data); Hs.37288 (No Data); RVR (DisAmbig); Rvr (No Data); [45]
NR1D1 Unresolved Status Other Pages: nuclear receptor subfamily 1 (No Data); NR1D1 (No Data); THRA1 (No Data); Thra1 (No Data); EAR1 (No Data); Ear1 (No Data); THRAL (No Data); Thral (No Data); ear-1 (No Data); Ear-1 (No Data); hRev (No Data); Hrev (No Data); [46]
TRPC7 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC7 (No Data); TRP7 (No Data); Trp7 (No Data); [47]
TRPC6 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC6 (Old Format Protein Box); FLJ11098 (No Data); Flj11098 (No Data); FLJ14863 (No Data); Flj14863 (No Data); FSGS2 (No Data); Fsgs2 (No Data); TRP6 (No Data); Trp6 (No Data); [48]
TRPC5 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC5 (No Data); TRP5 (No Data); Trp5 (No Data); [49]
TRPC4 Unresolved Status Other Pages: transient receptor potential cation channel (No Data); TRPC4 (No Data); HTRP4 (No Data); Htrp4 (No Data); MGC119570 (No Data); Mgc119570 (No Data); MGC119571 (No Data); Mgc119571 (No Data); MGC119572 (No Data); Mgc119572 (No Data); MGC119573 (No Data); Mgc119573 (No Data); TRP4 (No Data); Trp4 (No Data); [50]

Protein Dry Status Log - Date: 02:28, 2 October 2007 (UTC)


Conflict: Ambiguous Proteins (11)


Proteins without matches (28)


Proteins with a High Potential Match (11)


Protein Status Log - Date: 02:28, 2 October 2007 (UTC)


Unresolved Status (43)


Manual Inspection (Page not found) (7)


Vebose Log - Date: 02:28, 2 October 2007 (UTC)

  • INFO: Beginning work on ACE... {October 1, 2007 6:43:42 PM PDT}
  • AMBIGUITY: More than one potential page found for updating, ACE CD143 DCP Angiotensin-converting enzyme {October 1, 2007 6:44:23 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1o86}}, {{PDB2|1o8a}}, {{PDB2|1uze}}, {{PDB2|1uzf}}, {{PDB2|2c6f}}, {{PDB2|2c6n}}, {{PDB2|2iul}}, {{PDB2|2iux}}, {{PDB2|2oc2}}
 | Name = Angiotensin I converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) 1
 | HGNCid = 2707
 | Symbol = ACE
 | AltSymbols =; ACE1; CD143; DCP; DCP1; MGC26566
 | OMIM = 106180
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 37351
 | MGIid = 87874
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 209749_s_at
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = 227463_at
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = 37013_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004180 |text = carboxypeptidase activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004246 |text = peptidyl-dipeptidase A activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016798 |text = hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0031404 |text = chloride ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005624 |text = membrane fraction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005625 |text = soluble fraction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005886 |text = plasma membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016020 |text = membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016021 |text = integral to membrane}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006508 |text = proteolysis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008152 |text = metabolic process}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008217 |text = blood pressure regulation}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 1636
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000159640
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_000780
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_000789
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 17
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 58908166
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 58938721
    | Hs_Uniprot = P12821
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 11421
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000020681
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_009598
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_033728
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 11
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 105784052
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 105805352
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3TU20
<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene encodes an enzyme involved in catalyzing the conversion of angiotensin I into a physiologically active peptide angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a potent vasopressor and aldosterone-stimulating peptide that controls blood pressure and fluid-electrolyte balance. This enzyme plays a key role in the renin-angiotensin system. Many studies have associated the presence or absence of a 287 bp Alu repeat element in this gene with the levels of circulating enzyme or cardiovascular pathophysiologies. Two most abundant alternatively spliced variants of this gene encode two isozymes - the somatic form and the testicular form that are equally active. Multiple additional alternatively spliced variants have been identified but their full length nature has not been determined.<ref>{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: ACE angiotensin I converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Niu T, Chen X, Xu X |title=Angiotensin converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and cardiovascular disease: therapeutic implications. |journal=Drugs |volume=62 |issue= 7 |pages= 977-93 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11985486 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Roĭtberg GE, Tikhonravov AV, Dorosh ZhV |title=[Role of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in the development of metabolic syndrome] |journal=Ter. Arkh. |volume=75 |issue= 12 |pages= 72-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14959477 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Vynohradova SV |title=[The role of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism in development of metabolic disorders in patients with cardiovascular pathology] |journal=Tsitol. Genet. |volume=39 |issue= 1 |pages= 63-70 |year= 2005 |pmid= 16018179 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=König S, Luger TA, Scholzen TE |title=Monitoring neuropeptide-specific proteases: processing of the proopiomelanocortin peptides adrenocorticotropin and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the skin. |journal=Exp. Dermatol. |volume=15 |issue= 10 |pages= 751-61 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16984256 |doi= 10.1111/j.1600-0625.2006.00472.x }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sabbagh AS, Otrock ZK, Mahfoud ZR, ''et al.'' |title=Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and allele frequencies in the Lebanese population: prevalence and review of the literature. |journal=Mol. Biol. Rep. |volume=34 |issue= 1 |pages= 47-52 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17103020 |doi= 10.1007/s11033-006-9013-y }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Castellon R, Hamdi HK |title=Demystifying the ACE polymorphism: from genetics to biology. |journal=Curr. Pharm. Des. |volume=13 |issue= 12 |pages= 1191-8 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17504229 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lazartigues E, Feng Y, Lavoie JL |title=The two fACEs of the tissue renin-angiotensin systems: implication in cardiovascular diseases. |journal=Curr. Pharm. Des. |volume=13 |issue= 12 |pages= 1231-45 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17504232 |doi=  }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on ARNTL... {October 1, 2007 6:13:25 PM PDT}
  • AMBIGUITY: More than one potential page found for updating, TIC Tic {October 1, 2007 6:39:45 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like
 | HGNCid = 701
 | Symbol = ARNTL
 | AltSymbols =; BMAL1; BMAL1c; JAP3; MGC47515; MOP3; PASD3; TIC
 | OMIM = 602550
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 910
 | MGIid = 1096381
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 210971_s_at
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = 209824_s_at
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = 36896_s_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004871 |text = signal transducer activity}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007623 |text = circadian rhythm}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 406
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000133794
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_001025443
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_001030272
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 11
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 13255921
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 13365345
    | Hs_Uniprot = O00327
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 11865
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000055116
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_007489
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_031515
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 7
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 112998646
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 113105303
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3UHZ2
<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = The protein encoded by this gene is a basic helix-loop-helix protein that forms a heterodimer with CLOCK. This complex binds an E-box upstream of the PER1 gene, activating this gene and possibly other circadian rhythym-associated genes. Three transcript variants encoding two different isoforms have been found for this gene.<ref>{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: ARNTL aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 

