User:The Rosicrucian/Jason Fishbein

Jason Fishbein (born May 24, 1979) is an American adventurer, musician, professional poker player, political operative, private investigator, private intelligence officer, attorney, lobbyist and social entrepreneur.

Jason Isaac Fishbein was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While still an infant, his family moved to Miami, Florida, where he spent the majority of his youth. In high school, Fishbein attended The Hockey Training Institute, in Shelburne, Ontario. Later, Fishbein continued his hockey playing career at The University of Colorado at Boulder.

Withdrawing from university after the tragic death of his girlfriend, Fishbein moved to Los Angeles, California to play bass guitar for the pop punk band The Actual.[1] The Actual consisted of singer/guitarist Max Bernstein, guitarist Paul Hoppe, and drummer Alan Cage.

After touring the United States for nearly two years, Fishbein left The Actual and returned to The University of Colorado. Upon graduating, he moved to Las Vegas, Nevada to play poker professionally at the Bellagio Casino.[2]

In 2004, Fishbein moved back to Florida and joined the political campaign of Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr. This began Fishbein's career as a political operative.[3] He was eventually recruited by former Central Intelligence Agency officers to work as a private investigator and intelligence agent at CTC International Group,[4] in West Palm Beach, Florida. Fishbein conducted intelligence operations in the United States, Canada, India, Belize, Venezuela, Cuba, and numerous other countries.

While continuing to work at CTC International, Fishbein attended law school at Florida State University College of Law. There he worked at the Majority Office at the Florida House of Representatives, and earned a fellowship with the House Safety and Security Council.[5] Fishbein was also elected to serve two terms as the Speaker[6] of the Congress of Graduate Students[7] at Florida State University.[8]

Graduating from law school in 2009, Fishbein returned to his career as a private intelligence officer. He also worked as a lobbyist with Florida's legislative[9] and executive[10] branches.

Currently, Fishbein is a co-founder of a start-up social entrepreneurship venture in Tel Aviv, Israel with Rafi Amit.

