Mormonism and Physics, Astronomy, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, M-theory, etc.


This article attempts to accumulate general Mormon views regarding physics, astronomy, quantum mechanics, string theory, m-theory, the omniverse, as well as philosophy.

Mormon Apologetics and Studies


Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle


In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle known as complementary variables, such as position x and momentum p, can be known simultaneously. Introduced first in 1927, by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, it states that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.[1] The formal inequality relating the standard deviation of position σx and the standard deviation of momentum σp was derived by Earle Hesse Kennard[2] later that year and by Hermann Weyl[3] in 1928:


(ħ is the reduced Planck constant).

Historically, the uncertainty principle has been confused[4][5] with a somewhat similar effect in physics, called the observer effect, which notes that measurements of certain systems cannot be made without affecting the systems. Heisenberg offered such an observer effect at the quantum level (see below) as a physical "explanation" of quantum uncertainty.[6] It has since become clear, however, that the uncertainty principle is inherent in the properties of all wave-like systems,[7] and that it arises in quantum mechanics simply due to the matter wave nature of all quantum objects. Thus, the uncertainty principle actually states a fundamental property of quantum systems, and is not a statement about the observational success of current technology.[8] It must be emphasized that measurement does not mean only a process in which a physicist-observer takes part, but rather any interaction between classical and quantum objects regardless of any observer.[9]

Since the uncertainty principle is such a basic result in quantum mechanics, typical experiments in quantum mechanics routinely observe aspects of it. Certain experiments, however, may deliberately test a particular form of the uncertainty principle as part of their main research program. These include, for example, tests of number–phase uncertainty relations in superconducting[10] or quantum optics[11] systems. Applications dependent on the uncertainty principle for their operation include extremely low noise technology such as that required in gravitational-wave interferometers.[12]


Click to see animation. The evolution of an initially very localized gaussian wave function of a free particle in two-dimensional space, with colour and intensity indicating phase and amplitude. The spreading of the wave function in all directions shows that the initial momentum has a spread of values, unmodified in time; while the spread in position increases in time: as a result, the uncertainty Δx Δp increases in time.
The superposition of several plane waves to form a wave packet. This wave packet becomes increasingly localized with the addition of many waves. The Fourier transform is a mathematical operation that separates a wave packet into its individual plane waves. Note that the waves shown here are real for illustrative purposes only, whereas in quantum mechanics the wave function is generally complex.

As a fundamental constraint, higher level descriptions of the universe must supervene on quantum mechanical descriptions which includes Heisenberg's uncertainty relationship. However, humans do not form an intuitive understanding of this uncertainty principle in everyday life. This is because the constraint is not readily apparent on the macroscopic scales of everyday experience. So it may be helpful to demonstrate how it is integral to more easily understood physical situations. Two alternative conceptualizations of quantum physics can be examined with the goal of demonstrating the key role the uncertainty principle plays. A wave mechanics picture of the uncertainty principle provides for a more visually intuitive demonstration, and the somewhat more abstract matrix mechanics picture provides for a demonstration of the uncertainty principle that is more easily generalized to cover a multitude of physical contexts.[citation needed]

Mathematically, in wave mechanics, the uncertainty relation between position and momentum arises because the expressions of the wavefunction in the two corresponding orthonormal bases in Hilbert space are Fourier transforms of one another (i.e., position and momentum are conjugate variables). A nonzero function and its Fourier transform cannot both be sharply localized. A similar tradeoff between the variances of Fourier conjugates arises in all systems underlain by Fourier analysis, for example in sound waves: A pure tone is a sharp spike at a single frequency, while its Fourier transform gives the shape of the sound wave in the time domain, which is a completely delocalized sine wave. In quantum mechanics, the two key points are that the position of the particle takes the form of a matter wave, and momentum is its Fourier conjugate, assured by the de Broglie relation p = ħk, where k is the wavenumber.[citation needed]

In matrix mechanics, the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, any pair of non-commuting self-adjoint operators representing observables are subject to similar uncertainty limits. An eigenstate of an observable represents the state of the wavefunction for a certain measurement value (the eigenvalue). For example, if a measurement of an observable A is performed, then the system is in a particular eigenstate Ψ of that observable. However, the particular eigenstate of the observable A need not be an eigenstate of another observable B: If so, then it does not have a unique associated measurement for it, as the system is not in an eigenstate of that observable.[13]

Wave mechanics interpretation[9][page needed]

Propagation of de Broglie waves in 1d—real part of the complex amplitude is blue, imaginary part is green. The probability (shown as the colour opacity) of finding the particle at a given point x is spread out like a waveform, there is no definite position of the particle. As the amplitude increases above zero the curvature reverses sign, so the amplitude begins to decrease again, and vice versa—the result is an alternating amplitude: a wave.

