Campaign Life Coalition


The Campaign Life Coalition is an in-house organization that has indicated interest in the issues such as abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, human rights, reproductive technologies, medical ethics, women's rights. Members of the group may or may not donate. Campaign Life Coalition sends their members monthly pro-life newsletters to people who are on their mailing list. They are asked to donate what they can. This helps the Campaign for Life Coalition collect necessary funds to continue their lobbying efforts. The Campaign Life Coalition does not have charitable tax status so they cannot issue tax receipts but they do send their members and donors thank you letters. [1] The Campaign for Life Coalition has headquarters within all provinces of Canada. Campaign Life Coalition National headquarters is located within Toronto the capital city of Ontario. The President of Campaign Life Coalition is Jim Hughes. He started his presidency within the organization back in 2008. The Campaign Life Coalition believes all human life is sacred and they work towards legislation that will protect all forms of human life from conception until natural death. Many times the Campaign for Life Coalition is involved with many social controversies such as abortion, euthanasia and sex-ed curriculum.[2] As an in-house organization Campaign Life Coalition works on setting up meetings with MPs to educate them on the pro-life position. The Campaign Life Coalition works towards having pro-life legislation so that it will provide protection in Canadian law for all human life from conception to natural death.The Campaign Life Coalition surveys candidates during municipal, provincial and federal elections so that they are able to determine their position on life issues and then provide their responses to supporters on their website and monthly newsletters.[3] The Campaign for Life Coalition contributes largely to activism events across the country such as the Defund Abortion Petition. As well as the organization of the March for Life rally.

Campaign Life Coalition Youth


Campaign Life Coalition Youth branches off of The Campaign Life Coalition Pro-Life Organisation. It is a youth branch that is created to network young people and get them involved within the Pro-life movement. This includes street activism and political participation.[4]





The Campaign Life Coalition is completely against all types of abortions.They are considered to be "Pro- Life" and works towards creating legislation that would ban abortion and protect the lives of preborn children. Campaign Life Coalition believes that all human life is sacred and should be protected under law from conception to natural death.[5] The Campaign Life Coalition view abortion as a violation of basic human rights which is the right to life.

Ontario Sex Education Curriculum


The Campaign Life Coalition is against the new sex education curriculum that was reintroduced by Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne. The Campaign Life Coalition has referred to the new sexual education curriculum as "radical."[6]. Campaign Life Coalition has expressed that Kathleen Wynne has made the curriculum even more explicit and more age-inappropriate than before due to the fact that the sex education curriculum covers the mentions of Gender Identity, sexual identities, orientations, anal intercourse, oral sex, the use of condoms, masturbation, romantic dating, and sexual pleasure all starting with grades as low as grade one.[7]



The Campaign Life Coalition is strongly against Euthanasia. As an organization they believe all human life is sacred and they work towards legislation that will protect all forms of human life from conception until natural death. Euthanasia is not considered a natural death by the Campaign Life Coalition. Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of someone by action or omission, with or without that person's consent. Euthanasia is also tied to Assisted suicide. This is counseling, abetting, or an act of aiding someone to kill himself or herself. This is sometimes referred to as physician-assisted suicide.The Campaign Life Coalition is against both Euthanasia and Assisted suicide. The Campaign Life Coalition has expressed that "In this death culture, the category of those who are "killable" is ever-expanding and will not stop until anybody who wants to kill themselves, can kill themselves, for any reason."(Campaign Life Coalition) [8] They believe that euthanasia is immoral and takes away the meaning, value, dignity and sacredness of human life. The concerns that the Campaign for Life Coalition have with euthanasia is the belief that legalizing euthanasia will place pressure upon elderly,and the ill and that disabled persons to seek euthanasia out of fear that they are "a burden" to family members. Campaign Life Coalition have stated in their website "With the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide we have, at the same time, institutionalized a duty to die for the weakest members of society. That is immoral and must be opposed." (Campaign Life Coalition). [9]

Stem Cell Research


Campaign for Life Coalition There are two types of stances on Stem cell research. They believe that one is perfectly ethical which is the on the use of adult stem cells. They believe the other form of stem cell research which is the use of embryonic stem cells is completely immoral. The Campaign life Coalition has expressed that they believe the use of embryonic stem cells is immoral because "it involves creating human beings for the purpose of killing them and harvesting their parts." [10] In contrast, Campaign Life Coalition believes adult stem cell therapy is moral because no human life is terminated in the process. They have said "Adult stem cell research is not only moral, but has actually produced dozens of cures."[11] (Campaign Life Coalition). The Stem cell controversy revolving around using embryonic stem cells is not something only The Campaign Life Coalition has taken debate in but is something that has been debated within society.