  • INFO: Beginning work on ARNTL2... {October 1, 2007 6:58:18 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1i7w}}, {{PDB2|1i7x}}, {{PDB2|1o6s}}, {{PDB2|2omv}}, {{PDB2|2omy}}
 | Name = Cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin (epithelial)
 | HGNCid = 1748
 | Symbol = CDH1
 | AltSymbols =; Arc-1; CD324; CDHE; ECAD; LCAM; UVO
 | OMIM = 192090
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 20917
 | MGIid = 88354
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 2082_s_at
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = 977_s_at
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = 201131_s_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003674 |text = molecular_function}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005509 |text = calcium ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016020 |text = membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016021 |text = integral to membrane}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007155 |text = cell adhesion}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007156 |text = homophilic cell adhesion}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 999
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000039068
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_004351
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_004360
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 16
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 67328696
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 67426943
    | Hs_Uniprot = P12830
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 12550
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000000303
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_009864
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_033994
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 8
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 109492497
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 109559375
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q4KML8
<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene is a classical cadherin from the cadherin superfamily. The encoded protein is a calcium dependent cell-cell adhesion glycoprotein comprised of five extracellular cadherin repeats, a transmembrane region and a highly conserved cytoplasmic tail. Mutations in this gene are correlated with gastric, breast, colorectal, thyroid and ovarian cancer. Loss of function is thought to contribute to progression in cancer by increasing proliferation, invasion, and/or metastasis. The ectodomain of this protein mediates bacterial adhesion to mammalian cells and the cytoplasmic domain is required for internalization. Identified transcript variants arise from mutation at consensus splice sites.<ref>{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: CDH1 cadherin 1, type 1, E-cadherin (epithelial)| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Berx G, Becker KF, Höfler H, van Roy F |title=Mutations of the human E-cadherin (CDH1) gene. |journal=Hum. Mutat. |volume=12 |issue= 4 |pages= 226-37 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9744472 |doi= 10.1002/(SICI)1098-1004(1998)12:4<226::AID-HUMU2>3.0.CO;2-D }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wijnhoven BP, Dinjens WN, Pignatelli M |title=E-cadherin-catenin cell-cell adhesion complex and human cancer. |journal=The British Journal of Surgery |volume=87 |issue= 8 |pages= 992-1005 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10931041 |doi= 10.1046/j.1365-2168.2000.01513.x }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Beavon IR |title=The E-cadherin-catenin complex in tumour metastasis: structure, function and regulation. |journal=Eur. J. Cancer |volume=36 |issue= 13 Spec No |pages= 1607-20 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10959047 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wilson PD |title=Polycystin: new aspects of structure, function, and regulation. |journal=J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. |volume=12 |issue= 4 |pages= 834-45 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11274246 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chun YS, Lindor NM, Smyrk TC, ''et al.'' |title=Germline E-cadherin gene mutations: is prophylactic total gastrectomy indicated? |journal=Cancer |volume=92 |issue= 1 |pages= 181-7 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11443625 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hazan RB, Qiao R, Keren R, ''et al.'' |title=Cadherin switch in tumor progression. |journal=Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. |volume=1014 |issue=  |pages= 155-63 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15153430 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bryant DM, Stow JL |title=The ins and outs of E-cadherin trafficking. |journal=Trends Cell Biol. |volume=14 |issue= 8 |pages= 427-34 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15308209 |doi= 10.1016/j.tcb.2004.07.007 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wang HD, Ren J, Zhang L |title=CDH1 germline mutation in hereditary gastric carcinoma. |journal=World J. Gastroenterol. |volume=10 |issue= 21 |pages= 3088-93 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15457549 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Reynolds AB, Carnahan RH |title=Regulation of cadherin stability and turnover by p120ctn: implications in disease and cancer. |journal=Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. |volume=15 |issue= 6 |pages= 657-63 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15561585 |doi= 10.1016/j.semcdb.2004.09.003 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Moran CJ, Joyce M, McAnena OJ |title=CDH1 associated gastric cancer: a report of a family and review of the literature. |journal=Eur J Surg Oncol |volume=31 |issue= 3 |pages= 259-64 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15780560 |doi= 10.1016/j.ejso.2004.12.010 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Georgolios A, Batistatou A, Manolopoulos L, Charalabopoulos K |title=Role and expression patterns of E-cadherin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). |journal=J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. |volume=25 |issue= 1 |pages= 5-14 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16761612 |doi=  }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on CFTR... {October 1, 2007 6:40:26 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator {October 1, 2007 6:41:02 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on