According to the de Broglie hypothesis, every object in the universe is a wave, a situation which gives rise to this phenomenon. The position of the particle is described by a wave function  . The time-independent wave function of a single-moded plane wave of wavenumber k0 or momentum p0 is


The Born rule states that this should be interpreted as a probability density function in the sense that the probability of finding the particle between a and b is


In the case of the single-moded plane wave,   is a uniform distribution. In other words, the particle position is extremely uncertain in the sense that it could be essentially anywhere along the wave packet. Consider a wave function that is a sum of many waves, however, we may write this as


where An represents the relative contribution of the mode pn to the overall total. The figures to the right show how with the addition of many plane waves, the wave packet can become more localized. We may take this a step further to the continuum limit, where the wave function is an integral over all possible modes


with   representing the amplitude of these modes and is called the wave function in momentum space. In mathematical terms, we say that   is the Fourier transform of   and that x and p are conjugate variables. Adding together all of these plane waves comes at a cost, namely the momentum has become less precise, having become a mixture of waves of many different momenta.

One way to quantify the precision of the position and momentum is the standard deviation σ. Since   is a probability density function for position, we calculate its standard deviation.

The precision of the position is improved, i.e. reduced σx, by using many plane waves, thereby weakening the precision of the momentum, i.e. increased σp. Another way of stating this is that σx and σp have an inverse relationship or are at least bounded from below. This is the uncertainty principle, the exact limit of which is the Kennard bound. Click the show button below to see a semi-formal derivation of the Kennard inequality using wave mechanics.

A Scientific defense for Mormonism


North America

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership in North America as of January 1, 2011.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership in North America as a percentage of total population for year 2011.
Country Membership Population % LDS Stakes[14] Districts[14] Wards[15] Branches[15] Total Congregations Missions Temples Family History Centers
Belize 4,502 349,728 1.29% 2 11 11
Canada 190,265 35,344,962 0.54% 47 3 333 146 479 7 8 165
Costa Rica 42,943 4,667,096 0.92% 6 4 43 30 73 1 1
El Salvador 117,234 6,340,000 1.85% 18 2 123 41 164 3 1
Greenland 15 56,370 0.03% 1 1
Guatemala 247,708 15,806,675 1.57% 42 18 243 174 417 6 2
Honduras 160,437 8,555,072 1.88% 23 7 149 77 226 4 1
Mexico 1,344,239 119,713,203 1.12% 230 37 1,535 450 1,980 34 12 266
Nicaragua 84,405 6,071,045 1.39% 9 6 61 40 101 2
Panama 50,062 3,661,868 1.37% 7 4 39 33 72 1 1
United States 6,398,889 317,831,000 2.01% 1,520 9 11,928 1,938 13,866 120 70 1,847

United States


For a breakdown of membership statistics by state in the United States, see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership statistics (United States)

This page shows membership statistics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints within the United States.

  • Official LDS Membership - Membership count on record provided by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These records include adults and children, and also include both active and less active members.
  • From religious surveys - General religious surveys conducted within the United States. These surveyed U.S. adults about their religious beliefs.

Official LDS Membership


Membership reported by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 1, 2012 was used to determine the number of members in each state.[16][17][18] The United States Census Bureau 2012 Census population estimates was used as the basis for the general population.[19]





Each state link gives a brief history and additional membership information for that state.

