Amnesty International spent the last 13 years making friends with radical Islamists in the War on Terror.

If they gave a damn, they already would have.

Vista stuff

Windows Vista
User Account Control
Security and safety features new to Windows Vista
Features new to Windows Vista

League of American Writers data


Members of the League of American Writers Keep America Out of War Committee in January 1940:

Ben Bengal *
Lillian Hellman *
Arthur Kober
Dashiell Hammett *
Alter Brody
Lawrence A. Goldstone
Henry Hart (writer)
Edwin Berry Burgum
Henry Goodman (writer)
George Sklar *
Charles A. Wagner
Fannie Engle
George Asness
Eleanor Flexner
Len Zinberg
Shaemas O'Sheel
James Neugass (poet; member of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion)
Sonia Raiziss (Sonia Raiziss Giop)

source: Days of Anger, Days of Hope: A Memoir of the League of American Writers, 1937-1942 by Franklin Folsom University Press of Colorado, 1994.

* Hollywood blacklist

National security secrets revealed by the press

Counterterrorist Intelligence Center
Alliance Base
Black site
JN-25 decryption
NSA electronic surveillance program
Terrorist Finance Tracking Program
The Greenbrier
Mount Weather
USNS Glomar Explorer (T-AG-193)
Bay of Pigs Invasion

needs attention

Shinwar Massacre
March 4, 2007 Shooting in Afghanistan

Catastrophes that never quite happened

Population bomb
Ice age by 2000
Nuclear winter from Kuwait wells in the first Gulf_War
Peak oil