CLOCK... {October 1, 2007 6:54:18 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: CLOCK {October 1, 2007 6:54:40 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on CRY1... {October 1, 2007 6:41:02 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on CRY2... {October 1, 2007 6:41:18 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on CSNK1D... {October 1, 2007 6:42:50 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One low potential page found for updating, casein kinase 1 {October 1, 2007 6:43:11 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on CSNK1E... {October 1, 2007 6:43:12 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One low potential page found for updating, casein kinase 1 {October 1, 2007 6:43:42 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on FAS... {October 1, 2007 6:12:03 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: Fas receptor {October 1, 2007 6:13:25 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on FBXL3... {October 1, 2007 6:55:36 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on GSK3A... {October 1, 2007 6:44:23 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on MAPK14... {October 1, 2007 6:41:43 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases {October 1, 2007 6:42:50 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on MAPT... {October 1, 2007 6:44:44 PM PDT}
  • AMBIGUITY: More than one potential page found for updating, TAU Tau Tel Aviv University {October 1, 2007 6:45:51 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Microtubule-associated protein tau
 | HGNCid = 6893
 | Symbol = MAPT
 | AltSymbols =; DDPAC; FLJ31424; FTDP-17; MAPTL; MGC138549; MSTD; MTBT1; MTBT2; PPND; TAU
 | OMIM = 157140
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 44834
 | MGIid =  
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 113_i_at
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = 310_s_at
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = 203929_s_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005200 |text = structural constituent of cytoskeleton}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008017 |text = microtubule binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008034 |text = lipoprotein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0017124 |text = SH3 domain binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0019899 |text = enzyme binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005829 |text = cytosol}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005856 |text = cytoskeleton}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005875 |text = microtubule associated complex}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005886 |text = plasma membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030424 |text = axon}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030426 |text = growth cone}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0045298 |text = tubulin complex}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0000226 |text = microtubule cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007026 |text = negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0031116 |text = positive regulation of microtubule polymerization}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0045773 |text = positive regulation of axon extension}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0048699 |text = generation of neurons}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 4137
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000186868
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_005901
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_005910
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 17
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 41327624
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 41461547
    | Hs_Uniprot = P10636
    | Mm_EntrezGene =  
    | Mm_Ensembl =  
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA =  
    | Mm_RefseqProtein =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_start =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_end =  
    | Mm_Uniprot =  
<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene encodes the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) whose transcript undergoes complex, regulated alternative splicing, giving rise to several mRNA species. MAPT transcripts are differentially expressed in the nervous system, depending on stage of neuronal maturation and neuron type. MAPT gene mutations have been associated with several neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, frontotemporal dementia, cortico-basal degeneration and progressive supranuclear palsy.<ref>{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: MAPT microtubule-associated protein tau| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Goedert M, Crowther RA, Garner CC |title=Molecular characterization of microtubule-associated proteins tau and MAP2. |journal=Trends Neurosci. |volume=14 |issue= 5 |pages= 193-9 |year= 1991 |pmid= 1713721 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Morishima-Kawashima M, Hasegawa M, Takio K, ''et al.'' |title=Hyperphosphorylation of tau in PHF. |journal=Neurobiol. Aging |volume=16 |issue= 3 |pages= 365-71; discussion 371-80 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7566346 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Heutink P |title=Untangling tau-related dementia. |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=9 |issue= 6 |pages= 979-86 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10767321 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Goedert M, Spillantini MG |title=Tau mutations in frontotemporal dementia FTDP-17 and their relevance for Alzheimer's disease. |journal=Biochim. Biophys. Acta |volume=1502 |issue= 1 |pages= 110-21 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10899436 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Morishima-Kawashima M, Ihara Y |title=[Recent advances in Alzheimer's disease] |journal=Seikagaku |volume=73 |issue= 11 |pages= 1297-307 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11831025 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Blennow K, Vanmechelen E, Hampel H |title=CSF total tau, Abeta42 and phosphorylated tau protein as biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. |journal=Mol. Neurobiol. |volume=24 |issue= 1-3 |pages= 87-97 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11831556 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ingram EM, Spillantini MG |title=Tau gene