State Membership Population % LDS Stakes [14] Districts [14] Wards [15] Branches [15] Total Congregations Missions Temples Family History Centers
Alabama 36,255 4,822,023 0.75% 7 42 33 78 1 1 36
Alaska 33,204 731,449 4.54% 7 55 28 84 1 1 15
Arizona 410,263 6,626,624 6.19% 98 719 86 836 6 5 66
Arkansas 29,345 2,949,131 0.97% 7 38 26 66 1 21
California 780,200 38,340,000 2.03% 157 1,184 164 1,368 19 7 184
Colorado 149,876 5,187,582 2.89% 33 272 31 306 4 1 52
Connecticut 15,352 3,590,347 0.43% 3 28 5 34 9
Delaware 5,192 917,092 0.57% 2 9 3 12 3
District of Columbia 2,488 632,323 0.39% 2 1 3
Florida 146,509 19,317,568 0.76% 28 186 50 238 5 2 69
Georgia 81,563 9,919,945 0.82% 16 111 40 150 3 1 42
Hawaii 73,471 1,404,054 5.23% 16 124 11 138 1 2 25
Idaho 425,739 1,595,728 26.68% 127 999 82 1,102 4 4 63
Illinois 56,932 12,875,255 0.44% 12 93 34 127 3 2 36
Indiana 42,856 6,537,334 0.66% 11 68 31 99 1 29
Iowa 26,547 3,074,186 0.86% 7 41 28 69 1 29
Kansas 35,902 2,885,905 1.24% 7 55 20 75 1 25
Kentucky 33,757 4,380,415 0.77% 7 44 33 77 1 1 23
Louisiana 29,682 4,601,893 0.64% 6 36 19 55 1 1 13
Maine 10,845 1,329,192 0.82% 2 17 10 27 11
Maryland 43,459 5,884,563 0.74% 8 67 14 81 2 1 13
Massachusetts 26,423 6,646,144 0.40% 4 39 13 52 1 1 12
Michigan 43,579 9,883,360 0.44% 8 1 62 33 95 2 1 42
Minnesota 31,871 5,379,139 0.59% 8 56 24 75 1 1 23
Mississippi 21,699 2,984,926 0.73% 4 28 16 44 1 16
Missouri 68,962 6,021,988 1.15% 16 111 37 151 2 2 45
Montana 48,344 1,005,141 4.76% 11 78 42 124 1 1 46
Nebraska 24,140 1,855,525 1.30% 4 41 20 60 1 1 18
Nevada 180,600 2,788,931 6.48% 34 295 29 327 3 2 29
New Hampshire 8,298 1,320,718 0.63% 3 15 5 19 1 6
New Jersey 33,066 8,864,590 0.37% 5 1 37 23 61 1 18
New Mexico 69,703 2,085,538 3.34% 13 95 47 142 2 1 31
New York 80,535 19,570,261 0.41% 16 1 88 64 149 4 2 53
North Carolina 81,189 9,752,073 0.83% 16 115 39 154 2 1 46
North Dakota 9,994 699,628 1.43% 3 8 9 21 1 7
Ohio 60,364 11,544,225 0.52% 13 99 30 125 3 1 43
Oklahoma 45,734 3,814,820 1.20% 8 59 25 86 2 1 24
Oregon 152,011 3,899,353 3.90% 36 253 50 306 3 2 66
Pennsylvania 51,527 12,763,536 0.40% 12 80 26 106 2 41
Rhode Island 4,133 1,050,292 0.39% 6 2 8 1
South Carolina 39,473 4,723,723 0.84% 6 49 14 68 1 1 19
South Dakota 10,644 833,354 1.28% 2 1 10 23 33 1 11
Tennessee 48,612 6,456,243 0.75% 11 74 28 102 2 2 30
Texas 325,946 26,059,203 1.25% 64 3 488 132 620 8 4 112
Utah 1,975,939 2,900,872 68.12% 575 1 4,481 334 4,816 9 14 148
Vermont 4,600 626,011 0.73% 1 8 4 12 6
Virginia 93,395 8,185,867 1.14% 20 157 40 197 3 35
Washington 279,492 6,897,012 4.05% 57 463 65 543 7 3 78
West Virginia 17,227 1,855,413 0.93% 4 25 12 37 1 14
Wisconsin 25,693 5,726,398 0.45% 6 42 26 68 1 24
Wyoming 66,259 582,658 11.37% 17 137 18 155 38


State Membership Population % LDS Stakes [14] Districts [14] Wards [15] Branches [15] Total Congregations Missions Temples
American Samoa 15,411 54,947 28.1% 4 31 5 36
Guam 2,252 185,674 1.41% 1 4 4 1
Northern Mariana Islands 753 51,395 1.47% 1 1
Puerto Rico 20,940 3,667,084 0.56% 5 27 14 41 1
Virgin Islands (US) 570 105,275 0.54% 2 2

From religious surveys


The American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) 2001 was based on a random digit-dialed telephone survey of 50,281 American adults in the continental U.S.[20] Its findings are found on the map below on the left.