March for Life


The National March For Life is organized by Campaign Life Coalition. The National March For Life began in 1998. It is a Pro-Life movement rally that takes place in Ottawa Ontario . The rally consists of a march through downtown ottawa that ends on parliament hill where numerous pro-life Members of Parliament, Senators, activists and religious leaders give speeches from the steps of Parliament Hill in defense of the Right to life movement. As well as speakers from other Pro-life campaign movements such as Silent No More . The original March in 1998 had 700 pro-life activists in attendance while recently in 2015 there were about 25,000 activists in attendance. ("About the March for Life", 2017)[12] There are March for Life rallies that happen all over the world including the United States of America and their March for Life (Washington, D.C.) .

Defund Abortion Petition


This is a petition set in place by the Campaign for Life Coalition. It is a petition to stop allowing taxpayers’ dollars for the performance of abortions by removing elective abortion from the list of services covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan also known as OHIP.[13]

Anti-Trudeau Campaign


The Campaign Life Coalition Youth and Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform started a campaign back in 2015 that would oppose Justin Trudeau position on the topic of abortion. It was a social media campaign with the hashtag #No2Trudeau as well as a speaking tour all throughout Canada. This movement focused more on informing Canadians that not only does Trudeau oppose the right to life, but that he denies pro-lifers from becoming candidates for the Liberal Party. [14]

Life Chain


Life Chain is part of the Campaign Life Coalition activism movement. Life Chain takes place once every year. The Life Chain is held in more than 200 locations across Canada each year. The Campaign Life Coalition holds Life Chain the first Sunday in October and it runs from 2 pm - 3 pm. Protesters stand on the sidewalk for one hour with others and pray for an end to abortion and for those affected by it.





Abortion has been a topic of controversy within society. The controversy revolving around abortion usually comes down to two terms. The first term is "pro-life" which are individuals who are against abortion. They believe in the Right to life principle which is where the Campaign Life Coalition falls under. The second term is "pro-choice". A person who considers themselves "pro-choice" believes that people have unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproductive systems, as long as they don't breach the autonomy of others.[15] The controversy around abortion falls on the debate of whether the fetus is a person that should be protected under the law. Campaign Life Coalition believes that all human life is sacred and that human life begins at the moment of conception and should be protected at all costs.[16] "Pro-Choicers" believe that in pregnancies prior to the point of viability,this meaning a point at which the fetus cannot live outside the womb, a woman has the right to terminate the pregnacy. It is not a person and therefore the government does not have the right to impede a woman's decision to terminate the pregnancy.[17] In this debate, people who are "pro-Choice" view Campaign Life Coalition as an organization that impedes on women's rights while Campaign Life Coalition considers themselves an organization that fights for the rights of all human beings, including those that are preborn.

Some other controversy that revolves around abortion are selective abortions. This includes abortions that are performed due to pre-natal screenings which are used to identify preborn children with a high risk of developing down syndrome. This type of abortion is prominent within Iceland. Iceland has almost eradicated down syndrome by 100 percent with the use of prenatal screening. CBS did a news coverage and an article which states "Since prenatal screening tests were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s, the vast majority of women -- close to 100 percent -- who received a positive test for Down syndrome terminated their pregnancy."[18] This has been an extreme controversial debate because some people view this as eugenics.The National Review writes "Iceland isn’t “eliminating Down syndrome” at all. It’s eliminating people. The callous tone of the piece makes selective abortion sound like a technological innovation rather than what it really is: the intentional targeting of “unfit” persons for total elimination."[19] In this article the writer sees this type of selective abortion as murder, whereas in Iceland they do not view this type of selective abortion as murder. Instead, it is viewed as ending a possible life that may have had a huge complication which prevents suffering for the child and for the family.[20] Campaign for Life Coalition is completely against any type of selective abortion which can be viewed as impeding on women's rights by pro-choicer supporters.