mutations: dissecting the pathogenesis of FTDP-17. |journal=Trends in molecular medicine |volume=8 |issue= 12 |pages= 555-62 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12470988 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Pickering-Brown S |title=The tau gene locus and frontotemporal dementia. |journal=Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders |volume=17 |issue= 4 |pages= 258-60 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15178931 |doi= 10.1159/000077149 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=van Swieten JC, Rosso SM, van Herpen E, ''et al.'' |title=Phenotypic variation in frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17. |journal=Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders |volume=17 |issue= 4 |pages= 261-4 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15178932 |doi= 10.1159/000077150 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kowalska A, Jamrozik Z, Kwieciński H |title=Progressive supranuclear palsy--parkinsonian disorder with tau pathology. |journal=Folia neuropathologica / Association of Polish Neuropathologists and Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences |volume=42 |issue= 2 |pages= 119-23 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15266787 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Rademakers R, Cruts M, van Broeckhoven C |title=The role of tau (MAPT) in frontotemporal dementia and related tauopathies. |journal=Hum. Mutat. |volume=24 |issue= 4 |pages= 277-95 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15365985 |doi= 10.1002/humu.20086 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee HG, Perry G, Moreira PI, ''et al.'' |title=Tau phosphorylation in Alzheimer's disease: pathogen or protector? |journal=Trends in molecular medicine |volume=11 |issue= 4 |pages= 164-9 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15823754 |doi= 10.1016/j.molmed.2005.02.008 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hardy J, Pittman A, Myers A, ''et al.'' |title=Evidence suggesting that Homo neanderthalensis contributed the H2 MAPT haplotype to Homo sapiens. |journal=Biochem. Soc. Trans. |volume=33 |issue= Pt 4 |pages= 582-5 |year= 2005 |pmid= 16042549 |doi= 10.1042/BST0330582 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Deutsch SI, Rosse RB, Lakshman RM |title=Dysregulation of tau phosphorylation is a hypothesized point of convergence in the pathogenesis of alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia and schizophrenia with therapeutic implications. |journal=Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry |volume=30 |issue= 8 |pages= 1369-80 |year= 2007 |pmid= 16793187 |doi= 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2006.04.007 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Williams DR |title=Tauopathies: classification and clinical update on neurodegenerative diseases associated with microtubule-associated protein tau. |journal=Internal medicine journal |volume=36 |issue= 10 |pages= 652-60 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16958643 |doi= 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2006.01153.x }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Pittman AM, Fung HC, de Silva R |title=Untangling the tau gene association with neurodegenerative disorders. |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=15 Spec No 2 |issue=  |pages= R188-95 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16987883 |doi= 10.1093/hmg/ddl190 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Roder HM, Hutton ML |title=Microtubule-associated protein tau as a therapeutic target in neurodegenerative disease. |journal=Expert Opin. Ther. Targets |volume=11 |issue= 4 |pages= 435-42 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17373874 |doi= 10.1517/14728222.11.4.435 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=van Swieten J, Spillantini MG |title=Hereditary frontotemporal dementia caused by Tau gene mutations. |journal=Brain Pathol. |volume=17 |issue= 1 |pages= 63-73 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17493040 |doi= 10.1111/j.1750-3639.2007.00052.x }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Caffrey TM, Wade-Martins R |title=Functional MAPT haplotypes: bridging the gap between genotype and neuropathology. |journal=Neurobiol. Dis. |volume=27 |issue= 1 |pages= 1-10 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17555970 |doi= 10.1016/j.nbd.2007.04.006 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on MTHFR... {October 1, 2007 6:46:14 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase {October 1, 2007 6:46:42 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on NPAS2... {October 1, 2007 6:46:42 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on NR1D1... {October 1, 2007 6:53:54 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on NR1D2... {October 1, 2007 6:54:40 PM PDT}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update, but did find a redirect or disambig page: RVR {October 1, 2007 6:55:14 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1a6y}}, {{PDB2|1ga5}}, {{PDB2|1hlz}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group D, member 2
 | HGNCid = 7963
 | Symbol = NR1D2
 | AltSymbols =; HZF2; BD73; EAR-1r; Hs.37288; RVR
 | OMIM = 602304
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 3763
 | MGIid = 2449205
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 209750_at
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = 225768_at
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = 35705_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 9975
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000174738
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = XP_001130839
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = XM_001130839
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 3
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 23961810
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 23996240
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q14995
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 353187
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000021775
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_011584
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_035714
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 14
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 16997124
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 17032066
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q4VAB7
<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = 