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life published a survey of 35,556 adults living in the United States that was conducted in 2007.[21] These results are found on the map below on the right. Note: some less populated states were combined in this survey. These include:Montana-Wyoming,D.C.-Maryland, North & South Dakota, New Hampshire-Vermont, and Connecticut-Rhode Island.


Percentage of US adult population by state claiming membership in the LDS church in the 2001 ARIS survey. Click image for map legend.
Percentage of US adult population, by state, claiming Mormon as religious preference in the 2007 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

2007 Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life


The 2007 Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International (PSRAI), found 1.7% of the U.S. adult population self identified themselves as Mormon.[22] The table below lists a few significant findings, from the survey, about Mormons.

Demographic[22] Mormons (U.S.) U.S. Avg.
Married 71% 54%
Divorced or separated 9% 12%
3 or more children at home 21% 9%
Weekly (or more) Attendance at Religious Services 76% 39%

See also



  1. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1927), "Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik", Zeitschrift für Physik (in German), 43 (3–4): 172–198, Bibcode:1927ZPhy...43..172H, doi:10.1007/BF01397280.. Annotated pre-publication proof sheet of Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik, March 23, 1927.
  2. ^ Kennard, E. H. (1927), "Zur Quantenmechanik einfacher Bewegungstypen", Zeitschrift für Physik (in German), 44 (4–5): 326, Bibcode:1927ZPhy...44..326K, doi:10.1007/BF01391200.
  3. ^ Weyl, H. (1928), Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik, Leipzig: Hirzel
  4. ^ Furuta, Aya (2012), "One Thing Is Certain: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead", Scientific American
  5. ^ Ozawa, Masanao (2003), "Universally valid reformulation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle on noise and disturbance in measurement", Physical Review A, 67 (4): 42105, arXiv:quant-ph/0207121, Bibcode:2003PhRvA..67d2105O, doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.67.042105
  6. ^ Werner Heisenberg, The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory, p. 20
  7. ^ Rozema, L. A.; Darabi, A.; Mahler, D. H.; Hayat, A.; Soudagar, Y.; Steinberg, A. M. (2012). "Violation of Heisenberg's Measurement-Disturbance Relationship by Weak Measurements". Physical Review Letters. 109 (10). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.100404.
  8. ^ Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Professor V. Balakrishnan, Lecture 1 – Introduction to Quantum Physics; Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, National Programme of Technology Enhanced Learning on YouTube
  9. ^ a b L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz (1977). Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory. Vol. Vol. 3 (3rd ed.). Pergamon Press. ISBN 978-0-08-020940-1. {{cite book}}: |volume= has extra text (help) Online copy.
  10. ^ Elion, W. J.; M. Matters, U. Geigenmüller & J. E. Mooij; Geigenmüller, U.; Mooij, J. E. (1994), "Direct demonstration of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in a superconductor", Nature, 371 (6498): 594–595, Bibcode:1994Natur.371..594E, doi:10.1038/371594a0
  11. ^ Smithey, D. T.; M. Beck, J. Cooper, M. G. Raymer; Cooper, J.; Raymer, M. G. (1993), "Measurement of number–phase uncertainty relations of optical fields", Phys. Rev. A, 48 (4): 3159–3167, Bibcode:1993PhRvA..48.3159S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.48.3159, PMID 9909968{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  12. ^ Caves, Carlton (1981), "Quantum-mechanical noise in an interferometer", Phys. Rev. D, 23 (8): 1693–1708, Bibcode:1981PhRvD..23.1693C, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.23.1693
  13. ^ Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Franck Laloë (1996), Quantum mechanics, Wiley-Interscience: Wiley, pp. 231–233, ISBN 978-0-471-56952-7{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  14. ^ a b c d e f LDS Stake & Ward Web Site Search.
  15. ^ a b c d e f "LDS Maps". Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  16. ^ "LDS Church News - Almanac". Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  17. ^ "United States - LDS Statistics and Church Facts - Total Church Membership". Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  18. ^ Deseret News Church Almanac, 2013.
  19. ^ U.S. Census Bureau - Population Division. "State Totals: Vintage 2012 - U.S Census Bureau". Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  20. ^ "The Graduate Center, CUNY - Page Not Found". Retrieved 14 February 2015. {{cite web}}: Cite uses generic title (help)
  21. ^ "Religion in American Culture -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life". Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  22. ^ a b Portrait of Mormons in the U.S., Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, July 24, 2009