The Campaign Life Coalition is strongly against Euthanasia. Although euthanasia has been a controversial topic of debate within society. Euthanasia is referred to as the deliberate killing of someone by action or omission, with or without that person's consent. Euthanasia is also tied to Assisted suicide. This is counseling, abetting, or an act of aiding someone to kill himself or herself. This is can also be referred to as physician-assisted suicide. This is a controversial topic of debate because on the one side organizations such as The Campaign Life Coalition is against both Euthanasia and Assisted suicide because they believe all human life is sacred and they work towards legislation that will protect all forms of human life from conception until natural death. Euthanasia is not considered a natural death by the Campaign Life Coalition. [21] On the other side, those who are in favor of euthanasia and in support of physician assisted suicide argue that, as people have the right to "live with dignity", they also have the right to "die with dignity". Many supporters of euthanasia believe that some medical conditions are simply so painful and unnecessarily prolonged that the capability of the medical profession to alleviate suffering by means of palliative care is surpassed.[22] This leads to controversial debate because it leads to an argument that some lives are worth more than others.

Same Sex Marriage


Campaign Life Coalition considers itself as "Pro-Family". This means that Campaign Life Coalition advocates work to restore the definition of marriage for the sake of children and family life. Their definition of marriage does not include same sex marriage but only that of a heterosexual marriage. Campaign Life Coalition states on their website that "Marriage is about attaching mothers and fathers to their children and to one another. At its heart, the institution of marriage is concerned with providing stability to children and ensuring that their mothers and fathers are committed to the offspring from their union. Obvious detrimental effects to children, same-sex marriage has dire consequences for our liberty." (Campaign Life Coalition) [23] This is very controversial because it the Campaign Life Coalitions view on same sex marriage imposes infringement on the rights of the LGBTQ person and community. Since Campaign Life Coalition is against same sex marriage they can be interpreted as promoting Homophobic propaganda. Although on the website for Campaign Life Coalition they state "As pro-family citizens, we love same-sex attracted men and women and we oppose all unjust discrimination in their regard. Gays and lesbians have a right to live as they choose - but, they don't have the right to redefine marriage for all of us." (Campaign Life Coalition) [24]

Bill 89


Bill 89 is The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act passed by a vote of 63 to 23 by the Ontario Legislature. It was pushed through by Ontario’s lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne. Bill 89 requires child protection, foster, adoption service providers, and judges to take into account and respect a child’s race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Bill 89 also removes the requirement that a court determine, as soon as possible, the religious faith in which the child is being raised in the course of a child protection hearing. When it comes to who can foster or adopt children, all parents will not be considered equal under Bill 89. Particularly not those who reject gender ideology.[25] This has become a huge controversy especially for the Campaign Life Coalition who are completely against this bill referring to it as "totalitarian". On the one hand Bill 89 has been seen as a break through for the LGBT community as it provides protection for children who identify as LGBTQ within child protective services, While on the other hand christian families and organizations such as Campaign Life Coalition fear that it gives the state more power to seize children from families that oppose the LGBTQ and gender ideology agenda. They also fear that it allows government agencies to effectively ban couples who disagree with that agenda from fostering or adopting children.[26] Jack Fonseca is the senior political strategist for Campaign Life Coalition. He explained that "I learned of several Christian couples who were turned down for adoption on account of their deeply held religious beliefs about traditional marriage and human sexuality.”[27] This has happened within Canada already according to The Christian Institute which wrote an article that states "A Christian couple from Edmonton Alberta have reportedly been rejected as adoptive parents due to their beliefs about marriage and sexuality.The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, said the couple were told that their religious beliefs made them unable to help a child who “has sexual identity issues."[28] Although Campaign Life Coalition is not a Christian organization a large part of its members are part of the christian faith. The controversy over this bill is a debate between LGBTQ rights and the religious rights of parents that the Campaign Life Coalition supports.

Bubble Zone Law


The Bubble Zone law is new legislation that will implement bubble zones around abortion clinics in Ontario. It was announced on May 29, by Ontario Attorney General Yasir Naqvi. Bubble zones are considered to be the areas around abortion clinics in which all pro-life demonstrators (peaceful or otherwise) are banned. [29] Jim Hughes, The National President of Campaign Life Coaliton has stated "Bubble zone legislation isn’t about protecting women and abortion staff workers from violence, because there is no evidence of such violence. This is about silencing peaceful pro-life witnessing and preventing women from having access to alternatives”[30] This new legislation that was given final approval on October 25, 2017.This new legislation bans any pro-life protests within 150 meters of an abortion clinic. Penalties for breaking the law include heavy fines and jail time. Some pro-choicers are calling for even heavier penalties for anyone who breaks the new legislation.[31] This has become a controversial topic because some people argue that this law impedes on the freedom of speech of an individual, especially a pro-life individual. A columnist in the Ottawa Sun newspaper wrote "Some may disagree, but they do not have the natural right to silence an opposing view. All freedoms are threatened when the state mutes selected opinions about a pressing social and moral issue. You should be profoundly concerned about the disproportionate scope of this law, whether or not you support abortions." [32] Campaign Life Coalition and "Pro-Lifers" are concerned about the heavy repercussions of this new law has because it could effectively kill the National March for Life held each May in Ottawa seeing as there is no through downtown Ottawa that would uphold the 150 meter "bubble zone" from the abortion clinic in downtown Ottawa.[33]

