

Hello, My name is Zoe. I creating this page as an assignment for my English Composition Class at the college I attend. I am a nursing major and I am working as a Patient Care Technician right now, to help me gain some experience for once I become a Nurse. I hope to eventually become a travel nurse and get paid to travel the country while helping others in their time of need. I love to hang out with my friends and I love any board sports. My favorite is longboarding, it is a great way to relieve some stress after a long day.

I love animals and currently am the mother of two dogs and a cat. My dogs' names are Georgia, an energetic chow, and Aggie, a lovable Husky. My cat's name is Pixie, she was adopted from a local animal shelter.



My hobbies include reading and fishing. I like to fish local ponds, but hope to one day go deep sea fishing. As far as reading, my favorite book is "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This is where my favorite quote comes from, which is: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it[1]". I think it displays the way I live immensely. It makes people realize that you really do not understand someone is going through, so it is important to treat everyone with their best interest at heart.

Interesting Fact

Turtles from Hawaii, that are roaming free amongst the plastic pollution of the ocean.

[2] Image to your right.

An interesting fact about me is that I am trying be more of an environmentalist. I have recently started making changes in my life to live a more sustainable lifestyle and prevent more pollution from being added to our water, atmosphere, and entire planet. One major website that I look to for support and help with making these changes is: . Their biggest idea they advocate for is "Saving the Turtles[3]", which can help to save the endangered turtles of our marines by putting a stop to the use of plastic, especially plastic straws. They have some great ways to make simple switch which can create huge changes.

Research Activity


Below are the links to five Wikipedia articles that I may want to work on for my final project.

1) United States Women's National Soccer Team

2) Plastic Pollution

3) Florida-Georgia Line Band

4) The Olympics

5) Energy Drinks

  1. ^ Lee, Harper (2006). To Kill A Mockingbird. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
  2. ^ "File:Hawaii turtle 2.JPG", Wikipedia, 2012-07-04, retrieved 2019-07-10
  3. ^ "Preventing Plastic Pollution". Greenpeace USA. Retrieved 2019-07-10.