For a breakdown of membership statistics by province in Canada, see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership statistics (Canada)

The general population was taken from Statistics Canada using the first quarter 2011 population estimates.[1] The official membership statistics as of Jan 1, 2012 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was used for all other data.[2]

This table is sortable. The link under the names of each province corresponds to brief LDS history and other information for that particular area.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership in North America as of January 1, 2011.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership in North America as a percentage of total population for year 2011.


Province Membership Population % LDS Stakes[3] Districts[3] Wards[4] Branches[4] Total Congregations Missions Temples
Alberta 79,023 3,645,257 2.17% 22 174 32 212 2 3
British Columbia 29,296 4,400,057 0.67% 8 1 49 28 79 1 1
Manitoba 4,452 1,208,268 0.37% 1 7 5 12 1
New Brunswick 2,302 751,171 0.31% 1 5 1 6
Newfoundland 748 514,536 0.15% 3 3
Northwest Territories & Nunavut 141 73,368 0.19% 1 1
Nova Scotia 4,912 921,727 0.53% 1 6 11 14 1 1
Ontario 51,902 12,851,821 0.40% 9 2 59 40 98 1 1
Prince Edward Island 490 140,204 0.35% 3 3
Quebec 11,306 7,903,001 0.14% 3 19 16 35 1 1
Saskatchewan 5,406 1,033,381 0.52% 2 8 9 15 1
Yukon 287 33,897 0.85% 1 1
TOTAL 190,265 33,476,688 0.57% 47 3 327 150 479 7 8

See also





Country Membership Population % LDS Stakes Districts Wards[1] Branches[1] Total Congregations Missions Temples Family History Centers
Antigua and Barbuda 209 90,156 0.23% 1 1
Aruba 507 109,153 0.46% 2 2 1
Bahamas 962 351,461 0.27% 1 2 2 1
Barbados 869 288,725 0.30% 1 3 3 1
Bermuda 156 69,467 0.22% 1 1
Bonaire 78 16,541[2] 0.47% 1 1
British Virgin Islands 150 31,912 0.47% 1 1
Cayman Islands 204 55,456 0.37% 1 1
Cuba 44 11,477,459 0.0009% 2 2
Curaçao 548 150,563 0.36% 1 1 1
Dominica 173 73,286 0.24% 1 1
Dominican Republic 126,413 10,219,630 1.24% 20 9 124 81 205 3 1 29
Grenada 336 109,590 0.31% 1 1
Guadeloupe 488 405,739 0.12% 1 3 3 1
Haiti 19,216 10,413,211 0.18% 4 3 22 21 43 1 6
Jamaica 5,712 2,909,714 0.20% 1 1 19 19 1 2
Martinique 197 392,291 0.05% 1 1 1
Puerto Rico 21,363 3,674,209 0.58% 5 29 12 41 1 8
Saint Kitts and Nevis 194 51,134 0.38% 1 1 1
Saint Lucia 263 162,781 0.16% 2 2
Sint Maarten 232 39,689 0.58% 1 1
Saint Vincent 578 103,220 0.56% 2 2
Trinidad and Tobago 3,179 1,328,019 0.24% 1 5 5 10 1 1
Turks and Caicos Islands 92 47,754 0.19% 1 1
Virgin Islands (US) 585 106,405 0.55% 2 2
  1. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference ward was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ Bonaire population estimate is unavailable in the CIA World Factbook. This number was already populated, but needs a source.