User:Zzzxxxrrr/Trilateral incident

Trilateral incident


The Trilateral Incident, also known as the Chi'an Incident and the Shadanggou Incident, occurred from November 1935 to 1936 in the three counties of Xijingbian County, Dingbian County, and Chi'an County (including Wuqi County) in Shaanxi Province under the jurisdiction of the Trilateral Special Committee of the Communist Party of China. An armed riot against the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in a vast area[1].

Table of contents




2. Incident history


3. Responses






In the spring of 1934, Liu Zhidan led the 42nd Division of the Red Twenty-six Army to fight local tyrants and divide the fields in Wuqi, Zhidan, Jingbian, Dingbian, and Huachi, and the revolutionary forces continued to grow. In November of the same year, the Chi'an County Soviet Government was established in the border area between Shaanxi and Gansu (Zhujiagou, Wubao River). In September 1935, when the third anti-encirclement and suppression war was going on in the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Soviet Area, the Northwest Revolutionary Base was under the influence of Wang Ming's left-leaning line to suppress counter-revolutionaries. Left-leaning line executors represented by Zhu Lizhi, Nie Hongjun, Guo Hongtao, and Dai Jiying believed that the Red Twenty-six Army and the leading cadres of the party, government, and army in the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Soviet Area were "rightists", "Trotskyites", and "Anti-Bolshevik League". Left leaning line performer extorted confessions by various illegal means, shot and buried more than 200 people alive in places such as Xiasiwan, Ganquan (where the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Special Committee resides) and Wayaobao, Zichang County (where the Shanxi-Shaanxi-Gansu Provincial Committee resides) on trumped-up charges Red Army cadres and local party and government cadres in the Shaanxi-Gansu border; Liu Zhidan, Xi Zhongxun, Gao Gang and other leading cadres above the Red Twenty-six Army Battalion and above the local county level were imprisoned more than 100 people. In the Shaanxi-Gansu border base area, a serious situation of self-insecurity and mutual suspicion has formed. Within the ranks, all cadres who came from landlord and rich peasant families were all targeted for the eradication of counterrevolutionaries. Some local militia groups in Wuqi County, Baoan County, and Jingbian County seized the opportunity to overthrow the regime in the Soviet Area[1].

After the establishment of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, in order to strengthen the leadership of East Jingbian County, Dingbian County and West Jingbian County, it was decided to establish the Tripartite Special Committee of the Communist Party of China (also known as the West Special Committee). On October 19, 1935, after the Central Red Army arrived in the Northern Shaanxi Soviet Area, Xie Weijun, a cadre of the Jiangxi Red Army who stayed on the three sides to suppress bandits, served as the secretary of the Trilateral Special Committee and the commander-in-chief of the guerrillas. Gou (located in Shuilupan Township, Jingbian County) started the preparation work for the establishment of the agencies under the Special Committee.

Incident history


On November 16, 1935, the Anti-revolutionary Committee of the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Region sent a letter to Huang Wanying, the leader of the Jingbian guerrilla of the Seventh Red Detachment in Xijingbian County, asking Huang Wanying to arrest Zong Wenyao, the company commander of the first guard company, and Jin Lin, the first squadron of the Seventh Detachment. Huang Wanying went out for a meeting. Fang Zhengdong, the underground traffic officer sent by the anti-revolutionary committee and station chief of the Xijingbian County traffic station, returned to the underground traffic station by the Hongliu River with a secret letter from the provincial party committee. The letter was intercepted by Song Wenhua, Zong Wenyao's secretary. After learning about the situation from Song Wenhua, Zong Wenyao consulted with Jin Lin on November 26, and immediately shot and killed Fang Zhengdong. Later, Zong Wenyao and Jin Lin, under the instigation of Tian Jilin and Zhang Fenglin, the head of the militia, launched an armed rebellion in Cao Yuanmao, Zhongshanjian Township, Jingbian County, and shot and killed Huang Wanying, the leader of the Seventh Detachment of the Security Guerrilla, Sun Qingsheng, the political commissar, Yang Zhanao, the instructor, and Wan Qisheng, the monitor. , and cut off the heads of Huang Wanying and Yang Zhanao and sent them to Duan Baoshan in Ningtiaoliang, and hung them on the city gate to show the public, forcing other armed personnel to defect[2]. On the 27th, the rebels arrested Wang Guoqing, vice chairman of the county government, Hao Wenming, member of the anti-revolutionary committee, and Li Baisuo, a staff member.

