User:SomeGuyWhoRandomlyEdits/Sumerian literature

Sumerian inscription on a ceramic stone plaque.

Sumerian literature constitutes the earliest known corpus of recorded literature, including the religious writings and other traditional stories maintained by the Sumerian civilization and largely preserved by the later Akkadian and Babylonian empires. These records were written in the Sumerian language in the 18th and 17th Centuries BC during the Middle Bronze Age.[1]

The Sumerians invented one of the first writing systems, developing Sumerian cuneiform writing out of earlier proto-writing systems by about the 30th century BC. [citation needed] The Sumerian language remained in official and literary use in the Akkadian and Babylonian empires, even after the spoken language disappeared from the population; literacy was widespread, and the Sumerian texts that students copied heavily influenced later Babylonian literature.[2]

Literary genres and topics


Based on the categorization work of Miguel Civil, Modern assyriologists have divided the extant corpus of sumerian literature into broad categories[3] including "Literary Catalogs", "Narratives and Mythological Compositions", "Historical Compositions and Praise Poetry", "Letters, Letter Prayers and Laws", "Hymns and Songs", "Heterogenous Compositions" (including Wisdom literature), and "Proverbs".

Hymns, devotional songs, poems, and narratives


Hymns and devotional songs

Publication date Text Author Notes and references
c. 2600 BCE Kesh temple hymn
c. 2285 – c. 2250 BCE The Exaltation of Inanna Enheduanna
Inanna and Ebih
Hymn of Praise to Ekisnugal and Nanna on Assumption of En-ship
Hymn of Praise of Enheduanna
c. 2112 – c. 2004 BCE Hymn to Enlil



Most Sumerian literature is written in left-justified lines,[1] and could contain line-based organization such as the couplet or the stanza,[4] but the Sumerian definition of poetry is unknown. It is not rhymed, although “comparable effects were sometimes exploited.”[1] It did not use syllabo-tonic versification,[5] and the writing system precludes detection of rhythm, metre, rhyme, or alliteration.[1] Quantitative analysis of other possible poetic features seems to be lacking, or has been intentionally hidden by the scribes who recorded the writing[citation needed].

Epic poetry

Epic of Gilgamesh
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2250 – c. 900 BCE Gilgamesh and Aga [a]
Gilgamesh and Humbaba [b]
Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven [c]
Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Netherworld [d]
Death of Gilgamesh [e]


Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2400 – c. 2342 BCE Praise poem of Urukagina
c. 2095 – c. 2047 BCE Self-praise of Shulgi (Shulgi D)
c. 2038 – c. 2029 BCE Istanbul 2461




Sumerian creation myth
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2500 – c. 2154 BCE Barton Cylinder
c. 2500 – c. 2004 BCE Enlil and Ninlil


Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2112 – c. 1763 BCE Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave [f]
Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird [g]


Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2000 BCE Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta [h]
Enmerkar and En-suhgir-ana [i]

Short stories

Publication date Text Notes and references
The Dream of Dumuzid [j]
The Return of Dumuzid [k]
Inanna Prefers the Farmer [l]
Inanna's Descent into the Underworld [m]
Inanna and Bilulu [n]
Inanna and Shukaletuda

Wisdom literature

Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2600 BCE Instructions of Shuruppak [6]
Sumerian disputations
Seven debates
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2100 BCE Debate between bird and fish
Debate between sheep and grain
Debate between the millstone and the gulgul-stone
Debate between the pickaxe and the plough
Debate between silver and mighty copper
Debate between Winter and Summer
Debate between tree and the reed
Four disputations
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2100 BCE Disputation between Enkmansi and Girnishag
Disputation between two unnamed ladies
Disputation between Enkitalu and Enkihegal
Disputation between two school graduates
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2100 BCE Colloquy between an ungula and a scribe

Literary catalogs



Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2094 – c. 2047 BC Hymn to Shulgi (Shulgi A)
c. 1934 – c. 1870 BC Lipit-Ishtar A
c. 2100 BC Debate between the pickaxe and the plough
c. 2112 – c. 2004 BC Inana B
c. 2112 – c. 2004 BC Hymn to Enlil
c. 2600 BC Kesh temple hymn
c. 2112 – c. 2004 BC Enki's Journey to Nippur
c. 2112 – c. 2004 BC Inana and Ebih
c. 2112 – c. 2004 BC Nungal A
c. 2250 – c. 900 BC Gilgamesh and Humbaba [o]

