A LIFE SKILLS CONCEPT developed by Australian Bachelor of Visual Arts student, Peter Schuitemaker in October 2009, at the Adelaide College for the Arts.

Similar to the concept of a CORNUCOPIA, which uses a visual image of a large goat horn overflowing with fruit and ears grains as a metaphor for material abundance or a “good harvest” for a healthy physical state, CANUCOPIA contains cans which need to be chosen, considered and consumed in order maintain a healthy MENTAL STATE.

A CANUCOPIA is a large cone / horn shaped vessel, with its opening disappearing towards a vanishing point. It is similar in shape to the Cornucopia Horn.

The Canucopia presents an abundant selection of various cans. They vary in content, size and shape.

The Canucopia vessel (horn) is a metaphor for wherever there is a stock and selection of cans from which a choice can be made, eg. A Market or a Store or a Cupboard.

Each can contains consumables, which need to be selected, opened, tasted and considered. Some of the cans may be damaged, some may be second hand. Some cans may be rusty, some may have passed their use-by-date, some need to be empty to begin with.

Choices must be made. Firstly to decide on what sort of consumables, or contents are needed. Secondly, is there a choice of Brands offering the same product? Is there a choice of sizes and shapes? Does a decision about the physical state of the chosen can need to made? What are the “Specials” being offered?

Then each can must be opened and some need to be filled. Even more decisions must be made. How much to use? How fresh are the contents? Do the contents require mixing with other stuff? Is there a Recipe?

It’s the difficult and sometimes seemingly unquantifiable and unqualifiable fuzzy stuff that really needs to be catogorised (canned) and chosen as either necessary or not, and in quantities to suit the individual’s needs. Balanced and well considered decisions must be made.

The concept of Canucopia is illustrated by these following examples:

A CAN of LAUGHTER; needing to be opened and consumed regularly and in large quantities. Laughter can only be consumed if a healthy Interactive Social Environment (ISE)exists, which is the main ingredient of this Can. You cannot use this can by yourself ; it must be shared. This can also contains lots of joy and contentment.

CANNED HEAT; Stress in a Can. You have to consume Heat whether you like it or not. More often than not, you choose the size of the can. You should use the contents with caution. You should only open someone else’s can of Heat with extreme caution. Never stock up on too many cans of Heat, even if they are “On Special”. Never buy BULDGING Cans of Heat; they may explode. Free cans and cans which are past their use-by-date are to be avoided.

SPIRITUALISM, RELIGION and other IDEOLOGICAL beliefs are not challenged by the CANUCOPIA Concept. CANUCOPIA is not a Spiritual or Mystical Concept. CANUCOPIA has its feet firmly planted on Terra Firma . Some varieties of the Cans will have these concepts of beliefs and faith available for consideration as a part of their contents. These cans can be selected and used as a matter of individual choice. These will be found within the Cans of DLE, OPY and UNDRUM.

.....And the list goes on, an on. So do the Methapors and Analogies.

As a “spin off” from the concept of CANUCOPIA, there is also the suggestion that the word Canucopia itself pertains to COPING skills and strategies.

CAN YOU COPE? This is good. The concept of CANUCOPIA fits well within what may be suggested by the word itself, easily and correctly interpreted as a "CAN-YOU-COPE ia".

As of 2 November 2009, The basic concept of CANUCOPIA is being developed further as the basis for an Illustrated Book with the intention of publication, and will be titled CANUCOPIA. Progress of this work will be made known by edits to this article, by the author, Peter Schuitemaker.

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