In the early morning of November 28, the rebels suddenly rushed into Shawagou and stormed the Trilateral Special Committee and the Xijingbian County Government. Secretary Xie Weijun and other 10 people, county government chairman Yin Yunshan were hacked to death, the guards were robbed of guns, all supplies of the county government were taken away, and more than 30 landlord bullies were released from custody. Afterwards, the rebels went to various districts and used methods such as shooting, intimidation and incitement to disband the district and township governments, destroying all the Soviet political organizations in the West Jing border. Destroyed the government of the Seventh District, arrested six people including the district chairman Bai Denggui, the propaganda committee member Cui Fayou, and the labor committee member Ma Zhanbiao, and sent them to Ningtiaoliang.

The district government of Baoan County in Dingcha, Shunning killed Li Bingqian, commander of the independent battalion of the Red Army, and killed four others. In addition, the attacks toppled the district governments of Xita, Hongshimao, Yushuwan and Caizhuang in Wuqi, and Xin'anbian in Dingbian County. In January 1936, Liu Jingfan and Mu Shenggui, the deputy secretary sent by the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Committee to the Trilateral Special Committee, were surrounded by Jinlin and Zong Wenyao at Lijiazui in Xinghe. Fall off a cliff and die. The rebels Zhao Yukong and Zhang Hanqing joined forces with Wang Chengjiu, chairman of the Luo Township National Government, to instigate a rebellion in Dianfangmao, and sent Yu Jiuen, Zhang Hongye, the head of the county work group, Chang Kailiang, and the Soviet government of Xijingbian County, who were sent by the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to work. Vice Chairman Wang Guoqing and Chairman Bai Denggui of the Seventh District of Jingbian County were escorted to Ningtiaoliang and killed. The rebels rushed to the Soviet District of Chi'an County, colluded with the local militia, and successively overthrew the Shunning and Yongning District Governments of the Communist Party of China.Killed Li Yi, the instructor of the Chi'an Independent Battalion Company, and Zhao Zhonghai, the chairman of Yongning District, and induced Zhang Kejian, the chairman of Gaolaozhuang District, and Xu Wenhua, the secretary, to defect. Under the guise of supporting the third detachment to besiege Danbazhaizi, Zhang Kejian called up the detachment and attacked the Chi'an County Party Committee. He kidnapped the county party secretary Ren Wenming, economic committee member Sun Yunan, military minister Feng Shixiang, and the third detachment instructor Liu Kegong,escort Danbazhaizi militia group.The leader of the militia, Cao Junzhang, killed Ren Wenming, Sun Yunan, Feng Shixiang and others, and his son Cao Jizhi killed He Manchao, Secretary of the Soviet Government of Chi'an County. Lu Shengxiang, the labor committee member of Chi'an County of the Communist Party of China, died after being shot and seriously injured. In Chi'an County, the rebels also killed He Yunxian, executive member of the county party committee, and 16 sick and wounded members of the Central Red Army. In January 1936, Yuan Wanxiang, Chairman of the Soviet Government of Chi'an County, was killed at Xunjie Temple in Zhouhe Township, Jingbian County. At the same time, Zong Wenyao and Jin Lin joined forces with local armed forces Zhang Tingdong, Wang Ziyuan, Zhao Kun, and Cai Feng to attack the Revolutionary Committee of Dingbian County of the Communist Party of China in Wuqi. The guerrillas, guards, and security forces of the Revolutionary Committee of Dingbian County, the Independent Battalion of Chi'an County, and the guerrillas organized resistance. The battle was defeated, and more than 30 people were captured. The first company commander of the Independent Battalion, Zhang Yaoshan, and others were killed. Liang Wu, the commander of the guard company, threatened more than 40 people in the company to mutiny with guns. Wang Fahou, member of the Dingbian County Revolutionary Committee of the Communist Party of China, was killed by Du Shengtang; member Guo Huaibin, captain of the security team Bai Fengqing, and underground party member Li Shijiang were brutally killed. The rebels arrested Du Shouqing, chairman of the Fifth District of Chi'an County of the Communist Party of China, in Baibaochuan. The incident affected most of Chi'an County and parts of Dingbian and Jingbian.Successively overthrew one of the CCP's trilateral special zone governments, three county governments, more than 20 district governments, and more than 30 township governments. More than 800 rebels participated in the incident, and more than 20 landlord militias were supported, resulting in Chi'an County and Jingbian, The CCP forces in Dingbian suffered serious losses[3][4]