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 

  • INFO: Beginning work on PER1... {October 1, 2007 6:47:13 PM PDT}
  • AMBIGUITY: More than one potential page found for updating, PER Per {October 1, 2007 6:47:39 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Period homolog 1 (Drosophila)
 | HGNCid = 8845
 | Symbol = PER1
 | AltSymbols =; MGC88021; PER; RIGUI; hPER
 | OMIM = 602260
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 1966
 | MGIid = 1098283
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 36829_at
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = 202861_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004871 |text = signal transducer activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0009649 |text = entrainment of circadian clock}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016481 |text = negative regulation of transcription}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 5187
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000179094
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_002607
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_002616
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 17
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 7984534
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 7996427
    | Hs_Uniprot = O15534
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 18626
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000020893
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_011065
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_035195
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 11
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 68915129
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 68926158
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3U378
<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene is a member of the Period family of genes and is expressed in a circadian pattern in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the primary circadian pacemaker in the mammalian brain. Genes in this family encode components of the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, metabolism, and behavior. Circadian expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus continues in constant darkness, and a shift in the light/dark cycle evokes a proportional shift of gene expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The specific function of this gene is not yet known. Alternative splicing has been observed in this gene; however, these variants have not been fully described.<ref>{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: PER1 period homolog 1 (Drosophila)| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 