Compositions with historical backgrounds


Regnal lists and other historical compositions


Regnal lists

Sumerian king list
Publication date Museum reference number Source Name variant Notes and references
c. 1827 – c. 1817 BC Ashm 1923-0444 WB W-B 444 [p]
c. 2000 – c. 1698 BC Ashm 1923-0268 WB62 W-B 062 [q]
c. 2017 – c. 1698 BC BM 108857 S Scheil dynastic tablet [r]
c. 2161 – c. 1499 BC BT 14 P3+BT14 Brockmon 14 [s]
CBS 13994
IB IB 1564 [t]
IB 1565
IM 011053,099 vD [u]
IM 063095 Go IM 63095 [v]
Ist Ni 03195 Ni2 Ni. 3195 [w]
Ist Ni 09712a-c L1+Ni1
CBS 14220
N 3368 P2+L2
CBS 13981
CBS 14223
Su1 MDP 28 p. 17ff.
Su2 MDP 28 p. 24f.
Su3 MDP 28 p. 26
Su4 MDP 28 p. 27
CBS 13293 P4+Ha
CBS 13484
TL L87-520a
CBS 19797 P5
CBS 15365 P6
c. 1712 – c. 1648 BC HMA 9-01819 Fi UCBC 9-1819
c. 2161 – c. 1499 BC G
Jacobsen Coll.
UM 29-15-199 Mi
UET 6 *263
c. 769 – c. 652 BC K 11261
c. 640 – c. 201 BC K 12054
c. 290 – c. 278 BC Babyloniaca
c. 165 BC Uruk List of Kings and Sages (ULKS)
Other regnal lists
Publication date Text Notes and references
The Rulers of Lagash [x]

Other historical compositions

Publication date Text Notes and references
The victory of Utu-hengal
The Rulers of Lagash [y]
Sargon legend
Curse of Akkad
c. 2125 BC Gudea cylinders
c. 2017 – c. 1985 BC Tummal Inscription [z]
City laments
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2400 – c. 2342 BCE Lament about the fall of Lagash to Umma
c. 2000 BCE Lament for Sumer and Ur
Lament for Ur
Lament for Nippur
Lament for Eridu
Lament for Uruk
Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2400 – c. 2342 BCE Code of Urukagina
Reform document
c. 2112 – c. 2050 BCE Code of Ur-Nammu
c. 1950 – c. 1770 BCE Laws of Eshnunna
c. 1934 – c. 1870 BCE Code of Lipit-Ishtar



Correspondence of the Kings of Ur

Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2094 – c. 2047 BC Aradmu to Shulgi 1
Shulgi to Aradmu 1
Aradmu to Shulgi 2
Abaindasa to Shulgi 1
Shulgi to Aradmu 2
Shulgi to Aradmu 3
Aradmu to Shulgi 3
Aradmu to Shulgi 4
Aradmu to Shulgi 5
Aradmu to Shulgi 6
Urdun to Shulgi 1
Aradmu(?) to Shulgi(?) 7
Puzur-Shulgi to Shulgi 1
Shulgi to Puzur-Shulgi I
Shulgi to Ishbi-Erra 1
c. 2046 – c. 2038 BC Amar-Suen to Shulgi 1
Shulgi to Amar-Suen
c. 2037 – c. 2029 BC Sharrum-bani to Shu-Suen
Shu-Suen to Sharrum-bani 1
Shu-Suen to Lu-Nanna and Sharrum-bani 1
c. 2028 – c. 2004 BC Ishbi-Erra to Ibbi-Suen 1
Ibbi-Suen to Ishbi-Erra 1
Puzur-Numushda to Ibbi-Suen 1
Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Numushda 1

Other letters

Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 1974 – c. 1954 BCE Letter from Sin-illat to Iddin-Dagan about confronting the Martu
Letter from Iddin-Dagan to Sin-illat about the troops
c. 1934 – c. 1924 BCE Letter from Lipit-Ishtar to Nanna-ki-aj about driving away the enemy
c. 1932 – c. 1905 BCE Letter from Nanna-ki-aj to Lipit-Ishtar about Gungunum's troops
c. 1850 – c. 1843 BCE Letter from Sin-iddinam to the god Utu

Letter prayers

Publication date Text Notes and references
c. 2144 – c. 2124 BCE Letter from Gudea to his personal deity



Anthologies of proverbs from: Nippur, Susa, Ur, and Uruk.

See also







  1. ^ a b c d Black et al. 2006, Introduction.
  2. ^ Black et al. 2006, p. xlix.
  3. ^ Cunningham, Graham. "ETCSLcatalogue". Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
  4. ^ Michalowski p. 144
  5. ^ Michalowski p. 146
  6. ^ Alster 1974.




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  • Wilcke, C. (1969–1998) [c. 2253–1908 BC]. Zólyomi, G.; Black, J.; Robson, E.; Cunningham, G.; Ebeling, J. (eds.). "Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave". ETCSL. Translated by Hallo, W.; Alster, B.; Black, J. United Kingdom: Oxford. Retrieved 2021-04-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  • Wilcke, C. (1969–2006) [c. 2253–1642 BC]. Zólyomi, G.; Black, J.; Robson, E.; Cunningham, G.; Ebeling, J. (eds.). "Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird". ETCSL. Translated by Falkowitz, R.; Römer, W.; Black, J. United Kingdom: Oxford. Retrieved 2021-04-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  • Wilcke, C. (1987) [c. 1900–1600 BC]. "IB 1546+1565". CDLI (in Sumerian) (published 1987–2014). Retrieved 2021-06-15.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
Further reading