On October 19, 1935, after Mao Zedong led the Central Red Army to Wuqi Town on the Long March, Zhang Mingke, the guerrilla captain and commander of the Sixth District of Chi'an County, and Gong Fengchun, former political commissar of the Red Twenty-sixth Army Cavalry Regiment, reported to Mao Zedong that the Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet Area was "surging "Reverse" situation, I hope the Party Central Committee will deal with it correctly. Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai immediately instructed to "keep people under the knife and let the central government handle everything." Subsequently, Mao Zedong sent Wang Shoudao, Liu Xiangsan, and Jia Tuofu to Wayaobao to take over the Northwest Security Bureau. 11 On July 7, the central authority held a meeting in Wayaobao. The meeting was chaired by Wang Shoudao and Liu Shaoqi gave a speech. At the meeting, it was announced: release Liu Zhidan, Gao Gang, Xi Zhongxun, Yang Sen, Yang Qi, Zhang Xiushan, Liu Jingfan, Ren Langhua, Gao Jinchun, Gao Langting , Huang Luobin, Guo Baoshan, Wang Jude, Wang Jiawa and other 18 persecuted party and government leaders from the Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet Area[2].

After the Trilateral Incident broke out, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to send Liu Jingfan, who had just been released from the "Zuozihao" prison, and Gong Fengchun, political commissar of the Red 42nd Division Cavalry Regiment, to lead the Trilateral Independent Battalion, guerrillas and Red Guards in various districts to counter the rebellion. The two immediately reorganized the troops in Yangcheng, Yongning, forming an independent battalion and a cavalry brigade of the local troops. Jin Lin and other troops introduced Xiaoqianwanzi. After the battle, more than 200 people from the militia were killed and more than 50 were captured. In February 1936, the Security Independent Battalion and the cavalry team defeated Cai Feng, Lin Shisheng, Qi Zhenying and other militia groups in Wuqi County, won again in Shichanggou, Xin'an Bian Town, and defeated Zong Wenkuan. In November 1936, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Jiang Hua to attack Danba village again, and captured it on December 4. Cao Junzhang fled. The rest of the militia forces fled to the trilateral area, and the rebellion subsided . In September 1937, Jin Lin was shot dead in Caodiliang, Inner Mongolia. Zong Wenyao fled to Inner Mongolia from Yulin and Jingbian, and was captured by the People's Liberation Army in 1949. He was shot in Baotou City in 1951 during the suppression of counter-revolutionary movements[1].


  1. ^ a b c Compiled by Wuqi County Military Chronicle Compilation Committee. "Military Records of Wuqi County". Military Records of Wuqi County (in Chinese). Xi'an. Retrieved 2023-06-05.
  2. ^ a b Hao Mingru. "Military Chronicles of Yulin City". Military Records of Yulin City (in Chinese). Xi'an. Retrieved 2023-06-05.
  3. ^ Yan'an Military Chronicle Compilation Committee (2000). Yan'an Military Records. Shaanxi Local Chronicles Series. xi an. ISBN 978-7-224-05354-8.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  4. ^ Li Jianxiong. "Red Shaanxi under". Red Shaanxi under (in Chinese). Xi'an. Retrieved 2023-06-05.