  • INFO: Beginning work on PER2... {October 1, 2007 6:53:19 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on PER3... {October 1, 2007 6:52:56 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on RORA... {October 1, 2007 6:47:39 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: ROR2 {October 1, 2007 6:48:14 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on RORB... {October 1, 2007 6:48:14 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on STAT3... {October 1, 2007 6:48:41 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: STAT3 {October 1, 2007 6:49:16 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPA1... {October 1, 2007 6:53:39 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC1... {October 1, 2007 6:49:16 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC2... {October 1, 2007 6:49:44 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC3... {October 1, 2007 6:49:57 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC4... {October 1, 2007 6:50:13 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC4AP... {October 1, 2007 6:55:14 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One low potential page found for updating, Truss {October 1, 2007 6:55:36 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC5... {October 1, 2007 6:50:54 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC6... {October 1, 2007 6:51:12 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: TRPC6 {October 1, 2007 6:51:37 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPC7... {October 1, 2007 6:58:43 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM1... {October 1, 2007 6:45:51 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM2... {October 1, 2007 6:51:37 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM3... {October 1, 2007 6:59:47 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM4... {October 1, 2007 6:56:44 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM5... {October 1, 2007 6:56:01 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM6... {October 1, 2007 7:00:23 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: TRPM6 {October 1, 2007 7:00:51 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM7... {October 1, 2007 6:57:00 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One low potential page found for updating, Chak {October 1, 2007 6:57:36 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPM8... {October 1, 2007 6:59:27 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPS1... {October 1, 2007 6:52:12 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPT1... {October 1, 2007 7:00:09 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPV1... {October 1, 2007 6:52:37 PM PDT}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: One high potential page found for updating: TRPV1 {October 1, 2007 6:52:56 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPV2... {October 1, 2007 6:56:18 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPV3... {October 1, 2007 7:00:51 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPV4... {October 1, 2007 6:58:57 PM PDT}
  • INFO: Beginning work on TRPV5... {October 1, 2007 6:57:59 PM PDT}
  • AMBIGUITY: More than one potential page found for updating, CAT2 Category 2 cable {October 1, 2007 6:58:18 PM PDT}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 5
 | HGNCid = 3145
 | Symbol = TRPV5
 | AltSymbols =; CAT2; ECAC1; OTRPC3
 | OMIM = 606679
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 10520
 | MGIid = 2429764
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = 208267_at
 <!-- The Following entry is a time stamp of the last bot update.  It is typically hidden data -->
 | DateOfBotUpdate = ~~~~~
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005216 |text = ion channel activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005262 |text = calcium channel activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005509 |text = calcium ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005887 |text = integral to plasma membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016020 |text = membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016324 |text = apical plasma membrane}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006811 |text = ion transport}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006816 |text = calcium ion transport}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006874 |text = cellular calcium ion homeostasis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0051262 |text = protein tetramerization}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 56302
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000127412
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_062815
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_019841
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 7
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 142315389
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 142341027
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q9NQA5
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 194352
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000036899
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_001007572
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_001007573
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 6
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 41581780
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 41610376
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q2TB50
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| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene is a member of the transient receptor family and the TrpV subfamily. The calcium-selective channel encoded by this gene has 6 transmembrane-spanning domains, multiple potential phosphorylation sites, an N-linked glycosylation site, and 5 ANK repeats. This protein forms homotetramers or heterotetramers and is activated by a low internal calcium level.<ref>{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: TRPV5 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 5| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Vennekens R, Droogmans G, Nilius B |title=Functional properties of the epithelial Ca2+ channel, ECaC. |journal=Gen. Physiol. Biophys. |volume=20 |issue= 3 |pages= 239-53 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11765215 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Heiner I, Eisfeld J, Lückhoff A |title=Role and regulation of TRP channels in neutrophil granulocytes. |journal=Cell Calcium |volume=33 |issue= 5-6 |pages= 533-40 |year= 2004 |pmid= 12765698 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nijenhuis T, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ |title=TRPV5 and TRPV6 in Ca(2+) (re)absorption: regulating Ca(2+) entry at the gate. |journal=Pflugers Arch. |volume=451 |issue= 1 |pages= 181-92 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16044309 |doi= 10.1007/s00424-005-1430-6 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Clapham DE, Julius D, Montell C, Schultz G |title=International Union of Pharmacology. XLIX. Nomenclature and structure-function relationships of transient receptor potential channels. |journal=Pharmacol. Rev. |volume=57 |issue= 4 |pages= 427-50 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16382100 |doi= 10.1124/pr.57.4.6 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Mensenkamp AR, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ |title=TRPV5, the gateway to Ca2+ homeostasis. |journal=Handb Exp Pharmacol |volume= |issue= 179 |pages= 207-20 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17217059 |doi= 10.1007/978-3-540-34891-7_12 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Schoeber JP, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ |title=Concerted action of associated proteins in the regulation of TRPV5 and TRPV6. |journal=Biochem. Soc. Trans. |volume=35 |issue= Pt 1 |pages= 115-9 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17233615 |doi= 10.1042/BST0350115 }}

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