Works Cited

  1. ^ Office of the Commissioner Lobbying of Canada. "Campaign Life Coalition- Address, Activities, and Membership". Office of the Commissioner Lobbying of Canada. Retrieved 4 December 2017.
  2. ^ Office Of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada. "Campaign Life Coalition/Jim Hughes National President". Office Of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada. Retrieved 29 October 2017.
  3. ^ Office of the Commissioner Lobbying of Canada. "Campaign Life Coalition- Address, Activities, and Membership". Office of the Commissioner Lobbying of Canada. Retrieved 4 December 2017.
  4. ^ Campaign Life Coaltion. "CLC Youth". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 29 October 2017.
  5. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "About Us". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 4 December 2017.
  6. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Ontario's Radical Sex Ed". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  7. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Ontario's Radical Sex Ed". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  8. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Euthanasia". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  9. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Euthanasia & Assited Suicide". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  10. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Stem Cell Research". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  11. ^ Campaign for Life Coalition. "Stem Cell Research". Campaign for Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  12. ^ March for Life. "About the March for Life". National March for Life. Retrieved 27 October 2017.
  13. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Petitions - Defund Abortion in Ontario". Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  14. ^ Tuns, Paul. "#No2Trudeau Campaign Success". The Intrim Canada's Life and Family Newspaper. Retrieved 30 October 2017.
  15. ^ ThoughtCo. "The Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life". ThoughtCo. Retrieved 10 December 2017.
  16. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "About Us". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  17. ^ ThoughCo. "The Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life". ThoughtCo. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  18. ^ Quinones, Julian (14 August 2017). ""What kind of society do you want to live in?": Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing". CBS News. Retrieved 13 December 2017.
  19. ^ DeSanctis, Alexandra (16 August 2017). "Iceland Eliminates People with Down Syndrome". National Review. Retrieved 13 December 2017.
  20. ^ Quinones, Julian (14 August 2017). ""What kind of society do you want to live in?": Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing". CBS News. Retrieved 13 December 2017.
  21. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Euthanasia". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  22. ^ The Conversation. "We have a right to die with dignity. The medical profession has a duty to assist". The Conversation. Retrieved 11 December 2017.
  23. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Marriage". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  24. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "Marriage". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  25. ^ Association for Reformed Political Action Canada. "Bill 89 Pushes Gender Ideology in Child Services". ARPA Canada. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  26. ^ Lawrence, Lianne. "Ontario Passes totalitarian bill allowing gov't to take kids from christian homes". Life Site News. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  27. ^ Lawrence, Lianne. "Ontario Passes totalitarian bill allowing gov't to take kids from christian homes". Life Site News. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  28. ^ The Christian Institute. "Christian couple told that they cannot adopt because of their religious beliefs". The Christian Institute. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  29. ^ Geenen, Kevin. "Youth Blog BUBBLE ZONES "AIM TO CENSOR THE MOST IMPORTANT CONVERSATION IN THE WORLD"". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  30. ^ Campaign Life Coalition. "BUBBLE ZONES ABOUT SILENCING PRO-LIFERS, NOT ABOUT PROTECTING WOMEN, SAYS CAMPAIGN LIFE COALITION". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  31. ^ Geenen Kevin, Kevin. "BUBBLE ZONES "AIM TO CENSOR THE MOST IMPORTANT CONVERSATION IN THE WORLD"". Campaign Life Coalition. Retrieved 9 December 2017.
  32. ^ Roussakis, Chris (28 October 2017). "Prendergast: Bubble zone law wrongfully mutes free speech on abortion". Ottawa Sun. Retrieved 12 December 2017.
  33. ^ Roussakis, Chris. "Prendergast: Bubble zone law wrongfully mutes free speech on abortion". Ottawa Sun. Retrieved 12 December 2017.